[Stage three: Complete]

[Save point reached]

[If you would like to move to the 4th stage of the dungeon, please step forward]

[Stage four difficulty: level 7-8]

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out and drank one more full status recovery potion before he headed into the next stage of the dungeon. However, right before he could enter the next stage of the dungeon, Yuki passed out and fell to the floor. He hadn't realized how much energy he had wasted as he cleared two consecutive stages all on his own. To add to the exhaustion, he hadn't taken the time to properly sleep once he had cleared the 2nd dungeon.

Nearly 29 hours later, Yuki finally awoke from his slumber. He had naturally awoken with a bit of confusion as to what had happened. He quickly realized that he had passed out from exhaustion, after all, it wasn't the first time it had happened. Feeling hungry before his next fight, Yuki made the wise choice of eating cup ramen once again. It would be simple to make and only took a maximum of 3 minutes. After he had his meal, Yuki felt a lot better and confident in himself.

"So what will it be this time," said Yuki as he pushed his hand through the white light which blocked his view of the next stage. Right as he palm passed through the light, the white object that blocked the view began to deteriorate.

As Yuki began to look through the tunnel to the other side, he could see a small mob of golems made of solid rock. It seemed to be the same as the stage floor. As their shape was unstable, within the rocks which they were made of had cracks. The cracks however the cracks themselves glowed the colour of magma.

[Magma golem: Ravi]

[Magma golem: Hoder]

In total, there were 15 golems which stood in Yuki's way. Each one looked fearsome enough to challenge Yuki in a one on one fight. Yuki's heart told him to run, it signaled to him that there was no way he could defeat them on his own, however Yuki had long stopped listening to his heart. Instead he grinned at his enemies as he sweat from the stage's heat.

Instead of reaching for a weapon from his inventory, Yuki sprinted towards his enemies bare handed. Planning to fight with his fists alone as he demolished anyone is his wake. As he approached the first golem, Yuki clenched his arms as he pulled them back and began punching the golem at rapid speeds. However once his attack was finished, all that was left was an unharmed golem standing in front of him, waiting for the chance to kill Yuki. However Yuki on the other hand had suffered severe burns to his hands from the contact of the golem's magma body.

"Oh no," said Yuki as the golem prepared to retaliate.

This time, the golem clenched its magma fist and began to plunge it down at the small human standing below him. Instinctively, Yuki brought his left arm upwards to block the attack. However he instantly regretted the decision as he heard his arm shatter from the impact of the attack. Yuki managed to hold back his tears and jumped backwards.

"A defence and attack boosted opponent, their speed is drastically lower than mine however it doesn't seem like they take any damage from my attacks, what a hassle," said Yuki.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out a full status recovery potion from his inventory to recover from the damage he sustained to his left hand. It had been broken, however the potion was able to reverse any damage to the physical body. Yuki felt it as his bones reversed and went back to their previous shape. He stretched his body to make sure everything in his body was fully functional before he headed into the battle field once more. The golems were constantly following Yuki however due to their slow movement speed, all Yuki had to do was take a couple steps to avoid their attacks.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out "Niflheim's holy treasure" and held it in his palms, swinging it in circles to get comfortable with using it.

"It's been a while since I've used you, serve me well," said Yuki.

Yuki closed both his eyes and began to concentrate all of his stamina as he redirected it towards his blades. As the small ice shards began to come out of the sword, Yuki felt a cold breath in his ear. It was slightly unnerving which caused him to open his eyes and look around for the culprit. However when he turned his head, there was no one there.

"Was it..." Yuki interrupted himself as the golems were closing the distance.

Yuki leaped into the air and held his sword forward. As he dove straight down towards the first golem that caught his eye, Yuki aimed directly for its neck, in hopes of severing it in one shot. However as the attack landed, he realized that defeating the golems was a much harder task than he had first thought. The ice sword had done absolutely no damage to the golem, on the contrary, the ice shards began to melt from the golem's manga cracks. Yuki quickly pulled back as he clearly needed a new strategy for this battle. Yuki quickly ran away from the golems into the depths of the dungeon stage.

Yuki hadn't taken the time to admire the stage when he had first entered it. The stage had many statues which were made out of the same material as the golems. However, of all of them, the most intriguing one was of course the largest object present. Large spikes which emerged from the ground all around the stage, creating a large spike forest. All containing cracks which were extremely hot and glowed red velvet because of the magma they stored within them.

Yuki was at a loss for words, he didn't imagine that Zero would go to such extents to create the stages. As the difficulty of the stages increased, their size followed suit. Yuki couldn't see the walls of the stage, the only way he knew where the save point was because whenever the player was far from the save point, it would glow bright enough for the player to see and navigate their way to it. As the player moved closer to it, the white light would start to fade until all that was left was the white light gate which blocked the player's view of the next stage.

"Wow," said Yuki as he continued to be followed by the mob of slow golems.

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