My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 404 - Chapter 404: Chapter 344: Yin Qin is Insulted by Weng Cheng in Various Ways! (Second Update)

Chapter 404: Chapter 344: Yin Qin is Insulted by Weng Cheng in Various Ways! (Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

On the warm, cozy bed.

Yin Qin had Luo Xiaolang rest her head on his arm.

This seemed to be the first time he looked at Luo Xiaolang so carefully from such close quarters.

If her body shape were ignored, she actually had quite delicate facial features. Neither her forehead was too large nor her nose too flat. Her eyes were only single-fold but by no means small. When he looked closer, her eyelashes were quite long. He vaguely remembered her eyes were very black, very clear, and very clean. Her lips were medium-sized and moderately coloured, and her chin was somehow pointed.

Overall, her facial features were not outstanding and did not hold any aggressiveness. At first glance, she seemed quite ordinary and still seemed ordinary after looking for a while. This ordinariness, however, inexplicably gave a sense of comfort. It was a unique feeling of being neither unpretty nor able to be called out for being plain.

Yin Qin gazed at her bit by bit, wondering if Luo Xiaolang would look prettier with longer hair?

Never mind.

As a tomboy, it was too much to expect Luo Xiaolang to grow out her hair.

He even felt that her hair was shorter than his.

Yin Qin stared at Luo Xiaolang for a long time.

So long that his arm was sore.

Luo Xiaolang was quite heavy.

He moved his arm a bit.

Television made this sleeping position seem romantic and warm. He had daydreamed about such scenes with Ji Baixing, never thinking that this sweetness would turn out to be so brutal. His whole arm felt numb.

Was this due to Luo Xiaolang’s astonishing weight?

On second thought, when he woke up, he was resting precisely on Luo Xiaolang’s arm. She was still in the same position even after sleeping the whole night.

Suddenly, there was a warm feeling in his heart.

How could Luo Xiaolang, a woman only 19 years old, be so considerate?

He tolerated it, letting Luo Xiaolang rest on his arm.

After an indeterminable amount of time.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door from outside, then the door was opened.

Qin Keqin came in holding the crying little tiger.

Yin Qin turned his head to look at his mother.

He saw as she came in and walked straight to Xiaolang without looking towards him. Speaking in an exceptionally soothing voice that he had never experienced before in his life, she said, “Xiaolang, I’ve brought the little tiger for his feed.”

Luo Xiaolang quickly opened her eyes.

She sat up drowsily from the bed, lifted her top in a same state.

Yin Qin blinked, feeling a little shy.

Luo Xiaolang held their little tiger and began feeding him adeptly.

As soon as the little tiger had his feed, he stopped crying and seemed engaged passionately.

Yin Qin sat up on the bed, rubbing his arm and watched his son eating heartily.

Suddenly, Luo Xiaolang who was feeding the baby seemed to regain her consciousness.

She moved her neck a bit.

Yin Qin asked her, “Did you sleep well just now?”

“Hmm?” Luo Xiaolang turned and looked at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin said, “Didn’t you feel you had a good sleep just now? Usually, you wake up very easily, but today, even with the little tiger’s crying, you didn’t wake up. Does that mean you slept soundly?”

Luo Xiaolang thought for a moment, then replied, “Earlier, I felt as if someone was strangling my neck. It was so tight that I was almost suffocated. I tried to struggle but just couldn’t wake up. It’s good that auntie woke me up, otherwise, I might have suffocated in my sleep.”

“…” With Luo Xiaolang, there was no room for romance.

Yin Qin rose from the bed and left without a word.

Qin Keqin looked at her son’s annoyed expression, and decided to ignore it. Instead, she spoke to Xiaolang, “Xiaolang, you and Yin Qin are soon to be married. Now that you have a child together, auntie really sees you as my daughter-in-law. So, isn’t it about time you changed how you address me?”

“Hmm?” Luo Xiaolang didn’t quite understand.

Yin Qin, who was walking into the bathroom, paused at her words and looked back at them.

Qin Keqin said, “According to the customs in Yanshang Country, after getting married, you should address each other’s parents as father and mother. Yin Qin calls me mom, so, in the future, you should also call me mom.”

“Oh,” Luo Xiaolang seemed to understand. She spoke very naturally, calling her, “Mom.”

Qin Keqin’s eyes turned red instantly.

She thought Luo Xiaolang would hesitate, or maybe feel embarrassed about it, or have a lot of concerns. She had prepared many arguments in anticipation Luo Xiaolang’s refusal. Unexpectedly, she called her so effortlessly. The sound was as pure as water, without any impurities.

“Good girl,” Qin Keqin caressed her cheek, “From now on, you’re my daughter. If Yin Qin dares to bully you, I’ll never let him off.”

Luo Xiaolang grinned, “He can’t bully me, I’m stronger than him.”

“Silly child,” sometimes being bullied had nothing to do with who was stronger!

Yin Qin laughed in amusement.

He then entered the bathroom.

He didn’t know why, but hearing Luo Xiaolang call his mother “mom” made his heart inexplicably happy.

He finished freshening up.

The little tiger had also fallen asleep while nursing.

Qin Keqin held the little tiger and prepared to leave.

Yin Qin called to his mother, “Mom, Dad called me this morning and asked me to go to work at the company.”

Qin Keqin said, “Oh, I knew about it. Your father called me. On this matter, I agree with his opinion.”

Yin Qin grumbled.

“Learn to become an adult and stop relying on your family,” Qin Keqin added.

“I understand,” Yin Qin said. “I will go to work soon.”

Qin Keqin nodded at Xiaolang, “Xiaolang, you sleep a bit more and wake up when you’re ready. I’m going out with the little tiger to get some sun.”

“Mmhm,” Luo Xiaolang nodded.

Qin Keqin left with the little tiger.

Yin Qin also followed and left.

After a simple breakfast, he drove himself to the Milky Way Corporation.

To tell the truth.

He really didn’t want to go.

Just thinking about how he, a young master of the Milky Way Corporation, has now become subservient and has to tread carefully around Weng Cheng, makes him furious. The thought of Weng Cheng’s smug face was infuriating.

If it wasn’t for his need to support a wife and a child, he wouldn’t have needed to expose himself like this!


He parked his sedan at the entrance of the Milky Way Corporation, habitually getting out of the car, intending to throw the car keys to the security guard at the gate. But in the next second, he drove the sedan into the parking garage himself, walked back, and entered the hall of the Milky Way Corporation.

The hall was bustling with many employees.

By the time Yin Qin arrived, he was already late for work, but he still walked around the hall as if he didn’t care about the eyes of others.

Waiting for the elevator.

The elevator doors opened.

Just as Yin Qin was about to get in, he saw Weng Cheng inside.

Weng Cheng frowned at Yin Qin, his assistant standing beside him.

Yin Qin didn’t bother to greet Weng Cheng. In contrast, Weng Cheng suddenly said, “Deputy Director Yin.”

Yin Qin paused his step to the elevator.

“What time is it now?” Weng Cheng asked him.

“Don’t you wear a watch?” Yin Qin replied rudely.

Weng Cheng’s face was cold. He turned to his assistant and said, “Notify Human Resources. Every employee must use strict facial recognition for clocking in and out, including senior staff.”

“Yes,” The assistant was extremely respectful and deliberately added, “I will personally notify HR to register Deputy Director Yin for clock-in facial recognition.”

“And also inform Deputy Director Yin about our late arrival and early departure penalty system. I wouldn’t want him to feel wronged when the time comes because he didn’t know the rules,” Weng Cheng sarcastically added.

“Yes!” The assistant quickly agreed.

Weng Cheng left the elevator with his assistant.

Yin Qin watched Weng Cheng.

Simply, absolutely infuriating!

He told himself, endure.

Enduring for a moment brings peace.

He stepped into the elevator, grinding his teeth as he pressed the floor button.

Arriving at his office, he told his secretary outside the door, “Bring me a cup of coffee.”

The secretary seemed troubled, stammering, “Vice Director, maybe perhaps…”


“I just received a call from HR. They said…I’ve been transferred to another department.”


“HR said that the Vice Director… the Vice Director…”

“Say why?!” Yin Qin was struggling to keep his anger in check, telling himself not to be angry, not at all.

“They said that you’re not qualified enough to have a secretary.” After the secretary finished speaking, she was trembling with fear and dared not look at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin was angry.

All fired up.

The secretary didn’t dare to say anything.

“Go,” Yin Qin suddenly waved his hand.

“I’m sorry, Vice Director. I just… I just…”

“Stop talking, just leave,” Yin Qin sulkily returned to his office.


Can’t he work properly without being waited upon?!

He firmly planted himself in his office chair, resolute in his belief that he could support his wife and son on his own.

He booted up his computer.

And saw that there was nothing on it.


What was he supposed to do again?

When he used to work at the company, he merely had to attend meetings organized by Wei Cheng, and later, his father’s provocations spurred him to start a streaming platform that was very successful. But he didn’t run it anymore, and he couldn’t in the future either. What else could he do?

He blankly stared at his computer.

Could he simply clock eight hours of doing nothing every day and still receive his salary?!

He entertained this blissful thought.

Yin Bin’s assistant knocked on his office door.

Yin Qin glanced at him, “What is it?”

“The chairman is looking for you,” the assistant said.

“Did you have to come in person?” After all, his father’s assistant was a person of status in the company, and shouldn’t belittle themselves by running errands.

“I just called your secretary and heard that she has been transferred.”

“Ah,” Yin Qin neutrally replied, a hint of sourness in his voice, “Director Wei thinks I’m not qualified to have a secretary.”

“Just follow his arrangement,” the assistant recommended. “Chairman also follows Director Wei’s arrangements.”

“Fine, I didn’t protest either.”

Yin Qin was surprisingly open-minded about the situation.

He followed the assistant to his father’s office.

The office door closed behind him.

Yin Bin was very straightforward, “Wei Cheng is running the company now. Whether at work or in private, always show him respect and avoid any unnecessary confrontations.”

“Dad, don’t you think you switched sides too quickly?”

“This is my advice to you. Otherwise, when you get kicked out, even I won’t be able to help you,” Yin Bin warned firmly.

“Did you call me just to tell me this?”

“You’d better take it seriously.”

Yin Qin nonchalantly nodded and turned to leave. But after a few steps, he turned back, “Dad, are you really reigniting your old flame with Lin Ximeng? Have you really given up on reconciling with mom?”

“Mind your own business!”

“If that’s truly the case, then you should just divorce mom quickly. Do you know the repercussions of your adultery and the public kept mistress? You’re asking for divine punishment!”

“Yin Qin!”

“This is my advice to you!”

Yin Bin’s face turned pitch black.

As Yin Qin left, he continued to grumble, “I don’t know which eye is blind… probably both of them are blind…”

Yin Bin was so angry his face turned green.

He gritted his teeth.

Even though he knew his relationship with Lin Ximeng was purely for show to fool Yin Ying and Wei Cheng, his son’s sarcasm still left a bad taste in his mouth. All the while, Qin Keqin acted completely indifferent towards his affair with Lin Ximeng, behaving as if nothing was amiss and maintained her usual attitude towards him. It made him so confused he was unable to sleep the night before.


He decided to forget about it, overthinking could lead to an explosion!

Yin Qin returned to his office.

He was still idle.

He’d given some thought to the idea that just clocking in every day without doing anything and still getting paid wasn’t bad at all.

He took out his phone, ready to play a couple of games.

The office door was knocked on, again.

This time it was Wei Cheng’s assistant.

With an indifferent tone the assistant said, “Director Wei orders you to attend the meeting in the conference room immediately. Important matters will be announced.”

Having said this, the assistant turned and left.

Yin Qin rolled his eyes. Such a case of the tail wagging the dog!

He languidly got up from his chair, and casually strolled to the conference room.

In the conference room, Wei Cheng sat in the middle.

All the department directors who were present had been summoned to attend the meeting.

Weng Cheng does have an imposing presence, especially after taking charge of the Milky Way Corporation’s affairs, his aura has become even stronger.

He said, “Today’s meeting has two themes. First, a minor personnel reshuffle within the Milky Way Corporation; second, a casting event with the ‘Hall of Heaven’ production crew. Starting with the first theme, personnel arrangement. In accordance with the internal management regulations, job requirements, and rational planning of the Milky Way Corporation, Yin Qin is hereby relieved from the position of Deputy Director.”

As he spoke, the room went silent.

Yin Qin looked at Weng Cheng.

Weng Cheng glanced at Yin Qin, “The deputy director’s tenure at the company has been very brief, qualifications are mediocre, youth still inexperienced, requiring honing. Holding the position of Deputy Director seems a bit far-fetched.”

Yin Qin listened silently to Weng Cheng’s disparagement of him.

“Considering Yin Qin’s special status, to encourage his growth within the company, the casting event for ‘Hall of Heaven’ will be handed over to him. Of course, such a large casting event cannot be fully entrusted to an inexperienced Yin Qin. Therefore, the personnel have been arranged as follows. First, the ‘Hall of Heaven’ project team will be established. Liu Hedong, the seasoned Director of Planning, will serve as the leader of this event. Jiang Wen will serve as the deputy leader of this event, and He Huan will be…”

Weng Cheng made arrangements one by one, everyone in the room was listening with utmost respect.

So was Yin Qin.

Yin Qin was listening to Weng Cheng belittle him repeatedly, while pretending to want to hone him.

Announcement over.

Weng Cheng coldly said, “Does anyone have any objections? If not, this meeting is concluded.”

“I do.” Yin Qin suddenly interjected.

Weng Cheng looked at him, “Deputy Director… sorry, I misspoke.”

Yin Qin pursed his lips.

He fully understood Weng Cheng’s intentions.

But he could pretend otherwise.

In everyone’s eyes, he wasn’t smart enough anyway.

Some people might die of anger if they failed to achieve their goals.

Seeing that Yin Qin didn’t respond, Weng Cheng was slightly annoyed.

He figured that with Yin Qin’s intelligence, he couldn’t possibly grasp that he was purposely trying to embarrass him.

He said, “Yin Qin, what are your objections?”

“You just said that I’ve been made responsible for the ‘Hall of Heaven’ project, but among all the names just mentioned, I don’t seem to hear mine.”

“Did I not articulate myself clearly?” Weng Cheng looked at Yin Qin, visibly irritated.

Yin Qin said, “I’m too stupid to decipher Director Weng’s deep thoughts.”

Weng Cheng snickered sarcastically, “Indeed, not clever enough.”

Yin Qin had no reaction.

Weng Cheng laughed inwardly.

Wasn’t Yin Qin always the proud and assertive one before?!

He said, “That’s fine, as long as you’re willing to learn.”

“I’m not ashamed to ask.” Yin Qin appeared to be quite earnest.

Weng Cheng’s face darkened instantly.

Yin Qin remained unperturbed.

Weng Cheng coldly said, “You should go and learn how to use idioms correctly.”

Yin Qin nodded.

Anyway, his father told him to be compliant with Weng Cheng, so whatever Weng Cheng said, he would heed.

Clearing his throat, Weng Cheng announced, “Yin Qin, I’m only going to tell you once, listen carefully to what you have to do next!”

“All ears.”

“The ‘Hall of Heaven’ production is yours to oversee, but you know nothing, hence the need for so many people on this project.” Weng Cheng said as he looked at Yin Qin, “Do you know your role yet?”

“I understand.” Yin Qin responded.

Weng Cheng frowned.

He didn’t believe Yin Qin was that smart.

Yin Qin said, “Because I’m not capable enough, I should follow and learn from the other people you’ve arranged, right?”

“At least you’re self-aware.” Weng Cheng acknowledged bluntly.

“Alright.” Yin Qin neither got angry nor caused a scene, he was completely calm.

Weng Cheng also didn’t want to waste any more time on Yin Qin.

He got up and ordered, “Meeting adjourned.”

Then he left.

The others started leaving as well.

As they walked out, they seemed to cast at him a range of… contemptuous looks.

These people taking advantage of their positions!

If it wasn’t for the fact that I had to support my family, I wouldn’t have the damned time to endure this humiliation!

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