My hi-tech Library

Chapter 276: Civilization assertions

Li Yi sat in front of the desk and turned on the virtual meeting function. The next moment, the view of the study changed and turned into a small virtual conference room.

Soon, a virtual figure flashed, and the figures of Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi appeared in the small conference room.

"Director Sun, Dad, good morning." Li Yi greeted the two with a smile.

"Mr. Li, good morning!" Sun Bingwen greeted Li Yi.

"Morning, Xiao Yi, what's the matter?" Zhou Shuzhi looked at Li Yi and asked.

"Dad, I just took a look at the progress of the spaceport project. I can complete all the projects at the scheduled time. I want to consult with you about the progress of the antimatter furnace project. If there is no problem here, there is a chance that the construction of the starship will be on time. Start." Li Yi looked at Zhou Shuzhi and asked eagerly.

"The third-stage experiment of the antimatter melting furnace has been completed, but the preparations for the next experiment are still not fully grasped. If it is rashly launched, it may be dangerous." Zhou Shuzhi frowned and explained.

"Well! What's the problem!" Li Yi asked with concern.

"The endurance of the magnetic field, the explosive force of the process of combining antimatter and positive matter, the magnetic field designed now cannot perfectly restrain this force..." Zhou Shuzhi calmly introduced the experimental dilemma of the antimatter furnace in detail.

Li Yi nodded, stretched out his hand and waved, and entered the antimatter virtual experiment to check the research progress of the antimatter laboratory far away on the moon base.

Like the genetic enhancement laboratory, the antimatter experiment is also a highly dangerous scientific research project. Therefore, the antimatter furnace experiment is also built on a lunar base, using a virtual network for ultra-remote connection control.

Just like the particle collider in the previous experiment.

Particle colliders are well-known in the history of human science. As early as the 1960s and 1970s in the last world, Western countries in Europe and the United States, which had a deeper understanding of basic scientific research, had already started to build particle colliders to explore microscopic particles.

Large particle collider, the energy of a single beam of particles can reach 10 trillion electron volts, the head-on impact will generate huge energy, and the instantaneous heat is 100,000 times higher than the surface of the sun. The four impact points inside the collider are all installed with high altitudes Accurate detectors, when the impact occurs, the computer will record the data of the big bang and the various substances produced, which is extremely important for analyzing the shape of microscopic particles.

However, the antimatter furnaces developed now consume more energy than large particle colliders, and are thousands of times more dangerous. If something goes wrong, it is also possible to blow up half of the moon.

Although, apart from more than 20,000 scientific researchers, there is no other valuable property on the moon, but the moon itself plays an extremely important role on the earth. If the moon is blown up, it will be no less than a disaster for human civilization itself. catastrophic disaster.

The moon is extremely important to the earth. First of all, the tidal phenomenon of the earth's oceans is caused by the existence of the moon. If the moon disappears, the tidal phenomenon of the earth will disappear. For example, ocean currents may also change, which will undoubtedly adversely affect marine life and even fish.

Secondly, the tidal effect of the moon on the earth is not only reflected in the ocean, but more in the atmosphere. The earth's atmosphere will also produce tidal phenomena with the movement of the moon, which also accelerates the flow of the earth's atmosphere, especially The flow of the upper atmosphere creates so-called "tidal waves", which can affect air pressure and thus weather.

In addition, the existence of the moon can keep the inclination angle of the earth's rotation axis stable, so that the earth's climate is relatively stable. Now the inclination angle of the earth's rotation axis changes within 5 degrees. However, if there is no moon, the tilt angle of the earth's rotation axis will change from 0 to 50 degrees in a cycle of millions of years, and the earth's climate will also change greatly, which is not conducive to the formation of a stable ecological environment on the earth.

The formation of the earth's magnetic field is related to the moon. The moon was closer to the earth in the early days than it is now. The gravitational force of the two caused the temperature inside the earth to increase sharply. The magma in the earth's core rolled under the action of high temperature and high tractive force, resulting in a magnetic field. A "protective shield" is formed, reducing the invasion of cosmic rays from space. Without this protective shield, the rays from the sun and other stars are very unfavorable for the formation and evolution of life.


There are so many things, the stable relationship between the Earth-Moon system affects everything on Earth. Once something goes wrong with the Moon, it will have a huge impact on the whole body.

It is precisely because of this that the scientific research team led by Zhou Shuzhi was afraid to carry out the next experiment of the antimatter furnace.

"Right now, the antimatter furnace is stuck in the fourth substantive experiment stage. If an accident occurs, it will cause catastrophic damage to the moon. Therefore, I suggest that this step of the experiment be carried out elsewhere." Zhou Shuzhi looked at Li Yi and suggested.

Change the test location?

Li Yi pulled out the content of the virtual experiment, stared at the holographic screen intently, checked the data, and checked the status of the instrument.

The holographic screen shows the three-dimensional structure of the instruments and equipment, marked with dense data, the structure of the instruments and equipment, and the operating status one by one. The metal pipes buried deep in the ground, the annular structure, are an extremely sophisticated and complex large-scale instrument.

"Master, the strong magnetic field of the antimatter furnace, the generator, ..., the data of the equipment is accurate, and the success rate of the experiment: more than 98%." The black figure appeared from the virtual screen and reported the test results to Li Yi.

"Is there no guarantee of 100% success? Where does the 2% failure rate happen?" Li Yi asked with a frown.

"Master, after the antimatter furnace is activated, in the process of antimatter manufacturing, the production capacity model system has a certain probability of high-energy explosion imagination, ..." Da Hei replied.

"Master, because the antimatter furnace has a certain failure rate, it is recommended to use a safer experimental method. It is recommended that the experiment be postponed for a few years until the space laboratory is established." After a pause, Da Hei suggested to Li Yi.

"Space Lab, no, it's too slow! If possible, transfer it to the Mars base." Li Yi thought for a while and suggested.

"Yes, transfer to the Mars base, disassemble the experimental equipment, transport, organize, and it is expected that the experiment can be carried out after 27 days." Da Hei reported data to Li Yi.

"27 days, yes!" Li Yi nodded, looked at Zhou Shuzhi and suggested, "Dad, this experiment will be transferred to the Mars base, no problem!"

"Of course there is no problem, but it won't affect the project on the Mars base!" Zhou Shuzhi asked with concern.

Li Yi thought about it, and there are not many projects underway at the Mars base. In addition to developing the ground base and preparing for the construction of the interstellar dock, the remaining big project is the exploration of the underground world of Mars.

"No problem, the experiments and mass production of the antimatter furnace should be transferred to Mars! Free up the laboratory on the lunar base for other research projects." Li Yi finally decided.

"Well, Mr. Li, do you have a new project to start?" Sun Bingwen lifted his spirits and looked at Li Yi with bright eyes.

Zhou Shuzhi couldn't help but focus on Li Yi's face.

The antimatter furnace project proposed by Li Yi has now completed the development of the overall equipment. The development process of various experiments is only the last step of the overall experiment. Once the experiment is successful, it means that antimatter energy will completely move to the foreground and become a human interstellar spaceship. An important support for interstellar civilization.

There is also the genetic enhancement project proposed by Li Yi, the scientific research project has broken through the most difficult level, and now only the work of follow-up experimental safety is left. Once the experiment confirms this adaptive gene enhancement agent, after human application, the effect is Safe, then, the last door to prevent human civilization from entering the interstellar age has been opened.

All kinds of advanced and feasible interstellar technology were proposed by Li Yi with foresight.

This time, he was going to propose some "new technology". Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi looked at Li Yi, full of enthusiasm and expectations.

"I just said this casually, why are you looking at me like this?" Li Yi was stunned for a moment, his heart aching when they looked at him.

"Mr. Li, now the major scientific research projects of the experimental center have made breakthroughs one after another, and the real interstellar era is coming. At this time, how can you have no new arrangements! It's not like you at all!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and smiled Say.

"Xiao Yi, if you have something good, show it, don't hide it, otherwise, don't count on me to help you next time." Zhou Shuzhi looked at Li Yi with a sullen face.

Faced with the persecution of the two elders, Li Yi couldn't help thinking seriously, and he had a brainstorm, which really made him think of an interstellar device that just needed to be developed. They will have a big impact on the human civilization that is still in the primary planetary civilization.

Li Yi couldn't help but ponder, weighing the pros and cons.

It was rare to see Li Yi frowning, hesitating, and having difficulty making up his mind.

Sun Wenbin and Zhou Shuzhi glanced at each other, and they could see that Li Yi's preoccupied appearance must have something embarrassing to decide.

"Xiao Yi, what's wrong? Is there any problem? Tell me, I'll help you analyze and analyze." Zhou Shuzhi looked at Li Yi and said with concern.

"Yeah! President Li, one person is short, and the three are Zhuge Liang, who can help you think of a way." Sun Bingwen also suggested.

Facing the concerned eyes of the two, Li Yi nodded and asked with a smile: "What do you think of alien civilizations, of course, not the alien civilization in the underground world of Mars, but the alien civilization in other galaxies far away."

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi were collectively silent.

"The universe is vast and has infinite galaxies. Alien civilizations must exist. There is no doubt about this!" Sun Bingwen nodded solemnly.

"I have an opinion with Director Sun. The birth of life on Earth is accidental and inevitable, and there must be such a probability in other galaxies. Due to the relationship between the distances between the various galaxies in the universe, the existence of alien civilizations should not threaten human civilization. ." Zhou Shuzhi judged.

"Well! Advanced alien civilization will not endanger human civilization, and the law of the dark forest will not be established? Dad, can you talk about your judgment?" Li Yi's eyes lit up and asked Zhou Shuzhi.

Zhou Shuzhi thought for a moment, then began to explain: "When a race's technology has advanced to a certain level, their civilization has also advanced at the same time. It is indeed simple to eliminate lower-level creatures, but it will not bring any benefits."

"Similarly, if very powerful aliens really come to the earth, they may not destroy the earth, but live in peace with us. Because the resources on the earth, for their technology, are very poor resources, cannot bring enough energy, there is no need to destroy us."

"Or from another perspective, if we find a weaker civilization, will we directly destroy it like in "Avatar"? No. Just like after so many years, we have gone from hunting wild animals at will to establishing Protect the life of the earth by means of nature reserves and the establishment of seed banks.”

"I think harmony is the law of the earth and even the entire universe." Zhou Shuzhi concluded.

After a pause, Zhou Shuzhi's words changed, and he added: "Of course, the existence of scum is not ruled out. There are poachers like humans in the universe. Those outlaws use high-tech civilization to oppress low-level creatures and obtain Interests, or the laws of advanced creatures have far exceeded our and **** use higher management methods."

Hearing Zhou Shuzhi's remarks, Li Yi's eyes lit up, and he glanced at his old husband.

The existence of the black science and technology library, the official high-level civilization controls the management method of the low-level intelligent civilization, and through the knowledge exchange and preaching, the technology of the low-level intelligent civilization continues to rise, and finally reaches the point where it can communicate with other intelligent civilizations. Let the low-level intelligent civilization gain the fighting power to resist those 'poachers'.

High-level civilizations are busy exploring the end of the universe, middle- and low-level intelligent civilizations are busy climbing technology, exploring new star fields, and expanding new star fields. The universe is vast and has countless resources. No civilization will be persecuted because of some delusions. Civilization launches World War I Civilization Extermination War.

This is the conclusion that Li Yi has continuously summed up since he obtained the Black Science and Technology Library for so long, which coincides with Zhou Shuzhi's judgment.

"Mr. Li, why did you suddenly ask this question? Did you discover alien civilization?" Sun Bingwen frowned and pondered, looking at Li Yi in surprise, and asked curiously.

Li Yi shook his head with a smile, and introduced: "The next project is a scientific research project on the search for aliens. The astronomical telescopes we use now are too time-efficient for observation. We need to design a new type of astronomical telescope with In order to satisfy a larger-scale exploration of the universe, perhaps, we can use this new lookout technology to find the existence of alien civilizations with a high probability."

After a pause, Li Yi looked at the two and explained: "At that time, we may face an unexpected situation, so I hesitated to develop this device."

It was so!

Sun Bingwen and Zhou Shuzhi looked at each other and looked a little regretful. They thought Li Yi had discovered an alien civilization.


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