My Servant System

Chapter 729 728: Rounding Out The Week (2)

"Mmm... Lady Katherine, I have to admit I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Least of all with a veritable fortune of enchanted items and potions~! Each of these are rather well made, and the enchantments are quite excellent as well~! These were all made 'in house' then? Even the potions?"

Horusa lifted up the heavy, two handed mace that Anput had made, its flared plus sign shaped head emitting a dangerous brown hue as the Earth Mana engraved into its metal radiated steadily from the weapon, something that I had done purposefully to lure in the more gullible adventurers into thinking the weapon was stronger then it really was.

A simple enchantment that Anput helped me produce the same way Leone helped me on her own dagger, it was meant to shatter the earth and summon spikes of rock to deal more damage to the area around yourself, while the ability to then shatter those spikes as well gave it a rather fun fighting style... if one was playing a game and had the ability to be that relaxed in a fight.

The mana wafting off its dark silver head was something that truly experienced and worthy adventurers would understand was simply for show, the mana leaking off the weapon to scare off those weaker and less experienced then you, though the enchantment itself wasn't so great as to warrant the ownership of someone that strong.

"Yes, we produced each and every single one of these things from scratch. Hence the prices and my adamancy to get said prices."

The Hawkkin gave me a grin as she nodded, putting the mace back down and lifting up a short sword next, admiring the bronze blade and inspecting the simple water enchantment I had placed on it, before looking towards the numerous vials of red, blue and green potions that Leone had brewed.

"You said you were looking for some materials and a few books, correct? Look around and pick some out; I don't like parting ways with multiple Platinums if I can help it, so let's trade a few of these and supplement the rest with coin?"

I nodded, which elicited a relieved sigh from the Hawkkin as she gestured to the rest of her Emporium, which prompted Anput and Jahi to begin browsing, while Leone remained beside me.

Anput came back with a few various chunks of ore and loose gemstones that she placed on the table, while Jahi returned with three books in her hands that made Horusa let out a soft sigh as she read the titles of each, though she maintained her smile as she calculated the difference and had her lover fetch the remaining coin, handing it to me and looking down at the pile of weapons and potions with a nod.

lightsnοvεl With the trade complete, we began to meander through the market and make the purchases that we needed as well as a few that we wanted, with Anput and Leone getting more of the things they wanted for the trip and with Jahi deciding that a few bottles of wine were a 'necessity' for the cooking of the trip... as well as a bottle of brandy.

Besides that, we did place orders with a few of the butcheries and farmers markets to ensure we had some of the harder to find things as well as just to get some meats and other ingredients that we just wanted.

With my Ice keeping them all chilled and sealed inside an air tight container, I had no worry about any type of foodborne illnesses or the food going bad, so I wasn't worried about it.lightsnovel

And since we were going to be clearing Dungeons for most of our time in Tragon, it made sense to ensure we had a large supply of food to refuel our bodies, just in case the monsters weren't edible or if there wasn't an abundance of wildlife around to sustain us.

We could do as we did at the island retreat, living off of the bare minimum of actual food and supplementing it with mana, but it wasn't a needed route to take when we could just... purchase food in bulk now and take it with us.

All in all, the preparations went by smoothly, and we returned to the Palace before the sun had even reached halfway down its gradual descent, leaving us enough time to do some more training and other preparations before turning in early to prepare for the departure tomorrow, which would be early in the morning.

Since Tragon Kingdom wasn't far, we could theoretically reach the capital Nogart before night truly fell, though it would take us longer since we were stopping at the Beliali and Cimeriesa's territories to join up with the envoys they were sending to the Kingdom; a Kingdom that was likely completely desolate and empty thanks to the various atrocities that had occurred within its borders in recent memory, but who knows if any of those cockroach like humans survived?

After all, despite being surrounded on all sides by those physically, mentally, and magically stronger then themselves, they were still present to this day thanks to their ability to breed so damn quickly.

We might just find pockets of them that survived those creatures and the Cult that had almost dealt serious damage to the Empire back then, or we might just find mountains of skeletons and hordes of undead wandering around the countryside.

Either or worked, and from what the others had told me about the Crusade they had been on during my forced absence, the Kingdom wasn't anything like the Empire at all.

I wouldn't be surprised to see that the race I had once belonged to truly was as helpless as I suspected, and I had been alive in this world long enough to have shed the 'shackles' that once tied me to thinking I was human; now I was just a humanoid, and I completely thought of myself as a Dogkin no matter what.

Thoughts on this journey that we would be partaking in continued to bounce around my head even as I joined Jahi for a spar, wanting to exercise my body now instead of my mind, wanting to feel that comforting, familiar burn of lactic acid and the tingling of muscle tears as I sparred with the Demoness.

I was curious about the place that would become the second home of the two Demon Clans, curious about the Dungeons that were overflowing with monsters and materials, and curious to see what was left of an entire Kingdom that had been taken over after a Crusade.


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