"Snap out of it Yuki," Yuki told himself.

"What can I do to defeat him?" Yuki asked himself as he tried to think of any possible way to win against an enemy he couldn't see.

"Why do you continue to change the subject? There's no need to rush, let's talk things out here then we can deal with the fighting later," said Hades as he removed his Cap of Invisibility. 

"You see, there's no need to be wary of me," Hades said as he began to become visible to Yuki. 

Hades was a tall bearded man-standing at around 12 feet tall with a muscular build. He wore a white toga as he carried his bident which was a two-pronged implement resembling a pitchfork in his right hand. Hades carried his Cap of Invisibility in his left hand as he began to walk towards the enormous throne which was specially constructed from him. 

"You can see me now so there's no point in coming up with a strategy to defeat me while I'm invisible," said Hades. 

As Yuki looked up at the giant which now sat on his throne, he couldn't help but admire his courage. Even though Yuki had defeated all the previous stages and looked to have not a single scratch on his body due to him drinking a full status recovery potion, Hades was unfazed. Yuki looked over Hades' head to see what his title/tag was. 

[The ruler of the underworld Final Boss: Hades]

"What do you want from me?" asked Yuki in an aggressive tone.

"To be frank with you, I just want you to be dead. I mean you did kill all my subordinates including Cerberus. Even though that sounds fun and all, I think I have a better way of accomplishing that than killing you myself," replied Hades.

[Mind Break]

Yuki saw a large text other than the title/tag of hades which could only mean that his enemy was using their special ability. 

"You can probably tell from just the name of my ability that it had to do something with mind control or something. I won't waste your time so I'll just briefly explain what it does. It allows me to go through your memories and perceive your thoughts. That's about all it does so it's useless on its own. However, I can use the information that I get from it to mentally destroy you. The reason I'm telling you this is because you can't do anything about it. No matter how many times you tell yourself that I'm lying, it's utterly pointless. Anything that I say to you is the truth," explained Hades. 

Yuki sighed in disappointment. 

"Well to be honest myself. I actually don't care. I already know that I have my faults. I learned the hard way that I just might never be able to interact with others. Even if there's something wrong with me which pushes others away, it doesn't matter now. I'll keep rejecting them instead of feeling sorry for myself. I mean take a look at me, I've shunned everyone including myself which has allowed me to gain this immeasurable strength. I don't want to fit in a mold which suppresses me and doesn't allow me to grow just to please people who don't even care about me. Any ideology which you may try to force onto me is pointless. My ears have become immune to others telling me things just so they could control me. Let's just get this fight over with," said Yuki.

"For someone who says they don't care about other people's opinion, you were pretty adamant about explaining your own opinion. Nevertheless, suit yourself, but know this, no matter the amount of times you try to escape reality and believe that nothing will bring you down, there will be something which will defeat you. You-just like everyone including me have a weakness. If someone were to take advantage of that weakness, you'll break and shatter to the point of no possible recovery," replied Hades as he stood up from his seat.

While Yuki didn't understand what his enemy was trying to get at, he didn't care. All that mattered was defeating Hades, getting exp and getting out of the dungeon as fast as possible. 

Hades quickly leaped towards Yuki-not giving him enough time to react, Hades used his bident to pin Yuki's sword to the ground before spinning his bident in a way which caused Yuki to lose possession of his blade. The spin move which Hades had done with his bident caused "Fallen angel of hell" to be sent flying. 

"Don't think that I don't know about You," said Hades as he looked down at Yuki.

Yuki just believed that Hades was blabbering off so Yuki ignored him. The only thing on his mind was to get back his blade and drink potions as quickly as possible. He had avoided consuming the potions earlier because he wanted to see what the abilities of his enemy were so he could effectively counter them. 

"A couple of speed and attack potions should do. Maybe a defense one as well, just in case something goes wrong," Yuki said to himself. 

Right as Yuki jumped off the ground to attempt to leap towards his blade, Hades kicked him towards the stage wall. The stage wasn't as vast as the previous stages since it wasn't meant to be a fighting ground. 

As Yuki slammed into the wall-causing a mark to be left into it with the shape of his body. Even though Yuki had sustained a direct attack, he quickly removed himself from the wall and sprinted towards his blade.

Right as picked up his blade, Hades leaped towards him and attempted the same bindent spin attack he had done so he could unarm Yuki. However, Yuki had learned his lesson and quickly leaped backwards-in turn avoiding the attack. 

"I haven't tried this yet but it seems to be my only hope if I want to win this. It doesn't look like I'll be able to drink my potions without him constantly interrupting me," said Yuki. 

[Open inventory]

Yuki opened his inventory however since he knew Hades would follow him, Yuki began to run as he took one potion at a time from his inventory. 

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