Kevin then said to him taking his short swords in his hands to be ready to face him : “If you succeeded in trapping me the first time it was because my subconscious had parasitized my memories. No matter how much you tortured me, all my childhood I was beaten every day, sometimes almost to death, I knew hunger, fear, distress, the helplessness of not being able to help others because my survival was also at stake.

I had to make difficult choices for my own survival and then at the end of my life in our home world, I was hunted down like a beast for 5 years… 5 long years without any rest, sometimes wounded, not being able to shelter for a long time in the same place because the people around me would have been in danger.

I’ve known hatred, loneliness, pain, so tell me why your little torture sessions should have marked me more than that, I guess we can’t stop our subconscious from wanting to protect us, but thanks to you my mind is finally free and you won’t find any more loopholes to exploit.”

Kevin then sent to Axel, using their unique link, the memories he had with him.

The first time he had seen him when he was training during the Sun Sect recruitment, the first time he had seen him in his wolf form and the exhilaration he felt while he was riding him through the forest.

The first time he had woken up in his arms and the feeling of security he had felt at that moment, he showed him their first night of love and the feeling he had felt of belonging and loving someone more than his own life.

And through all the memories he sent him, the good and the bad ones that they had shared together, he made him understand that all the pain he had endured in the past meant nothing to him and that he was ready to relive it over and over again if it could lead him to him again.

He finally showed him the birth of their daughter and how happy and proud he was to be able to have a family with him and he said to him after that, ‘Axel, come back.’

Axel, who had let a murderous fury invade him when he had started to see and feel all the tortures that Kevin had suffered because of this demon, had only one thing in mind and that was to rip that bastard into a thousand pieces, and just before he turned into a Werewolf and charged at his prey his father had grabbed his neck and teleported him out of the arena.

He could feel that they weren’t alone in this place but he didn’t care, all he wanted was to get back to Kevin but even using his ultimate wolf form he still wasn’t a match for his father.

The latter maintained him on the ground exerting a strong force on his neck so that he couldn’t move and he heard him say to him that he absolutely had to calm down and that Elias, Kevin’s master, had gone himself in the arena to make sure that everything would be fine.

But how could he calm down when he kept seeing the tortures that Kevin had suffered and feeling them as if he was the one being tortured.

Mykael was then thrown several meters away from Axel by a force that he wouldn’t have suspected in his son and he frowned when he saw that Axel was still transforming, he heard Miguel saying to him suddenly : “Damn Mykael, your son is evolving into a divine Werewolf, this powerful aura that appeared from nowhere and that threw you away from him, there is no doubt, only a divine energy could have pushed a God away.”

And then without warning, his red and silver aura began to swirl around him and a golden symbol appeared on his chest.

It was a sun with a moon in it and Mykael said dumbfoundedÂ: “Werewolves are legendary creatures, does that mean Axel is the first divine Werewolf ?”

Miguel nodded without hesitation and he said to himÂ: “Don’t be so surprised, he is your son after all, and he has a Stage 3 Warrior Spirit for husband, it’s normal for him to get stronger and stronger.”

He then whistled to get the attention of his men who were dealing with the demons that Caleb had sent them and he asked themÂ: “Has anyone already seen the symbol that appeared on the chest of Mykael’s son anywhere ?”

When they all answered him in the negative, Mykael then said to MiguelÂ: “The symbol of his mother’s pack is a small black moon so it’s not related to his mother’s side either.”

Miguel then said to him with a frownÂ: “Do not worry about that for now, thanks to the memory of the first God of War I will discover the meaning of it … Damn, he continues to gain power.”

He then decided to use the chains that was linked to the prison dimension and was able to immobilize even a God to avoid any accident and then he asked Mykael : “Are you still able to contact him ?”

Mykael shook his head and said to Miguel : “My link with him is completely broken, I can’t use my bloodline or the communication stones it’s as if this swirl of aura is preventing all forms of communication with him.”

And as Mykael began to feel more and more helpless about what was happening to his son, the aura around Axel suddenly stopped swirling and it was absorbed by that golden symbol on his chest.

He then looked at Axel’s face and his eyes had turned again to their deep blue color and everything seemed to be back to normal.

He breathed a sigh of relief and while he was still wondering what could have happened, he saw a tear roll down his cheek and he said with a smile, grateful to have such a wonderful son-in-lawÂ: “Kevin.”

Because only Kevin, while he was fighting against a knight of darkness, which by the way he was completely unaware of their existence, could still take the time to calm his son and reassure him.

And Axel, who had just seen through Kevin’s eyes flashes of all the moments they had spent together and the birth of their daughter, felt all the hatred and fury that had overwhelmed him vanish at once.

When he finally met his father’s eyes, who looked relieved, he said to him in a voice still full of emotion : “I’m sorry… I don’t know what happened…”

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