My hi-tech Library

~: The 201st individual aircraft (3)

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over now, Tang Shaohong waved back the three aircraft, showed a smile, and introduced with a smile: "Dark Elf, White Aurora, uses the current advanced cold nuclear fusion power system, namely: V50 fusion power, V80 Fusion power, with one addition of deuterium fusion energy, can run for 20-50 years, so their construction costs are relatively high, and the pre-sale prices are: 74 million and 128 million."

"Blue Dragonfly uses hydrogen energy as its power. The flying distance of one hydrogen refueling: 1,300 kilometers, and the pre-sale price: 780,000."

"In the future, we will develop more and more cost-effective aircraft, so that everyone has more choices. In addition, our company will release related technology patent authorization, and cooperate with companies around the world that are interested in personal aircraft, providing all users with more Lots of product choices.”

As soon as Tang Shaohong's voice fell, the auditorium made a 'crashing' and instantly boiled.

"Wow! Fusion power, is it true? Xingyao Technology stuffed the fusion system into the car?"

"My God! Why is it so expensive!"

"You can only buy blue dragonflies! Dark elves, Bai Jiguang can't afford it!"

"Nuclear fusion power? Have you miniaturized nuclear fusion?"

"Can't afford it wow! The price is too scary!"


The audience exclaimed loudly, frightened by the high price of Dark Elf and White Aurora. At the same time, they were also stunned by the news that Xingyao Technology had mastered the miniaturization of nuclear fusion technology, and Qing Qun asked excitedly.

Facing the audience's concern about the cold fusion power technology, Tang Shaohong squeezed his hands and continued to explain with a smile: "After the realization of the controllable nuclear fusion technology, we have carried out in-depth research in this field, from the basis of this technology. , optimized and improved, and developed a new generation of nuclear fusion technology, which we call the second generation of cold nuclear fusion, which realizes low-temperature conventional fusion reactions and is easier to miniaturize."


"Because, just after the new technology was released, the current manufacturing cost of this cold nuclear fusion power will be more than 50 million. Therefore, the price of dark elves and white aurora can hardly drop in a short period of time!" Paused After a while, Tang Shaohong continued to introduce.

Hearing this, the excited audience at the scene immediately understood and understood, but their emotions became even more excited.

"Cold fusion technology? True or false!"

"I'm not dreaming! Can nuclear fusion be miniaturized?"

"My God! The world is going to change!"

"It's no wonder that the construction of controllable nuclear fusion power stations in various cities has been so fast recently, and they have all been replaced by cold nuclear fusion technology!"

"Because of this power technology, you have the ability to build an air dock and a spaceship!"

"Wow! You guys are amazing!"


The cold nuclear fusion technology that exploded from Tang Shaohong's mouth shocked the audience.


Xingyao Technology's product launch will definitely have some exciting news.

All countries in the world are working on controllable fusion energy. However, the nuclear fusion power station in Longguo is developing very rapidly. From project initiation to completion, a large number of constructions have been completed in just one year, supplying power to the whole society, with controllable energy. The new energy industry, which was first closed by nuclear fusion, has blossomed everywhere.

In contrast to other countries, their controllable nuclear fusion power plants are still in the initial stage of construction, and the completion of the project is still far away.

The reason is that Xingyao Technology developed the second-generation nuclear fusion technology, which was kept secret from other countries.

Therefore, Xingyao Technology has matured and mastered the advanced second-generation nuclear fusion technology, started the air dock base, built spaceships, lunar bases, these large projects can be justified.

"Clap clap..." The audience suddenly burst into fierce applause.

The audience applauded excitedly, proud of the strong scientific research capabilities of Xingyao Technology, and they once again lead the world in the field of nuclear fusion.

Because Xingyao Technology has definitely cooperated with the country to develop military equipment, the application of this miniaturized nuclear fusion power to the military is too extensive, nuclear fusion fighter jets, nuclear fusion submarines, nuclear fusion air aircraft carriers, ..., national military power There will definitely be dramatic changes.

In other countries outside the country, foreign audiences who paid attention to this conference were collectively sour.

"It's Xingyao Technology again, this company is amazing."

"So far we can't play virtual games, so don't think about cold fusion power technology!"

"I am envious of them, there is such a great company!"

"They will soon build a base on the moon and develop Mars, what about us! How many people are hungry!"

"The second generation of nuclear fusion technology has been developed, but our two nuclear fusion power plants have not been built! The efficiency cannot be compared with them."

"It must be admitted that they are the center of gravity of the world, and we have been thrown 10,000 miles away."

"The people who were born here are so happy! No shootings, no hunger,..."


At the same time, foreign netizens who watched the product launch all complained about their country in the message area, leaving all kinds of all kinds of jealous messages. desire and longing.

The emergence of cold nuclear fusion technology means that the project of Xingyao Technology's construction of an air city-floating dock base is feasible. Those investors who were originally deadlocked have voted with their feet and fled wildly from the affected areas.

Because of this conference of Shining Star Technology, the global stock market and futures market have given positive feedback one after another.

The real estate industry, the traditional automobile industry, the fossil energy industry, ..., companies in related fields, their stocks have plummeted and plummeted; and the air dock infrastructure, aircraft industry, military industry, precious metal industry, ..., are affected by the technological change of cold fusion energy. Affected companies, the company's stock price skyrocketed, red like the sea, showing two extremes.

"Xingyao Technology held a product launch conference, and it was right to clear the warehouse immediately, otherwise it would be miserable"

"Yeah! Fortunately, run fast, otherwise it will be miserable!"

"Flying cars are popular, you can live anywhere! The real estate industry is dead!"

"It's going to change again! In the past few years since the advent of Xingyao Technology, this market is really exciting!"

"Tsk tsk! It's really cool! I ate another daily limit!"

"I'm not willing to cut meat, I'm dead now!"

"Junk stock market! Pay back, I'm not playing!"


Investors in A-shares are either complaining or rejoicing.

The product launch of Xingyao Technology is still going on. After Tang Shaohong introduced the price information of the three aircraft and the situation of cold nuclear fusion technology, he is ready to introduce the next product.

At the press conference, the three aircraft slowly sank under the booth. The audience held their breath and looked at Tang Shaohong quietly, waiting for her speech.

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