A few of the other Knights gathered alongside the Marquess, quietly speaking to one another before splitting back off into groups as they moved in to try and take down Lady Fenryas.

The results were... varying.

A Monkeykin woman slammed her bo staff down towards the Demon Wolf's skull, only to grunt as she received a swift kick to her abs and was sent flying back a few dozen feet.

Stabbing a spear forwards was a Lizardkin man, his tail whipping around to try and sweep her off her feet and into the waiting path of the spear, but instead Lady Fenyras stepped on his tail and pinned him there, before her scythe slammed into his side and sent him flying as well.

With some audible cracking noises coming from his ribs, which made him hiss in pain.

An Arachne shot some webs at Lady Fenryas before closing the gap and using both her front, purple carapaced legs and her dual scimitars to slash and stab at the woman, who briefly struggled with the webbing.

One of the scimitars connected with Lady Fenryas' shoulder, but the blade simply clanged off of her exposed black skin with some obvious rolling to the weapons edge, which made the Demon Wolf growl as she tore free from the webbing and grabbed the Arachne's head.

Another crack echoed around the training grounds as Lady Fenryas dislocated the Arachne's jaw with a single punch, forcing the woman to retreat.

A few more Knights went down as they attacked the woman, only to receive a one sided, one or two blow beating.

Up first from the group was Nirinia, and she raised her shield and decided to fight reflexively, relying on her swift movements to hopefully land a blow or two.

Seeing that, the Demon Wolf grinned and sliced her scythe through the air, aiming to hook the giant blade behind Nirinia's shield and hit the woman behind it.

Before that though, the Djinn leapt backwards before bolting forwards, dodging the scythe and slamming the small buckler into Lady Fenyras' side with a dull thud.

As she did that, Sker approached and swung her mace horizontally, the spiked head arcing through the air towards the Demon Wolf's side.

Nirinia's Dadao stabbed forwards as well, but it only made the black skinned Wolf grin harder as she spun her scythe and caught the mace, stopping it and making Sker stumble, before her free hand grabbed ahold of the golden Dadao cutting towards her.

Placing a sharp kick on Nirinia's knee, she forced the woman to stand up before she was kicked once more, sent flying away like the others.

With a swift flick of her wrist, Lady Fenryas embedded Sker's mace into the earth before releasing her own scythe, balling her fists and throwing a jab towards the Scorpionkin's nose.

The battle between the two shifted to fisticuffs, which Sker quickly adapted to as she ducked under the jab and sent a jab of her own towards the Demon Wolf's side, the blow connecting.

She winced slightly at that, but she pulled her fist back and sent another towards the same spot, all while her eyes focused on her opponents hands.

Grinning like a lunatic, Lady Fenryas waited for Sker to punch her again before her elbow flew out and collided with the woman's cheek, forcing her back a step before she had her feet swept out from under her.

The sand erupted as the Demon Wolf kicked the spot beside Sker's head, the message clear; you lost, stay down.

With that, there were only two more Knights standing, as well as us.

Retrieving her scythe, Lady Fenryas turned her grin towards the Marquess and Belian, the blue and red Demons approaching with their weapons drawn.

"Come at me together. You two always have great synergy..."

Belian's long black coat buffeted slightly as he rushed forwards, the serrated blade in his right hand slashing down towards her chest, while the Marquess moved to the side and lunged forwards, her claymore stabbing towards the Demon Wolf's ribs.

Using the head of her scythe, Lady Fenryas blocked the claymore and used the haft of her weapon to catch Belian's sword, displaying an insane amount of control as she managed to block both attacks in one move.

Belian retreated quickly, allowing the Marquess to step forwards and begin swinging her claymore around with more freedom, the giant blade raining down blows on the black scythe that stood between her and Lady Fenryas.

With the Demon Wolf throughly occupied by the Marquess' attacks, the red skinned Demon blurred as he made his way around the training ground, taking the time given and forcing their opponent to search for him - all while she defended herself from the onslaught of blows from the Marquess.

Even with such a full view given to us, we still lost track of the black coat wearing Belian, his movements and presence gone completely as he blended in with the area around himself.

A snarl appeared on Lady Fenryas' lips as she pushed the Marquess back a step, giving her the space needed to launch and attack of her own.

The sharp scythe blade arced down towards the Marquess' skull, but she blocked it with her claymore before twisting her body to avoid a kick, a smirk on her lips.

Pulling her scythe away, Lady Fenryas spun and slashed at the area around herself, a shower of sparks erupting from her weapon as Belian blocked the blow.

With that, the Marquess tried to get closer and land a blow of her own, but the Demon Wolf glared at her and slammed the butt of her scythe into the claymore, before pushing her scythe forwards and hitting Belian right in the ribs, sending him staggering back a few feet.

After that, her scythe arced back down towards the Marquess, and their positions shifted as Lady Fenryas' began to attack in earnest.

Three or four strikes landed on the claymore each second, the black skinned woman a blur as she attacked the Marquess, their blades colliding at rapid speeds.

It didn't take more than ten seconds for the Marquess to slip, the scythe worming its way beneath her claymore and wrenching it out of her hands.

After that, it only took a single blow of the weapons haft to the Marquess' head to send her flying through the air, defeated.

Before she landed, Belian joined her as the Demon Wolf spun and did the same to the sneakily approaching red skinned Demon, trying to catch her off guard with his needle dagger.

"Damnit, you two work together too well... Fucking Demons... Tenacious little pricks. Alright, now it's your turn..."

She grinned at us, and we blinked a few times as the woman began to approach us.

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