My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 410 - Chapter 410: Chapter 350: Qin Keqin, if you’re pregnant, get ready for being a pregnant woman!

Chapter 410: Chapter 350: Qin Keqin, if you’re pregnant, get ready for being a pregnant woman!

The night in Jin City was brightly lit, with neon lights flickering.

It wasn’t too late at the moment.

There were still many vehicles around.

The city was still bustling.

At that moment.

Yin Bin felt as if he was the only one left in the entire city. He couldn’t hear any sounds from the outside world, couldn’t see anything else.

His head seemed to explode all of a sudden.

With a bang.

Everything went blank.

He wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Was his son joking?

At his age, could he still have another child?

He had never even considered it.

It was like suddenly winning five million, no, no, no, like a poor man who won five million, daring to believe and yet not daring to believe, wanting to leap for joy but pretending to look calm.

He was deliberately disguising himself.

“Hey, Old Yin, are you listening?” Yin Qin’s somewhat impatient voice came from the other side.

Presumably, he had been talking for a while without getting any response, which made him somewhat unhappy.

Yin Bin’s throat moved slightly.

At this moment, he seemed to come back to his senses slightly.

He was calming himself down.

Only the devil knows how he felt the moment he heard his son say Qin Keqin was pregnant.

He said, “I’m listening.”

His tone, became very calm.

Completely concealing the emotions hidden in his heart.

Yin Qin seemed slightly displeased, “Is that all you’re feeling?”

“What else?”

“Don’t you want to ask whose child is in my mother’s belly?” Yin Qin raised his eyebrows.

“It’s mine.”

“The old man is quite confident.” Yin Qin laughed.

Yin Bin didn’t want to deal with his son.

Although he hadn’t had a good relationship with Qin Keqin over the years, he was certainly sure that Qin Keqin would never cheat on him during their marriage.

Thinking of the mistakes he had made, recalling the image of Qin Keqin with her big belly watching him come out of the hotel with Lin Ximeng…

He felt a strange discomfort in his heart.

At that time, he was just regretting his marriage. He couldn’t accept that he had cheated on his wife. Now, however, he was filled with guilt towards Qin Keqin.


This woman would no longer accept his apology.

His emotions were somewhat fluctuating.

He didn’t know why he was thinking about the past again at this moment.

Seniors tend to harbor regrets about the mistakes they made in their youth.

“Dad. Do you think mom will keep the baby?” Yin Qin suddenly spoke again.

The hand holding his cell phone tightened a bit.

“Given the current relationship between my mother and you, and considering my mother’s age, do you think she’ll keep the baby?” Yin Qin deliberately asked him.

Yin Bin remained silent.

He could surely affirm that the child was his, but he had no confidence in whether Qin Keqin would bear him another child.

When Yin Bin didn’t respond, Yin Qin said, “No matter what decision my mom makes I will support her. It’s getting late, I won’t keep you from your romantic rendezvous with Lin Ximeng.”

After saying this, he hung up.

Yin Bin also quietly put down his phone.

There was no change in his face at this moment. He had learned to remain calm in any situation after many years in the business world. If you looked closely though, you would see that his hand was trembling.

His hand was shaking slightly.

This news from Yin Qin made it impossible for him to stay calm for even a second.

How could he have the chance to be a father again at his grandfather’s age?

Was this a chance from God for him to make up for the past regret?

His throat swelled, the suppressed emotions were tumbling inside him.

Turning to the driver, he said, “Back to the villa.”

“Yes.” The driver was extremely respectful.

The car turned around and drove down another street.

The closer they got, the more he felt an inexplicable nervousness, he felt as if his heart was about to leap out of his chest!

So when they arrived at the gate of the villa, he sat motionless in the car.

The driver didn’t dare to rush or speak, sensing that Yin’s mood was different from usual, as if something big had happened and he didn’t know how to face it.

The inside of the car was very quiet.

The driver, not daring to even breathe, sat motionless in the driver’s seat.

Yin Bin also sat in the back seat, giving no indication of what he was thinking or what he was going to do.

They remained like this.

The curtain of night fell.

The night was late.

Yin Bin finally opened the car door.

The driver breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

He thought he would have to sit in the car with Mr. Yin all night.

“You don’t need to wait for me.” Yin Bin dropped a sentence and left.

The driver watched Yin Bin enter the villa.

Actually, for all these years, Mr. Yin had only ever spent the night at a woman’s place, at Miss Qin’s. But for some reason, their relationship had always been turbulent.

The driver departed.

The intertwined affairs of high society were too complicated for a driver to comprehend.

Yin Bin entered the villa.

The hall was quiet, with only a faint light illuminating it.

Yin Bin cautiously went upstairs, afraid of waking someone.

He stopped in the corridor of the second floor, right in front of Qin Keqin’s room.

He wanted to knock on the door.

But he lowered his raised hand.

After repeating this two or three times, he gritted his teeth and turned the doorknob.

Qin Keqin hadn’t locked her door.

Since Yin Bin had been away and she had grown accustomed to waking up in the middle of the night to check on the young tiger, she had simply stopped locking her door.

She had been feeling a bit different lately.

She had been sleeping more and better than usual. When the young tiger had just returned from the hospital, she could wake up three or four times a night. Now, it was hard for her to wake up even once during the night. Upon waking, dawn was usually already breaking, but she had not noticed anything wrong, until she realized she was pregnant.

No matter her age, a woman will change when pregnant.

So, the usually easily startled Qin Keqin had no idea that Yin Bin had entered her room, sat on her bed, and was quietly watching her through the window, illuminated only by the night sky.

In his life, there were far too few moments like this where he could just watch her.

Yin Bin always felt busy, forever busy.

Upon reflection, he wasn’t sure what he was so busy with.

It felt as if he was using work to numb himself, as if he was using work to hide from something.

Was he running from his growing feelings for Qin Keqin?

Was he avoiding his past regrets, dying of regret but still too prideful to admit it?

At this moment, he truly felt like a failure in life.

In his life, how could he have missed such a wonderful woman, missing her for forever.

She was within reach.

Just within reach…

His hand unconsciously stroked her cheek.

Her skin was still so smooth.

What kind of marks had time left on her?!

Qin Keqin was sleeping so soundly.

Even with his action, she didn’t stir and kept breathing calmly.

However, Yin Bin was losing his calm.

He was seduced by her.

He wondered if all those years deliberately keeping his distance from her was out of fear that one day, he would crumble, damaging his masculine pride!

After avoiding for half his life, he couldn’t escape it after all…

Then, the next second.

“Slap!” a sharp sound rang out.

He was completely dazed by the slap.

In that moment, his heartbeat and thrill disappeared, leaving only a burning pain on his face.

After Qin Keqin slapped him, she rolled over and went back to sleep.

At that time, she was still wondering why there were mosquitoes in such cold weather.

Such a big one!

The sensation when hitting it was so solid!

Then, her even breathing could be heard again.

Yin Bin watched her series of actions and slowly got up to leave Qin Keqin’s room.

In this life, he truly didn’t have a presence in Qin Keqin’s life.

The next day.

Qin Keqin opened her eyes, turned her head to look at the time on the bedside table.

It was already 8 a.m.

Her sleep had been surprisingly good these days.

She climbed out of bed.

Today she was going for a pregnancy check-up and the young tiger was going for a pediatric exam. She couldn’t continue to laze around in bed.

As she thought this, she quickly started to get ready.

Even though before she had never felt any morning sickness, she didn’t know if it was just psychological, but that morning when she brushed her teeth, she started to feel a bit sick to her stomach. She held it in for quite a while before not vomiting.

She put on a comfortable outfit and didn’t bother with a light make-up look as she usually would. She then left her room just like that.

Just as she opened her door, her expression instantly changed.

Yin Bin was standing at the door of the room opposite. It seemed like he was deliberately waiting for her to open the door.

She was speechless.

She had dreamt about this guy last night, and when she woke up and realized it was just a dream, she didn’t think much of it. Now seeing the guy really in front of her made her extremely annoyed.

She gave him a sidelong glance and turned away.

“I heard you’re pregnant.” Yin Bin spoke up.

Qin Keqin stiffened.


Damn it, she was pregnant again!

She felt like spewing blood; she was sickened and filled with regret.

Now, hearing Yin Bin’s voice, her whole body felt incredibly tense.

Qin Keqin turned around, her eyes met Yin Bin’s without any trace of emotion, she coldly said, “Yes, so Mister Yin, any objections?”

“The child is mine.”

“And Yin Qin is yours too.” she implied, have you ever cared?!

Yin Bin’s eyebrows tensed.

Qin Keqin said, “Stop pretending. I can manage the child’s matters myself, you should just carry on with whatever you’re doing.”

“Qin Keqin.” Yin Bin grabbed her arm.

His grip was firm.

Qin Keqin didn’t waste her energy resisting.

“Can’t you behave like a woman?” Yin Bin harshly asked her.

“How so?” Qin Keqin countered.

“Can’t you behave like a woman and show some weakness to me? If only you could soften a bit, if only you weren’t so domineering and indifferent, would our lives be like this?!”

Qin Keqin let out a sarcastic laugh.

She pushed Yin Bin away.

After several unsuccessful attempts, she stopped pushing.

She said, “In my eyes, you’re not even a man!”

Why should I act like a woman to please you?!

Yin Bin flared up, his voice amplified.

At this moment, Yin Qin and Luo Xiaolang came out of their room, only to see their parents fiercely arguing.

The fight seemed quite intense.

Luo Xiaolang couldn’t understand why Yin Qin could remain so indifferent while watching their parents’ heated argument; instead, he seemed to be enjoying the spectacle.

“Yin Bin, in your eyes, is this what being a man means?!” Qin Keqin scorned.

Yin Bin glared at Qin Keqin.

“Not in my view.” Qin Keqin bluntly said, “So we have no common ground.”

Meaning, there’s nothing left to discuss.

“When I had an affair with Lin Ximeng, why didn’t you show your disgust? Why were you silent, why did you pretend not to care?! Why didn’t you insult me, hit me, why did you treat me that way?!” Yin Bin was at breaking point.

It felt like an explosion.

He was very emotional.

Even Yin Qin found his father’s reaction rather comical.

He had the audacity to blame others for not rejecting him when he was the one who had an affair?!

His dad must be twisted.

“I did propose a divorce,” Qin Keqin said, “you just didn’t agree.”

“Was that the casual suggestion you made back then?”

“I don’t like to linger with people I don’t like.”

“But you’ve been lingering with me for a lifetime!” Yin Bin lost his temper.

“Did it bother you?”

“Damn it, Qin Keqin!” Yin Bin was on the verge of exploding.

Couldn’t this woman stop being so calm and indifferent!

He even thought that if Qin Keqin had put up a fight back then, they might not be in such a state now, living a lifetime of indifference.

If back then Qin Keqin had shown some emotions, he might have tried to appease her, admitted his mistake, they might not be living like this, under the same roof but in their separate worlds.

Qin Keqin really didn’t want to argue with Yin Bin, to be precise, she didn’t even want to talk to him.

She asked, “What do you want?”

“Can’t you see what I want?” Yin Bin harshly asked Qin Keqin.

Could she really not see what he wanted?!

Couldn’t she see?!

“No, I can’t.” Qin Keqin replied indifferently, “But I know that at this moment, I really don’t want to see you for even a second.”

“Qin Keqin!” Yin Bin was furious, his voice roaring loudly!

Compared to Yin Bin’s rage, Qin Keqin was much more composed.

She not only didn’t care about his frustration, but she also felt that her head was about to burst from his shouting.

She used her hand to push Yin Bin away.

She still had some strength in her.

Yin Bin felt Qin Keqin’s rejection; this made him explode even more.

Suddenly, he held Qin Keqin even tighter, imprisoning her in his arms…

What the hell!

Yin Qin’s eyes widened.

He simply watched his father’s audacious behavior.

Doing this before your son and daughter-in-law, aren’t you embarrassed at all?!

He had to admit that at that moment, he found his dad kind of cool!

As he watched the scene unfold, remembering something, he abruptly turned and blocked Luo Xiaolang’s view.

Luo Xiaolang was engrossed and her view was suddenly blocked, she furrowed her brows.

“Not suitable for kids, close your eyes!” Yin Qin was very serious.

Luo Xiaolang was a bit irritated, she had been of age for a long time, but at that moment she obediently closed her eyes.

Upon seeing Luo Xiaolang obediently closing her eyes, Yin Qin turned to look at his parents again.

Qin Keqin did not get angry.

She was just glaring at Yin Bin.

Glaring at him.

Yin Bin said, “Qin Keqin, do you know now what I want?!”

In his tone, there was clearly some gloating.

Qin Keqin coldly stared at him.

Next second.

Just the second after he finished his words, she bent over and threw up.

It was not just dry heaving, she really vomited everything out.

She hadn’t had breakfast yet, she threw up what she had eaten the night before.

Suddenly, the whole corridor became quiet.

No, it had frozen over.

Yin Bin just watched Qin Keqin, watched her throwing up painfully.

Just how much could she hate him!

How much did she hate him, that she could vomit like this.

Yin Qin was also stunned.

At that moment, looking at his father’s pale cheek and his mother’s undisguised vomiting.

What is happening?!

What should he do?!

Suddenly, he wanted to disappear.

He always felt, his father might eat him up.

“Yin Qin.” Qin Keqin had been vomiting for a long time.

Yin Qin glanced at his father, seeing his father’s dark face without any reaction, he rushed over.

But at that moment, he felt his father’s gaze was full of thorns.

“Take me to the hospital.”

“Okay.” Yin Qin helped his mother.

After taking two steps

Qin Keqin’s body suddenly felt lighter.

She screamed and reached out to hold Yin Bin’s neck.

Then she let go of him.

“Are you crazy?” Qin Keqin said fiercely.

“I’ll take you.”

Yin Qin watched his parents leave.

Is this a drama playing out in front of him? Flaunting their love?!

What the hell.

Yin Qin turned to Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang, this girl, was still keeping her eyes closed.

Why is she so obedient?!

How can she be so obedient.

He walked over to her and pecked on her lips.

Luo Xiaolang was surprised.

Yin Qin said, “This is your reward, you can open your eyes now.”

Luo Xiaolang opened her eyes.

She looked at Yin Qin and asked, “So a kiss is a reward?”


It seemed that Luo Xiaolang remembered.

Yin Bin drove Qin Keqin to the hospital.

His face was as dark as Bao Gong’s.

Qin Keqin sat in the back seat without saying a word.

Her stomach felt terrible, as if she wanted to throw up from time to time.

She tried to control it, knowing that continuous vomiting wouldn’t be good for the baby in her stomach.

Upon reaching the hospital.

Qin Keqin immediately went to see the doctor she’d met yesterday.

As she had made a special appointment, there were very few people waiting.

Qin Keqin and Yin Bin easily found a seat in the doctor’s office.

The doctor seemed to have given Yin Bin a glance and made a teasing remark, “Ms. Qin’s husband is indeed well maintained.”

Yin Bin frowned.

Qin Keqin felt a little embarrassed, she steadied her emotions and said, “I plan to keep this baby.”

“Hmm.” The doctor seemed to have anticipated it all along.

She didn’t know why.

When Yin Bin heard those words, his whole heart suddenly bloomed like a flower.

He maintained his seriousness.

The doctor said, “Given Ms. Qin’s condition, she is now 10 weeks pregnant. We recommend having the first formal prenatal check-up next week. There are a lot of tests conducted during the prenatal exams, which serve as the first screening for the fetus. I will make an appointment for Ms. Qin.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“Have there been any adverse reactions recently?” the doctor asked again.

“Not much, I didn’t even realize I was pregnant initially, I just felt sleepier than usual.”

“Being sleepy is normal. Any other reactions? Like pregnancy nausea?”

“There wasn’t any to begin with.” Qin Keqin replied.

Talking about it made her want to vomit again.

Seeing her reaction, the doctor immediately instructed her assistant to pour her a cup of warm boiled water.

Qin Keqin said thank you.

The doctor asked, “You’re feeling nauseous now?”

“I was perfectly fine, but I felt nauseous this morning and threw up. I vomited so much that it felt like my stomach was going to come up, it still feels uncomfortable now.” Qin Keqin said, grinding her teeth.

Yin Bin’s face turned darker.

The doctor looked surprised, “What made you nauseous? Food? An unusual smell?”

“Just the nauseating things.” Qin Keqin’s demeanor worsened the more she spoke.

The doctor could tell that she didn’t want to elaborate so didn’t ask any further, merely stating, “If you are nauseous because of something, you must avoid it next time. You can’t touch it throughout the entire pregnancy, even after the nausea subsides.”

“I’ll never touch it again in my life.” Qin Keqin said resolutely.

Yin Bin looked even worse off hearing this.

“That might not be necessary. Normally, you might not feel nauseous towards something after the pregnancy ends…”

“No, it will make me feel nauseous for the rest of my life.” Qin Keqin asserted.

“…” The doctor had nothing to say in response, and conceded, “Alright, let’s just say it will make you nauseous for the rest of your life.”

At that moment, Yin Bin very much wanted to strangle Qin Keqin.

What about him is nauseating?!

“Since Ms. Qin is an older mother, she needs to pay more attention than others. I will prescribe some medications suitable for both pregnant women and fetuses to prevent or alleviate your pregnancy nausea. You can take one every day until the symptoms disappear completely.”


“Also, Ms. Qin, don’t overeat. You have to eat small meals frequently. As you age, you’re more prone to complications during pregnancy, such as hypertension or diabetes. Although these are normal complications during pregnancy, they can be more dangerous as you age. We should try to avoid them. I will have a professional nutritionist plan your meals.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“You don’t need any other tests today. We will notify you in advance of the check-up next week.”


“After returning home, just follow my instructions and you can rest assured, Ms. Qin.”

“Ok, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Lastly, congratulations to both of you.” The doctor stood up and smiled.

Qin Keqin managed to muster a smile.

Yin Bin, who had been scowling the whole time, finally looked a bit better.

The doctor then addressed Yin Bin, “Take good care of Ms. Qin when you get home. It’s very rare for someone her age to have the courage to bear a child for you.”

Yin Bin nodded.

He wanted to treat this woman well too.

He really did.

The key was whether this woman was willing!

The two of them left the doctor’s office.

Because there were many medical instructions to follow, they went to another reception room where someone explained everything to them.

Yin Bin listened more attentively than Qin Keqin.

Like a curious baby, he asked many questions.

Some were so silly that the nurses couldn’t help laughing.

Yin Bin was also embarrassed, but he didn’t stop asking questions, putting aside his typically proud dignity.

Qin Keqin, on the other hand, appeared much more aloof.

Being an older mother, she’d already been through one pregnancy and understood most of it, so she only needed a brief rundown.

However, Yin Bin ended up wasting a lot of her time.

The morning passed by.

Thankfully, the hospital had breakfast, otherwise Qin Keqin thought she might starve to death.

Yin Bin drove Qin Keqin home.

He wasn’t driving at this speed when they came.

Qin Keqin felt that they were moving at a pace akin to walking, she couldn’t help but glance at the car’s speedometer.


30 mph.

Couldn’t he drive?!

She said, “Can you drive a little faster?”

“No.” Yin Bin replied, “The doctor just said that you can’t endure jolts or excitement. Driving too fast could lead to abrupt braking, which would make you nervous. When you get nervous, your adrenaline increases, which could cause a sudden rise in blood pressure and potentially lead to uterine contractions, which are extremely harmful to the fetus.”


Qin Keqin was at the end of her patience by the time they reached the villa.

There seemed to be someone standing at the villa’s front gate.

Qin Keqin’s eyes paused, “Yin Bin, stop the car.”

Yin Bin naturally saw it too.

Just as he stopped the car and Qin Keqin was preparing to get out,

Yin Bin suddenly stopped her, “Don’t get out of the car yet.”


“What if it’s a thug? The doctor said you can’t take even the slightest shock right now.” Yin Bin was very serious.

After saying this, he went ahead to open the car door first and got down.

The person standing at the door was staring at him as he approached.

Yin Bin asked, “Who are you looking for?”

“Luo Xiaolang,” The man replied.

“And who are you?”

“I’m her senior brother.”

“Senior brother?” Yin Bin was somewhat puzzled.

“Is Xiaolang in?” The man asked.

“She should be, let me check.” Saying this, Yin Bin pressed the doorbell at the entrance of the villa.

The video call connected.

The servant respectfully said, “Mr. Yin.”

“Is Luo Xiaolang in?”

“The young lady is not here, she and the young master have taken the young master to the hospital for child care, they haven’t returned yet.”

“Oh, please open the door for me.”

“Yes, sir.”

The gate opened.

The man just watched all these high-tech devices.

He looked at Yin Bin, who was standing in front of him.

Yin Bin said, “Luo Xiaolang is not here right now, she’ll be back in a while, you can enter and wait.”

“No, I’ll wait for Luo Xiaolang to come back.” The man was very firm.

“You can wait inside.”

“I’ll wait here.” Quite stubborn.

Yin Bin frowned.

The man walked directly to one side and stood there just like before, motionless.

Yin Bin didn’t bother to persuade him more and went back to the car.

The villa’s gate had already opened.

Yin Bin drove the car into the villa.

“Who is he?” Qin Keqin asked.

“He said he was Xiaolang’s senior brother.”

“You let Xiaolang’s senior brother wait outside? What’s he supposed to do out there!” Qin Keqin was irritated.

Her emotions had suddenly risen.

“Please, calm down.” Yin Bin was very serious with regard to Qin Keqin’s emotions.

Qin Keqin glared at Yin Bin.

“The doctor said, you can’t get excited, not even a little. If you get excited, your adrenaline will rise, which can lead to…”

“Yin Bin, stop the car.”

“I’ve already invited Xiaolang’s senior brother in, but he insisted on waiting for Xiaolang to come back before entering. Xiaolang has taken the little tiger to the hospital for child care now, and he insists on waiting for her at the door,” Yin Bin explained.

Qin Keqin rolled her eyes.

Damn it.

Why didn’t you say this sooner?

The car stopped inside the villa.

Yin Bin parked the car, quickly got out, and then went to assist Qin Keqin.

“Don’t touch me.”

“The doctor said the last thing you need now is to fall. The baby hasn’t passed the stable period yet, and you’re not like the young people at your age…” Yin Bin constantly murmured into Qin Keqin’s ears.

Qin Keqin was on the verge of breaking down.

She gritted her teeth in anger.

She really regretted letting Yin Bin accompany her to the doctor.

She planned to give birth to and raise this child on her own.

As for Yin Bin, he could go wherever he likes.

The two of them returned to the living room.

Yin Bin helped Qin Keqin sit on the sofa.

The servant quickly served some fruits.

Looking at the peeled mangosteen in front of her, Qin Keqin prepared to eat a piece with a fork.

“Hold on.” Yin Bin suddenly stopped her.

Qin Keqin looked at him.

Yin Bin took out his phone and while looking up something he said, “Mangosteen is a cold food and is not suitable for pregnant women, you can’t eat it.”

Qin Keqin glared at Yin Bin.

“Mrs. Zhang, please replace the mangosteens.”

“Huh?” The servant was puzzled.

The madam really liked to eat mangosteen.

You should be eating some every day.

She turned to look at Qin Keqin, hesitating somewhat.

“Qin Keqin is pregnant; she shouldn’t eat mangosteens! She is not allowed to have them anymore, remember not to prepare them again,” Yin Bin’s face darkened.

“Oh,” the maid nodded.

The maid promptly removed the mangosteens.

Qin Keqin endured.

She casually picked up the remote control nearby. She needed to watch some variety shows to adjust her mood.

After tuning to the variety channel and preparing to watch her favorite comedy show, Yin Bin unexpectedly switched the channel.

Qin Keqin looked at Yin Bin.

As he flipped the channels, Yin Bin casually mentioned, “The doctor said pregnant women shouldn’t watch stimulating images; they can affect your mood and may cause uterine contractions, which is not good for the fetus. It is also detrimental to prenatal education.”

Qin Keqin clenched her teeth.

After flipping through the channels, Yin Bin finally settled on “Animal World.” He stated, “Hmm, this is nice.”

Nice, my ass.

Unable to stand it any longer, Qin Keqin got up and went upstairs.

When Yin Bin saw her leaving, he prepared to follow.

“Yin Bin, just try following me again!” Qin Keqin threatened.

Yin Bin hesitated for a moment, then sat back down on the sofa.

Qin Keqin went upstairs and returned to her room.

She was truly livid.

Was there something wrong with Yin Bin? Wasn’t there?!

She went into the bathroom, used the toilet, and felt her face was somewhat dry while washing her hands.

She didn’t even moisturize her face this morning after washing it. Right now, she felt like a lot of moisture had been lost. Looking at her reflection, she took a pregnancy mask out of the drawer. It had worked well when Xiaolang had been pregnant, and she had started using it too.

She applied a mask to her face, then left the bathroom to lie down on a chaise lounge by her room’s floor-to-ceiling window. She picked up her cell phone to browse.

As she was looking at her phone…

Someone suddenly opened the door.

Qin Keqin turned her head.

Damn it, she forgot to lock the door.

She gave Yin Bin a sidelong glance as he came in with a glass of milk.

Upon seeing her, Yin Bin was anything but calm.

He quickly went over, pointed at Qin Keqin’s face mask, and rebuked, “You’re actually wearing a face mask! Don’t you know they can be toxic?”

You are the toxic one!

Qin Keqin ignored him.

“Qin Keqin, you need to come to terms with being pregnant!” Yin Bin was very angry and yanked off her mask.

Qin Keqin glared at Yin Bin.

Yin Bin showed no remorse and angrily told Qin Keqin, “You’re still using your phone, don’t you know that cell phones emit a lot of radiation?!”

At this moment, Yin Bin acted as if she had committed a great crime!

Qin Keqin had really had enough!

She said harshly, “Yin Bin, have you had enough?!”

“Huh?” Yin Bin looked at her.

“What’s with all this fuss? I went through the same with Yin Qin’s pregnancy!” Qin Keqin exclaimed. “Don’t pretend to care about me. Even if you were sincere, I wouldn’t accept it. Just get out of my sight.”

“Qin Keqin!” Yin Bin bellowed.

Qin Keqin didn’t care.

It would be best if Yin Bin dropped dead from anger and disappeared from her sight forever.

“Fine, I won’t argue with a pregnant woman. The doctor said pregnant women shouldn’t be agitated, I won’t quarrel with you.” Yin Bin found a way out for himself.

Qin Keqin rolled her eyes, “Out.”

“Drink your milk first.”

“Who the hell drinks milk at noon?” Qin Keqin was speechless.

“The doctor said you can drink it any time of day. Drinking more milk is good for the baby.”

“You drink it, I’m not drinking it!”

“Don’t be so willful.”

Willful, my ass!

Qin Keqin really wanted to swear.

Did this scumbag really not know how much she despised him?!

“Good girl, drink it.”


“Drink it.”


“Qin Keqin…”

“Yin Bin!”

“Fine, don’t drink then.” Yin Bin suddenly conceded, “Don’t you know pregnant women aren’t supposed to get angry?”

If you just fucking disappeared, I wouldn’t be angry!

Yin Bin felt like he was becoming a nuisance. He finished the milk in a few gulps and got up to leave.

As he left, he took Qin Keqin’s cell phone with him.

“Yin Bin!”

“I’m going to charge it for you.”

When he finished speaking, he took off running.

With a look of a successful schemer.

Damn, he’s a moron!

Qin Keqin was truly afraid that her child would end up with Yin Bin after he was born.

Death would be a better choice!

Yin Qin and Luo Xiaolang brought the little tiger home from the hospital.

Considering his condition when he was born, he has made a good recovery, but some areas of his development were slightly behind that of infants of the same age. For example, most three-month-olds can lift their heads slightly off the ground when lying on their chest, but the little tiger could barely lift his head, let alone turn over.

But the doctor said that the little tiger’s innate conditions were a little worse than other children, so he needed more time to fully recover.

As long as he exercises more, he will gradually catch up.

As far as Xiaolang was concerned, as long as the little tiger was healthy, that’s all she wanted. As for the rest, she never worried too much.

The car arrives at the villa.

Luo Xiaolang, sitting in the car, apparently saw a somewhat familiar figure.

She had received a phone call saying that her senior disciple brother would be there in a few days, but she hadn’t expected him to come today.

Unable to hide her excitement, she hastily told Yin Qin to stop the car.

Yin Qin was mystified.

As soon as he had parked, he saw Luo Xiaolang get out of the car eagerly and run like a speeding bullet straight towards a man.

She runs straight into a man’s arms.

The man even excitedly lifted her in the air and spun her around twice.


What the hell was going on?!

Was this her way of making him a cuckold right in front of him?!

He angrily got out of the car.

The nanny stayed in the car, holding the sleeping little tiger.

Yin Qin walked over.

The man was still spinning with Luo Xiaolang in his arms.

Luo Xiaolang was so heavy. How could this man carry her and spin around so much?!

Wait, that’s not the point. The point is, where did this bastard come from?!

He coughed loudly twice.

At the sound of his cough, Luo Xiaolang and the man became aware of him.

The man put Luo Xiaolang down and turned to look at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin stood up straight, appearing formidable, “Xiaolang, who is he?”

“Yin Qin, this is my second senior brother,” Luo Xiaolang said excitedly. “Didn’t I tell you that my senior disciple brother was coming to see me? This is him.”

How could she be so excited?

He was not happy.

He was unhappy, but he endured it.

He was very elegant.

Why should he compete with a monk?

“Second senior brother, this is Yin Qin, the father of Little Tiger,” Luo Xiaolang introduced him.

“Hello.” Yin Qin took the initiative to extend his hand firmly, “I’m Yin Qin, Luo Xiaolang’s husband.”

He emphasized the word husband.

The second senior brother looked Yin Qin up and down.

He folded his hands in greeting, “Hello.”

Yin Qin was a little embarrassed and followed suit in return.

“Let’s go in,” Luo Xiaolang said, holding her second senior brother’s hand intimately.

Yin Qin felt like he was going to vomit blood.

Looking at them holding hands!

Luo Xiaolang, do you need a lesson about what it means to be a wife?!

He gritted his teeth.

Just as he was grinding his teeth in rage, he heard the second senior brother and Luo Xiaolang’s conversation.

The second senior brother asked, “Is this the weakling Yin Qin you spoke of?”

“Yes, it is.”

“He looks delicate and frail, not strong at all.”

“Yes, he is,” Luo Xiaolang nodded in agreement.

Damn it!

Bloody monk!

What era is this? Can brute force solve everything?!

Money is king!

Looking handsome is king!

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

“Young master, Little Tiger is about to wake up. Are you going to drive in?” The nanny called from the car.

“No. Walk in!” Yin Qin snapped angrily!

Angry to death, still talking about driving!

Luo Xiaolang would rather be with her bloody monk than care about her own son!

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