My hi-tech Library

Chapter 55: business model

End of the meeting.

Li Yi returned to the chairman's office, accompanied by six other senior management, sitting on the leather sofa in the reception area, chatting about something. The boss rarely came to the company, and he had to have a good conversation with him.

The chairman's office is arc-shaped and covers an area of ​​more than 60 square meters. The arc floor-to-ceiling windows present a vast and invincible sea view.

Li Yi leaned comfortably on the sofa, looking out the window at the endless sea view, in a very happy mood.

The six core management of the company are on duty as CEO. This system has been formally established, and the power of daily business decision-making has been further decentralized, and Li Yi basically does not need to worry about the company's affairs.

Xingyao Technology has just started. If the rotating CEO does not do well, he will be replaced by someone else, which will not cause too much negative impact. Therefore, Li Yi can safely hand over the company's affairs to them.

Xu Yang is the first rotating CEO. For more than a month, the company's work has been carried out in an orderly manner. Li Yi feels that it is many times better than his own management of the company.

"Mr. Li, this is the implementation plan that I have sorted out. Take a look at it. If there is no problem, it will be arranged like this!" Xu Yang handed a document to Li Yi and asked for advice with a smile.

"Okay! I'll take a look." Li Yi took the document with a smile and flipped through it.

The content of the document records the operation mode of the simulation experiment system business development.

With the quasi-realistic power of the simulation experiment system at the atomic level, coupled with the powerful computing power of the Kunpeng supercomputer, 1,300 trillion times (1.3 petaflops) calculations per second can simulate the motion of hundreds of thousands of atoms. Therefore, Xingyao Technology It has become a research and development institution that masters a very strong simulation experiment, and has the ability to accept scientific research commissions from other companies.

The business development plan designed in Xuyang is to focus scientific research on pharmaceutical manufacturing, molecular materials, dynamic design,..., etc., industries that require a lot of simulation computing research.


Li Yi flipped through the document page by page, and his expression gradually became serious.

After all, Li Yi was very dissatisfied after seeing Xu Yang's business model of promoting the simulation experiment system. The simulation experiment system he devoted himself to building has become a tool for R&D for others.

"What's wrong with Mr. Li? Is there a problem?" Seeing Li Yi's face suddenly turning ugly, Xu Yang asked nervously.

"Well, the business strategy is a bit conservative. The company still has a lot of funds on the books. It should be fully utilized. Actively participate in scientific research projects with better prospects, and add a technical venture capital department to participate in the sharing of scientific research results. In addition, we It is also necessary to speed up the establishment of basic scientific research laboratories, reserve relevant talents, and carry out research in some technical fields with great potential." Li Yi explained and handed the documents back to Xu Yang. Commanded: "Re-change it!"

"Understood, but Mr. Li, we don't have any experience in this area, so we have to take a lot of risk to invest a lot, and we will most likely lose everything." Xu Yang looked embarrassed and looked at Li Yi's solemn reminder.

A large number of venture investments in scientific research are prone to systemic risks. As the company's rotating CEO, Xu Yang has the responsibility to reduce business risks for the company. Therefore, he has set up a safe and secure business strategy.

Knowing that Xu Yang was thinking of the company, he adopted a conservative business strategy.

Seeing how he insisted on his own opinion, Li Yi couldn't help but feel a little cocky.

He couldn't tell him frankly that he had countless alien technologies in his hands, and that he invested in that field, and all of them had technologies that could bring them back to life.

However, without intervention, if this model continues to develop, Xingyao Technology may become an IT company that provides scientific research services.

Li Yiluo weighed it up and couldn't just deny Xu Yang. He decided now, "Let's do it! You can continue to customize your business strategy, and at the same time, find one or two suitable areas for development and increase your investment."

Xu Yang and the other five bosses exchanged glances and agreed with Li Yi's decision.

"Is there any problem? How is your investigation of the customer information? Do you have any good projects on hand, show it to me?" Li Yi's gaze swept across the faces of the six and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Li, this is the client project I collected, please take a look." Lin Lijun took the first step and handed Li Yi a folder.

Li Yi took the file and quickly browsed it.

"Xinmai New Materials - Controlled Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Graphene Materials, Linchang Chemical - Development of Soluble Tetrafluoroethylene PFA,..."

Among dozens of scientific research projects, Li Yi quickly locked in a more interesting development project: 3D metal printing materials - titanium alloy material development, entrusting party: Jinyuan Technology Co., Ltd., a new material technology enterprise.

In the black science and technology library, Li Yi obtained a lot of material formulas. Taking advantage of this joint research opportunity, he began to invest in this field and 'developed' those formulas one after another.

"The prospect of 3D printing materials is good. Let's invest in this direction for our first scientific research project! What do you think?" Li Yi looked up at Xu Yang, Lin Lijun and the others, and asked The research and development of 3D printing materials has good potential, but the risk is too great, and the probability of major breakthroughs in the development of new printing materials is very small. "Xu Yang frowned and reminded Li Yidao.

"Mr. Li, are you interested in the project of Jinyuan Company? Don't decide in a hurry, do you want to know more about it?" Lin Lijun said disapprovingly.

The other four looked at each other, and also gave unfavorable opinions.

3D printing materials, especially metal materials, are the most difficult to develop. The melting point of metal is relatively high, and it involves various physical processes such as solid-liquid phase transition, surface diffusion, and heat conduction of metal. To develop metal materials suitable for printing, it is necessary to Consider whether the resulting crystal structure is good, whether the entire specimen is uniform, the size of internal impurities and pores, and so on.

Therefore, when they learned that Li Yi was interested in 3D printing materials, the six people held objections and were not optimistic about this project.

Hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help but sighed, knowing the reason why they didn't dare to take risks, and didn't blame them.

This is because of the rotating CEO system. They need to be responsible for their job functions. Later, when Xingyao Technology develops and has a lot of money, they will have an adventurous spirit by changing the system.

"Let's do it! I like this project, and I will be responsible for it. You can arrange other matters!" Li Yi looked at the six people and decided.

Hearing this, Xu Yang nodded silently, Li Yi, the boss, had already decided this way, so he couldn't say anything else.

"Mr. Li, do you need me to help you make an appointment with Jinyuan Company?" Lin Lijun looked at Li Yi and asked.

"Yeah! Make an appointment for me. Next Wednesday, I'll visit in person! I need time to prepare." Li Yi thought for a while, nodded and confirmed.

"Okay!" Lin Lijun responded quickly.

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