My Servant System

Chapter 709 708: Interesting News

Chapter 709 708: Interesting News

"What would we be doing? Sure, it'd be nice to get to meet some other Demons from the other Clans, but what's the point if it's just a diplomatic mission of sorts? We have no stakes inside that Kingdom, no need to help set up something that has no impact on us..."

Belian just chuckled, resting his hand on the pommel of his sword as he answered "The Kingdoms that used to belong to the Humans might be rather bland compared to the Empire, but the soon to be renamed Tragon Kingdom does share a border with the Labyrinthian, and as such, the Dungeons nestled towards the south are more abundant with enemies and resources. The Human's might not have been the strongest, but their Justiciar's were admirable enough. Kept those Dungeons under control and exploited the natural wealth inside to build their own castles and cities..."

Looking towards Nirinia, the red Demon smirked as he added "After all, even some of their Justiciar's were almost Knight caliber, as Nirinia could more than tell you if you asked. Some tough nuts to crack over there~!"

The Djinn just snorted as she turned away, which made Belian chuckle, the Knight focusing on me once more as he continued to speak, trying to convince me to join this diplomatic force.

"There's enough over in the Kingdoms to do, you just need to search! Tragon has had a... storied past of Fiendish activity, and the Dungeons are - again - abundantly wealthy if you know where to look. With most of the Kingdom being decimated by the previous famines and those creatures, there aren't many there waiting to capitalize on said Dungeons. I would wager that they're overflowing with monsters right about now, as well as with resources waiting to be used~! Of course, you still need to be careful since those Dungeons are likely connected to the Labyrinthian, so... don't get too cocky."

Pursing my lips, I nodded and mulled over Belian's words, while Dante asked "You said that Mom gave the Three Kingdoms away then? To who? Tragon to the Demon Clans, but what else?"

"Ah, Slyak was placed under the banner of a former Justiciar that married the Heiress of the Vintiago Merchant Group, and the Kingdom is going to be entirely focused on agriculture and nothing else; there are a few Baronies that will sprout up over there as well to further manage the lands. As for the Romagi Kingdom, some new Marquess named Feyra will be joined by two Counts and two Countesses to manage the harsher lands and protect our new Western Border as well as work the various mines inside the mountains there. The Empress hasn't set it in stone just yet, and she's meeting with her Council to go ahead and discuss everything further."

"A merchant group and a union of five Noble Houses..? Interesting. I sincerely doubt that the Council will let that get pushed through cleanly without trying to argue that this group is better or that this House deserves it more..."

Belian nodded, only to smirk as he said "No one will deny us though, which is why I came to ask young Jahi about her interest in joining us?"

"When would you be departing for Tragon?"

"Hmm... Not for awhile yet. Two, three weeks? We would need to get the resources and materials ready for them, as well as select an appropriate group to represent both the Beliali's and the Cimeriesa's without having too much of a power imbalance and the like... which is where the lack of an Asmodeucian Clan really begins to rear its head. Like I said, the Beliali's are great speakers but we love our half truths and manipulations, while the Cimeriesa's are quieter and reserved, but highly opinionated. You lot used to strike that balance perfectly, but now you're no more."

I didn't react to the other Demon's slight, instead giving the idea some more thought before saying "I'll ask the others, Belian, and tell you tomorrow."

Retrieving my great sword, I nodded to the others and added "I think that's it from me for today. Thank you for the spars."

Everyone gave me a nod back as I walked away, leaving the training grounds behind and making my way back towards my room, where I would bathe and relax as I waited for the others; I was curious to see what Kat had bought, whilst also being intrigued by whatever Anput and Leone had done today, finding myself curious about all three of them.

It was rare for me to be alone, and as I entered the room and slipped into the bath, I sighed as I sat there in silence, soaking in both the water and the instance of me being alone, finding it rather odd and something that I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about it.

Just being by myself, alone with my thoughts and nothing else was something that I tended to avoid, not wanting to confront whatever popped into my head and have to work through it, even if I knew that that was certainly healthier then letting it all bottle up inside without release.

But just because I could understand that didn't mean I wanted to do it, and I could only breathe out a sigh of relief as Anput entered the bath, joining me swiftly and nuzzling into my side as she slipped into the water.

Having my olive skinned, muscular puppy in my arms made everything far easier, and it didn't take long for my lips to find hers, enjoying the taste of citrus on her tongue and sharing our warmth in the already warm water.

Before I could slip into a point of no return, I kissed her nose and pulled back, smiling softly at how she pouted at me, while her fingers danced beneath the water, trying to lull me back in.

"What did you do today, Anput?"

My eyes narrowed as she continued to display her skills for me, making her pout shift into a smirk as she beamed up at me, her obsidian eyes glowing with pride as she got a reaction from me.

"Not much, just made some more progress on some more armor~! Decided that would be the best course of action for us as a whole, especially since I have a nagging feeling that Kat's journey into the market means more work for us all..."

I chuckled at that, not disputing that the Dogkin's venture with a purse full of coin would likely end with most of said coin vanishing mysteriously, replaced with a myriad of things that - while expensive or abundant - would be of incredible use.

That didn't mean I liked thinking about those Platinums or Golds disappearing though, but there was little I could do besides give it to her and trust that she would maintain being a much more mature person then the three of us could be...

"Well, even if it is more work, we all know that it's good for us. Besides..."

Biting my lip, I gave my tanned puppy a sharp look as she began to use both hands, her smirk widening as she successfully switched my attention from other things to her.

"Who knows what she bought 'for us' in the form of a nice gift... Now, why don't you stop teasing me and do this properly~?"


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