[+110000 exp]

[Player: Yuki Kaito]

[Level 11: 209000/300000]

Once more, Yuki began to walk towards the final stage of the dungeon. He felt a sense of danger and fear however at the same time he was happy. He enjoyed the thrill of getting placed in seemingly helpless situations. Even if it did mean that he had to cheat to get out of the with the help of Zero.

As he reached the halfway point of the stage, Yuki was stopped by an item falling from the stage ceiling. 

"Let's see now," Yuki said as he picked up the item. It was the claw which Apostol had in his mouth. even though it looked to be a simple bone, it was much sharper than any blade Yuki had come across in the previous world. 

Curious as to see its properties, Yuki double tapped the item which he had received as a reward for defeating the stage mini boss. 

[Item drop: Hiltless Blade]

[Rank: B]

[Attack: 160]

[Description: Power: A blade capable of cutting through stone like butter. An item such as this can only be crafted by a successful experiment. A successful experiment is a rarity which many can't comprehend. The many souls that were gathered and experimented on to be modified to create the perfect servant are uncountable. The sheer amount of suffering and agony they were put through by the dead souls of scientists who were under the servitude of Echidna was immeasurable. Unspeakable numbers of dead people were forced to be broken in hopes of creating even one human soul which surpassed all so it could be forged into the ultimate demon. While after many failed attempts, one had been successfully constructed, it was mentally broken and only knew how to kill. Even in its sleep, murder was the only think on it's mind.]

"Apostol couldn't even be that strong with a will on his own? What a loser," Yuki scoffed. 

"That is not funny, I shouldn't be laughing at that," said Yuki as he corrected himself and began to open his inventory. 

[Open inventory]

Yuki placed the blade he had received into his inventory and began to walk towards the gateway tunnel.

[Stage nine: Complete]

[Save point reached]

[If you would like to move to the 10th stage of the dungeon, please step forward]

[Stage ten difficulty: level 10+]

[Warning: You cannot retreat from this stage]

Yuki was now looking at the white light which clouded his vision of the next stage. He couldn't help but smile. In Yuki's eyes laid a deep glare on sorrow as if his soul wished for a different path in life. 

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out "Fallen angel of hell" out of his inventory as he doubted that he would be able to defeat the final boss of a dungeon without a crazy amount of potions along with a good blade. 

"It's been a while since I've used you. Serve me well," said Yuki as he looked at his sword before inserting it through the white light. Noticing that something had passed through the gate way, it made the white light which acted as a sort of door to disintegrate as Yuki walked through it. 

As Yuki looked at the terrain of the next stage, he couldn't help but stare in awe as he admired what was in front of his eyes. It was the polar opposite of the previous 9 stages. It wasn't a wild terrain of continuous rocks and pillars or towers. It was made of glittering black obsidian, with a black marble portico, and the entry hall had a polished bronze floor. A red carpet stretched from the exit of the gateway tunnel all the way to an empty throne. 

"I actually paid attention in literature class. Hades is probably wearing his Cap of Invisibility. I have to be careful," said Yuki.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out 3 attack boost potions, 2 speed boost potions, and 2 defence boost potions from his inventory. He made sure to leave space just in case he needed to consume another potion or two. 

Yuki drank each one as he mentally prepared himself to analyze the terrain and dodge an enemy which he couldn't see. Yuki took one last gulp as he drank the last defense boost potion before smashing it to the ground. 

"Here it goes, it's all or nothing," said Yuki as he walked into the battlefield. 

Yuki had been expecting an attack from the back or from the side so to deal with that, Yuki closed his eyes and began to concentrate on listening for movement in any direction so he could block any attack. However the attack that would be launched at him was not the type he was expecting. 

"Hello there, how may I help you? I mean you did make the effort to clear all the previous stages just to see me right?" whispered an evil and eerie voice to Yuki's ear, causing Yuki to have goosebumps. Such a sinister and suffocating presence would cause anyone to run away for their lives, however it was not possible here. No matter how many times a person may try to escape, it would be pointless. 

"Do you even know why you're here? You're driven by anger which you should've resolved long ago. Yet you continue to fight an enemy which doesn't exist. When are you going to realize that what you're doing is pointless. This isn't what you wanted at all, this is just a replacement-a temporary solution to help you escape your worries-a drug which could help you forget your pain. You keep getting mad at monsters or even humans for something they didn't do. Get angry at yourself for once," said Hades.

"No matter how many times you level up in the stupid game you created, no matter how strong you may get, you'll always be that same weak helpless child which no one wants to look at. Admit you're worthless," Hades continued. 

Those words directly hit Yuki's heart and soul. They were more painful than any blade. Yuki began to remember all those horrible times in his previous life. He remembered as everyone began to leave him. All those times he was neglected and bullied and manipulated. No matter how much time he spent ignoring them, Yuki couldn't deny that those experiences were a part of him as they were what made him into what he was now. 

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