My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 403 - Chapter 403: Chapter 343: Luo Xiaolang, How Many Cuckold’s Caps Have You Put On Me!

Chapter 403: Chapter 343: Luo Xiaolang, How Many Cuckold’s Caps Have You Put On Me!

Translator: 549690339

Ji Baixin was taken back home by Ji Baili.

She was drunk, very drunk.

Seeing her in this state, Ji Baili couldn’t bear it.

He had suspected that his sister would end up regretting, but he didn’t expect it to happen so soon!

Maybe if she had acted a bit earlier, when Brother Yin Qin was not yet with Luo Xiaolang, there might have been a chance. After all, Yin Qin’s love for Ji Baixin was well known, with a heart-wrenching depth. One look back from Ji Baixin would have been enough for Yin Qin to be with her without hesitation.

Unfortunately, fate was toying with them.

No matter whether Yin Qin still loved his sister or not, what’s missed is missed.

Ji Baili stayed with Ji Baixin until she fell asleep, and then he left.

Once he left, Ji Baixin opened her eyes.

She couldn’t sleep.

She had a throbbing headache, and she felt extremely unwell.

But she had always been used to being alone, carrying it all, not wanting to show her weakness to anyone. She still had her dignity and pride, so she chose to pretend to be asleep.

After her younger brother left, she held back the discomfort in her stomach and got up, rushing to the bathroom to vomit until it felt like her heart was ripping apart.

She sat next to the toilet, in intense discomfort, curled up into a ball.

She thought that being drunk would mean that she wouldn’t feel sadness. She thought that being drunk would mean she could stop thinking.

In the depth of night when everyone else was asleep, she realized she missed him so much that it felt like she was alone in the world.

Her mind was filled with images of Yin Qin.

For some reason, he kept appearing before her eyes.

The mischievous and naughty Yin Qin had become a permanent glare, like moonlight, in her life…

Her tears couldn’t help but fall, one drop after another, soaking her entire face.

She didn’t know how many nights she had spent alone like this, not a thought at this intensity before. Even back when she was still waiting for Li Wenjun, though she thought of him day and night for many years. Her longing for Yin Qin now was greater, her love for him deeper.

She bit her lip.

So hard that she ended up rupturing the skin.

She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to control herself.

She really wanted to call Yin Qin, even if it was just to hear his voice.

She could now fully understand the feelings Yin Qin had once harbored, how he had tried to catch her attention in the crudest ways, appearing before her with a confident yet ridiculous aura, acting like a fool just to irk her…

Tears flowed unchecked, as if in frenzy. She couldn’t control herself anymore.

Every memory of Yin Qin made her heartache all the more unbearable.

She rose from the toilet, using cold water to cool her face violently.

She looked into the mirror, at her own haggard face.

Never had she imagined that she would ever end up being this defeated.

Growing up, though she hated her family and her mother’s endless flattery of her father, and disliked the low position of women, she couldn’t deny that she never lacked anything. Her family’s status allowed her to enjoy a lifestyle that many couldn’t, and she started off much higher than most people. Upon graduating from university, she had managed to secure various conveniences because of her family, even though she had tried to avoid their help. When she thought about it, aside from the rumors about her and Li Wenjun, life had been smooth sailing.

Until today.

For the first time, she experienced the torment of unrequited love, the first time she felt so broken and defeated.

She left the bathroom.

She collapsed heavily onto her bed, forcing herself to sleep, not to think, to endure a night alone, a night of extreme longing.


She really couldn’t do it.

In her mind, all she saw was Yin Qin, Yin Qin, Yin Qin.

She couldn’t control herself; she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about him.

Every time she thought of Yin Qin kissing Luo Xiaolang, it felt as if a million ants were biting at her heart…

How Yin Qin must have felt, seeing her and Li Wenjun in love, she was now experiencing it all.

Was this retribution?!

She picked up her phone.

His phone number was engraved in her memory.

She keyed in each digit, one by one.

She watched the words “Calling Mobile…” flash on the screen.

She knew she shouldn’t be doing this.

She knew she shouldn’t be disturbing Yin Qin.

She knew, she knew…

The call connected.

Ji Baixin’s heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

Yin Qin’s somewhat drowsy voice came through, he said, “Ji Baixin?”

Her throat fluctuated and the words she was about to say were swallowed back down.

She had been suppressing it all along.

“Ji Baixin!” Not hearing Ji Baixin’s voice, Yin Qin raised his own.

Luo Xiaolang was always an easy person to wake.

Even with her deep sleepiness, the slightest movement could awaken her.

Perhaps it was her early training which made her highly sensitive to everything.

Plus, her hearing was beyond normal.

She opened her eyes to see Yin Qin sitting up on the bed, looking somewhat animated.

Yin Qin had shared the bed with her again tonight.

Yin Qin said they were now engaged, and from then on, they should sleep together.

Yin Qin didn’t snore while sleeping, which was much quieter than her fellow martial arts disciples. The bed was large enough to accommodate an extra person without feeling crammed so she agreed on the spot.

“Ji Baixin, what’s the matter with you? Speak up!” Yin Qin’s voice was filled with urgency.

Luo Xiaolang moved her body, turning her back to Yin Qin.

Yin Qin didn’t realize he had disturbed Luo Xiaolang, and his voice got louder, “Ji Baixin, if you don’t speak, I’m hanging up the phone, I really will!”

“Yin Qin.” Ji Baixin finally spoke.

Her voice was somewhat low.

But nothing sounded amiss.

Yin Qin breathed a small sigh of relief, “Why are you calling me so late? Is something wrong?”

“Uh. Tonight, Baili mentioned that someone was feeling very repressed and asked me to drink with him. After drinking, I came back and remembered that Baili said you proposed to Xiaolang.” Ji Baixin’s tone was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

Yin Qin grunted in response and said, “Yes, we are getting married in March next year.”

“Why wait till next year?” Ji Baixin asked in a friendly, chatty way.

“Thinking of Xiaolang having just given birth, she needs to recover. Also, the tiger cub … my son is still small. I’d like to wait until he is a little older, around half a year old, then we will celebrate his half birthday and our wedding at the same time.”

“Oh. That sounds nice.” Ji Baixin gave a faint smile.

The hand holding the phone tightened a bit in Yin Qin’s grip.

Then he relaxed and smiled to himself.


This is actually quite good.

He doesn’t need to cling to Ji Baixin anymore.

Even without Li Wenjun, she would never be with him in this lifetime.

Now he’s trying to make the best of his life with Xiaolang, who may not be the prettiest, but at least she’s in good health and has a nice personality. She’s easy to get along with, gave birth to his son, so life together after marriage wouldn’t be too difficult.

He used to think his life would always revolve around Ji Baixin, but now it seems he’s finally letting go.

Life has to go on. The earlier you let go of what you can’t have, the earlier both of you can be free.

“Don’t forget to send me an invitation then. I will definitely attend your wedding banquet.” Ji Baixin said with a smile.

“Sure, I will definitely send you one.” Yin Qin agreed instantly.

“It’s late, I won’t disturb your rest anymore.”



Yin Qin ended the call.

Quietly placing the phone down.

He sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the somewhat dark curtain in front of him.

In this life, it could be said that he had finally drawn a full stop to his relationship with Ji Baixin.

Only after a while did he lie back down.

Luo Xiaolang was sleeping right next to him.

Luo Xiaolang seemed to dislike sleeping too close to others, her entire body was almost clinging to the edge of the bed.

This woman, isn’t she afraid of falling off the bed?

He reached out, intending to pull her towards the center of the bed.

Damn it.

How could Luo Xiaolang be so heavy?

In reality, Luo Xiaolang was not fat at all. Other than her stomach still being a bit round post-pregnancy, she remained the same everywhere else. Her build was robust instead of slim; however, it didn’t warrant her to be this heavy. He had to exert all his strength just to move her an inch.

Was Luo Xiaolang raised on iron?!

She’s not that fleshly but weighs a ton.

He was pulling with a somewhat wheezing breath.

Instead, Luo Xiaolang was feeling a bit uncomfortable. She rolled over to face Yin Qin, “What’s wrong?”

“Can’t you sleep a little closer?” Yin Qin asked irritably.

What kind of a couple sleeps so far apart?!

Luo Xiaolang frowned.

Is it necessary to sleep very close while sleeping?

Whenever she slept with her senior and junior martial brothers, they always kept such a distance.

She always felt uncomfortable sleeping too close.

But Yin Qin…

She always met Yin Qin’s needs.

She always thought Yin Qin was unpredictable, unlike anyone she knew. If she didn’t comply with him, he would bristle like a rooster, fierce but not very powerful. She didn’t want to argue with Yin Qin.

At that moment, she took the initiative to move her body closer to Yin Qin, very close to him.

Feeling Luo Xiaolang’s approach, Yin Qin pulled her into his embrace.

Luo Xiaolang felt a bit uncomfortable.

Yet Yin Qin held her very tightly.

He was experiencing for the first time how fragrant Luo Xiaolang was.

She smelled of shower gel, with a hint of milky scent.

“Yin Qin, are you cold?” Luo Xiaolang suddenly asked.

Or else, why hold her so tight.

Yin Qin felt like he could spit out a mouthful of old blood.

“Back in Wulin Temple, when the weather was very cold, senior martial brothers and junior martial brothers would sleep together, that’s the only time we would sleep so close, to keep each other warm,” Luo Xiaolang voiced softly.

Yin Qin felt like it wasn’t just a mouthful of old blood, it felt like his life was being sprayed out.

He asked angrily, “You slept with your senior and junior martial brothers?”

“Yes. It’s very dark in the mountains, and I was scared when I was a kid, so I always climbed onto the bed of a senior or junior martial brother.”

And she initiated it!

Yin Qin felt like his heart and liver were about to explode.

Luo Xiaolang, seeming unaware of Yin Qin’s mood, also mentioned that because of Ji Baixing’s phone call, she was also startled awake and was having trouble sleeping. She said, “So gradually, I got used to sleeping together with my martial brothers.”

“You slept together after growing up too?” Yin Qin asked, gritting his teeth.

Luo Xiaolang nodded. “Before leaving Wulin Temple, I always slept with my martial brothers.”

Damn it, how irritating!

Damn it, really annoying.

“However, we didn’t sleep this close. It didn’t feel good to be too close as it affected the air circulation.”

Yin Qin tried allowing himself to relax, control his emotions.

Luo Xiaolang looked like a man, sleeping with a man is normal, nobody in this world, besides him, would have inappropriate thoughts about Luo Xiaolang.


That’s it.

No need to get angry!

“When the weather got cold, the martial brothers would vie with each other to sleep with me.”

Yin Qin could feel his blood pressure rising.

“They all said I was very warm, so they would always hold me while sleeping…”

“Luo Xiaolang!” Yin Qin had reached his boiling point.

He sat up abruptly in bed.

Yin Qin, who seemed to always have mood swings, baffled Luo Xiaolang.

“How many men have you…?!” Yin Qin yelled.

Luo Xiaolang thought back, “Senior brother one, senior brother two, senior brother three… junior brother fourteen, junior brother fifteen…”

“Alright, stop speaking.” Yin Qin interrupted her.

“I haven’t finished.”

“I know!” Yin Qin snapped, “I know that I’ve been cuckolded by a group of men.”

“Hmm?” Luo Xiaolang didn’t understand.

“Enough, let’s go to sleep!” Yin Qin rolled over and slept on his side.

Angry to death! Angry to death! Angry to death!

He didn’t even know why he was so angry.

The thought of Luo Xiaolang sharing a bed with a bunch of stinky men made him absolutely furious!

He never considered why he was so angry.

Either way, it felt like his heart and lungs were about to explode.

He felt that if he kept thinking about it, his blood pressure would shoot through the roof!

Just as he was seething with anger, he was caught off guard as Luo Xiaolang suddenly hugged him from behind.

Yin Qin froze.

Luo Xiaolang said, “I’ll always keep you warm from now on.”

Yin Qin could feel his heartbeat accelerating.

“If you’re cold, tell me, and I’ll keep you warm,” Luo Xiaolang said earnestly into his ear.

“…” Yin Qin’s body stiffened.

At that moment, his eyes were surprisingly turning red, his nose felt sour.

He wasn’t very kind to Luo Xiaolang.

He was the reason she had a premature birth, suffered a massive hemorrhage, endured so much pain. But from beginning to end, Luo Xiaolang didn’t grumble or complain. Instead, she’d approach him proactively even when he was irrationally upset…

Even if he didn’t like it, it was enough.

Even without true romantic love, Luo Xiaolang alone was enough.

He turned towards her, pulled her tightly into his arms.

Luo Xiaolang was startled, but she also tightened her grip.

She thought that Yin Qin was really cold.

Even on such a warm bed, he couldn’t feel any warmth.

“Luo Xiaolang, no matter what happens in this life, let’s always keep going like this,” Yin Qin whispered earnestly into her ear.

At that time, he thought that the rest of his life would be with Luo Xiaolang!

No one would separate them again.

He never imagined that the only woman he could not let go of and erase from his heart would one day tell him, she loved him…

One day.

He would still hurt her because of that woman…

The next day.

Yin Qin was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

He opened his eyes, groggy from sleep, and saw Luo Xiaolang’s face up close as he was lying on her arm.

Luo Xiaolang slept peacefully next to him, furrowing her brows at the sound of the phone ring.

Yin Qin quickly silenced his phone, and seeing the caller ID, he half-whispers, “Dad, it’s so early, what do you want?”

“From today, return to work at the company.”

“Isn’t the company run by Weng Cheng now? Wouldn’t I be humiliating myself by returning?”

“So you know what humiliation feels like?” Yin Bin retorted sarcastically.

“Dad!” Yin Qin was annoyed.

Yin Bin was stern, “Yesterday was an important event in your life, so I didn’t want to dampen the mood. Now, I’m telling you quite seriously, from your marriage proposal to Luo Xiaolang, from the moment you confirmed your wedding plans, you became a true adult. As a man, it’s your responsibility to take care of your wife and child. From today, I’m not giving you any more pocket money. I believe your mother will also support my decision. In other words, if you don’t work from now on, you won’t have a penny to your name!”

“Dad, don’t be like this…”

“I’m not joking with you! Before being a husband, you were our child! But once you marry, you become a husband! Yin Qin, as a man, you should support your own family with your hard work. As for whether you will return to work at the company, that’s up to you.”

With that, Yin Bin hung up the phone.

Yin Qin was in a bad mood.

Getting married seemed to have turned him into a penniless fool!

He put down his phone.

Saw Luo Xiaolang was still asleep.

Luo Xiaolang had woken up a few times in the night to nurse the baby, it seemed she had got up two or three times.

He lay down again, resting on Luo Xiaolang and holding her close.

This felt right.

He had lost sleep now.

Looking at Luo Xiaolang’s childish face up close.

He had a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

He lighty tapped Luo Xiaolang’s little nose.

From now on.

Let big brother take good care of you!

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