"Well, you all know how training goes under my watch! The hells are you waiting for?!"

Lady Fenryas hefted her scythe a little as she gave the training grounds a bloodthirsty grin, her singular silver eye flaring with potent mana as the assembled men and women glanced at one another before nodding.

Without hesitation, quite a few of them burst forwards from the lines and charged at the Demon Wolf, their weapons and shields raised as they swiftly approached the waiting Lady Fenryas, while the remaining Knights - which included the Marquess and Nirinia - stayed back and watched, waiting.

Sensing our confusion, the Marquess just smiled wryly as she muttered "No point being in the initial wave. To many bodies to try and fight through."

That made us look towards the crowd that was surrounding the Demon Wolf, the sounds of metal hitting metal or flesh echoing around the training grounds.

Some of the Knights that were Birdkin or had Wind Magics hovered in the air, staring down at the field with bows or spears readied, their eyes narrowed as they observed what was happening in the crowd.

As an entire Knight flew through the air and slapped into one of the hovering Birdkin, however, the Marquess just sighed and shook her head as she said "And so it begins.", leaving us all even more confused.

"Chordeva, we've already placed bets on how long this'll last. Over or under three minutes, odds are 4 to 1 over and 1 to 1 under. Want to join?"

A woman with black, chitinous skin and a scorpion tail walked towards us, her red eyes filled with both amusement and acceptance as she rested a giant mace over her shoulder.

"Sker, you lot are really betting on this again? It's always under three. Even with new Squires, that just gives Lady Fenryas an excuse to go harder on us all. I can't believe you all still bet on this..."

Of course, the woman only grinned as the Marquess tossed her a small pouch, which joined the others dangling on her waist.

Jahi, Anput and I all gave the Marquess dry looks, but she remained firm as she said "Over. Maybe this time will be different? I very much doubt it though."

The Scorpionkin chuckled as she nodded, looking towards the growing amount of Knights flying through the air.

"It takes her a moment to warm up, but... Hah, whatever. Hey there blue brat, green brat. Oh, and the two pups as well. Quite a gathering around you this time, Chordeva."

Nirinia grinned back at her as she threw her arm over Jahi's shoulder, saying "Yup~! Bluey finally needs to get the shit beat out of her by Lady Fenryas~! The other two might as well! I mean, if we all have to suffer, why not enjoy it~?"

Sker grinned back at Nirinia before they turned towards another Knight who approached, a man with a single cracked horn sprouting from his brow and dark crimson skin, a giant grin splitting his handsome face.

"Ah, Chordeva~! It's been a long time, dear cousin! Oh, and your daughter as well! Young Jahi, correct? Y'know, your dear old Mom used to gloat to my wife and I that she was finally having a daughter... always wanted to punch her in the nose for that, but..."

He shrugged his shoulders as he grinned at the Marquess, who just rolled her eyes.

"We're loosely related, Belian. Just because you and I are Demons doesn't mean we are 'cousins'. As for children, well... I have another on the way."

That made the mans smile crack, and his warm brown eyes narrowed slightly before he let out a sigh.

Scratching his mop of black hair, Belian shook his head before glancing towards the crowd, which was considerably thinner now.

"Perhaps you really are blessed by Lilith, or the Gods Chordeva. Lucky, lucky you... Hah, well, we should catch up once this is all over. I imagine the rest of the Knights want to see the child begot between you and Saintess Ria. Rather peculiar combination, the two of you... But for now, let's not break too many bones, hmm~?"

He unsheathed a long, serrated sword and a thin, needle like dagger, both forged from a bronze like metal.

Sker hefted her heavy mace, the sloshing of a liquid sounding out from the heavy spherical head, while Nirinia spun her Dadao around, her shield already strapped onto her arm.

The three Knights - and one Squire - just took a deep breath before walking forwards, and the Marquess glanced back and said "It'd be best if you three waited till after we go. She should be a tad calmer by then..."

Our confusion was only growing after each thing that she said, but Jahi was the one to just shrug and draw her blade - the replica, normal steel one, not her masterfully forged Celestial Gold and Stygian Silver one - and rested it on her shoulder, watching as the four approached the blur of black and silver that was Lady Fenryas.

"I guess we should observe then. See if there is anything to learn in their battle. Though, the idea that Mom would be so... accepting and sure of her defeat is unbelievable."

Walking beside her, I unsheathed my two daggers - Protective and Shatter - while Anput held a long rod of metal loosely in her hands, her obsidian eyes fixed on the battle to come.

"Weren't the rumors saying that Lady Fenryas is the strongest physical fighter inside the Empire - and likely the Northern part of the continent - widely popular? Perhaps they weren't just rumors, but instead truth?"

Jahi shrugged at that, replying "Perhaps. But stronger than the Empress? Really? I had always thought the Empress was excellent at everything..."

That made me shrug as well, adding "Excellent, yes, but comparatively to someone who only lives and breathes for martial combat, is she better?"

Anput chimed in, her voice amused as she watched the four people we were just talking to begin to engage Lady Fenryas.

"Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough~!"

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