My Servant System

Chapter 710 709: Deciding

Chapter 710 709: Deciding

After a rather heated exchange between Anput and I, we dried ourselves off and meandered over into the bedroom, plopping down onto our beds and cuddling together as we waited for everyone to return, the skin to skin contact that wasn't flooded with lust bringing me great enjoyment as Anput nuzzled into my chest, purring softly as I stroked her fluffy ears.

"Sometimes I swear you aren't a Jackalkin, but a Catkin of some kind instead Anput... Are you sure you're not partially Catkin of some kind? Maybe Sphinx or something?"

Shuffling around, Anput pulled her face free from my breasts and glared up at me, her obsidian eyes narrowed as she growled "Don't compare me to those damn weaklings! I'm Caninekin through and through! Hmph!"

She pouted at me, before burying her face into my chest again and making me chuckle as I rubbed her back, soothing the 'hurt' Jackalkin as I murmured "Sorry, sorry~! It's just you act so~ much like one sometimes... Purring and curling into balls on my lap, so easily distracted from things sometimes and utterly feisty when someone 'intrudes' into your space."

Anput looked back up at me one more time and frowned, saying "That sounds rather universal to most Beastkin, Jahi... like, really, really universal. Kat acts the same sometimes too you know?!"

That made me purse my lips as I looked away from her, thinking on my experiences with Kat and combing through them for instances of her acting similar to Anput, only to shrug and say "Sort of, I guess. She doesn't purr, though she nuzzles far more than you... and I guess she is more feisty than you as well. Well... a lot more than you honestly~!"

She snorted as she matched my grinning face, before we both froze as we heard someone cough and say "More... feisty huh? I guess I could be, certainly... Should I display that properly so you could more accurately judge, or..?"

Sitting up, the two of us stared at the curvy Dogkin standing in front of the door with surprise clearly written on faces.

Leone stood beside Kat, covering her smile as she watched the interaction from the side, clearly enjoying herself as the Dogkin raised a brow and crossed her arms beneath her bountiful chest, drawing my attention towards it - though I sadly had to tear my gaze off those two fluffy mountains and focus instead on the serious gaze of the Dogkin, who was now glaring at me as she waited for an answer.

"No, you don't need to display it... we were only joking is all..? Besides, feisty is good! Feisty is really good on you, my love!"

I gave her the best smile I could muster as I stood up, approaching the former Dogkin maid and stretching my arms out for a hug, before I just took the satchels from her and put them on the table, deciding that being helpful was better than 'fake' consolation..?

I think..?

Of course, Leone continued to giggle silently as she watched everything unfold, only to have her smile stiffen as I glanced at her, the Vampire blushing slightly as her eyes dropped from my face to what was below my waist, the all too familiar 'dragon' being flaunted as I moved around.

"Uh huh... Sure. Anyways, Anput, I got you quite a few ores; some are valuable, others are just... basic. Oh and Leone, I have a few more ingredients for you as well for those 'special' potions of yours~!"

Kat placed the other satchel on the table before adding "They're getting shipped here though. I also got some nice gemstones for cheap as well; Kolia took me to a neat Emporium that sells all kinds of enchanting goodies. They'll let us play around with magical gear, Anput, since I got quite a few."

Looking towards me, Kat scanned my naked body for a moment before off handedly saying "I also got a 'gift' for you as well, Jahi, but I guess you can wait for it..."

Turning her nose up at me, she let out a huff and made her way to the bed, plopping down beside Anput and giving her mate a deep kiss, making me roll my eyes and shake my head at her antics.

I took a seat as well and beckoned to Leone, dragging her onto my lap and giving the Princess a kiss before saying "Let's talk first before going any further, hmm? We need to make a decision about our plans going forwards... again. I was thinking - no matter what - we remain in the Palace for a week to train and study before heading out somewhere for at least a few days to a week to put that weeks studying to practical use. But... the thing is, Belian told me today that the Empress is giving the Tragon Kingdom to the other two Demon Clans. Apparently Mom also turned down being given a sliver of the Kingdom in exchange for coin, so there's that as well."

Leone looked up at me from her spot on my lap, asking "She gave them... the entire Kingdom? Just like that, she gave the ENTIRE Kingdom to the Demon Clans?"

"Apparently, yes. And again, Mom declined and took coin instead. Either way, Belian asked if we would be interested in joining the Beliali's and Cimeriesa's diplomatic force to set up their foothold in the Kingdom. That way we'd get to meet the two other Clans as well as check out the Dungeons down towards the south, which should - according to Belian - be overrun with monsters and overflowing with materials."

I looked back towards the two Caninekin and met their gazes as I added "I have to admit I am curious about them, but the question is whether or not the Dungeons in Tragon would be worth a damn for us? The time and distance is far larger than anywhere else, so we would need to take good care of managing our resources and the like alongside everything else, so..?"

"I think it'd be worth checking out since I sincerely doubt we could remain situated here for longer than a week. None of us are used to just being stationary for too long, as sad as that sounds. Besides, I think the Dungeons would be worth it, as well as the solitary experience."

Leone nodded, leaning back and enjoying my touch as I rubbed her stomach, slowly letting my hands move up and down towards the two places I really wanted to caress - though I reined myself in and waited until we were done talking.

"So are we in agreement that the trip into Tragon might be worth it after all?"

Looking at each of them, I saw them all nod, making me grin as I let my hands go where I wanted them to, enjoying the incredible softness of Leone's sexy body as I let my lust flare up.


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