My hi-tech Library

Chapter 99: The influence is widening (2)

Huawei Group Headquarters Building.

Research room.

After getting the access link of the intelligent assistant from Li Yi, Li Yong immediately summoned more than a dozen engineers in the field of intelligence to conduct an intelligence assessment test.

"This is an intelligent assistant researched by Xingyao Technology. Please evaluate it comprehensively. I suspect that its intelligence level exceeds that of any mainstream 'smart program'." Li Yong looked at his subordinates and ordered solemnly.

"Okay! Mr. Li!"

The engineers responded in unison and divided their work into action.

There are rich technical modes for comprehensively testing the functions of an artificial intelligence program, from algorithm testing, to professional testing software, to functional testing, ..., dozens of test items, engineers work together to test it in all aspects. Expand the test.

More than an hour passed.

"Algorithm coverage test, coverage rate: 100%, image and text recognition test, effective recognition rate: 98.7%; feedback accuracy test, accuracy rate: 95.3%, ..., Mr. Li, this 'smart program' performed very well in all aspects , is indeed much more advanced than our Xiaoyi." Zhou Ming, the leader of the AI ​​test team, handed Li Yong a test report and reported the test results in a heavy tone.

Li Yong looked at the test report with a wonderful expression.

"This intelligent program is very advanced, especially in terms of visual recognition and natural language processing capabilities. The intelligence level is equivalent to the intelligence level of a five- or six-year-old human child. It is only one step away from becoming a real artificial intelligence." Zhou Ming looked at Li Yong and added somewhat incredulously.

Artificial intelligence is the key research direction of Huawei. However, this field is too complicated and too esoteric. The achievements of many technology giants in this field are lackluster, and almost none of them have made major breakthroughs.

Compared with this intelligent program, their 'Xiaoyi' is not even worthy of being a 'mentally retarded', and cannot compete with it at all.

"I knew, I knew, that guy is indeed a monster!" Li Yong nodded excitedly.

"Mr. Li, who came up with this intelligent program? What framework does it use? Can I go and ask for advice in person!" Li Yong, who was a little incoherent with excitement, asked pleadingly.

"In person, you are going too! Okay, hurry up and book two tickets to Ludao, we will leave now." Li Yong's eyes lit up and he said decisively.

Hearing Li Yong say to let him follow, Zhou Ming was overjoyed to meet the author who developed this smart program, and excitedly responded: "Okay, I'll arrange it."

After speaking, Zhou Ming took out his mobile phone and booked a flight to Ludao.

That night, at eight o'clock

Li Yi's private experiment, he opened the door, and saw the two figures in the dust.

"It's no wonder that Huawei can be so big, Mr. Li, your efficiency is really high!" Li Yi laughed and joked when he saw Li Yong.

"Haha! Thank you for your praise. Huawei's success is indeed related to high efficiency. However, compared with Mr. Li, we are far inferior!" Li Yong laughed and said with emotion.

"You came here today, not just to praise me!" Li Yi teased with a smile, and made a gesture of invitation: "You two, please come in."

Li Yong nodded with a smile, and led Zhou Ming into the door.

Looking at the original living room of the villa, it was transformed into a laboratory with various experimental instruments, and there was only a small area left with a sofa, which served as a reception area.

"Mr. Li, this laboratory has spent a lot of money! I have never seen these kinds of equipment." Li Yong asked with emotion as he looked at several pieces of sophisticated and unique equipment.

"It's alright! I earn so much money, how much can I spend, isn't it just to satisfy my hobby!" Li Yi took the two to the sofa and replied with a smile.

Li Yong sat on the sofa beside Li Yi, and smiled dumbly: "Mr. Li, your hobbies are really incredible! Compared with our department's thousands of engineers and tens of billions of scientific research funds, you have created a more advanced intelligent system. ."

Hearing Li Yong's words, Zhou Ming looked at Li Yi's eyes with awe.

This young man is the creator of the 'smart program', he is only in his early twenties, this is too evil!

"Haha! It can't be compared like that. Artificial intelligence is too complicated. It will be relatively easy to find the correct path. If you can't figure it out, no amount of investment will be in vain!" Li Yi laughed and explained.

Hearing this, Li Yong and Zhou Ming's eyes lit up.

"Have you touched the path? What path!" Zhou Ming asked impatiently with a look on his face.

"Who is this?" Li Yi asked with a smile, looking at Li Yong.

"He is the head of our intelligent R&D department - Zhou Ming. He admires the intelligent programs you have developed. Let me bring him to gain insight. Mr. Li, if it is convenient, can you guide him?" Li Yong Quick introduction.

Li Yi nodded with a smile, looked at Zhou Ming, and asked, "Can you let me know first what technology your artificial intelligence uses."

"Of course there is no problem, there are many technical routes for artificial intelligence development, among which mathematical algorithms are the most widely used, and there are connection masters: perceptron algorithm, BP neural network, SOM self-organizing mapping network; evolutionary school: evolutionary algorithm~www.novelhall. com~ Genetic Algorithm...,; Swarm Intelligence: Ant Colony Algorithm, Particle Swarm Algorithm..., Bayesian School, Naive Bayesian Algorithm, Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm, AND or Graph Search, Tree Search and other algorithms ;…”

"We transform abstract problems into mathematical problems through these algorithms, determine what is the input and what is the output; build a model: this model has many unknown parameters, and the parameters take different values, the model can become different mapping rules; use A large amount of data is used to train the model, and the value of each unknown parameter is determined, and the model is determined at this time."

"When we were developing the core of the 'Xiaoyi' intelligence core, we used the combination of these algorithms to compile a hybrid core logic,..."


Zhou Ming looked at Li Yi and gushed about their process of developing 'Xiaoyi'.

Li Yi listened intently, asking some questions from time to time.

"How do you use the ant colony algorithm to achieve the global optimal solution?"

"Compared to the ant colony algorithm, why not consider using the multi-core algorithm?"


Zhou Ming's eyes were bright, as if he had found a confidant. He thought seriously about replying to Li Yi's question, and at the same time asked for some new algorithm knowledge.

Soon, the two of you spoke, and I spoke, and started the research on intelligent algorithms, and there was no intention to stop.

Watching the two of them focus on discussing the issue of intelligent algorithms, at this time, Li Yong couldn't easily interrupt. He secretly regretted that he should have brought Zhou Ming here. Today is to talk about project cooperation, so there is time. Let him do technical exchanges with Li Yi!

The smart program of Xingyao Technology must be targeted by many technology companies at this time. The sooner the cooperation is negotiated, the greater the advantage of Huawei.

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