The product launch of Xingyao Technology has come to an end.

The development of the human world is rapidly approaching the interstellar age.

Hundreds of thousands of capital investment, leveraging tens of trillions of capital, to invest in technology companies supporting the construction of dock bases, such as manipulator manufacturing, material processing industry, bulk resources, aerospace technology, flying car companies, ..., etc. In the field, all kinds of advanced technology enterprises are blooming in Longguo.

And the initiator of all this, Li Yi disappeared from everyone's field of vision, staying in the laboratory, doing research, or taking time to spend time with his girlfriend, planning to start a basketball team.

On the big bed in the bedroom, Li Yi fell into a deep sleep.

"Big lazy pig, don't get up yet." Zhou Wenhui pushed Li Yi and got out of bed helplessly.

She really admired Li Yi's sleep quotient. Not long after the event, he fell asleep and couldn't wake up. He had to wait for him to wake up naturally.

Libraries of the Conscious World.

Activities will make the body very tired. Therefore, after each activity, Li Yi likes to enter the library and slowly wait for his body to recover. He is unwilling to endure the feeling of weakness.

Li Yi sat under a large bookshelf, holding a thick black book comfortably, and looked at it with relish.

The title of the book: "Adventures in the Moses Galaxy", which describes an expedition ship of the Bolsai civilization: the Poseidon. The expedition in the Moses Galaxy shows a lot of illustrations of alien life, and more than a dozen aliens. Introduction to civilization, rich astronomical knowledge.

In the cognition of human scientists, the shape of extraterrestrial life is related to the nature of the planet on which it is located. For example, the mass of the planet determines the upper limit of the weight of life on this planet, the climate environment of the planet, and the impact on life on the planet. body's survival system.

However, in the book "The Adventures of Moses Galaxy", Li Yi saw many special alien life forms, such as gaseous life that can survive and gas planets, interstellar beasts that can be enemies of interstellar spaceships, ... ….

The splendid life star exploration experience, the description of various alien life, the characteristics of alien civilization, the inheritance method, and the novel and rich content all attracted Li Yi's mind at once.

Time passed bit by bit, and Li Yi finished the pages of "The Adventures of Moses Galaxy", which was dozens of centimeters thick.

Li Yi closed the book and sighed helplessly, a look of regret on his face.

The scientific and technological level of human civilization is too low. Even if he cheated and led the human interstellar spacecraft to fly out of the solar system and go to his galaxy, it will take hundreds of thousands of years.

The interstellar technology of the Bolser civilization, the most important black technologies about the interstellar spacecraft: antimatter power furnace, curvature engine, wormhole tunneling technology, ..., etc., all have very high technological content, and they will definitely be developed within a hundred years. not come out.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to obtain the technology of prolonging lifespan, so that Li Yi can lead human civilization and enter the interstellar era that spans the galaxy!

Li Yi put "Adventures in the Galaxy of Moses" into the bookshelf and began to search for books related to gene editing and life extension.

"Anatomy of Silicon-Based Life", "General Outline of Lihe Boron-Based Life", "Di Yuan Elders Explain Phosphorus-Based Life", "General Introduction to Hundred Kinds of Carbonyl-Based Life".... All kinds of biological books were taken out of the bookshelf by Li Yi.

After a while, Li Yi finally found a biological book about carbon-based life from many unrelated books.

Humans are typical carbon-based creatures.

Carbon-based organisms are organisms based on carbon elements. All known organisms on earth are carbon-based organisms, including humans. They are based on carbon and water.

However, there is a huge difference between carbon-based life on Earth and the carbon-based life model described in this book.

Anyone who has studied chemistry may know that atoms are connected by chemical chains, and carbon atoms can be connected to 4 atoms at the same time. To put it figuratively, each carbon atom has 4 hands, and other atoms can form complex structures with the help of carbon atoms, thus forming complex and stable compounds.

It is precisely because the earth's environment can produce such a chemical reaction environment that abundant carbon-based life can be formed.

Carbon-based life on Earth, most of the molecules in carbon-based organisms are left-handed or right-handed due to the asymmetry of the carbon atoms they contain.

It is this feature that enables the specificity of enzymes to be fully utilized. Enzymes in carbon-based organisms can catalyze specific reactions according to the shape and left-handed rotation of molecules, and identify and regulate their own large number of different metabolic processes. However, the molecular structure of carbon-based organisms is very unstable, and it is difficult to withstand high temperature, low cold, bacteria erosion and radiation exposure.

It is also for this reason that life on earth is very fragile and it is difficult to survive in harsh environments.

The content of this book's description of carbon-based life is that its internal molecular structure is symmetrical and more compact, which is fundamentally different from humans and carbon-based life on Earth.

So this book on carbon-based life does not meet Li Yi's requirements.

No way, Li Yi can only continue to look for other books on carbon-based life.

Fortunately, the Bolser civilization has conquered a large number of galaxies, explored countless alien civilizations, and has conducted many aspects of research on many forms of alien life. Li Yi believes that if you look for it, you should be able to find carbon that is similar to the earth. Basic Life Books.

There are more than 90 natural elements on earth, and carbon-based life on earth is mainly composed of 28 elements. Taking humans as an example, the human body is mainly composed of 11 elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, which account for 99.9% of the total body mass.

All life must have a metabolic function, that is, to absorb energy from the outside world and provide support for life activities, and there must be chemical changes in this process. Whether it is animate objects or inanimate objects, they are all composed of compounds, and metabolism and self-replication are the most basic life phenomena.

Here comes the problem! Why did the earth only form carbon-based life?

That is because carbon has excellent chemical properties and is easy to combine with other elements to form compounds.

Moreover, carbon is the element with the largest variety of known compounds in nature. There are many kinds of organic matter in nature, and the number of organic compounds reaches tens of millions, which provides a rich variation and evolutionary basis for the birth of carbon-based life.

The elements and environments of other planets are different, so the signs of life that are born will also be different.

The chances of finding a book that is the same as human life elements and carbon-based institutions are extremely slim. Li Yi just wants to find a book with a closer similarity, learn about life extension technology, and carry out scientific research improvements.

This technology is not like other black technologies, because the vital signs are different, and it cannot be copied.

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