My hi-tech Library

Chapter 354: weird tech tree

Just when human civilization was working hard to develop Jupiter's resources, the vanguard fleet left the solar system and successfully crossed the wormhole of time and space. Twelve sixth-generation thunder battleships flew out of the wormhole. They were slender and slender, like a barracuda. The shape of the wormhole is silver, and as the wormhole disappears in the blink of an eye, they seem to appear out of nowhere. The head of the Pioneer Fleet - Thunder, the commander-in-chief - Zhou Kai, recruited another eleven captains to conduct the first virtual meeting after the wormhole shuttle through virtual technology. "How are the hulls of the ships that we successfully passed through the 'Taizhi Main Wormhole'?" Fleet Commander Zhou Kai looked around at the captains, and finally looked at Deputy Commander Li Chen, and asked solemnly. "Report to the commander-in-chief, except that the Tianhu ship was hit by an asteroid before it set off, and the right side suffered 2.34% damage, the overall performance of the other ships is intact!" Li Chen's expression was positive, and he quickly reported. Hearing this, the commander-in-chief-Zhou Kai quickly looked at the captain of the Tianhu ship: "How about it, Sun Bin, when will this damage to your ship be repaired, and will it affect the navigation?" "Report to the commander-in-chief, the current mechanical repair department The repair is underway, and it is expected to be completed within 2 days. The damaged part belongs to the motorized direction change power system, which is mainly used for rapid direction change, competitive evasion, and does not affect the main navigation of the hull." Sun Bin looked serious and reported in detail. "It's fine, it's 1.7 light-years away from the next 'wormhole entrance'. Next, the fleet will start the curvature sailing mode and complete this voyage at ten times the speed of light. The estimated sailing time is 60 days. , the fleet will maintain a sub-light speed of 1%, and give you three days to improve the state of the hull to the best, can you do it?" Zhou Kai looked around the commanders and gestured. "As ordered!" The captains readily answered. There are many wormholes in the universe. They have dark energy and strong gravitational fields. They are opened by the strong gravitational field of the curvature engine, so that the spacecraft can span a long distance in a very short period of time. However, these Wormholes are scattered, and the two ends of the wormhole are long and short. Using them to shuttle and fly will greatly save the energy of the spacecraft and shorten the time required for flight. It will take more than 4 years to travel to the Monica galaxy, which is 131 light-years away from the solar system, even if the entire field uses a curvature of 30 times the speed of light. However, it is a very difficult thing to only maintain the power engine of the spacecraft at such a high speed. , not to mention, the team's antimatter energy can support high-speed sailing for so long, and in addition to telling the problems that will be encountered during the sailing, ..., there are so many, so far, the difficulty is **** level. Therefore, by turning on the wormhole shuttle mode and using the natural wormholes that exist in the universe, the speed of navigation can be greatly shortened. The universe is filled with a large amount of dark energy and dark matter, which are tiny and inaccessible, and are only affected by gravitons. During their 'flowing' process, they are wormholes formed by massive gravity. These wormholes were originally closed, and in the curvature engine Under the action of , they can be turned on and used. In short, a wormhole is a space tunnel connecting two distant time-spaces, like a vortex in the sea, which is ubiquitous but fleeting. , these space-time vortices are caused by the combination of stellar rotation and gravitational action. Just as a whirlpool can bring the local water surface closer to the water bottom, it can make two relatively far away local spaces instantly close together. They are like sandworms in the sea of ​​stars, endless. Soon, the vanguard fleet started a three-day low-speed flight, and the entire fleet moved forward slowly in an unfamiliar galaxy. The fleet's time in the cosmos is always boring. Although the spacecraft has many entertainment facilities, it is terrifying outside, the dark universe, and the crew members will inevitably have some special changes in their hearts. Fortunately, they can board the vanguard. The crew members of the fleet have undergone the most rigorous selection and have received the most intensive psychological training. When the spacecraft is busy, they have not given up on improving their professional quality. Some use virtual equipment to conduct military training in interstellar warfare. Some learn some cosmic knowledge, and some study the astronomy of new galaxies. For three days, the members of the Vanguard Fleet happily enjoyed life on board like a holiday. The Vanguard Fleet sailed in the Pomble Galaxy, which is 57 light-years away from the solar system and 162 light-years from the Monica Galaxy. The destination is the entrance of another 'trunk' wormhole. With the help of it, the Vanguard Fleet will suddenly get closer to Mani. The distance of the Ka galaxy is 200 light-years, and the remaining -38 light-years will move forward through the 'secondary' wormhole. On the Tianlong ship, in the astronomical viewing area of ​​the command room, Li Chen was observing a super-large nebula through an astronomical telescope. It is a nebula called "Bernifen", the largest scale is 167 light-years long, from the perspective of an astronomical telescope, it looks like a huge disk that emits red and blue halos. This nebula is the cradle of a star. The astronomical data analyzed by the astronomical telescope and the main ship's brain, there are three completely different star formation groups in this nebula, plus other scattered, a total of more than 4,000 stars are still in the main sequence Star stage stars. A lot of light, so that the nebula is like the morning fog, like a dreamy colorful and rich. And the destination of their trip is located on the edge of the nebula, on the corner of the gap in the moon cake, where the Monica galaxy exists, a double star system, which is still a long way away from them. The twelve tunnel astronomical observation mirrors equipped by the Pioneer Fleet are observing this galaxy in an all-round way, and they are free to observe the Thales civilization. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we fight a 'victory'. Although this visit was not for a war, in order to avoid wars caused by 'misunderstandings', strong material resources are a necessary guarantee. Soon, through tunnel astronomical observations, a large amount of detection data of the Thales civilization continued to accumulate, and the vanguard fleet was about to arrive at the next 'wormhole entrance' and held a captain's meeting again. The main content of the meeting is to analyze the combat strength and war potential of this intelligent civilization in interstellar warfare based on the monitoring results, the situation of the Monica galaxy, and the technology level of the Thales civilization. At the virtual conference, on the new screen, a large amount of information and data of the Monica galaxy and the Thales star civilization were displayed. The photos taken by the tunnel astronomical telescope can clearly see the accuracy of about one meter on their planet. A blue-skinned, tall Thales star appeared in the picture. At first glance, they belong to human-shaped carbon-based life, but their shape and overall image do not conform to human aesthetics at all. They have pointed mouths, triangular faces, big heads, and their bodies are more than two meters tall. Blue skin, brown, green, purple hair, all kinds of strange, style out of line with the aesthetics of human civilization. "The technology level of this civilization is similar to ours! They also have near-Earth spaceports, and they have also begun to transform other planets and migrate them in large numbers. Regardless of the number of population, the number of fleets, and the completeness of planetary transformation, they are better than us in many aspects. Less!" "Yeah! They have already started to attack another small star, and they have begun to lay out a large number of usable collection stations around, and the level of technology in this regard is higher than ours." "The number of their spaceships is too much, There are various types of spaceships, and the total number of civilian spaceships is about 3.5-5 times that of ours. It is strange that they cannot see their Starfleet, no trace of the Starfleet has been found, and they should be hidden by them.”… Captains Your words, my words, analyze the situation of Thales civilization. Through the tunnel astronomical telescope, it can be observed that the Thales civilization is developing technology to utilize a star, which is a red dwarf star, and energy harvesters the size of 'mosquito', hundreds of thousands of seats around At a distance of 0.1 light-years from the star, they orbit this small star and are moving at high speed! This red dwarf star is called 'Moiré star'. Its mass is only 0.18 times that of the sun, and its volume is slightly larger than that of Jupiter. The small mass means that this guy's luminous intensity and surface temperature are very low. It is quite a wonderful star small stars. The surface temperature is very low, about a thousand degrees. However, the Thales civilization is already developing stellar energy, and the level of technology is much higher than that of human civilization as a whole. You must know that the technological level of human civilization has been able to develop warships that can open wormholes and travel across galaxies, superluminal spaceships that can fly with curvature, and curvature antimatter weapons with powerful offensive power. However, in the development of stellar energy, human civilization is still in a very early stage, far inferior to the energy development technology of the Thales civilization. Now, human development of stellar energy can only be carried out on Jupiter. According to a data analysis, the technology level of Thales civilization is higher than that of human civilization. Strange thing, through the observation of the tunnel astronomical telescope, they can see that many civilian spaceships of the Thales people use nuclear fusion energy in large quantities. However, the utilization effect of energy is not strong. The hull manufacturing technology is generally inferior to the spacecraft of human civilization. In the case that their main fleet cannot be found, there is no way to confirm their overall combat effectiveness. Zhou Kai's face was dignified, his brows furrowed, and he was thinking about countermeasures, whether to suspend the advance and continue to search for their main fleet, or to drive the fleet directly. In the virtual conference room, the captains were discussing enthusiastically. When they could not find the main fleet of the other party, they analyzed the manufacturing technology of those civilian ships, evaluated their advanced level, and analyzed the data parameters of the alien spacecraft. "If the military ships are advanced, the civilian spaceships should not be far behind. Therefore, I think that the main fleet of this alien civilization's starship manufacturing can only reach the level of our fourth-generation warships." "I agree, Chen Jian. Long judgment, our civilian spaceships have also adopted nuclear fusion power engines before, but with the mass production of the sixth generation warships, civilian spaceships have developed antimatter power engines, although they are not equipped with fifth-generation curvature power engines, but It is also one level higher than the civil spaceship of this civilization. According to this trend, the main battleship of this civilization can reach the primary level of the fifth-generation ship..." "I hold the opposite. This civilization has already begun to use stellar energy to create The level of the ship can't be so low..." "Captain Wang, you have to see clearly that the star they used is a red dwarf star, which is a low-mass star with a small mass, and the hydrogen and helium cores are subject to their own pressure. It is much smaller, and the thermonuclear reaction speed is much slower, and it cannot be regarded as a real star, so this level of technology is not responsible!" "..." The captains were highly controversial, and they held two opinions. 'Those who overestimate the combat effectiveness of the Thales Civilization Section, and those who underestimate them, expressed their respective positions, constantly analyzed and evaluated the combat effectiveness of the main fleet of Thales Civilization. "Commander-in-chief, what do you think?" Li Chen looked at Zhou Kai and asked with concern. The captains debated and debated. For a while, they could not get a unified opinion. Following Li Chen's question, the captains stopped arguing and looked at him, waiting for his order. At this time, UU Reading Zhou Kai also woke up from his contemplation and said solemnly: "I decided to find out their main fleet first, and the location should not be limited to their own galaxy." Wen Yan , the captains froze for a moment, a little surprised by Zhou Kai's thoughts. Zhou Kai explained solemnly: "It was seventeen years ago that the Thales civilization was discovered, and our expedition ship discovered their space broadcaster. However, in order to actively contact this civilization, we put most of our energy into a lot of energy. You should be able to understand the purpose of manufacturing starships and developing the most advanced new generation of battleships." After a moment's pause, Zhou Kai looked around at the captains, then changed the conversation and decided: "However, what is certain is that with our expedition ships Take away the broadcaster of this civilization for analysis. This civilization may not find it. Maybe they are already preparing for interstellar war. The fleet of this civilization is a great threat to us. Therefore, I decided to suspend it for 10 days and try my best to search for this civilization. The main fleet." The captains responded in unison: "Yes, Commander." Soon, the virtual meeting was disbanded, and the captains began to order their subordinates to use the tunnel astronomical telescope to the galaxy according to the assigned area. , conduct a comprehensive observation of the nearby galaxies, and search for the location of the main fleet of Thales. In the vast universe, searching for a fleet is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is extremely difficult. However, this voyage is the first time for human civilization to have contact with alien civilization. Whether it is war or peace talks, it is a great adventure for human beings. comparable civilizations. Soon, the crew was summoned to search for the enemy's main fleet. If the other party's main fleet is discovered, will the first interstellar war between human civilization and alien civilization occur next? The crew members who received the order were all tense and active, full of tension when the war was coming. (

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