My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 59 - 59: Backstabber(6)

The underground prison,

The knights were all knocked out by the two escapees, Marinette grabbed one of the sharp and light swords. When she looked at herself in the sword, the guilt and the negative emotion kept coming to her.

The laughing sound of the village turned to the crying and begging in just a day...she had no time to mourn.

"Marinette, you go first. I'll stay here for a bit." she turned back to the one behind her who looked at the dead knights he and Marinette killed.

The person who was even more miserable than her was him and yet, he still looked calm with the sadness in his eyes.

"I'll wait for you outside, come out quick then." she left him there, and many minutes later, he came out but even more sadness was displayed in the eyes Marinette saw.

He smiled at her and put his hand on her shoulder, "Let's do what we need to do."

She nodded responding to him.

That time, she was the one who reached her hand first, she grabbed his hand and ran away from the prison.

The remote street in the capital, Marinette pulled the lever and a part of the wall lifted up opening the secret entrance where the rest of the allies were.

Philip walked in first, and many soldiers rushed to both of them in relief seeing them had escaped safely.

"My lady, we were so worried." she couldn't look at all the soldiers in the eyes...because it was her fault that their family back in the hidden village died.

Seeing her silence, Philip changed the topic didn't want to break the news to them.

"We'll attack the day after tomorrow, some of you will stay here."

"But your highness!! Aren't we going to attack all at once??"

"No, I only need five to ten people."

"Five to ten??!" Marinette looked at him in worry knowing the plan was gonna be crazy and dangerous.

"Your highness, we have two hundred soldiers!"

"Listen to my order--" 

"The people in the hidden village all died." the words come out Marinette's lip cutting Philip's. Everyone looked at her in disbelief and horrified that their thought really came true.

It was a deadly silence in the room and the hall full of soldiers, Marinette continued saying, "I won't ask for your forgiveness, you have any right to blame me but for now, please remember your goal...and listen to his highness." she walked away even pushing Philip's hands that grabbed her away, the soldiers who lost their family started to separate and left one by one.

Philip rushed out to Marinette even she kept her distance from him.

"What was that for??!! You should've discussed with me first." it was the first time he raised his voice against Marinette.

"It's my fault, and I'll be responsible for all of it. And I'll be the one who killed Richard." she muttered to him while putting on the white dress and putting on a wig.

"Marinette, is that your intention of coming here?"

"Yeah, I don't want to take all the blame after using the soldier and besides...those people won't leave you easily are--"

"You're our leader, your highness." the soldier talked from the other side of the room, and more and more people were standing in many rows bowing down to Philip.

"We would've died way back then if it wasn't for's not like I wasn't mad...but I didn't even get to experience that happiness or having a family if it wasn't for you...let's do it till the end." the male soldier kneeled before Philip while Marinette putting on the makeup to cover the scar and putting a veil before her face.

All the soldiers kneeled before Philip, even Marinette in the bride's dress kneeled to him.

Marinette was the one standing up first and told all the soldiers the plan, "One hundred people will be assigned to stand on guard outside the church and the rest will be taking place of the knight inside. When I gave you the sign, kill anyone in your sight."

"What sign...?" Philip was trembling when he turned to Marinette with a blonde hair wig looking like a split image of Diana.

"I'll stab Richard, and all of you will help me defeat him."

"My lady...don't tell me you're gonna take lady Diana's about lady Diana??"

"She is in the prison, the sun will rise soon. No one will visit that prison. But to be sure, I'll send some of you to that prison too."

"Marinette, it's too dangerous!! I won't allow you to do that!!" Philip talked to Marinette with his narrowed eyebrow and the worry in his eyes.

She smiled at him pulled the veil saying to him, "You trust me, right? I won't die." her tone was unusual, she bowed to Philip taking her to leave to execute her mission.

The wind blew past her teary eyes when she took a step outside staring back. It was all the wrong plan she told everyone.

She never intended to let anyone die anymore. The dress she wore will be also the dress which she will wear to kill Richard when the sun rose.

She jumped from one roof to one roof to the royal palace and hid inside Diana's chamber without anyone's notice.

The sword in her hand was shaking as she held it walking toward the man sleeping in one of the rooms in Diana's royal palace.


"Yes, dear??"


"Goodbye, dear!!" the blood splattered on the white wedding dress she picked from one of the shops while Philip wasn't looking and all on the white bedsheet.

Countless thrust as she sat on top of Richard making a hole in his stomach, her tears were all over her face when the man below her kept smirking at her and even reached out his hand to pull Marinette's wig off.

"Did you change your mind...? You want to be my bride now??"

"Die!!! I hate you, just die!!! WHY WON'T YOU DIE, YOU BASTARD??"

"Ouch, it hurt my fragile heart if you said it like that." he put his hand on his heart spouting nonsense with the lip full of blood.

"DIE!!! DIE!!!! JUST DIE ALREADY!!!" she kept penetrating the sword in his chest and his arms, all of his vital points but his flesh kept growing back like he was an immortal being.

"You look so pretty in this should've at least put on the disguise to be in Diana's place tomorrow...that way, it will be my honor to walk with you on the red carpet."

"You scumbag..." she was hopeless when she put her head crying on the sword while it was still inside Richard's stomach.

"Poor Marinette...coming alone without my brother?? You really love him, don't you?? I won't die right now...I really want to see him executed in the it's useless. Ah...I really love you, my beloved Marinette~"


"Did that make you laugh??" he sat on the bed putting his hand on Marinette's face with makeup. The smirk on her face made his heart almost jump out of his chest with the pink lipstick she put on. He wiped the makeup powder which hide her beautiful scar with his saliva while Marinette didn't do anything.


"Is it that funny??"

"Richard...I didn't come alone...I brought someone...look like your words aren't really funny to her." she ruffled Richard's hair and took his chin to look at the rose coming out of the big door. The pink rose which his beloved person used to give him now showed it thorn with the killing intent filled the air.

"Hm...? So what?? Oh, Diana...I'm the emperor!!! Do you even have the right to interfere with my love life?? Just be like a doll and sit on the empress throne I promised to give you."

" went're even worse than I thought." the door was broken, Diana with the white dress walked inside seeing Marinette sharing the same bloody bed with Richard.

"See?? Your sister is never wrong...go on, vent your anger on him...kill him..." Marinette used manipulative words to pull Diana into her trap and used her as the pawn to kill Richard, if she had the death roses magic herself, she wouldn't go as far as to bring Diana with her.

It was just a coincidence that she crossed paths with Diana when Diana escaped from the prison herself.

She pulled out the sword from Richard's body, he should be moving freely but instead, he was paralyzed on top of the bed by the poison Marinette put on the tip of her sword.

"Diana...kill that man...he's the cause of everything...your prince charming was only using you..." just one more push, Diana will listen to what she said. Her proud eyes looked at Diana who was full of anger and hatred was so satisfied.

"Yes...Marinette..." Diana stepped up walking toward Richard, the rose vines start crawling inside from the window and the door, the rose bloomed every part of the room and yet Richard looked calm even though the tip of the poisonous thorn of Diana's rose already pointed at his eyes.

"Go on..."

"Go on what?? Kill the love of my life?" Richard smirked arrogantly when seeing Marinette flinched at the sight of Diana biting her tongue till it bled.

She resisted the drug and the table turned completely when Diana used her magic to...


Marinette's hair turned black at the end of the strand of her hairs from the explosion, and the white dress turned dusty till the point one might think it was black and her face...was burnt.

The body dropped on the rose which was already prepared for her on the ground, everything she saw was her failure when she looked at the stupid couple above.

One of her eyes was already blinded, the pain started to fade away the same as her breathing.

What she didn't expect at her last breathe was how Diana be able to pull off the ultimate magic of the death roses magic which she couldn't...

Death Roses Magic: Roses Explosion: One-Shot Death

'Hm...?? I'm injured??'

To be continued....!

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