And as they continued to stare at each other he began to receive notifications.


Oliver is trying to get into your mind, attempt failed.


Oliver is trying to get into your mind, attempt failed.


Oliver is trying to get into your mind, attempt failed.

Kevin frowned as he felt absolutely nothing and had no idea how to fight against this mental attack.


Oliver is trying to get into your mind, attempt succeeded.

Kevin swore and he immediately found himself in a dark room bound and unable to move and then he heard the sinister laughter of that Oliver who materialized in front of him and he said to him with a smile that chilled his blood : “But what a nice surprise… King of Shadow.”

Kevin froze immediately, this nickname had been given to him in his home world, how could this Oliver know it, unless it was there that he had met him, but then why couldn’t he remember…

He opened his eyes wide and Oliver then said to him : “I see that you have understood who I am, I must admit that I have never had so much fun torturing someone else. Every time you were about to die, a golden glow appeared around you and projected me far away from you, keeping me at a distance until you were completely healed.”

Oliver then said to him: “Thanks to you, and the torture I kept inflicting on you, Lilith spotted me and made me the Fourth Knight of Darkness.

You may have killed me back then, but you made me the demon I am today, Lilith and the other three Knights of Darkness took care of my training, so this time you have no chance to escape me, King of Shadow.

And believe me, I’m going to enjoy torturing you again, and when I’m done with you, I’ll take care of your husband.

He then grabbed his right hand and placed his finger in the center of his mark of the Union and he said to him : “Let’s see how your husband will react when he will see all the tortures I have inflicted on you when you were still a mere human.”

He then placed the same finger on the center of his forehead and Kevin then heard again his sinister laugh that gave him goosebumps and after that, a whole flood of memories overwhelmed him. His memories that his subconscious had blocked out so that he could live without having to think at these terrible moments.

He then saw again his capture and the room in which a man with a sinister aura had tortured him over and over again, and while he saw and felt as if he was still there all the tortures he had suffered, his mark of Union began to burn and a silver and red aura began to swirl around him.

He then chuckled and said looking Olivier straight in the eyes: “I think you’re seriously pissing off my husband.”

Kevin then broke the mental hold he had on him and when he woke up, he realized that he was still standing in the same place in the arena and that the Chains of Restraint had created a shield all around him.

He saw that Oliver seemed surprised that he was able to break his mental hold but as the Chains of Restraint seemed to be protecting him he turned his head to check on Axel and he was surprised to see that he had disappeared as well as Mykael and that a man was standing nonchalantly in their place.

This man looked much younger than he remembered but he could have recognized that aura of power emanating from him anywhere and so he exclaimed surprised: “Master ?”

Elias smiled and he said to him thanks to the communication stones, ‘Well done kid, I knew you could break his mental hold on you all by yourself, Mykael had to take your husband away so that he wouldn’t interrupt your fight, when he’s calmed down he’ll come back.’

Kevin then asked him, ‘Did you come because Mykael asked you to or because you were worried ?’

Elias smiled again and he said to him, ‘Why would I be worried, whatever happens you’re going to kill this asshole and Mykael was too busy trying to calm his son down to say anything to me.

Let’s just say that I simply wanted to see you and I was curious to see what had disturbed your husband so much that he had completely lost control of his two powerful bloodlines.’

Kevin then said to him before turning his attention back to Oliver, ‘Axel must have seen through our bond the tortures that guy put me through before I turned into a Stage 2 Warrior Spirit for the first time… I would have lost control too if someone had done that to him.’

Elias’ expression immediately darkened and his aura also became more menacing, he asked him, ‘So, this demon is the bastard who tortured you to the point that you lost your memory, I thought you killed him ?’

Kevin smirked then and he said looking at him sideways, ‘That’s exactly what I did, I killed him, and today I will kill him too.’

He then explained to Elias, ‘Back then, after I killed him, Lilith got his soul back and she made him a legendary demon. Have you ever heard of the Knights of Darkness.’

He saw Elias frown and he focus his attention on Oliver again before saying to his Master, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this one, but we’ll have three others to kill that will probably be much stronger than him.’

Elias then said with a sigh, ‘I’ve never heard of them… Tell me kid, why does our list of enemies keep growing?’

Kevin smirked, and then he dispersed the Chains of Restraint that had continued to protect him while he was talking with Elias and then he said to Oliver: “If you still haven’t figured out how I was able to break the mental hold you had on me, I’ll explain it to you.”

Oliver frowned as he had no idea what had happened, was it that silver and red aura that had surrounded him that had broken his mental hold on him… But if that was the case then he should have been able to regain control of his mind once his husband had been teleported away, so how come he couldn’t reach him anymore.

Kevin’s smile widened and he said to him: “You may think it was because of Axel that I was able to break the mental hold you had on me, but in reality it wasn’t because of him.”

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