My hi-tech Library

Chapter 100: The influence is widening (3)

12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Li Yong took Zhou Ming to bid farewell to Li Yi reluctantly.

During the period, Li Yong mentioned about the cooperation of intelligent programs. However, Li Yi Zuo talked about it and did not give a positive answer, as if he was ready to sell it.

"Mr. Li, can we still come tomorrow?" Zhou Ming asked in an unfinished mood.

"No way! I should go to Xingyao Technology for an official visit tomorrow, I wasted a good opportunity!" Li Yong glanced at her and said angrily.

"Why!" Zhou Ming was stunned and asked incomprehensibly. He still wanted to continue to communicate with 'Mr. Li' about artificial intelligence. This exchange has benefited him a lot.

"The purpose of this private visit is to test whether we can reach a cooperation intention in the field of artificial intelligence. Because of your relationship, most of the time tonight is to discuss technical issues, which is not convenient for negotiation. In addition, you are all talking about technical issues. Revolving around 'Xiao Yi', what framework did the intelligent program he developed use, and which path did he take? Have you asked about these?" Li Yong glared at Zhou Ming and asked angrily.

Zhou Ming was stunned for a moment, and was at a loss for words.


This visit is for the other party's intelligent program, why did you talk about 'Xiao Yi'?

It was deliberately guided by the other party.

No, cooperate with each other, what will 'Xiao Yi' do in the future?

"Mr. Li, the company is going to cooperate with him, what about 'Xiao Yi'?" Zhou Ming looked at Li Yong and asked absentmindedly.

Huawei's investment in artificial intelligence research is not too heavy. However, Li Yong intends to cooperate with Li Yi to use the other party's artificial intelligence, and in the end, he will definitely give up "Xiaoyi". Isn't it worthless?

Li Yong looked embarrassed and said solemnly: "How to deal with the problem of 'Xiaoyi' in the future, the board of directors will make a decision, and now we are working hard to reach a cooperation intention with Xingyao Technology and find a new path for artificial intelligence. We are behind in this field. Ah!"

Zhou Ming was silent, his expression lost and sad.

the next day.

Shining Star Technology Headquarters, small meeting room.

Li Yi led Tang Shaohong to entertain Li Yong and Zhou Ming at the official scene.

At this time, the person in charge of negotiating cooperation is no longer Li Yi, but is led by CEO Tang Shaohong.

However, Xingyao Technology also has a far-reaching layout in the field of artificial intelligence. The core technology of artificial intelligence cannot be discussed, and the cooperation is more stagnant on the surface, which is by no means acceptable to Huawei.

The meeting and negotiation that lasted for more than two hours ended in an unhappy breakup.

After sending Li Yong and Zhou Ming away, Li Yi and Tang Shaohong returned to the office.

"Mr. Li, we hated Huawei this time, and we will face a lot of competitive pressure in the future!" Tang Shaohong sat on the sofa, looked at Li Yi, and reminded with a smile.

"If you're scared, it's not too late for me to invite people back now." Li Yi glanced at Tang Shaohong angrily. She was the one who decided to refuse further cooperation, and she was the one who was worried afterwards. She had already lost her popularity. , now what's the use of saying these.

"How dare you embarrass Mr. Li! As long as you support, how can you be afraid of competing with Huawei? It's just that many companies have recently received invitations for cooperation. The three BAT giants have sent invitations, all of whom want to invest in shares and discuss cooperation. Yes, I'm under a lot of pressure!" Tang Shaohong smiled and reminded politely.

"Except for cooperation projects with the government that help maintain social order, in the field of artificial intelligence, other companies and organizations are not allowed to carry out in-depth technical cooperation. It is decided on the matter. If you invest in shares or seek cooperation, you will directly refuse. In addition, you need to Hurry up and let the R&D department and the production department get ready, taking advantage of this unexpected popularity, it's almost time to prepare for a product launch conference to show off your muscles!" Li Yi reminded Tang Shaohong as he looked at him.

A flash of excitement flashed in Tang Shaohong's eyes, and he nodded solemnly: "Understood! I will make arrangements as soon as possible."

After officially becoming the CEO of Xingyao Technology, Tang Shaohong had the opportunity to get in touch with the company's core technology, polymerized 3D printers, biochips with new structures, new nanomaterials, ..., the company's R&D laboratory, which hides There are several new technologies that can change human society and even change the political landscape of the world.

Once this product launch is announced to the world, its influence will not be to drop a technological 'nuclear bomb' on human technological civilization.

The technology monopoly that the West has dominated for half a century in the semiconductor field will be completely cut open. At that time, what changes will happen to the chip industry and what impact will it have on the world political system? Will Shining Star Technology To be the target of new sanctions by Western countries, everything is unknown.

However, backed by a powerful country, Xingyao Technology is not afraid of this situation. The big deal is like Huawei, if it does not enter the North American market.

After chatting for a long time, Tang Shaohong left the office and went to work.

Li Yi plunged into the laboratory head-on, engaged in new research with Da Hei, and did not pay attention to the company's affairs.

With the use of intelligent office assistants and the announcement of the company's new system, all employees of Xingyao Technology have a sense of ownership and a strong enthusiasm for work. Work efficiency is increased hundreds of times.

The new CEO, Tang Shaohong, led the implementation of the development strategy of Xingyao Technology, focused on a product launch conference, polished the products, and prepared to make Xingyao Technology famous.

Time passed unknowingly, and in the blink of an eye it entered the month of June,

In the early summer of June, the weather is getting warmer, and the cries of Zhi can be heard gradually. Heron Island, surrounded by islands, has an average temperature of around 25-30, and the climate is pleasant.

June is the annual college entrance examination season.

Li Yi rode a mountain bike, followed by a black dog, and waited eagerly with a group of parents at the gate of the closed campus.

Separated by an iron gate, there are college entrance examination candidates who have taken the last exam on the campus and are patiently waiting for the school to open the door.

The "bell" rang, and the exam time ended. The school opened the iron gate and released the students from the school.

With a bang, the free students poured out like a tide.

Under the guidance of Da Hei, Li Yi quickly locked in Li Wenxiu, who was being squeezed away by the crowd.

"Wenxiu, here, go this way." Li Yi greeted her on a bicycle and waved.

"Brother, why are you here to pick me up, Dad!" Li Wenxiu saw Li Yi, her eyes lit up, and she greeted him happily.

"Dad went fishing. I'm not free. Come up quickly and go back." Li Yi greeted impatiently.

"Oh!" Li Wenxiu sat in the back seat obediently.

"Why did you come here on a bicycle, didn't you just get your driver's license?" Li Wenxiu couldn't help frowning and asked because of the bicycle's buttocks.

"What kind of car do you drive a few steps away, or you can take the bus yourself!" Li Yi replied directly, not accustomed to her

"Humph! I'm afraid you'll have a hard time driving, I don't know what to do!" Li Wenxiu snorted.

"It's a little hard to pedal, you should lose weight!" Li Yi agreed.

"Ah! You're courting death yourself, I'm welcome!" Li Wenxiu angrily stretched her hand to Li Yi's waist, trying to scratch it.

"Don't! There are so many people on the road, don't joke!" Li Yi felt bad and quickly reminded.

"Hmph! Apologize quickly and buy me, otherwise, I will perish with you." Li Wenxiu threatened with a sly look in her eyes.

"I'll send you a big red envelope! One hundred thousand yuan!" Li Yi said quickly.

"No, I don't want money!" Li Wenxiu vetoed without hesitation. The family does not worry about food and clothing, and there is nowhere to spend so much money.

"Whatever you want, it's up to you! Hurry up and let go!" Li Yi was so ticklish that he stopped drinking.

"That's what you said, I want five tickets to participate in the conference, don't be fooled!" Li Wenxiu grabbed the tender meat on Li Yi's waist and threatened.

"Five is too many, I'll give you three!" Li Yi bargained authentically.

"No! Just five!" Li Wenxiu grabbed her hands hard, refusing to compromise.

"Okay, okay! I'll give it to you when I go back! Hurry up and let go!" Li Yi could only helplessly respond when his weakness was pinched.

The ticket that Li Wenxiu mentioned was the product launch conference that Shining Star Technology was about to hold.

With the exposure of the smart assistant, it has attracted attention from all walks of life. As a last resort, Xingyao Technology was forced to hold a product launch conference ahead of schedule, preparing to release several important products.

Once this release is announced, it will immediately attract the attention of countless companies, units, and even individuals.

However, for Li Yi, five tickets are quite simple.

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