My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 409 - Chapter 409: Chapter 409: Old man Yin, your original wife Miss Tan is pregnant!

Chapter 409: Chapter 409: Old man Yin, your original wife Miss Tan is pregnant!

Song Zhizhi thanked the doctor profusely.

They only left the hospital afterward.

Ji Baijian had driven himself here in the morning.

He wouldn’t let Wei Ziming take them to the hospital even if it killed him.

Now, he was driving away again.

This ironclad straight guy, knowing there was nothing wrong with his own body, was in a dramatically different mood to when he first arrived.

He removed his hat, stopped wearing sunglasses, and his face mask was nowhere to be found.

Song Zhizhi usually felt that Ji Baijian was not of this world and rarely saw him express normal human emotions.

However, now he was driving and humming. Even though the tune was not perfect, it was apparent that he was in high spirits!

To a man, was it so… exhilarating to know that his body was fine?

Song Zhizhi didn’t want to rain on Ji Baijian’s parade.

Ji Baijian, for once, was genuinely happy about something and showed it unabashedly.

Song Zhizhi said, “There’s something I wanted to mention at this moment, but I don’t know if it’s appropriate.”

Ji Baijian glanced at Song Zhizhi.

His upward smile, his radiant eyes so brilliantly bright they could hold little stars.

He said, “Lady, whatever you feel is appropriate to tell me, you can say it.”

“The 46-year-old pregnant woman the doctor spoke of is Qin Keqin.”

A certain man’s smile froze.

“While we were getting our check-up, I came back early and ran into Miss Qin. She’s pregnant. I saw her medical report, she’s 10 weeks in and considering whether to keep it. She’s totally devastated, unable to understand why she got pregnant at her age with just one attempt!”

“…” A certain man’s smile began to twitch.

Just as expected.

He started to feel sick.

Song Zhizhi said, with some frustration, “What did the people around us eat when we were growing up? They get pregnant like they’re playing a game.”

Ji Baijian’s face darkened significantly.

He was upset.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly, he gritted his teeth, “Song Zhizhi.”


For the first time, he did not call her his wife, but addressed her by name.

“Our fruit of love.”

What kind of old-fashioned term is “fruit of love”?

“Will report to you next month.” Ji Baijian said, pausing after each word.

“You say that every month.” Song Zhizhi retorted.

“I’m serious this month.”

You’re serious every month.

“Let’s go on a trip when we have time.” Ji Baijian suggested, his tone domineering, “I will plan the itinerary.”

“Where to?”

“Beixia Country.” Ji Baijian confirmed.

“You were persuaded quite easily by Lu Yicheng.”

“No, I’ve already done my own research.” Ji Baijian was very serious.

He’s done the research so quickly. When did Ji Baijian become so proactive?!

Alright then.

I have to admit, Ji Baijian does everything decisively!

“Lu Yicheng’s father, who was also the former head of Beixia Country, had two children, a boy and a girl, with his wife. His cousin had twins, his daughter had twins, and his son had a boy and a girl. Almost everyone has two children.” Ji Baijian spoke with a serious tone.

Song Zhizhi really did not want to comment.

Her understanding of research was exploring how to have fun, not investigating other people’s family trees.

She also didn’t want to upset him. So she said, “Ji Baijian, that’s genetic in their case. For instance, having twins has a genetic factor. It’s not like everyone can be this lucky!”

“It’s not just Lu Yicheng’s family, I’ve done the research. In Beixia Country, most families have two or more children, with only a minority having one. The performance of infertility specialty hospitals in Beixia Country is extremely poor worldwide, which means there are very few cases of infertility in Beixia Country. This proves that the geomantic omen in Beixia Country is favorable for family planning.”

“…Why don’t you say it’s because Beixia Country’s bloodline is better.” Song Zhizhi was speechless. “Besides, even if it is a geographically desirable place, do you think we could be influenced by it in just a day or two?! Furthermore, why don’t you go to Argo? Each family there has three, four, or five children. On top of that, the people there are incredibly beautiful. You might even meet a pretty young thing and bring her home…”

“My lady.” Ji Baijian cut her off.

Song Zhizhi looked at him.

“Are you blaming me for not being able to get you pregnant?”

Was there blame?

No way.

She was very calm. Without Ji Baijian’s eager desire to have a child, she wouldn’t have thought so much.

Nor would she feel so much pressure.

“My lady, please rest assured, I am confident,” he said.

“…” I don’t believe you.

Song Zhizhi was helpless.

Ji Baijian was incredibly stubborn when it came to having children.

The car kept moving on the street.

The speed wasn’t fast or slow.

Both of them rarely led such leisurely lives. Sometimes they even felt that such peaceful days wouldn’t last for a few days before the storm would come again.

The car wobbled slightly.

Ji Baijian seemed to suddenly react and said, “Who did you just say is pregnant?”

So, your main concern just now was all about “first try conception,” huh?!

“Qin Keqin, Yin Qin’s mother.”

“She’s pregnant? Is the child Yin Bin’s?” Ji Baijian frowned.

“Ji Baijian, where is your mind? You’re questioning Miss Qin!” Song Zhizhi was displeased.

“No, their relationship has never been very good. According to Yin Qin, they haven’t slept together since he was born.”

“Miss Qin said she planned to file for divorce unilaterally, but then she found out she’s pregnant.”

“Yin Bin never wanted a divorce. Now that Qin Keqin is pregnant, he will definitely not divorce.”

“Miss Qin doesn’t seem to want Uncle Yin to know.”

“He has to know eventually.” Ji Baijian’ lips curled into a smile.


Truth can’t be covered, he has to know one day.

She actually quite wanted to see that scene.

The thought alone was quite exhilarating.


The person involved wasn’t so calm.

After Qin Keqin returned from the hospital, she sat on the sofa for a long time, unable to calm down.

The thought of carrying Yin Bin’s child made her want to jump off a building in a minute.

She had been indifferent towards Yin Bin her whole life, no matter what he did, with whom he was good, she was indifferent, even when she looked at him, she could treat him as air.

But now, she felt like shit.

Was it heavenly punishment?!

After returning from the hospital, she just sat on the sofa alone, lost in thought.

After feeding the baby and leaving him with the nanny, Luo Xiaolang came downstairs. As soon as she arrived, she saw Qin Keqin sitting on the sofa by herself, silent, her expression rather… strange.

She walked over, “Mom.”

Qin Keqin suddenly came back to reality.

She forced a smile, ” Xiaolang, you’re awake.”

“Yes.” Luo Xiaolang nodded, “I just fed the baby. He’s asleep now, and I’m not sleepy.”

“Oh.” Qin Keqin nodded quietly.

Luo Xiaolang noted her demeanor, sensing something was off, but didn’t press further.

It was Qin Keqin who took the initiative to ask, “Xiaolang, what do you think of babies?”

“Babies? Do you mean my baby? I think he’s really cute, much cuter than I expected.” Speaking of her son, Luo Xiaolang’s face lit up with a warm glow, an emotion only a mother would have, she said, “I didn’t really like children before, always found them so weak, they can’t do anything other than bawl, a tiny thing can make them cry. Hmm, just like Yin Qin.”

“But now, I don’t think so. I find children are still weak, but they’re incredibly soft, holding them feels like holding the whole world, it can make a sun rise in your heart, if he smiles, it feels like my heart is going to melt, this feeling is hard to describe, at least now I don’t dislike children at all.” Luo Xiaolang voiced her true feelings.

Qin Keqin nodded, sighing slightly.

Even Luo Xiaolang, after becoming a mother, had so many feelings, let alone herself.

When Yin Qin was born, she wasn’t much older. She doted on him then, in fact, for a long time she lived under the shadow of Yin Bin and Lin Ximeng, even if she hid it well. If it weren’t for Yin Qin, she wouldn’t have moved so quickly away from their disgusting behavior, and lived so freely.

Back then.

Back then, under such circumstances she could give birth to Yin Qin, now… should she try again?!


She admits, she has somewhat compromised.

Thinking about having a child, she doesn’t really reject the idea. If she gives birth, the baby could even keep the little tiger company.

But when she thought about how the child was Yin Bin’s, she was just so mad!

She even felt that she could accept if the kid belonged to any other man, as long as it wasn’t Yin Bin’s!

This man really was a thorn in her side for life, impossible to get rid of!

“Xiaolang,” Qin Keqin suddenly started speaking, “If I said I had to leave for a while, would you be okay taking care of our little tiger by yourself?”

“Huh?” Luo Xiaolang was a bit surprised.

“I mean hypothetically, if I were gone for quite a while, say, for about a year, could you handle taking care of our little tiger at home all by yourself?”

“Where are you going?” Luo Xiaolang didn’t quite understand.

“I might need to go on a long trip. There are some things…” Qin Keqin wasn’t planning on telling Xiaolang.

She didn’t plan on telling them.

She knew very well that if she told Yin Qin, Yin Bin would definitely find out.

Despite their poor relationship as father and son, there were certain things Yin Qin absolutely wouldn’t hide from Yin Bin.

“Oh, should be fine, I guess.” Luo Xiaolang nodded,” Little tiger is pretty easy to take care of, plus, we have the nanny’s help, so it shouldn’t be too hard.”

“That’s good.”

“But I quite enjoy living with you.” Luo Xiaolang murmured.

Qin Keqin looked at Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang laughed and said, “I feel like you really are like my mom.”

Luo Xiaolang gave off a very clean and pure image. Even after becoming a mother, she still hadn’t been stained by any mundane matters, her smile could always touch people’s hearts with her sincerity.

Every time, Qin Keqin found herself influenced by Luo Xiaolang’s smile.

So at that moment, she began to hesitate again.

She could feel Luo Xiaolang’s subtle dependence on her now.

She also understood, if she left, Luo Xiaolang wouldn’t hold her back, he could even probably live well by himself, but she couldn’t help but worry unnecessarily.

She felt conflicted and unsettled.

Moreover, the idea of her, a pregnant woman herself, delivering a child while out alone was also somewhat strange!

Since deciding to have this child, she should do it openly. If the child wasn’t wanted, it wouldn’t be fair to bring him into the world!

Qin Keqin really was thinking too much.

Her mind was filled with thoughts about the baby all day.

One moment, she thought about going to a maternity center by herself to give birth before returning, another moment she thought, since she’d decided, why should she fear others’ remarks.

But it’s not to say, all her thoughts were centered on, delivering this child.


After a full day of contemplation, Qin Keqin calmed down.

She decided to let it be.

Go with the flow, let everyone know about this child, deliver him naturally.

With such a thought.

When Yin Qin came back at night.

At dinner, Qin Keqin disclosed the news.

She said, addressing Yin Qin and Luo Xiaolang, “I am pregnant.”

At the time, Yin Qin was eating his meal ravenously.

He was starving.

The food on the film set was all packed meals, not very tasty at all. Coming back home to such a delicious dinner was like heaven, so he was eating a bit hastily.

At that moment, upon hearing the words his mother said, he spurted out the whole mouthful of food.

Qin Keqin, sitting across from Yin Qin, glared at him with a terrifying expression.

Yin Qin was dumbstruck.

He stared straight at Qin Keqin, at her face covered in rice grains.

At that moment, rather than wiping his mother’s face immediately, he was trying to figure out if he had misheard something.

The maid standing beside them quickly took out a wet towel to clean the rice grains off Qin Keqin’s face and body.

Qin Keqin still held her ladylike posture, looking at her son.

Yin Qin wiped his lips hard, “Mom, what did you say just now?”

“I said I’m pregnant.” Qin Keqin repeated.

Yin Qin felt that her words were as shocking as a nuclear bomb exploding.

He sat there in silence for a few seconds, then abruptly jumped up from his chair.


Luo Xiaolang was also taken aback by Yin Qin’s reaction.

Somewhat of an overreaction, no matter how you looked at it.

Luo Xiaolang had actually reacted a bit, being somewhat surprised upon hearing that Qin Keqin was pregnant. She had a vague concept of these common-sense things, knowing that Qin Keqin was past the age for having children, especially considering how old Yin Qin already was.

“Are you out of your mind?” Qin Keqin looked at Yin Qin’s reaction.

Was he excited about a monkey’s pregnancy or what?

Yin Qin was jubilant, hopping up and down, “Hahaha, Miss Qin, after being with old man Yin for so long, you’ve finally taken that resolute step and ‘crowned’ old man Yin with a bright green hat! Good job! I’ll give you a hundred likes!”

What even was his main point?!

Did it matter right now whether it was a green hat or not?

The point was, she was pregnant.

At the ripe old age of 47, she was pregnant!

Even saying it aloud would surprise anyone.

Is her son even her biological child?!

Did the nurse mix up the babies back then?

Yin Qin was excited on his own for quite a while, seeing his mother stare at him expressionless, he finally calmed down a bit.

He sat down, sitting upright as he said, “Whose child is this, a young buck’s, isn’t it? Tell me quickly so I can marry him off. I don’t mind his youth, as long as he can handle you, I’ll call him dad… Ah!”

A hard slap landed on Yin Qin’s head.

Qin Keqin just couldn’t take anymore.

Yin Qin absolutely deserved to be reprimanded!

She gave Yin Qin a severe smack on the forehead, “Can you be a little serious?!”

“Am I not being serious? How much more serious do you want me to be?” Yin Qin held his head, looking aggrieved as he said, “I’ve even let you marry him, what else do you want? Should I prepare some betrothal gifts or something? Just say what you want and I’ll get it!”

The child is Yin Bin’s,” Qin Keqin said, her teeth grinding with each word.

Yin Qin was stunned, staring at his mother.

Qin Keqin started to feel uncomfortable under her son’s gaze.

She said, “Have you lost your mind?!”

“I mean, Miss Qin, what are you thinking! So many good-looking men in the Yanshang country, and any one of them is stronger and most potent than my father. You actually let him impregnate you again. He has already thrown himself in Lin Ximeng’s arms. I thought you’d find a man a hundred times better than my father. That would have killed him! Now he has impregnated you again!”

“Enough! I did not tell you so that you could judge my private life. I was just letting you know that starting today, I’m pregnant. Being pregnant will bring many changes to my body. I’m well past the suitable age, um, way past the age for pregnancy. You better not make me angry in the future!”

Yin Qin didn’t seem too enthusiastic.

Another slap landed on Yin Qin’s forehead.

Yin Qin cried out,” Mom, is that something a pregnant woman should do?!”

“You’d better enthuse a bit and look forward to your little sister’s arrival.”

“Is it a sister?” Yin Qin looked at his mother’s stomach.

“My sixth sense tells me it’s a girl.”

“What if it’s a boy…”

“Absolutely not!” Qin Keqin said firmly, “If it’s a boy, I’ll shove him back in!”

She shouldn’t contradict herself later.

Luo Xiaolang sat on the side, watching the lively discussion between mother and son, and asked out of curiosity, “Do you both really like girls?”

“No, no.” Qin Keqin hastily explained, “It’s not that we like girls, it’s just that if I have another boy like Yin Qin, I might throw up.”

“Oh.” Luo Xiaolang nodded.

So, it was just Yin Qin she had a problem with.

It had nothing to do with her pet tiger.

She didn’t discriminate between sexes anyway. Boy or girl, as long as they can fight, it’s fine.

“I would love to have a little sister.” Yin Qin started to daydream.

Imagining a soft and cute little girl, chasing after him every day and calling him ‘brother.’ The scene seemed pretty sweet.

“You two can have another daughter.” Qin Keqin said decisively, as if saying if I give birth to a daughter, none of you can have your wicked ways with her.

She would spoil her like a little princess.

“About that…” Yin Qin looked disgusted.

If they have a daughter and she looks like Luo Xiaolang, being so burly, it might be difficult for her to get married in the future.

“Try making that face at me again!” Qin Keqin could tell what her son was thinking with just one look.

Yin Qin rolled his eyes.

Suddenly remembering something, he hurriedly asked, “Does my dad know?”

Their conversation was getting heated.

Did the main culprit know about it?!

Qin Keqin seemed indifferent, “What difference would it make whether he knows or not? Whether he knows or not doesn’t make a much difference to me.”

“Mom, what’s going on between you and my dad?” Yin Qin was somewhat confused.

How could there possibly be another child if they no longer love each other?

And yet, it really doesn’t seem like they’re still in love!

Given his mother’s personality, she would never bear his child without any complaints or regrets while his father was having an affair during his second marriage.

Everything was unclear now.

“What can I do? I had planned to get a divorce. Who knew your sister would show up at this crucial moment? I’m lost for words,” Qin Keqin said, “I don’t care anymore, let it be. She’s raised you all these years just like this. As for your father, he’s no more than a name.”

“Quite a potent name, though, repeatedly filling your belly.”

“…” Qin Keqin’s complexion darkened.

Yin Qin was truly driving her mad.

She hated him for bringing up the unpleasant past.

“How can you get pregnant so easily! As soon as you mentioned it, you were pregnant again!” Yin Qin exclaimed, “Ji Baijian and Song Zhizhi have been trying to conceive and they never could.”

“Speaking of, I ran into Zhizhi and Baijian today.”

“Are they pregnant yet?”

“No, they were going for a medical check-up.”

“Does Ji Baijian have issues?!” Yin Qin asked, with a hint of schadenfreude.

Qin Keqin rolled her eyes at Yin Qin, “You can’t wait to see Ji Baijian fail, can you?”

“You have no idea how much resentment I’ve carried living under his shadow all these years. Now that I finally have something to boast about, how can I not be excited?”

“I don’t know. I left after my check-up, so I don’t know their results, but it shouldn’t be a major issue,” Qin Keqin affirmed, “They’re just too stressed, which isn’t conducive to conception.”

“Hmm.” Yin Qin nodded.

“I can’t eat anymore.” Qin Keqin put down her chopsticks.

“Aren’t you pregnant? Come on, eat more,” Yin Qin tempted his mother.

“I’m not eating. The table is covered with the rice you spat out. It’s disgusting.” Qin Keqin left the table disdainfully.

“Mom, I’m your son. Shouldn’t everything that comes out of my mouth smell sweet to you?” Yin Qin retorted.

Isn’t it true that to a mother, her son’s feces look as precious as gold?!

Why was his mom disgusted with him?!


It must be because of the second child.

Everyone says that once the second child is born, the first child loses his place in the family.

“It stinks to high heaven!” Qin Keqin scowled.


Qin Keqin left the dining table.

As soon as she left, her face broke into a smile.

Sometimes, she was truly annoyed by her son’s carelessness. But at this moment, she was relieved to have such a seemingly silly and absent-minded son. After learning she was pregnant again, his nature alleviated any potential awkwardness she might have felt given her age. He hadn’t pressured her about the pregnancy at all.

At the dining table.

Luo Xiaolang was still eating generously.

Yin Qin looked at her, “Aren’t you disgusted by me?”

“Hmm?” Luo Xiaolang looked back at Yin Qin in surprise.

“I spat out my food just now, don’t you find that disgusting?”

“Oh.” Luo Xiaolang responded, “I’m used to it.”

“You’re used to it? I never used to do this!” Yin Qin explained, “I’m just a little agitated today, so I did something uncivilized. But I never do this normally!”

“Oh. When I say I’m used to it, I mean, back when we were at the Wulin Temple, sometimes my brothers couldn’t help but sneeze and we never minded,” she clarified.

“Luo Xiaolang!” Yin Qin simmered with anger.

“Huh?” Luo Xiaolang watched him.

She didn’t know what was going on with Yin Qin!

He had these outbursts from time to time.

After yelling at her, Yin Qin didn’t know why he was so agitated, all of a sudden.

But he was angry, nonetheless.

Just how close had Luo Xiaolang been with her temple brothers?!


He put down his chopsticks.

Suddenly, he lost his appetite.

Luo Xiaolang noticed his change of demeanor, “Aren’t you eating anymore?”

“No, I have had enough, enough!” He was already full, not of food but of rage!

Luo Xiaolang is clueless about what Yin Qin is thinking.

Anyway, she’s hungry.

She could eat a bit more.

Seeing Luo Xiaolang acting so carefree, Yin Qin feels like he’s about to explode.

Luo Xiaolang probably has no idea what he’s angry about.

Why does this feel so familiar?!

He would never admit that he often infuriates others to the same degree of bewilderment!

Angry and puffing, Yin Qin plans to leave.

“Oh, by the way, Yin Qin.” While eating, Luo Xiaolang suddenly remembers something, “One of my senior disciples is coming to visit me in a few days.”

“Hmm?” Yin Qin frowns.

“He said he wanted to see me and the little tiger. Even though master expelled me from the sect, he still couldn’t bear to part with me. My brothers also miss me, so my senior disciple is coming to see me.”

“Well, let him come.”

“I just wanted to let you know.”

“No need to tell me, just entertain him like you would at your own home.”

“Alright.” Luo Xiaolang gives a subtle smile.

Yin Qin looks at Luo Xiaolang’s smile.

It’s strange, this woman isn’t particularly pretty, but every time she smiles it’s so… uplifting.

He turns around to leave the dining room.

The little tiger awakes from his nap and is brought downstairs by the nanny, currently playing in the living room.

Although the little tiger spends most of his time eating and sleeping, he does have some time to play. When he is happy, he would give a wide grin, looking exactly like Luo Xiaolang when she smiles.


It must be the fact that his son’s smile is so similar to Luo Xiaolang’s that affects him.

He takes his son from the nanny.

After three months of recuperation, his son’s weight has basically normalized, and his chubby baby face is gradually taking shape, which is unbearably cute.

He can’t help but kiss the little tiger’s cheeks.

The little tiger looks disgusted.

“Enough, don’t suffocate him with your smell.” Qin Keqin can’t stand it anymore.

She didn’t expect Yin Qin to like kids that much.

She always thought Yin Qin was still immature and wouldn’t have any affection for children.

But in reality, whenever Yin Qin comes home, he spends most of his time interacting with his son. Although he’s not very good at taking care of the baby’s needs, he’s particularly good at making him laugh. His joyous laughter always curls his eyes up like small crescent moons, making him look even more adorable.

“My son thinks everything about me, even my smell, is pleasant.” Yin Qin holds his son in his arms, snorting at his mother, “Just look at how happy he is.”

Qin Keqin is speechless.

Seeing how cute the giggling little tiger is, her heart melts.

She reaches out, “Let me hold him.”

Reluctantly, Yin Qin plans to hand the little tiger over, but then changes his mind, “No, you’re pregnant, you can’t hold children. It may harm the fetus.”

“Who told you that?”

“Isn’t that how it’s always portrayed on TV? Haven’t you been watching the casting episodes of ‘Hall of Heaven’ on the Yin He network lately? There was a scene in which the female lead wanted to hold someone else’s child and the male lead wouldn’t allow it. Personally, I think Xiao Jin’s acting was much better, but the role has already been decided. There’s nothing I can do about it.” Yin Qin mumbles on.

Unhappy, Qin Keqin retorts, “Those are TV dramas, they’re over exaggerated. Can you believe them? Just holding him without moving; it doesn’t matter. Give him to me.”

“No.” Yin Qin stubbornly replies, “Better to be safe than sorry. What if something happened to my little sister because of this carelessness… No, no, no, children will be children. Regardless, you can’t hold him. If you want to see the little tiger, I can just move closer.”

Saying so, Yin Qin shuffles closer to Qin Keqin.

Qin Keqin doesn’t bother arguing with Yin Qin for once.

She leans in closer to play with the little tiger.

Seeing his grandmother, the little tiger smiles even more brilliantly, waving his little hands and feet, his eyes curved like two small moons, absolutely adorable.

Yin Qin looks at his son and tells him, “Little tiger, do you know you have a sister?”

“Are you an idiot?” Qin Keqin glances at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin stops, “Oh, oh, oh, I’m wrong, I’m wrong, it’s not your sister, it’s mine. It’s my sister. What’s the relationship to him?”


“That’s how the generation gap works.” Qin Keqin responds seriously.

“Okay, aunt it is.” Yin Qin says, “Little tiger, are you looking forward to your aunt’s arrival?”

At that moment, the little tiger suddenly moves his little hands and feet.

It seems like he’s looking forward to it.

Qin Keqin and Yin Qin burst into laughter.

The villa was filled with laughter and joy.

At times, Luo Xiaolang feels very fortunate to have joined such a family.

She always feels that it’s warmer than Song Zhizhi’s family, not to mention the family of Xin Zaozao.

When she left Wulin Temple, the master and his disciples always told her that outsiders were bad and that she should not trust them. But why did she meet all the nice people, like Song Zhizhi, Qin Keqin, and especially… Yin Qin?

Having finished her meal, she began to approach them too.

The little tiger became restless at the sight of his mom.

He pouted, obviously wanting his milk.

By now, Luo Xiaolang had completely figured out the little tiger’s needs. She held him in her arms and naturally started to breastfeed.

Yin Qin had also gotten used to it.

He had gotten used to Xiaolang breastfeeding in front of him without reservations.

Actually, why would there be anything to be shy about?

After all, they are husband and wife… they would soon be open to each other again.

Now, already three months had passed.

The doctor said they could after three months.

“Yin Qin, why is your face so red?” Qin Keqin turned her gaze from the little tiger and saw her son’s unusually flushed face, “Are you having a fever?”

“I’m not!” Yin Qin was a little agitated.

Qin Keqin looked at him.

“I said, I don’t have a fever.” Yin Qin explained, feeling as if he was trying to cover up an obvious lie.

Having said that.

His face reddened even more.

He felt a little restless, “I’m going out for a smoke.”

“Smoking is harmful to your health.” Luo Xiaolang said, suddenly raising her head.

Yin Qin looked at Luo Xiaolang.

He looked at her exposed, fair neck.

Was he seeing things, or had Luo Xiaolang become even fairer?

Even her face seemed much fairer.

“I saw it on a cigarette advertisement.” Luo Xiaolang explained.

“Is a man still a man if he doesn’t smoke?!” Yin Qin said grumpily.

As he said it, he took his cigarettes and headed out to the backyard.

He lit it up.

Inhaled deeply.

He noticed he was starting to lose his cool.

How could he, after all these years!

Luo Xiaolang is just a tomboy.

He took two more heavy drags.

As he was about to take the third drag.

He stopped abruptly.

In his mind was just that casual line Luo Xiaolang had said, “Smoking is harmful to health.”

He must have gone mad, to have started believing Luo Xiaolang’s nonsense.

He even extinguished the remaining half of the cigarette.

He sat in the chair in the backyard, staring at the twinkling stars in the sky.

Work had not been going well recently.

Li Wenjun was truly being insufferably arrogant on the set, he wanted to kill him. The last time he had beaten up Li Wenjun because he was upset, he was sued and his father personally called him up for an inquiry. He was told not to provoke his aunt’s people unnecessarily.

Damn it!

He was full of resentment.

He wanted to smoke again.

But he held back.

This cycle continued for quite a while.

In the end, he still held back.

Suddenly, it occurred to him that now everyone knew his mother was pregnant, did his father know?

A mischievous idea arose in his heart.

He hurriedly dialed a call, “Dad.”

There was a pause on the other end, “I’m your Aunt Lin.”

Yin Qin’s face changed slightly, his voice much colder, “Where’s my dad?”

“He’s taking a bath.” Lin Ximeng sounded particularly gentle, not the slightest bit upset due to Yin Qin’s coldness, she said, “Is it urgent? If so, I could go in now and hand him the phone?”

“No need, I’ll call back later.” Having said, he simply hung up the phone.

His dad was really stuck in Lin Ximeng’s “Warm Village”!

He turned around.

At that moment he saw Qin Keqin standing behind him.

“Mom.” Yin Qin felt somewhat awkward.

Considering his father was with another woman at the moment, even taking a bath, he couldn’t help but feel… it wasn’t simple.

“Just wanted to tell you, the little tiger has his health check-up tomorrow. If you have time, you could accompany us.” Qin Keqin said seriously, “I might have to go for a prenatal check-up, so I’m afraid Xiaolang and the nanny can’t handle it alone.”

“Alright, I’ll take a day off.” Yin Qin said.

Qin Keqin nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

“Mom.” Yin Qin called out to her.

“Anything else?” Qin Keqin acted very casually.

“Doesn’t it bother you… that my dad is like this?” Yin Qin pointed to his cell phone.

Obviously, his mother must have heard the call he made just now.

“Alright, stop being so sentimental, it doesn’t suit you.” Qin Keqin hit the nail on the head when she wanted to put someone down.

Yin Qin was not happy.

He was sincerely concerned, alright!

Qin Keqin said, “If it was going to upset me, I would have been upset to death a long time ago, wouldn’t have waited until now! For me, your father is just a machine, a machine that lets me get pregnant. He has no other use. So, whatever he does has no effect on me.”


Qin Keqin did not explain further.

She only had that look, the one that says, you can choose to believe it or not, but you have no other choice.

Alright then.

Yin Qin shrugged, at any rate, he was used to it.


Yin Bin walked out of Lin Ximeng’s bathroom.

He saw Lin Ximeng holding his phone in her hand, her expression slightly changed.

Lin Ximeng quickly explained, “Your phone was ringing just now, I saw you were in the bathroom so I answered for you, it was Yin Qin. I thought he might have something important for you.”

“In the future, do not answer my calls without my permission.” He said, taking the phone from Lin Ximeng.

“Oh, alright.” Lin Ximeng looked disappointed.

Yin Bin did not comfort her.

He picked up his coat from the sofa, “I’m leaving.”

“Yin Bin.” Lin Ximeng approached him, grabbing his hand, “Can’t you just not leave tonight?”

Yin Bin looked at her.

Lin Ximeng slowly let go, “Ever since we started seeing each other, you’ve never stayed the night.”

“Lin Ximeng, I’ve told you, we are just pretending. Once it’s done, I’ll make it up to you, but remember…stay in your place.” Yin Bin threatened her, each word clear and concise.

Lin Ximeng gritted her teeth.

Yin Bin left without saying anything else.

Lin Ximeng stared angrily at Yin Bin’s retreating figure.

What does he mean by asking her to stay in her place?!

From the moment she agreed to cooperate with Yin Bin, she had never thought of staying in her place!

Yin Bin returned to his car.

The driver drove him back.

Recently, to make Yin Ying believe he was with Lin Ximeng, he’d basically go to Lin Ximeng’s house for dinner every day. However, in reality, they never had any substantial relationship.

He lowered his head, picked up the phone and redialed Yin Qin’s number.

Yin Qin teased, “Done with your bath already? Not going for a nice romantic bath or something?”

“If you have something to say, say it!”

“Nothing important, nothing at all. It’s just that your first wife, Ms. Qin, got pregnant when she was caught off guard!”

Someone, from head to toe, from his heart, liver and lungs, was entirely stunned!

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