My Sect System

Chapter 63 - Start Of The Tests

Jian had stopped in his track on hearing the system when he was about to go to the testing area.

"Are you sure? Because If you are wrong then it will become very hard to exploration will get harder." Jian was shocked and he couldn't believe the system. 

The system was also annoyed when it heard Jian. " Host I will be never wrong but still you should move to the test area where I can confirm it".

Jian also knew that the system will not lead him to the wrong path. But the things Jian have seen know was the reason for doubt.

Because the system had said that the tomb was not of an alchemist but it was of a formation master which rank is no, were then five stars. And everything which Jian had seen up to now was set up by the formation master. If the tomb was of an alchemist then it will be not this complicated and the information of the tomb that Jian found out was that the tomb was a four-star Alchemist. But the tomb is way more complicated and this tomb was not set by the alchemist.

Jian couldn't help but think of the fatty. He believed that the fatty knew about the tomb more than the pavilion. Jian kept walking in the tunnel which led to the testing area.

"How did you know that it was not an alchemist tomb". Jian kept walking and asked the system. Jian wanted to know how the system determined it.

"Host When you activated your ability you only focused on the leaf, I was able to see the table and found that it was covered in the formation and your every move was monitored". Jian understood what the system was saying but the herbs he saw were real. So Jian asked about it but the system only said it has a theory but it will require some more evidence to confirm.

Jian kept walking and after ten minutes he was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. He knew he had reached then the testing area. He increased his pace and when he came out he saw that he was standing in the hall. He was not alone There were more than fifty other people. Jian looked and he was able to identify them. They were people from the four clans, the three-star sects, and some were from the small sects and a few were rogue cultivators and the fatty was also present.

When Jian saw the fatty. The fatty was looking at Jian and was smiling at Jian. Jian frowned he has confirmed that the fatty knew about the tomb. Jian then started to walk towards him.

The fatty saw that Jian was walking towards him his smile disappeared and he frowned. As Jian was about to reach towards him. The words were started to appear on the wall of the hall and everyone's attention was drawn towards them.

The words were, ' Welcome you seventy-two are chosen for able to accept my inheritance. But only one will be able to get it. So for that, you have to pass three tests so I will not take more of your time. The first test is to gather ten different types of Two-star herbs and after you gathered them you will be able to pass the barrier and return to the hall. The number of herbs is limited and they are well hidden and some are even guarded. So let's start it.'

As Jian and others finished reading it. They were blinded by the light and few seconds Jian found himself back in the forest. But this time there were not many herbs.

Jian activated the star gaze and he looked at the forest. As he was checking the forest Jian was able to see that the whole forest was covered with formations. As he was checking he felt that some were checking at him. As he was about turn back he was attacked by a shadow and he was thrown to the ground.

Jian immediately stood up and took out the saber. He saw that a beast had attacked him and Jian also saw that why it attacked him.

It attacked because there was an herb it was guarding and It was the two-star herb that was required to go through the barrier. Jian got himself ready to fight but the system sounded. 

"Host you don't need to fight it." Jian was baffled if he can't fight then what he should do.

However, before he could ask the system again sounded.

" You don't need to attack because it is fake. It is created by the formation but the Herb is real." Jian immediately knew that the system had confirmed that it is the tomb of the formation master and everything here is made out of formation. 

" What should I do then ?" If Jian couldn't attack it then he will not be able to get the herb. He was also able to feel the strength of the beast which was equivalent to a core formation realm expert.

" Host since everything is made out of formation you have to find the part of the formation which was activated when you got near the Herb." Jian knew the system was telling him to use star Gaze to find the part. But he didn't know how it looked so he distanced himself and activated Star Gaze.

"So the system I know that it is fake then even if I attack there will be no problems." Jian was searching for the formation part. He got curious about why the system said not to attack it.

" If you attack you will be able to destroy it. But it will be revived and as much as it is destroyed its strength will increase" Jian was shocked hearing this he couldn't believe that it was a trap. He thought that no one will able to get the herbs like this.

" Even though it will be revived. If an attack will full strength so that the formation couldn't handle. It will be destroyed and also the times it can increase its strength is limited so basically, it is a trap but it is also the test for formation master. " The system replied when If heard Jian's thought about the trap.

Jian then thought that everyone who came here is an alchemist and it is nearly impossible for them to pass the test. But they also had another option which they can take. Jian then thought about the fatty and thought that he couldn't be a formation master.

Jian kept looking for the part of the formation. He kept looking and after few minutes he saw something and asked " System is this it?"

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