My Sect System

Chapter 90 - End Of The Competition

Zhou You had gone for an hour know Jian was waiting for Yu Yue to come. The time has also reached its halfway mark.

Till now the groups had not come in contact with the one-star beasts. Jian went to see the reason and saw that the beasts have marked their area and were resting and were using ungraded beasts to fight the disciples.

He knew he had to do something to rattle them. But as he was thinking he heard a roar. He immediately flew towards the roar.

After a few minutes, she reached he found that Yu Yue was fighting with the beast. The beast was two-star grade means its strength was equal to Foundation Building Realm. 

Jian frowned he believed that he had not instructed them to release stronger beasts in the dome.

He didn't intervene he was hiding and was looking at Yu Yue as she was fighting the beast.

Jian had decided to check whether Yu Yue had lost her touch as she was also living in a safe environment. 

She didn't require time to kill the beasts in few minutes the fight was over and Jian appeared in front of her. She greeted him and he told her to harvest the beast. 

Jian was happy to see her improvement. She had changed her weapon to Saber. For a long time, she has used the sword but on Jian's instructions, she changed it to Saber.

Jian thought that she would need time to make the transition. Because the weapon is like a partner to a cultivator and she had to change it.

To his surprise, she had perfected the basic Saber techniques. He was very happy to see her improvements. 

After harvesting the beasts she came back to the Jian " Master it is done."

Jian nodded " Ok go now and look after them. If they are in danger they only interfere. And bring them back to the area where the competition was started."

Yu Yue nodded and flew away. Jian had not asked her about the beast he knew that they were standing on the outer area of the dome.

So it was possible to have the two-star beasts come inside. Jian then flew and circle the outer area of the dome to check whether that any more beasts have snuck in.

And as he had guessed two more beasts snuck inside the dome. He moved and immediately killed them and then again started to check for more. 

After few rounds around the dome, he didn't find any beasts so he went back to his position and checked how the disciples were faring against the beasts.

He saw that many were fighting and some were resting after killing the beasts. They still had not come in contact with one-star beasts. 

Only half a day was remaining till the sunsets. Many groups had killed their first beasts and some were still fighting. 

The hesitation was gone from the attacks of the disciples. They were more comfortable fighting the beasts. He just has to wait for the competition to over and check the results. 

Two hours had passed since Yu Yue came and now the one-star beasts have started to attack. This time disciples didn't get afraid they took the initiative to attack. 

As he had expected the one-star beasts who had their strength diminished were still too much for the disciples. 

Yu Yue and Yu Yang had brought back the first group of disciples who were attacked and were not able to handle the one-star beast.

They were told to meditate and heal themselves and eat the healing pill. This group of disciples have hunted two beasts so they have survived the competition. 

Jian was floating above the area where the disciples were brought in. He kept checking the forest as every one-star beast were engaged in fights.

The group of disciples have formed a team to fight the beast. Jian acknowledged that now they understand how to survive. 

Only six hours were remaining for the sun to set. Now the disciples have become tired Jian saw that the time was short and the disciples have become tired so he flew towards Yu Yang.

Reaching there he gave instructions to Yu Yang to decrease the number of ungraded beasts. Yu Yang nodded and went inside the dome and he then started to injure the beasts. 

With this, the disciples will have an advantage over the beasts and they would have time to recover and attack again. 

In one hour Yu Yang returned with another group of disciples who were not able to handle the one-star beasts. This group had also passed the competition.

After leaving them at the camp he went towards Jian told him that the number of beasts have been reduced and injured so the disciples will time to recover. 

Jian nodded and flew back and saw that the injured beasts were hiding and recovering their injuries and disciples were also recovering.

The fighting in the dome had stopped. Only a few groups of disciples were fighting. Time continued to pass.

Now every group have stopped fighting and even the beasts were not attacking. There was pin-drop silence in the dome. Only small voices of wind and breathing could be heard. 

Now only two hours were remaining. Jian knew that the disciples will now start their attack. He then told Yu Yang and Yu Yue to go and look after then he also flew towards the sky.

As he activated his ability he saw the fights have started. The beasts thought the fight was over they didn't expect to disciples to attack when the sun was setting.

Time continued to pass many groups have started to return. The returning group were those who had hunted enough beasts while others continued to fight. 

The remaining two hours passed very quickly and the sun had set. The competition was over now it was time to check the results. But the beasts were still fighting with the disciples. 

So Jian moved towards the centre and released his cultivation and pressure. It spread throughout the dome it covered every area. 

As the pressure descended the beasts started to quiver. Everyone in the dome felt the pressure everyone got afraid.

The beasts howled and started to leave the dome so Jian used his Qi " The competition is over return to the base."

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