My hi-tech Library

Chapter 355: new era of mankind

In August of the 127th year of the alliance calendar, the vanguard fleet secretly carried out military operations and went to the planet of Thales, in preparation for contact with an alien intelligent civilization that encountered human beings.

In February of the 128th year of the alliance calendar, the space energy station project developed by Xingyao Technology on Jupiter officially entered the opening stage. The nuclear fusion energy of human civilization has obtained an inexhaustible energy station. The overall scientific and technological potential of human civilization Boost again.

In May of the 129th year of the alliance calendar, Xingyao Technology once again made comprehensive breakthroughs in various fields of science and technology, and released a new generation of superluminal curvature civilian spacecraft, curvature naval guns, Huanxing super smelting furnace, ..., etc., major scientific research projects , have successively achieved major breakthroughs.

In January of the 130th year of the Alliance Calendar, the human population once again exceeded the peak of 60 billion. It is imminent to migrate to other life planets, and to transform and adapt to immigration.


The human home planet Earth, the headquarters of Xingyao Technology at the core of Xingyao City, a huge conference room, a year-end meeting is going on.

Nearly 1,000 square meters of conference room, the whole venue is solemn and solemn.

At the arc-shaped chairman's conference table, Li Yang sits on the chairman's seat, Li Yongkun, the right strategy, is on the right; Li Qing, ..., the core executives of Xingyao Technology will gather here again.

Li Qing stood on the podium and reported to everyone in a passionate tone: "..., the sales of the fifth generation of Xingyao expedition ships suddenly peaked at 50 million ships, and the company's overall business data broke through the highest in history, reaching 14,769 trillion. 100 million, profit of 7.23, ..., the alliance government will prepare to start this year, Lan Lingxing, Hope Star, Pangu Star, ... etc., the transformation and immigration project of thirteen colonial stars, Xingyao Technology mainly participated in the investment in Lan Lingxing, The renovation project of Panguxing and Qixing cost nearly 5ooo trillion, and the project is progressing smoothly,..."

"Dear colleagues, Shining Star Technology has made brilliant achievements last year. The total tax expenditure: 4337 trillion yuan, accounting for 15.6% of the tax revenue of the alliance government, which is very important. Under the leadership of President Li, Shining Star Technology will be launched next year. …”


In the huge conference room, all the shareholders, the executive president, listening to Li Qing's year-end report, they were all excited and smiling.

The sixth scientific and technological revolution of human civilization exploded, and Xingyao Technology, which led this revolution, has become a 'pig in the air'. Its economic size and technological influence are deeply embedded in the entire human civilization. Technological oligarchs, as long as human civilization is not hit by a devastating blow, Xingyao Technology can continue forever.

In the chair, Li Yang watched Li Qing's work report and was satisfied with the development of human science and technology civilization.

Human civilization is now in a period of crazy expansion. Human civilization enjoying the achievements of the sixth scientific and technological revolution. With the progress of science and technology, the scope of human civilization's exploration of the universe is getting wider and wider. However, Xingyao Technology is the top technology leader of human civilization. The income obtained is also an astonishing figure.

However, at their level, wealth is no longer what they care about. They are more concerned about the political system of human civilization and can continue to maintain the rapid and stable development of human civilization.

Now the alliance government represents all mankind. However, because of the previous life of the alliance, the rise of eastern countries, and the decline of western countries, it is already doomed that the dominance of the alliance government will eventually fall to the Washington government.

The facts are also developing like this. The fifth scientific and technological revolution, the sixth interstellar scientific and technological revolution, and even the seventh galaxy-level scientific and technological revolution that is taking place, are all of Chinese descent, led by Xingyao Technology, and are destined to enter the interstellar era. After the formation of the coalition government, it was mainly dominated by officials from Washington.

In the process of interstellar immigration, officials led by Washington will naturally take more care of people of their own ethnic group. Therefore, when immigration to alien planets is carried out, the dominant population fertility opportunities..., etc., all policies will be biased towards the Chinese. .

The alliance government launched military operations against the colonial star, and the preparations for the immigration office were also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The mother planet of the earth, floating cities, underwater cities, high-rise buildings on the ground, and major advertising walls are full of advertisements for interstellar immigrants.

The advertising screen is sometimes a variety of alien creatures, sometimes a variety of alien beauty, sometimes a vast scene of the Starfleet flying, ..., magnificent, novel and mysterious.

"Do you want to experience the environment of a different parent star? Immigrating to Seablue Star will receive 100,000 Star Coins supplies, a large piece of private land, private villas, and easy jobs. Come on, Seablue Star welcomes you with open arms,… ..., Registration Office Seablue Star Immigration Office."

"Are you still worried about not being able to find a job? Venus Star's approval of immigration is about to start, Interstellar Ranch, Resource Star Minerals, Space Terminal, hundreds of millions of jobs are waiting, and a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan is fixed. Welcome to call Ximen Group, telephone.... "

"Hope star immigration is about to start, and the approximate value of the parent star is 85%. Zijin Group is recruiting from all over the world,..."


Alliance governments, corporate groups, ..., the entire human civilization is busy with interstellar immigration, using money, jobs, land, and other resources to attract people to immigrate to outer planets has become a feature of this era.

In this era, for people of all walks of life, interstellar voyages, or immigrating to other planets, have become a very common thing. Just like changing a city life, there are many choices of lifestyle for the people.

Another year of graduation season, Sky City, No. 9 Middle School, and the huge school square have become the bases of countless companies, and most of the jobs related to immigration account for more than 80%.

The students looked uneasy one by one, not only yearning for the future life, but also reluctant to leave the school and leave the home planet.

"Li Yong, which one did you vote for?" A girl with a ponytail stopped a boy who turned away.

"Zhao Yali!" Li Yong turned to glance at the girl, and said with a smile, "You know, my goal has never changed."

"Xingyao Technology? I also voted, I don't know if I will be admitted!" Zhao Yali looked happy at first, and then said worriedly.

"Definitely, you have won the Mathematics Olympiad Award in mathematics. This project is very rewarding. Xingyao Technology will never miss you." Li Yong looked at Zhao Yali and said with confidence.

A hint of joy flashed in Zhao Yali's eyes, and then it darkened: "What's the use of mathematics, I'm too partial to subjects, not as well-balanced as your subjects, and you have also written heavyweight papers in sci, you are only 100% It can pass!"

"You have to have confidence in yourself. Mathematics can solve all problems in the universe. It is more important than any subject, so no one will care about your partial subject." Li Yong smiled and comforted.

Hearing this, Zhao Yali couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If she was concerned, she would be confused. With her grades in mathematics, she should be treated specially.

"Li Yong, Zhao Yali, you are here!" A surprised female voice suddenly sounded.

Li Yong and Zhao Yali turned their heads and saw An Qi walking towards them with Chen Tao, Zhao Xiaomin, and Lauren.

"Well, have you all voted? Are you sure?" Zhao Yali looked at An Qi and asked them.

"Well, the agreement has been signed! I voted for Ximen Group to go to An Haixing, the trainee adjutant of the West German mothership." An Qi introduced proudly.

"Adjutant! Future Commander, An Qi, your wish is finally coming true!" Zhao Yali held An Qi's hand and shouted excitedly.

"Congratulations to An Qi, the West German mothership is a large ship, and students who have just graduated are rarely allowed to board the ship!" Li Yong looked at An Qi and congratulated him.

"Thank you!" An Qi thanked Li Yong, and then smiled: "Actually, with your achievements, it is quite easy to get an internship on a large ship."

"Li Yong, do you want to come with us? Otherwise, after graduation, we will be separated by 30 light years, and it will be difficult to see each other again in the future." Lauren looked at Li Yong and Zhao Yali and suggested.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

After graduation, they go their separate ways. In the vast universe, the distance between the space colonies colonized by humans is measured in light-years. Although space-time wormholes can effectively shorten the distance between each other, an interstellar flight is only a few months. After parting, The chances of them getting together are very slim.

"Li Yong definitely wants to enter Xingyao Technology, and Xiaohui estimates that too. We all have our own dreams and we can't force them." Zhao Xiaomin looked at Li Yong and Zhao Yali and explained the reality.

"Haha! Don't be so pessimistic. Although everyone has gone their separate ways, but now that Star Airlines has become more and more connected, it is actually very simple to get together." Chen Tao laughed and comforted everyone.

"Yes, Xingyao Technology's superluminal spacecraft has achieved results, and the next generation of starships will definitely be used." Li Yong nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and all eyes were on Li Yong's face.

"Li Yong, do you know the progress of such an important project as Xingyao Technology? Your surname is Li Yong, are you..." Lauren looked suspiciously at Li Yong and guessed.

"No! Li Yong, are you a member of the Li Yong family?" Chen Tao stared at Li Yong and guessed.

Zhao Yali looked at Li Yong nervously, waiting for his answer.

Li Yong was taken aback and asked in surprise, "What do you think? If it was from the Li family, I would study in this school?"

Hearing this, everyone was slightly stunned, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"If Li Yong is from the Li Yong family, he still needs to work so hard in his studies! In my case, I would sleep until I wake up naturally, count money until I get cramps, and live a life of drunken life and death." Zhao Xiaomin said with a longing look.

"That's not right! Then how did you know about Xingyao Technology's new battleship project? And your kid has always been very mysterious, so you didn't take us to your house to play?" An Qi looked at Li Yong suspiciously and guessed.

Hearing this, Zhao Yali, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, became nervous again.

Li Yong glanced at Zhao Yali and introduced with a smile: "There is an announcement on the official website of Xingyao Technology for the opportunity to create a new generation of warships. This project has been established for almost 10 years, and there should be a breakthrough. As for my home, you are welcome to come to my home at any time. I’m a guest, but my family’s situation is special!”

"Huh? Why is it special?" An Qi asked curiously.

"I'm the only one at home!" Li Yong explained with a smile.

"What's the matter! Just like our family, my parents went to the moon to work. My brothers and sisters either ran a boat or had a family. I was the youngest in the family, and I was alone in the family." Lauren said habitually.

"My family is the same! My parents have gone to the two-person world, and my brothers and sisters have their own lives. Alas! After I was 15 years old, I lived with my family Bert." Chen Tao looked at Li Yong with empathy and sighed.

"Hey, this situation is the epitome of this era! There are more brothers and sisters, advanced technology, longer life expectancy, weaker family relationships, and early independence." Zhao Yali sighed, feeling sad about this phenomenon .

The dense population of the mother planet is extremely stressful, and their family situations are very similar. Parents and older brothers and sisters who have grown up have gone out to find job opportunities, or their families have migrated to other planets.

"Actually, that's fine, the world is so exciting, too many ties have become constraints!" Li Yong smiled and reassured everyone.

"There are pros and cons! I haven't eaten my mother's food for a long time, and I haven't felt my mother's embrace." An Qi said with a disappointed face.

Zhao Yali stretched her arms around An Qi and comforted her, "Aren't your parents in An Haixing! You'll see them soon!"

An Qi leaned on Zhao Yali's shoulder and nodded vigorously, her blue eyes flashing expectantly.

"Everyone is fine tonight! Shall we visit Li Yong's house? Let's celebrate casually?" Zhao Xiaomin suggested looking at the crowd.

"Li Yong, is there any problem?" Chen Tao looked at Li Yong.

"Of course there is no problem!" Li Yong froze for a moment, then nodded his head with a smile.

"Yeah! Go, go, don't go home if you don't get drunk at night!" Zhao Xiaomin couldn't wait to rush to the school gate and waved to everyone.

Everyone smiled similarly, and immediately stepped forward, following him to the outside of the school.

Soon, a suspended magnetic flying car took off from the parking area and merged into the queue of flying cars.

Soon, the suspended magnetic flying car driven by Li Yong slowly landed on the parking platform on the top floor of a high-rise building.

"Li Yong, your home is in Zijin Community? I can't tell! You are a rich second-generation!" Zhao Xiaomin opened the door and got out of the car, looking at Li Yong in admiration.

"Haha, I bought it early!" Li Yong explained with a smile and closed the door.

"Is Zijin Community expensive? How much does one square meter cost?" Zhao Yali looked at Zhao Xiaomin and asked curiously.

"One square meter costs 100,000 stars! If you can see Central Park, the price can be doubled again." Zhao Xiaomin looked at Li Yong with flickering said enviously.

Hearing this, Zhao Yali was at a loss for words.

"Li Yong, you should admit it tonight! Otherwise..." An Qi waved her fist at Li Yong and said angrily.

"Okay, okay! I'm the meat on the eucalyptus board, you want to kill or cut it as you please! Everyone please come here!" Li Yong gestured to everyone, inviting them to say.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly followed Li Yong's guidance to the elevator.

Soon, the parallel intelligent hanging ladder sent Li Yong and his party directly into a luxuriously decorated house, a room of more than 300 square meters, a pure white and simple style, a bar, a billiards, a gym, a game room, ..., everything was available. There is a beautiful park directly under the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. At the end of the park is a sea of ​​clouds, with a vast field of vision without any obstruction.

"Wow! Wow! With this view and this area, this house can buy a Xingyao ii!" Entering the room, Zhao Xiaomin exclaimed excitedly.

"It turns out that you are Li Yong like this, it's so hard for you to hide it from us!" Zhao Yali looked at Li Yong resentfully.

Li Yong smiled bitterly, not knowing where to start.

"Come, come, come, bring out what's delicious!" Zhao Xiaomin greeted Li Yong with joy.

"Yes, yes, there are blue cows from Lan Lingxing, stick fish, and Gero wine, I'll get them." Li Yong glanced at Zhao Xiaomin gratefully, and walked to the kitchen as if he had been granted amnesty.

Hearing this, everyone screamed strangely and followed Li Yong to the kitchen one after another.

It was night, Zhao Yali and the others had a pre-graduation carnival at Li Yong's "home", and the falling moon outside the window witnessed this scene.

The human civilization in the era of great immigration is like a divided ant colony, constantly migrating to the outside of the solar system, establishing urban development civilizations on new planets.

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