My hi-tech Library

Chapter 54: dream in heart

Under the leadership of Professor Zhou, everyone walked into the main engine room where the supercomputers were placed. The supercomputers composed of several large black machines came into view, and the high-end atmosphere of sci-fi came into view.

"This supercomputer uses the Kunpeng 920 processor developed by Huawei, which supports 64 cores, clocked at 2.6GH, and is paired with 8-channel DDR4 memory. Compared with competing products, the memory bandwidth is increased by 46%, and the total I/O bandwidth is increased by 46%. 66% increase, network bandwidth increased by 4 times, …,”

"The overall computing speed can reach 1,300 trillion times per second. This computing power can rank 300 in the global TOP500 supercomputing. Most of the previous supercomputing use the X86 or Power architecture, ..."

"The ARM architecture used by the Kunpeng 920 is nearly 25% higher than the industry benchmark performance, while reducing power consumption by 30%,..."

Professor Zhou looked at Li Yi and introduced him in detail.

Li Yi nodded. 1300 trillion computing power is enough to support the operation of the simulation experiment system. However, for subsequent system upgrades or the development of more complex systems, this supercomputing computing power will soon be insufficient. .

Thinking of this, Li Yi sighed helplessly.

take it easy! You can't eat a fat man in one go.

Then, under the introduction of Professor Zhou, Li Yi took a look at the operation platform of the supercomputing center.

Overall, it's not bad. The only thing that Li Yi is dissatisfied with is that some of the computing power of the supercomputing platform is providing services to other users, and there is no way to clear them all.

Li Yi frowned, looked at Li Yong and asked with concern, "Mr. Li, how long will it take for all users of the supercomputing platform to be transferred?"

"It will take about a month. This supercomputing center was originally prepared to cooperate with the government and enterprises of Ludao. The transfer of some important data and the approval of some procedures are cumbersome. We will speed up the processing of this matter." Li Yong quickly explained to Li Yi assured.

Hearing this, Li Yi nodded with satisfaction. One month would not delay the test of the simulation experiment system, which was acceptable.

Li Yi looked at Xu Yang, Lin Lijun, and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Xu Yang, Lin Lijun shook his head and said that he had no objection to the management of supercomputing.

"Yeah! If not, you will follow Professor Zhou tomorrow to learn supercomputing management skills!" Li Yi looked at the two of them and arranged.

"Okay, President Li!" Xu Yang and Lin Lijun responded in unison.

Leaving the supercomputing center, Li Yi and the others temporarily stayed in a nearby hotel.

The next day, Xu Yang and Lin Lijun moved into the supercomputing center and began to take over the work. At the same time, they began to look for a suitable office space and dispatched the staff from Yangcheng.

Li Yi has nearly 1 billion in cash on hand, and he has deep wealth. He is directly in the financial core area of ​​Ludao, a 5A Grade A office building - Zijin Building - renting a two-story office building of 3536 as the headquarters office space of Xingyao Technology.

Next, hire headhunters with high salaries, tap high-end talents, and complete the office staff of various departments.

Large sums of money were thrown out.

For a time, the talent agency industry of Ludao knew that a big money owner called "Xingyao Technology" suddenly appeared in Ludao, and was frantically collecting cutting-edge talents from Ludao.

While busy planning the company's new headquarters, Li Yi did not forget to find a new residence for himself.

After confirming that he would develop in Ludao in the future, Li Yi invested heavily in the Wuyuanwan area with the most beautiful scenery on Ludao, and bought a set of luxuriously decorated large flats. The total cost was more than 45 million, and the average transaction price per Nearly 150,000 square meters.

The floor of the living room is paved with red shirts and browns imported from Italy, extending to the living room. The white marble walls and the blue ceiling with the theme of ocean and nature. The overall decoration layout of the master bedroom has reached the standard of the hotel presidential room, showing wealth and identity everywhere. details.

Time flies, and it's November.

Heron Island, surrounded by islands, is like spring all year round, and the average temperature is still above 25 degrees. People in the north have already put on long trousers, and people in this city are still wearing short-sleeved thin clothes.

After living in the mansion for nearly a week, Li Yi finally went downstairs.

Walking out of the community, Cai Xiaowei, dressed in a black short skirt and a white short-sleeved shirt, was standing beside the car, waiting anxiously for him.

"Xiaowei, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful!" Seeing Cai Xiaowei, Li Yi laughed jokingly.

"President Li, hurry up and get in the car! President Xu and the others are waiting for you to have a meeting!" Cai Xiaowei did not respond to Li Yi's ridicule, but opened the car door for him and urged.

Li Yi smiled and hurriedly got into the car.

Cai Xiaowei followed into the car, closed the door, and immediately ordered the driver to drive.

"Mr. Li, would you like to take a look at today's meeting materials?" Cai Xiaowei took out a document and handed it to Li Yi.

Li Yi took the document and quickly flipped through it.

The content of the document records Xingyao Technology. During this period, the development of various tasks, detailed reports on financial expenditures, the entry data of newly recruited employees, ..., a lot of information, a lot of information about the company's management.

Li Yi quickly flipped through the pages. He glanced at ten lines, and ignored unimportant information one after another.

The supercomputing handover work has been completed, and the development of the simulation experiment system has entered the final stage.

The management of Xingyao Technology has been handed over to six rotating CEOs. Xingyao Technology accounts for 60% of the equity of Muzi Technology and is the company's major shareholder. Therefore, the management of Muzi Technology is also under the jurisdiction of the rotating CEO. Therefore, Li There are fewer company things that Yi needs to be responsible for.

Not long after, the Audi A6 carrying Li Yi drove from Huandao Road into the underground parking lot of Zijin Building.

Swipe your card to get on the elevator to the 36th floor.

The luxurious front desk, the silver star logo full of technology, the invincible sea view outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office area, and the sailing center of luxury yachts all come into Li Yi's eyes one by one.

The office hall, with hundreds of workstations, is full of serious programmers, and the screen is full of codes, which is very spectacular.

"President Li, Secretary Cai, President Xu and the others are in the conference room." The young female front desk greeted them and walked in front, leading the way for Li Yi and Cai Xiaowei.

Li Yi smiled and followed closely.

The door of the stepped arc conference room was open, and thirty or forty middle and high-level leaders participating in the conference were chatting in a low voice, patiently waiting for the master at the core of the conference.

With the sound of footsteps, everyone fell silent, their eyes focused on Li Yi who walked into the conference room, and watched him sit domineeringly on the chairman seat of the conference table.

Cai Xiaowei sat down in the vacant seat behind Li Yi, and the female front desk closed the meeting door.

"BOSS is here, everyone applauds and welcomes. Some colleagues are meeting our boss for the first time. I will take this opportunity to remember them well! President Li is young, handsome, and easy to recognize!" Xu Yang, who presided over the meeting Jokingly introduced Li Yi's identity to everyone, and offered a flattery without leaving a trace.

"Clap clap clap..."

As soon as Xu Yang finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause in the conference room.

"Wow! This is our boss! So young!"

"Yeah! I finally saw myself, the rumors are true!"

"It's the youngest in our company!"

Everyone's eyes focused on Li Yi's young face, exclamations and applause.

"Thank you, everyone, there will be opportunities to meet in the future, let's start the meeting!" Li Yi smiled happily and said with his hands down.

Hearing this, everyone stopped applauding in unison, and looked at Xu Yang again, waiting for him to preside over the meeting.

"Yeah! I presided over today's meeting. Recently, many new colleagues have joined. Let me introduce myself. My name is Xu Yang. I am one of the company's rotating CEOs. I preside over the six-month work. I hope everyone will support me." Xu Yang looked around the audience and introduced himself with a smile.

"Last month, the company has undergone great changes and completed a sharp change in development. We successfully took over the Kunpeng Supercomputing Center, the office headquarters was relocated from Yangcheng to Ludao, and the number of employees in the headquarters also increased from 48 to 279. We A subsidiary of Muzi Technology, which has received 1.56 billion financing from Huawei Group,..."

"Next, this month's work task is very heavy, according to the company's customized organizational structure, rules and regulations, the financial department, the administrative department, the personnel department, the legal department, the logistics department and other administrative departments should complete the system customization and standardization of the department's responsibilities. Plan, standardize,…”

"The R&D Technology Department, completes the finishing touches of the simulation system, connects with the supercomputing center, and completes the deployment of the system test environment,..."

Soon, the meeting entered a normal mode, with CEO-Xu Yang giving speeches and leading the direction of the meeting.

The boring and boring content of the meeting lasted for more than two hours.

Finally, at the end of the meeting, Xu Yang looked at Li Yi and said with a smile, "This is almost the content of today's meeting. Next, Mr. Li will give us a few words."

After speaking, Xu Yang walked up to Li Yi and handed over the topic to him.

Li Yi took the microphone, looked around at everyone, and said with a smile: "Seeing me, everyone must have a doubt in their hearts, why can I start a 10 billion enterprise from scratch at such a young age and in such a short period of time. ."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a while, but Li Yi expressed their doubts as soon as he opened his mouth.

They do have this doubt.

With the market value of the subsidiary Muzi Technology, the overall valuation of Xingyao Technology has already exceeded 10 billion. However, his founder, who is only in his early twenties, does not rely on his parents, family, and starts from scratch. .

This is simply an impossible miracle.

As if he understood their eyes, Li Yi smiled slightly and said calmly: "There is nothing impossible in life. As long as you determine the goal, find the direction, and put all your energy into it, you can create miracles."

"In order to write a vulnerability tool, I typed code day and night for several months, typing hundreds of thousands of lines of code. In order to create new algorithms, I ripped through hundreds of books, which made me what I am today." With a smile on his face, Li Yi introduced it calmly.

After a pause, Li Yi's tone became heavy, and he said solemnly: "However, I am not satisfied with this, UU reading The big dream is, the road is long, and Xingyao Technology carries my dream, I hope to be able to rely on it to create the most advanced technological products in the world, let it lead me to build an ecological base on the moon, let it build a spacecraft, explore the universe, ... "

After speaking, Li Yi smiled embarrassedly: "Maybe, because I'm still young, I still have these unrealistic dreams."

"However, there's nothing wrong with this, I think this can also become your dream, you can join in together, have a dream in your heart, and have a light in your eyes, if you just work for money, that kind of life is boring and sad. , isn't it!" Li Yi looked around at everyone and asked with a smile.

"Hahaha..." Li Yi's inquiry immediately received many kind responses.

As Li Yi said, they only work for money, which is quite helpless. The reality of the society has already made everyone give up their dreams.

Hearing this happy and kind laughter, Li Yi smiled mysteriously and said seriously: "I hope you can all believe in my dream, follow the footsteps of Xingyao Technology, and have a very wonderful life in the future. ."

After saying the last sentence, Li Yi stopped talking and handed the topic back to Xu Yang.

"Thank you, Mr. Li's heartfelt words, and thank you for his willingness to share his dreams with us, let us deeply realize that Xingyao Technology is an enterprise born for dreams, and I hope everyone will keep this in mind when working in the future, If it is only for a salary, the road will not go far." Xu Yang looked around the crowd and concluded for Li Yi.

"This is the end of today's meeting, the meeting is over!" Xu Yang finally announced.

With a sound of "crashing", everyone stood up one after another, packed their things, and exited the conference room one after another.

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