My hi-tech Library

Chapter 95: Smart Office Assistant (1)

"Wow! This dog is like a human and can talk!"

"It's so smart! It actually understands what I say?"

"Mr. Li, you said it's a new product of the company? That's too amazing!"


With the appearance of Da Hei, the atmosphere of the scene changed. Ling Qianqian communicated with Da Hei for a while, and praised Yang constantly.

Li Yi smiled and dealt with it for a while, and then also asked Ling Qianqian about her work situation, to learn about the operation of Xingyao Technology.

Like other technology companies, Xingyao Technology first customizes a traditional management system and operates its business under the control of several rotating CEOs. Except for the value of technological innovation, it has no operating characteristics. After all, almost all companies in the entire human society are managed like this. operating.

It was getting late, let Ling Qianqian leave first, while Li Yi continued to work overtime to improve the new management system.

The next day, Monday, working day.

The senior leaders of Xingyao Technology were summoned by Li Yi to the large conference room to hold a special closed meeting, and the meeting lasted for several days.

Such an unexpected situation made a lot of ordinary employees and middle-level employees very curious, and they kept guessing.

"The big boss comes to the company every day for a meeting. What's going on! Is there going to be a big change?"

"The company is going to make a big move! Didn't the government just give us 500 million?"

"Lao Xu, do you know the inside story? Tell me!"

"It seems like a big event is going to happen in the company recently! It's about everyone!"

"Are you going to raise your salary?"


On the first day, the second day, the third day, ..., the continuous decision-making of the big meeting, the news of the upcoming big changes in Shining Star Technology gradually spread, and all the employees of Shining Star Technology were panicked and didn't know what happened. , are waiting for the news.

Soon, the personnel department issued several announcements in succession. The company will start a trial operation of a new management system from next week. Employees must download an office assistant. The original position will remain unchanged. Occupational grade rating system, additional skills training system, etc., the company's management system has changed greatly.

"No! Weekly meetings and project meetings have to be cancelled. How will you work in the future?"

"Wow! The company is going to give us equity dividends! The boss is mighty!"

"Director, how many grades can my position be rated?"

"Wow! It's time to make a fortune! If you can be rated as a level 10 function, you will be entitled to 1 million shares of dividends, and 20% of the total profit will be distributed as dividends every year. 1 share for 1 yuan, 1 million at the end of the year!"

"Thinking too much! The total number of shares is 10 billion shares, and 1 share is divided into 1 yuan. Isn't the company going to make a profit of more than 50 billion?"

"One dime in dividends is also a lot of money! The main reason is that I don't know how difficult it is to assess the level of function!"


All employees of Xingyao Technology are collectively boiling, and they are all happy and discussing the new management system, all of which have been stimulated by the equity incentive mechanism plan.

After one year of employment, you can participate in the evaluation of the functional level, and you can get the dividends of the company's virtual equity. With the improvement of the functional level, the more virtual equity you will get. If you can get a rating of 32, you can get a dividend of 3.2% of the company's equity. With the current profitability of Xingyao Technology, it is possible to become a billionaire by paying dividends in one year.

As a result, nearly 1,000 employees of Xingyao Technology began to download office assistants.

The company canceled many meetings, and in the future, a lot of work will be carried out by office assistants.

Soon, the employees of Xingyao Technology immediately downloaded the company's office assistant to their mobile phones.

"Hey! There's something wrong with this assistant software!"

"Yeah! After downloading, you have to fill in the quiz questions. What kind of ghost question is this!"

"It's so troublesome, there are still 72 questions to do!"

"It seems to be a personality survey type of questions. They are all multiple-choice questions. For the convenience of use, everyone should answer them carefully!"

"In order not to have to work overtime for meetings in the future, hurry up and do the questions!"


The office area is very lively. The employees who have downloaded the office assistant are yelling at their mobile phones, filling in their personal information and answering questions.

In the director's office, Xu Yang, who had retired from the rotating CEO position, held his mobile phone and answered the questions silently.

The 72 test questions are not difficult, they are all questions about personal character, psychology and habits.

Xu Yang quickly filled in the answer according to his personal preference.

After a few days of meetings, Xu Yang saw that Li Yi attached great importance to this office assistant.

After the trial operation, it will definitely be implemented. All employees of Xingyao Technology will rely on this software to assist in office work.

Xu Yang answered all the answers and submitted them for upload.

Soon, a simple light blue interface appeared in the software, with a world map with the earth in the background, and a blank box appeared in the software, reminding him to name the office assistant.

With its own intelligent voice assistant?

This office assistant developed by Mr. Li is a bit high-tech!

Xu Yang carefully observed the functional interface of the office assistant and gave a high evaluation.

Xu Yang couldn't understand Li Yi's ability.

Xingyao Technology's achievements today are supported by his own technical ability against the sky. The management, as well as the company's employees, are just lucky to hug this big tree and help him extract nutrients.

Xu Yang thought for a while, and filled in the Chinese name of 'Xiao Mi' is the name of his girlfriend's pet cat.

Soon, an anime image of a 'white puppet' appeared on the screen and came alive.

"Master, Xiao Mi is here, what are your orders!" The white puppet took two steps, squatted down obediently, looked at Xu Yang and said hello.

Xu Yang was a little confused. As a senior programmer, he found something unusual in Xiao Mi.

"Are you artificial intelligence? What algorithms are used in the underlying core? What kind of development logic?" Xu Yang asked straight to the point.

"Master, Xiao Mi is an intelligent program, not an artificial intelligence. You have not passed the functional level assessment. The relevant technical content is the company's core secret and cannot be opened to you!" 'Xiao Mi' replied gracefully and calmly.

"You can know after the functional rating? Hurry up, arrange a rating for me." Xu Yang was shocked and demanded impatiently.

"Okay, master, you have been employed by Shining Star Technology for 297 days, during which you have served as the rotating CEO position: 182 days, during which work achievements: led the relocation of Shining Star Technology headquarters to Ludao, presided over the company's daily operations, talked about the Fulai project, ... , for the total score, a 25-level functional evaluation can be carried out, should it be carried out immediately?" Xiao Mi readily responded and asked Xu Yang to confirm.

Level 25?

The functional level was a bit low, and Xu Yang was a little disappointed. The CEO's level should have been the highest level of 32.

However, because he only served on rotation for half a year, and Shining Star Technology is in the early stage of expansion, there is no time for him to make more contributions to the company.

However, if he can pass the functional level assessment, he can be considered to have entered the core circle of Xingyao Technology. The equity dividend at the end of the year is a large amount. Xu Yang is also satisfied. Within a year of joining the job, his life has already happened. huge change.

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