My Sect System

Chapter 64 - Zhou You

Jian was able to find a circular-type object which was made out of the formation. He asked the system to check it. He saw it at the spot where Jian was teleported and he had believed that he had found the right thing but to confirm he asked the system.

" Yes, host this is it. You should now destroy it but be careful " The system immediately confirmed and Jian nodded and took out his Saber and started to move towards it.

Jian had already understood the basics of the Saber but to his luck, he was not going to use it for fighting but to destroy the formation. As Jian started to move the beast also moved towards the same area. 

Jian knew that it will get harder if he didn't reach first and destroy it. He increased his speed and got ready to attack as he reached there. 

Jian was flying at full speed and the beast has also increased its speed and it has also changed its direction. Now it was moving towards Jian. 

Jian also didn't stop. As he reached the spot. The beast directly attacked Jian. Jian didn't dodge he also attacked the formation. 

When Jian had attacked he has used his whole Qi and didn't stop supporting throughout the attack. As the attack reached the formation it was easily destroyed and the beast also started to disintegrate but before it could. The attack was landed on Jian and he was thrown ten to twenty meters. 

Jian was able to destroy the formation before the attack connected to him. So the power was diminished and Jian was only pushed. 

Jian didn't stand up. By laying down he was able to see the beast disappear. After few minutes Jian stood up his body was in pain. Even though he was only pushed he still flew up to twenty meters and the ground was hard. 

Jian then slowly moved towards the herb and harvested it. His luck was good that he was able to find Yin-type Herb. After harvesting, Jian sat there and started to recover his Qi. Jian also started to go through the basic information about the formation. 

Jian found out that the part which he destroyed is known as the eye of the formation. It is the main part that holds the formation. So when he destroyed it the whole formation which formed the beast was destroyed. 

The formation can be formed by two things. One is formation flags which are refined specially for formations and you can also draw the formation.

Jian went through the whole information and also recovered his Qi in half-hour. Jian finally had a basic understanding of the formation. Now it was easy to find the eye and destroy it.

Jian stood up and flew in search of herbs. His target was to find Yin and Yang type herbs and also look for the fatty. 

Jian kept searching and harvesting the herbs. He was able to find ten herbs easily but he didn't stop he still searched for herbs and in three hours he was able to gather thirty herbs and all the herbs were at Yin and Yang type and Jian had kept ten herbs aside for the test.

While searching for the herbs Jian was able to find others who took part in the test. Some were trapped in the formation. Some were fighting beasts. And some were fighting over herbs. 

Jian had kept a low profile while searching for the herbs. So he avoided others. He continued to search but he was not able to find more herbs that were similar to which he had planted in the sect. 

After four hours Jian didn't find the fatty and he also didn't find the herbs. So he flew towards the barrier and he took out the ten herbs which he had kept aside and he was able to pass the barrier. 

Jian didn't know that someone was looking at him when he passed the barrier. 

Jian found himself back in the hall and the herbs have also disappeared. Jian checked to see if anyone has come before him. To his surprise, only one person was there and it was the fatty.

Jian immediately understood why he didn't see him outside. But Jian wanted to know how he was able to come before him. Jian moved towards him. The fatty has also seen Jian when he entered the hall he looked at Jian while Jian was coming towards him. 

" How are you able to pass this early? " As Jian stopped in front of him both asked the same question in unison. Both were shocked.

Before Jian could say anything The fatty spoke " looks like you also understood the tomb master "

Jian frowned he knew he was talking about the tomb but on which topic he couldn't understand. Seeing Jian frowning the fatty understood. 

" Check where you are standing " The fatty stood up and spread his hands. Jian knew he was talking about the hall. He started to look carefully at the hall. 

He was shocked to see the hall. Because it was different from the hall he was in before the test. It was very large as compared to before and stairs were leading somewhere. 

" Hello, I am Zhou You, and looks like you only understood about the formation but not the barrier " The fatty introduced himself as Jian was shocked seeing the different hall.

Jian looked at him " I am Feng Jianyu ". He also introduced himself and he already knew the fatty's name and further information. 

Jian and Zhou You didn't speak after that both were carefully checking the hall. After that, they waited for others to come.

Jian has wanted to ask Zhou You but he was hesitating but after few minutes of thinking he decided to go forward and asked " How were you able to guess that it was formation master tomb, not alchemist but to know about it. It is possible but to pass the test is nearly impossible for you. You know what I mean?"

As Jian finished his question. Zhou You became afraid and took a step back and took out a staff ready to attack.. He was shocked when he heard Jian and believed that his secret was not hidden from Jian. 

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