My King System

Chapter 104 - Monster

"If you cast your ability properly, why am I having trouble defeating him? Let's just say that you did manage to debuff him, don't you think he would be slower and weaker than he was originally. For god's sake, he's only a level 7 player. There's only a 2 level difference between us. A debuff should easily make his stats around a level 5 or 4 and with us having extra speed, I should be able to take him down easily. But no, that didn't happen so the only explanation for that is that your ability doesn't work!"

"Do. You. Get. That?" Tanya said as he spoke slowly to Lou to emphasize that she thought he was stupid. Tanya didn't for once consider anyone else's feelings because she thought that they didn't have any. Being the daughter of a rich household meant that she had the privilege of speaking down to people. While she tried to humble herself, her true nature was starting to be exposed. 

"But-" Lou tried to argue. 

"I won't accept any excuses! Get yourself together and prepare to launch another debuff," Tanya ordered. 

Lou sighed as he couldn't do anything about the situation. It wasn't even his fault that Yuki was still stronger than Tanya. He had done what he was asked to do, which was to cast a debuff spell. Even with that done, since Yuki was too strong, Tanya ended up believing that Lou was at fault. Yuki watched as this went on with a confused look. 

"I mean I thought I was a bad teammate. At least I can feel better about myself while I look at her," said Yuki to himself. 

Tanya once again prepared to launch an attack on Yuki. Sword in hand, Tanya sprinted towards Yuki as fast as she possibly could. Yuki stood there as he watched her get ever closer to him. 

"Now!" Tanya yelled.

Getting the message, Lou cast a debuff on Yuki once more.

"Activate ability: Stat decrease"

Once more the red magic circle appeared above Yuki's head and weakened him. Seeing this, Tanya jumped off the ground as he prepared to slice off Yuki's neck. This time she completely believed that her efforts would lead into success. However just to make sure she would kill Yuki, Tanya spun midair and using the momentum, she was able to bring her blade towards Yuki's neck. For a moment it looked like she had actually done it. However, right before her blade could make contact, Yuki intercepted it. 

"Too slow," Yuki sighed as he held her blade within his finger tips. Without a moment of hesitation, Yuki bent her blade until it broke into multiple pieces. 

Seeing this caught Tanya off guard. She had been so close to achieving her goal, it would've only taken 1 more second for her to be able to go home with the head of her victim. 

"Why won't you let me kill you already?" Tanya said in an agonized tone. The effects of Yuki's existence began to take a greater effect on her. Tanya was getting closer to breaking. 

Hearing this made Yuki burst out laughing. 

"You expect me to let you kill me? You genuinely believe that I would give up my own life for your precious convenience. Do you realize how stupid you sound," While Yuki laughed, he was more annoyed than anything else. 

"Does she realize how hard I worked to get this strong? While she had those guys help her out, I had to do it alone. It was probably a walk in the park for her. Having her slaves weaken her enemies so she could swoop in like the fake hero and take all the glory. That's why I refuse to work with people like her," said Yuki as he grew even more angry. 

Tanya held out her broken sword in fear as she looked at the menacing figure known as Yuki. All that was left was the hilt and 1/3 of the blade that wasn't shattered. While Tanya did this to seem like she wouldn't, Yuki didn't care. 

"Come on Tanya! You can do it. You're everyone's hope here. Give it everything you got and take down that monster!" Rina yelled out as she tried to encourage her comrade. Soon after everyone else began to cheer for her. She was their only hope. Bringing down Yuki would allow them to never have to sleep in fear wondering if he'd randomly come to their home and kill them along with their family. Tanya had become humanity's light in the darkness known as Yuki. 

Tanya now feeling confident once more took a step forward as she began to get absorbed into her delusions. Before her foot which she stepped forward with could land back on the ground, Yuki quickly leaped towards her. With a flash, he punched Tanya with his bare fist, causing her to hit the ground with a shock. The sheer impact of the blow caused the ground near her to break apart.

This caused everyone to quiet down. The thing which they entrusted their lives with had been defeated within a blink of an eye. It was as if they were watching their own hearts shatter. 

"Now what? Did you really believe that you could defeat me? I've shown you what I can do once before. Maybe it was too generous of me to allow you to live," Yuki said as he gave an evil grin.

Yuki watched as those words passed through the army's ears. Slowly watching as the despair and fear overtook every single person there. There was nothing called hope left for them. All that awaited them was death. 

Scar sighed in disappointment. 

"We still have Rey Moon left. Do you guys wanna give it a shot before we resort to that?" Scar asked the mercenaries who worked for him. 

"I guess we can try," the tank of the group replied as they walked towards Rina, Lou and Simeon.

The tank of the group placed his palm on Lou's shoulder as he reassured him that everything would be alright.

"We won't be able to take that monster down on our own. How about we merge together for the time being and defeat him with our combined strength?" the tank asked. 

Lou along with his comrades nodded in agreement.

"'That monster'? You're awfully rude," said Yuki in a sarcastic tone as he overheard their conversation. 

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