"Wow," said Yuki as he continued to be followed by the mob of slow golems.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out 2 attack boost potions along with 3 stamina boost potions. He knew very well that there would be no hope in fighting without the assistance of the magical items he carried. As he drank each potion, he felt himself become overwhelmed by the wealth of power flowing into him. It was like being super changed every time he used them. The sensation of being unstoppable was a feeling Yuki could not get over. "Niflheim's holy treasure" in hand, Yuki prepared once more to do battle with the golems.

As Yuki charged and struck the left arm of a magma golem, he managed to cut it in half but was not able to fully sever its arm off. Yuki was rather disappointed in himself. He had hoped that with drinking those potions, he would at least be able to have a fair fight however he was mistaken. Frozen in place as he contemplated his decisions, Yuki was struck down by the magma golem's arm. As he had his guard down, Yuki nearly passed out from one single attack to the head, however he at least managed to gain something. The iron truck of an attack that Yuki had withstood forced his mind into a state of hyper activeness. Still clenching to the hilt of "Niflheim's holy treasure" which was stuck in the middle of the magma golem's hand, Yuki concentrated his stamina as he made it flow into the blade. Unlike the other times he had done this, Yuki changed his approach this time.

Instead of distributing his stamina into all parts of the blade, Yuki focused it on the part making contact with the golem. The transparent blade began to turn colder than it had ever done. Instantly, large shards of ice began to come out from the blade, as the shards were focused on the part which was making contact with the golem, they were larger and stronger than the small ones which would usually appear. The shardes began to pierce through the golem until eventually the arm was severed off and it fell to the ground.

Bleeding from his head, Yuki grinned at the golem to infuriate him. It was an arrogant decision to make considering he was barely conscious.

"It's okay to let loose now. No matter how exhausting this may be, there is an endpoint waiting for me. I'll look back on this and be glad I did it," said Yuki as he began to prepare himself for the upcoming hellish torture he would have to endure.

Yuki leaped backwards and landed on his feet as he dodged the retaliation attack from the golem. As he roared in anger, Yuki waited for his opportunity to attack. As the golem went on a rampage, it began attacking the group seriously, punching any statue in its way. All in the state of desperation for revenge it was placed in because of Yuki. Even though it wanted to exact its revenge, its movement speed was too low to catch Yuki. As such it took its anger out on its surroundings, only showing mercy to its comrades.

As the golem clenched its fist to punch the ground, Yuki took notice of the opportunity to attack. Disappearing from all the golem's eye sight, Yuki seemingly teleported beside the one handed golem. "Niflheim's holy treasure" in hand, Yuki swung his sword with all his might. However once more, it wasn't enough. The sword was only able to cut through 1/4 of the golem's body. With frustration in his eyes, Yuki pulled out the sword from the golem's body as he did a 360 degree turn and struck the monster from the other side.

This time, Yuki's attack prevailed over the golem's monerous defense. As Yuki began to smile from the joy of taking down the golem, a hand behind him reached for his head. The hot stone made hand pulled Yuki up from the ground and held him in the air. As Yuki dropped his sword to use both his hands to break free of the golem's grip, another golem struck Yuki with a powerful punch right in the chest. Right after Yuki sustained the attack, his helpless body was dropped to the ground. All the golems surrounded him to inspect the puny human. Once they grew bored of staring at him, one of them aimed for Yuki's head and sent a punch towards the ground. However Yuki hadn't given up. Even though his chest burned and each breath he took caused an immense amount of pain, Yuki planned to get through the stage no matter what happened.

Yuki quickly rolled away so as to not be hit by the golem's attack. Before it could pull away, Yuki stood from where he stood, grabbing hold of his sword and running on top of the giant golem's arm, finally reaching its broad shoulder. One his first task was accomplished, Yuki leaped off of the golem's shoulder. While in the air, Yuki threw "Niflheim's holy treasure" at the back of one of the golems. To Yuki's delight it struck the dead centre of its head.

"Another one goes down," said Yuki.

However that was not the case, the golem which had the sword in its head, turned around to face the unarmed Yuki.

"But why? Is it only their chest that takes damage?" Yuki asked himself.

"That would make no sense, if their vital points were the same as a human then an attack to the head would be lethal," Yuki tried to think about what had allowed the golem to survive Yuki's attack.

As he continued to think of a possible reason that event had occurred, the golems began to close the distance. Yuki allowed them to do so as he dodged any and all attacks they made at him. He even managed to pull the sword out from the golem's head. Just then it all made sense to him.

"The golem's inside is made of magma and the sword releases ice when stamina is poured into it. When ice melts, it creates water which when enough of it is produced, it is enough to extinguish the magma. As such the source of life for the golem disappears."

"Even so, the ice produced when melted shouldn't be that much. Wait..."

"Unless the quality of ice/water increases due to the level increase of the user, then it would make perfect sense,"

Yuki looked at the golem standing in front of him as he continued to dodge the attacks of all the other golems.

"Let's test this theory out," said Yuki.

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