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Chapter 96: Smart Office Assistant (2)

"Rating score: 49 points, failed, the functional rating cannot be passed, master, your professionalism in the position of general manager is insufficient, and you lack senior management experience. It is recommended that you take some vocational skills training before the next functional rating." Mobile Ragdoll on screen - ruthlessly reporting results.

After taking this test, Xu Yang's face turned black, both ashamed and helpless.

The topic of functional rating is very professional, basically assessing the professional qualities that a senior management should have. However, for Xu Yang, these questions are too difficult.

Before joining Xingyao Technology, Xu Yang was the technical director of a medium-sized technology company. By coincidence, he was favored by the boss, Li Yi. He joined Xingyao Technology and made him one of the rotating CEO positions.

Today, Xingyao Technology is developing rapidly, with huge potential, and its industrial layout is on the track. It directly targets technology giants such as Biaohua Micro Group, and has higher and higher requirements for senior management.

Li Yi rebuilt the company's management system. Xu Yang can understand and accept this.

However, what Xu Yang did not expect was that he would not be able to be the CEO on duty this time, and he could not even pass the functional rating of the deputy general manager.

"When will the next functional rating be carried out? What if I can't take the test again?" Xu Yang asked angrily as he lost his face.

"Master, the function rating can be done again after three months. The assistant database has function-related learning materials. It is recommended that you study it and then conduct the assessment. If the third rating fails, it is recommended to lower the function level and conduct the assessment again. ' Xiaomi replied.

"What if someone could not pass the test at the lowest functional level!" Xu Yang couldn't help but ask inquisitively.

"Master, the purpose of the functional level evaluation is to screen the employees who are suitable for the position for the company, and to give all employees a fair and notarized promotion system. The evaluation topics cover, professional quality, professional skills, thinking logic, character specialties, ..., etc. In other respects, it reflects the comprehensive quality of the employee’s personal recuperation, IQ, personality, etc., and the lowest level of functional rating cannot be passed, it can be determined that the employee has ideological problems in attitude, and the company will no longer continue to employ.”

Hearing this, Xuyang was taken aback, and then I remembered what Li Yi said at the meeting. The new management system will be accompanied by a functional rating system, which will give all employees of the company an uninterrupted, fair and notarized promotion path. , the capable ones go up, the weak go down, lazy to give in, and the mediocre to avoid.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang has no intention of paying attention to the powerful "smart technology" of 'Xiao Mi'. He is a little worried that he will be demoted after failing the professional rating assessment three times in a row.

Xu Yang hurriedly asked, "What's going on with the vocational skills training? Are there any other relevant materials to learn?"

"Yes, the database has collected the corresponding vocational learning materials, and Xiaomi can assist the owner in learning." Ragdoll-Xiaomi responded.

"Really? Open me and see? I should learn that knowledge." Xu Yang hurriedly asked as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Master, you are at work now. You have three tasks to arrange, which will take about 5 hours. I suggest you deal with the work first, and read the study materials later." Ragdoll-Xiao Mi did not answer Xu Yang's words, but suggested road.

Hearing this, Xu Yan was stunned. This guy is not only an office assistant, but also a supervisor? He dared to urge him to work.

Thinking of Li Yi's high hopes for this system, Xu Yang sighed helplessly, feeling that everyone will no longer be lazy at work in the future!

"There are those work arrangements, send them out to see!" Xu Yang instructed.

"Okay, Master!" 'Xiao Mi' waved her hand obediently, and then on the screen of her phone, she waved her hand and 'picked' out a message box.

Quickly read the content in the information box, Xu Yang's face showed a sure color, and his mood was very complicated.

Three tasks, the first task is to find suitable suppliers of electronic components and prepare for the upcoming new project, the second task is to go to the district to participate in the Technology Enterprise Association, and the third task is to visit the headquarters of Shengyang Electronics , to discuss the problem of equipment availability.

The importance and order of the three tasks made a perfect execution plan. As long as Xu Yang implemented the plan according to this plan, he could finish it in about five hours.

At this moment, Xu Yang had already anticipated what kind of feedback his colleagues would get after using this set of office assistants.

Xu Yang raised his head and looked at the office lobby through the glass door.

I saw the figures outside the office walking around excitedly, and they were constantly discussing. At this time, they were no longer in a normal mood.

"Only, 56 points, ah! It's just four points!"

"Don't cheat, my Xiaobai has warned me! 555, if you are caught cheating, will it be counted as 'failed'!"

"No, it's just that the questions and questions are not counted. They have a large database, and there are not too many questions."

"Wow! My Xiaoqiu can actually act like a spoiled child, it's so cute! Love it, love it!"

"Hey! I won't be able to fish in the future, this little guy, Barabara has said it all the time!"

"Yeah! There are more personal product managers, but I'm not angry at all for being urged by this little guy!"

In the office lobby, the employees who have downloaded the intelligent office assistants seem to have acquired an incredible treasure. They all hold their mobile phones. The mobile phones emit electronically synthesized sounds of various tones, including Lolita, Yujie, and more. Cute childish voice.

All kinds of interesting and intelligent responses made everyone smile and share with colleagues happily.

The cartoon image of the intelligent office assistant is customized according to their answers to 72 test questions, which is in line with their aesthetics. At the same time, the powerful 'smart' feedback is more liked by everyone.

Coupled with equity dividend incentives and an unmanned career rating and promotion system, this new management system immediately won the favor of all employees, with bright smiles on their faces, and the scene was full of joy.

Office of the Chairman

Li Yi sat on the sofa and looked up at the projection screen that Da Hei put on.

"Master, 243 people have passed the functional rating. Among them, the highest level is 27 - Tang Shaohong, secondly, Zhang Xingliang: 24, Liu Min: 23, ..." Da Hei reported to Li Yihui.

"Oh! Xu Yang, Lin Lijun, and Zhang Lei haven't taken the exam?" Li Yi asked in surprise when he could not find the names of several rotating CEOs on the projection screen.

"No, they have higher positions, and the required professional knowledge structure exceeds their current level." Da Hei quickly responded.

"Well, adjust Tang Shaohong's information for me, and tell her to come to my office in 15 minutes." Li Yi nodded and instructed.

"Okay, Master!" Da Hei answered the order, and the next moment, the projection content changed, showing a detailed resume.

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