Seeing as how it wasn't in the best interest of anyone to fight, Scar allowed them to pass through him. As long as they didn't attack him or his subordinates, he didn't care what they did. 

"If that's the case then, be my guest, you may pass by me. Whatever you choose to do with your lives is none of my concern," said Scar. Scar wasn't the type of person to dress to impress. His attire was a simple black trench coat with black jeans and tinted black glasses. It was as if he was trying to either hide himself or make himself the centre of attention with his odd sense of style. 

Getting the word that they could head forward, the hired mercenaries began to walk towards Yuki. While all this went on, Yuki was peacefully walking up the small hill towards the dungeon gate. The green grassy plains were too beautiful for the occasion as they made light of the circumstances everyone was in. The gateway itself was much farther away than where the army stood. It was embedded into another unclimbable hill because of how steep it was. The sudden change of elevation from the gate's bottom to the top was odd as it was where the tilted ground began and stopped. It was as if two meniscal tectonic plates crashed, causing a small dull mountain to form. 

Seeing as how Yuki was completely open. The mercenaries which were hired by the crime syndicate thought of it as the perfect opportunity to attack. 

"Simeon, why don't you start us off?" the attacker of the group said as she looked at the speed booster.

"Sounds good!" the speed booster replied.

"Activate ability: Speed Increase"

A giant blue magic circle appeared below the feet of all the members of the group. Once there, it began to glow as it infused them with magic-allowing them to move faster.

"Now, Lou!" ordered the attacker.

"Heard you loud and clear Tanya," the debuffer replied back. 

"Activate ability: Stat decrease"

This time as well, a magic circle appeared. However unlike last time, it was red and much smaller and instead of appearing on the ground, it appeared on top of Yuki's head. A red glow began to merge with Yuki as it made him fall to his knees from confusion. 

"Rina, back me up from behind," said Tanya as he charged towards Yuki. 

As she charged towards her enemy, Yuki stood still as he showed his back to her. He was completely open to any attack which may come at him. During that moment, everyone began to gain hope as they thought a sneak attack could work on him. If they were to kill him now without him being able to threaten all their lives with his large scale attacks, maybe they could win. While it may have been considered cheap or dirty to do that in a battle, it was completely okay in the eyes of everyone there as Yuki was a potential threat to all of humanity. 

"Poor kid. He can't even get up. Don't worry, I'll make this swift so you won't have to experience any pain," said Tanya as she unsheathed her katana and approached Yuki's head. She aimed at Yuki's neck so she could slice it off in one attack. 

The moment before her blade could make contact with Yuki's fragile skin, her attack was intercepted. Within those milliseconds, Yuki turned around and blocked her attack with "Fallen angel of hell". Yuki smiled as he glared into Tanya's confused eyes. She had fallen into a trap.

Wasting no time, Yuki pushed his blade to the side which did the same to Tanya's katana and in turn made her open to Yuki's attacks. Yuki quickly lifted his leg and kicked Tanya's chin, causing her to be sent flying back to her comrades. 

"What did you think would happen? Did you honestly believe that you could defeat me just because you decreased my stats a little bit?" asked Yuki as he laughed while looking down at Tanya. 

"I could've died back there. If he had another sword or even a tiny dagger, he could've aimed for my neck and sliced it off. He's just toying with us," Tanya said as her face looked to be engulfed in pure fear. 

"Why do you look like that? That can't be the first time you've been nearly killed.. right?" Yuki asked her.

If she could speak, she would've said yes. It had been the first time Tanya was almost killed. Due to her being part of a squad which boosted her and weakened others, she had the luxury of easily coming out victorious in every battle since she spawned into this world. Even in her previous life, Tanya had always been treated with respect and had the privilege of living life in luxury. Being born into a rich family meant that she could get whatever she wanted. However unlike many, she wasn't spoiled. She also reciprocated respect towards others and was humble. It was due to this that she was able to avoid the harsh outside world. Her father had sheltered her from the world as he believed that she shouldn't have to live as a part of that evil society. Instead he raised her with her mother in their large estate. To keep her company, he hired 3 kids who were the same age as her and ordered them to protect her and guide her. She was the sole ruler of everything and everyone she had interacted with. 

It was due to that fact, that Tanya couldn't accept someone who stood in her way. Even in the new world her friends followed her as her servants as it was the only way of life they knew. They helped her cut through her obstacles with ease both in her previous life and this. As such when all her plans failed, there were only a few people she could blame. 

"Hey, what's wrong with your ability? Are you sure you cast it properly?" Tanya asked while yelling.

"Y-yes," the debuffer replied. It had been a long time since any of them had seen Tanya mad at them . They were used to the gentle side of her which took charge of them. However, that was just a shell she had created. 

Now that Yuki had destroyed her perception of the world, that shell of hers would eventually crack. 

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