My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 60 - 60: Backstabber (7) 18+

Diana's palace,

The explosion was heard all the way to the edge of the capital gate, she didn't feel any pain in her arms or legs anymore.

She didn't even have enough energy to open her eyes, she blinked one time and all she could see was Richard pushing Diana away and jumping to her cold body at a very fast speed as if his destiny was on her hand at the moment.

If she died, she will reverse time and he will never reach the top of everyone like the timeline he was in at that moment. No matter what, he had to reach her even though Diana's thorny vine came out of the ground grabbed onto him to stop his track, he still ran and ran but unlucky of him, the mark which he put on Marinette's tongue didn't keep up with the speed of destruction killing her inside.

She could finally...

When Marinette was about to be relieved, the chill of the overflowing magic channeled all through her veins, the eye which was destroyed from the explosion was bright even before, she opened her purple eyes to see the back of a certain someone healing her with one hand and his face was facing toward Richard who didn't make it in time.

The magic was a miracle, even her burnt face was restored to the original. She reached out her hand to touch that guy's back but he only turned back for a second refusing her hand with the smile.

"Take her away."

"No, Philip!!!!!" a big hand grabbed her waist putting her on their shoulder, and ran in the extremely fast speed away from Philip who was left behind at the royal palace.

She hit the guy's back who picked her up shouting at them to put her down, her opportunity to reverse time relied on Diana back at the royal palace. Without her, she won't be able to die.

She had to go back before Richard killed Diana.

"Put me down this instant!!!" she shouted to the guy who had similar black hair, the voice of him shocked her memory, "Sorry, but this time I won't listen to you."


"That prince healed me...and Flynn...but I was the only one who made it. That guy already died."

'Flynn...died...?' she gritted her teeth.

"I don't have time to explain, put me down!!!" he put her on the white horse and rose the horse even farther away from the palace getting out of the capital into the forest.

But the imperial army was chasing them from behind, the arrow shot the horse to death making them fall off the small cliff.

Victor protected Marinette with all of his body then got up in agony carrying her to escape from all of those armies.


She slapped him giving him the chill down to his spine, her glare was filled with anger and resentment. She took the dagger she picked up back at Diana's royal palace which was embued with the death roses magic's side effect and put it on his palm.

"Hurry!!! Cut my tongue!!!" she ordered him in a serious tone, she didn't have much time when hearing the sound of the horse coming toward their hiding spot.

And on top of it, she couldn't even cut her tongue herself even she wanted to.

"Stop with this nonsense!!! Come with me!!! This empire is already doomed!!! We didn't win the war, Asher did!!! And now, he made his way to the capital. That prince healed me to take you to escape while he scattered his soldier to distract Asher's army."

"That's why I want you to cut my tongue!!! I have to die!!! I have to die to turn back time!!! Please, Victor, this will be the last favor I ever asked from you."

" back time??? You have to die???"

"Hurry...please believe me!! I never lie to you..."

"You never lied to me...? Marinette..." he hesitated to get the dagger from Marinette even though her eyes were telling the truth.

"Then how do you explain the magic circle around my head??" he pointed at the purple magic circle at his blind spot narrowed his eyebrows raised his voice at Marinette.

"'s the time travel spell!!! I use it on you, you will be the one who comes back in time with me too!!!" her manipulative words saying to Victor's ears weren't quite effective since her truth mixed up with lies was never once be able to fool Victor.

"Tell me the truth!!! What did you do to me??? What's this locking memory??"

"Damn it!!! Fine!!! I locked your memories of me, you won't remember me when you went back in time!!! In the next life, just don't interfere with me anymore!!! I really regret meeting you, Victor!!! I regret it!" hearing the harsh words she yelled at him pushed him to the verge of tears, he envied the illiterate prince for getting all of her love.

He was the one who met her first, why won't it be him???

"Victor...please..." she put the dagger on his palm and forced his hand to hold onto it. He grabbed his wrist and raised it...she was scared of the agonizing pain, but it was for everyone.

[Four chosen ones who will get their memories carved: Victor! Philip! Flynn! Marinette!]

[Locking memory of Victor: Successful!]

[Locking memory of Flynn: Successful!]

[Locking memory of Philip: Successful!]

[The following targets won't remember the person named Marinette in the other timeline!]

Blood dripped on Victor's hand, but he still couldn't make it even though Marinette tried to force him with all her strength.

Only half of her tongue was cut off, the mark still remained.

"I prefer dying... than living in the world without you, Marinette...I'm sorry." he threw the dagger on the ground leaving Marinette falling on the ground calling his back.


"You have to live...Marinette. Live!! Live forever and remember the scene forever!!! This way, you will never forget me!!" the sword appeared out of thin air and then Victor took the firework orb he used before throwing it to the ground giving the signal to the imperial knights.

"Why...??" her eyelid shook seeing the sight of Victor's head falling down with the sword he summoned with the smile on his face.


Back at the royal palace,

"HAHAHAHA, I didn't know you were quite good at this, brother!!!" Richard laughed even though he was the one who lost his hand with just one strike from Philip.

Philip swung his sword throwing the blood of the blade and ready to strike another one without sparing any second for Richard to regenerate.

The cut appeared on Philip's face when the sword he intended to aim at Richard hit the shield of rose instead.

Diana used all her power till she fainted to save Richard even though her love wasn't rewarding.

"Hm?? Such a party ruiner..." Richard scoffed glaring at Diana who collapsed upstairs. Philip was poisoned by the roses of Diana falling to the ground.

It really went well for Richard, he picked Philip's sword stepping on Philip's hands, "Do you wanna know how did I get this large amount of light magic??"


"I stole it!!! HAHAHA, I dug all of the royal's graves and stole their remaining light magic in their corpse. The only one I didn't get to steal was our father!!! It seemed like his power was transferred to a certain somebody...he gave it to you before he died!!!!"

"You're the one who killed our could you--"

"AHAHA!! How naive, brother!!! Do you know...what would happen if I get all the light magic...I'll be immortal!!! I'll just have to kill you, then I'll be able to get your magic and father's as well."

Richard raised the sword, looking at the pitiful face of Philip on his feet was really satisfying. he was going to kill him at the execution in the public but not everything went as his plan.

After he killed Philip, he will take back Marinette.

In the end, he and only him will win the battle.

What he didn't expect was the death roses magic energy that came out of Philip gathering to stop his sword from cutting Philip's head off.

It gathered to a form of purple phoenix with the end of its feather stained with the black shadow.


The magic echoed throughout the palace, a magic laser struck right in Richard's heart making him fall down on the ground grabbing his chest in torture.

The light magic healed him but something was already carved inside his heart at that time without his knowledge.

Philip stood up ignoring all the pain and swung the sword again and again cutting all the limbs of Richard while he was recovering but it wasn't enough.

In the end...Richard won.

" can't defeat me..." if Philip was ever able to deal one last strike before the poison caught up to him, Richard would have been dead.

Richard destroyed the purple Phoenix with his light magic and then gathered his magic to kill Philip and yet again, the fire firework emerged from the east, the direction Marinette escaped with Philip.

Marinette was found!! He smirked satisfying.

He kicked Philip's body away and rode on the horse to the firework, to his surprise, the imperial army wasn't quite useless as they caught Marinette.

Marinette kept stabbing a dagger inside her stomach to kill herself, the regeneration speed was slower than before but she didn't die on time before Richard arrived.

"Tell you lost!!!"

Lost Magic: Hypnosis Command

"Go to the hell prison by yourself!!! You will spend at least a day with that bastard Philip." under the spell, the dagger inside her hand dropped to the ground and she walked by herself barefoot all the way to the hell prison located at the north of the capital.

"Your majesty!!!" the imperial knights bowed down to Richard waiting for the order, he yawned and muttered to them with an arrogant smile, "Take Philip's corpse to the hell prison." Richard didn't just leave Philip there, he tied Philip's leg with the rope and pulled him all the way to the forest. Philip died bleeding, and the light magic of Philip was stolen by Richard.

Richard finally obtained the immortality that allow him to die at will, no one will be able to kill him except himself. He sat on the throne alone looking down at all of those corrupted noble enjoying wine of celebration.

They partied all day before the day of Marinette's fake execution. But Richard left the party before the party ended when hearing the news from the hell prison.

"Your majesty, her highness is..."

"Damn it!!! I thought she was in her room!!!" he rode the horse to the hell prison immediately just to see Diana come out from the hell prison with the tongue of Marinette.

"What did you do??!!!! Are you insane!!!???" he raised his voice at Diana. But Diana was no longer the same.

Her eyes were like an endless void, she smiled and murmured to Richard, " you, my dear're so nice to're my prince charming...ahaha...we'll sit on the thrones's beautiful..."


"Hah?? Diana...?? Me?? My name is Diana?? Right...right..."

The magic circle appeared on top of the hell prison, it was the first time he ever saw such a big magic circle, the world also started shaking like an earthquake.

He realized he messed up, he should've locked Diana. And the presence of the light magic inside the prison was the most terrifying thing...

'I thought...Philip was dead...then whose magic is that???'

"Aww...Richard...of course, I love you." Diana was talking to a one-side conversation creep the heck out of Richard. But an idea occurred in his mind at that moment.

He pulled out his sword and thrust it in Diana's stomach without a second thought.

"I'm sorry'll understand soon."

" could you..."

She fell dead on the ground, all that left was...him killing himself.

He made his way to Marinette inside the prison smirking at her then thrusting the sword inside his stomach.

[One person was pushed off the list: Flynn.]

[One person was pushed off the list: Marinette.]

"You bastard!!! What did you do??!!!" Marinette yelled at him in anger, she was frustrated to get out of the jail to strangle him but she couldn't when she was hugging Philip's cold dead body.

"See you again later..."

Seeing Marinette cursing at him with her new tongue, Richard realized...'That bastard brother...he wasn't weak after think he cheated death...'

"Just you wait!!!" Marinette stood up watching the world shattered in front of her eyes, and the one who cast the magic was left behind in the abandoned timeline for a second before her soul moved on to the other timeline that existed.

[Memory Magic: Carving Soul]


[Memory Magic: Half of the memories carving.]


[Memory Magic: Two memories carving.]






[Memory Magic: One memory carving.]

{A price needed to be paid.}

{Recommend: Lock Memory of A Person.]

Memory Magic: I Command thou...lock my memory of that man...******

To be continued....!

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