After scaring away the beasts the dome returned to its quietness. Every disciple was shocked when the sudden pressure descended.

They knew that it was their sect masters doing and after hearing Jian's voice the disciples who were still in the dome started to walk back to the camp.

Jian flew away and circle the dome to check if any beasts were remaining or not. After checking that everything was safe he also flew back to camp.

As Jian landed every disciple greeted him. Jian nodded and moved towards the centre to address the disciples. 

Since not everyone was gathered he had to wait and told Yu Yang and Yu Yue to go help those who are seriously injured. They both left to take care of the disciples who were still inside the dome.

Jian then checked at the disciples who were in camp and recovering. He checked everyone's expression. After checking it he sighed and smiled. 

The expression has changed. Now they look like a cultivator. Their expression was ferocious some were even excluding the killing intent. He was very satisfied with the expression of the disciples. 

Now the things were different. The disciples were looking hungry. They were not hungry for food but the fight. Even though they looked haggard they still had a look of saying that they are ready to fight. 

Jian is happy to see they the competition has brought very positive results for the disciples and himself. And from the look of it, the disciples had also understood something. 

He was happy seeing the results. He waited for others to gather before he declares the end of the competition and checks their results. 

He only had to wait for half-hour an hour. Every disciple was back. No one has died but most were heavily injured.

But after eating the healing pills provided by the system the injuries were healed and they were starting to return to top condition.

Jian waited for them to heal themselves. After when they were able to stand Jian made his move " Now that everyone has gathered let me declare that the competition has ended Now every group leader will come forward and submit their beasts."

The disciples sigh relief when they heard that the competition was over but when they heard about checking the beasts they hunted. The disciples got nervous. 

Jian saw that many disciples were nervous. He knew that many groups were not able to hunt two beasts so they knew that the punishment was waiting for them.

Yu Yang and Yu Yue created a desk and started to check the number of beasts hunted. One by one group leader of each group came forward and submitted the parts of the beasts. 

It took two hours to check and register thirty-six groups. Everything went smoothly. After compiling the list Yu Yang and Yu Yue moved towards Jian and gave him the list.

Jian looked at the list. He started to check from the bottom. As he had expected the disciples with less talent were mostly at the bottom who had not able to pass the competition. 

He continued to check the list. When he completed checking he was shocked. He couldn't believe the results so he called Yu Yang back and asked for confirmation. Yu Yang confirmed that the results were hundred per cent accurate. 

Jian was shocked he then activated his Star Gaze and looked at a particular disciple. He immediately got the information about the disciple and was shocked reading it. He couldn't believe that he overlooked this disciple.

Jian expression returned to normal and moved towards the disciples to announce the results. 

When the disciples saw that Jian was coming forward they become quiet they knew that Jian was now going to announce the results. 

"The results are in my hands but before I announce the results let me remind you that the whole competition was ranking competition and the ranking will be decided individually and you are in groups so now do you understand the problem."

The disciples have forgotten that the competition was held for them to be ranked individually. Even Yu Yang and Yu Yue had forgotten about it.

When Jian reminded them they thought about how he is going to solve the problem. If he had not reminded them they would have not thought about it.

Jian saw they everyone has realized. " Now I will call out names. The names are of the leaders of the group. As the name is called I want them to come forward with their teams."

The names of the list were not long-only eight names were there. He called them one by one and the total forty disciples have gathered aside from the rest.

" Now do you know what is the difference between this group and yours" Jian addressed the remaining disciples? 

They were confused at first when they thought about it. They started to check other disciples. And after few minutes they realized the difference. 

Jian saw their expression he knew that they understood. " Yes, what you are thinking is right. These eight groups of disciples are the groups who hunted more than two beasts. I instructed that you only need two beasts to avoid the punishment but didn't specify that you can only hunt two beasts."

Everyone finally realized their mistakes. They couldn't believe that they were not able to understand Jian's instructions. They were feeling ashamed. 

Jian saw the reaction he didn't reprimand them " These disciples who have hunted more than two beasts have qualifications to take part in the ranking competition.

Those who hunted only two disciples will not able to participate and they will also not be punished.

Those who have not hunted two beasts I don't need to tell you what will happen. "

The disciples understood their mistakes. They have realized that they have been too lax. Some were happy that they will be able to participate in the ranking competition. 

Some were sad that they couldn't. Some were afraid when they thought about the punishment. 

Now they were waiting for Jian to announce how he was going to conduct the ranking competition. 

Jian saw that everyone was feeling different. The visibility was also less of not for the torches so he didn't waste more time.

" Now since everyone is tired the ranking competition will be held tomorrow in the sect. So let's move back and rest properly for the competition. "

The disciples sigh when they heard that the competition will be held in the sect. But they git curious how he going to determine their ranking. 

The disciples started to follow Jian and his disciples as they moved back to the sect.. Jian also couldn't wait to see the ranking of the disciples. 

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