My hi-tech Library

Chapter 294: The influence of the times (1)

The discovery of Bihaixing has made all mankind feel exactly the arrival of interstellar civilization.

In the past, on TV and in the news, you could see that Xingyao Technology was building a base on the moon, Mars, and a cosmic port in space. These interstellar technologies are very far away from them.

With the discovery of the blue starfish, primitive alien life, all human beings have thoroughly felt the arrival of the interstellar age.

As a result, countless people around the world took to the streets, proposing that the community with a shared future for mankind should establish a ruling human regime and resist the large-scale exploration of alien civilizations, ..., etc. There are countless demonstrations and demonstrations.

Li Yile saw the establishment of a human federation, but he would not take the initiative to intervene in the political arena.

As for the decision to resist the exploration of large-scale alien civilizations, Li Yi agrees. However, there is no need to overly restrict it. The tunnel maser of the Tunnel Astronomical Network Telescope can only open an instantaneous wormhole within 1,000 light years, which means that tunnel astronomy The effective viewing distance of the telescope is only 1,000 light-years.

The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 light-years. Therefore, the possibility of using the 'Wanliyan' to search for alien intelligent civilizations is very small, unless Professor Chen Tao and the others can make persistent efforts to conduct more in-depth research on space-time wormholes and develop new A generation of tunnel telescopes, so that it is possible to explore the entire Milky Way, and even galaxies outside the Milky Way.

Xingyao Experimental Center.

Li Yi, Sun Bingwen, Chen Tao, Zhou Shuzhi, and other leaders, together with scientific researchers, are still experimenting with the 'Wanliyan'.

Get more data on 'Bi Haixing', or search for more star systems that may have life planets. Within 1,000 light-years of the solar system, there are hundreds of millions of planets waiting for them to explore, enough for Wanli to be busy for a while. .

"Mr. Li, the scope of the 'Wanliyan' Cocoa observation is too small, I want to further upgrade it." Professor Chen Tao looked at Li Yi and applied.

I'm really afraid of what's coming!

Li Yi, who owns the black science and technology library, learned that the entire universe is more lively than humans think. There are countless intelligent civilizations in the star map world. However, with the limited technology of human beings and the infinite expanse of the universe, it is impossible to know their existence!

In the star map world, Li Yi learned that the Milky Way, which is a hundred thousand light-years away, contains three or four intelligent civilizations. As for how many intelligent civilizations have not joined the star map, it is unknown.

If the tunnel astronomical telescope will not find those alien civilizations within 1,000 light years, now, Professor Chen Tao proposes to upgrade the tunnel astronomical telescope, which is exactly what Li Yi does not want to see, but it is not easy to dissuade his enthusiasm.

"Huh? How are you going to upgrade?" Li Yi asked with a smile, looking at the professor.

"With the help of those 'natural wormholes', combined with artificial wormhole technology, in this way, the tunnel astronomical telescope can break through the limit of 1,000 light-years." Professor Chen Tao looked at Li Yi and suggested.

Hearing this, Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, combined with natural wormholes! To achieve this technology, the difficulty is not generally great!

"Professor Chen, this technical direction is too difficult! It's better to develop a higher-strength tunnel device!" Zhou Shuzhi suggested not optimistic.

In Zhou Shuzhi's cognition, it is difficult enough to open a wormhole at any time, and it is necessary to connect it to a more natural wormhole. Just looking for natural wormholes and opening the technology of natural wormholes is an insurmountable level. Two wormholes are connected, and the difficulty is not as simple as 1+1.

"I have also considered this plan, but it is too difficult to develop a stronger tunneling device to cure the symptoms, not the root cause. It is too difficult to develop a tunnel device with a length of more than 10,000 light-years, let alone 100,000 light-years or even a million light-years. Combined with natural wormholes, the tunnel device can never meet the demand." Professor Tao Chen explained.

Hearing this, Zhou Shuzhi couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Professor Chen Tao's idea.

The universe is so huge that the distance of the universe that humans have observed is about 93 billion light-years! This is a very large space because even light takes 93 billion years to reach the "other shore"! But in fact "it" is still growing, rapidly expanding at a speed of about 70KM/S every million parsecs, and about 14 billion light-years away, this speed exceeds the speed of light..., simple In other words, light does not span the universe, because the expansion of the universe is faster than that of light!

Therefore, Professor Chen Tao decided to use the 'natural wormhole' to combine the two 'wormholes', so that it is possible to obtain an unrestricted observation distance. There are a large number of 'natural wormholes' in the universe, so Like the blood vessels of the human body, it is densely distributed in every corner of the 'universe'.

Combining natural wormholes and artificial wormholes solves the problem of limited observation distances of tunnel astronomical telescopes.

"Dad! Do you think this technical direction is acceptable?" Li Yi looked at Zhou Shuzhi and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Zhou Shuzhi thought about it seriously, and after a while, he answered: "There is no problem with this technical direction, but if the two wormholes can be connected, the existing illumination and communication technology will definitely not be used. In addition, looking for natural wormholes, and Pinpointing the wormhole is another problem, . . . ”

Zhou Shuzhi kept explaining the technical difficulty to Li Yi.

Li Yi nodded again and again with a smile on his face. With so many technical problems, the development must be difficult. If there was no direct intervention and technical support, Professor Chen Tao's research progress would certainly not be so efficient.

"Professor Zhou, I have considered all the issues mentioned. If the link between natural wormholes and artificial wormholes can be realized, I am inclined to study a nano-ion detector, and want to increase the opening time of maintaining artificial wormholes. Achieving strong particle projection, ..." In response to the questions raised by Zhou Shuzhi, Professor Chen Tao explained his ideas one by one.

According to Professor Chen Tao's explanation, Zhou Shuzhi followed his thoughts and thought, and soon, the two had an intense discussion on technical issues.

Seeing such a scene, Li Yi smiled bitterly and chatted with Sun Bingwen. No matter what they discussed, he still decided to support Professor Chen Tao's research. If natural wormholes can be thoroughly researched, the use of space-time wormholes for interstellar spaceships to super-galaxy Travel is a very meaningful thing.

Time flies, another year has passed.

Fast forward to 2041.

This year, Dharmakaya has achieved many major events. Human beings have discovered the extrasolar life star - Bihaixing. Under the leadership of the Dragon Kingdom, various countries have begun to establish a unified human regime and work together to develop towards interstellar civilization. Start the development of Bihaixing, immigration The Blue Starfish Project.

Chen Tianyu flew into the Sahara Desert with a newest aircraft, the Water Dragonfly.

Do not! It would be inappropriate to call it a desert now.

The Sahara Desert, located in northern Africa, is the second largest desert in the world after Antarctica. It covers an area of ​​nearly 10 million square kilometers and is the largest sandy desert in the world.

With the support of the Longguo government, the application of infinite cold fusion energy and the powerful action of plant cellulose binders gradually transformed the sandy desert into soil suitable for plant survival.

Now, the Sahara Desert, which has the worst climate and environment in the world and is the least suitable for living creatures, is gradually revealing pieces of oases. Looking down from above, green plants continue to spread along the oasis, giving this barren land a layer of vitality. .

Chen Tianyu's eyes showed a look of infatuation. He drove the water dragonfly and lowered the height. The water dragonfly drew a beautiful arc in the air and nimbly drove towards the animal husbandry base below.

Soon, the water dragonfly stopped steadily on the empty concrete platform of the base, and a ground construction vehicle could be seen slowly driving towards him.

When the 'Water Dragonfly' engine was extinguished, Chen Tianyu couldn't wait to get out of the car.

"Brother Chen, come up quickly." The construction truck opened the door, and a black guy spoke fluent Mandarin.

Chen Tianyu nodded with a smile, and walked towards him impatiently.

"Brother Chen, what's the result of the inspection? Do you need to dispatch the maintenance engineering team?" The black guy looked at Chen Tianyu and asked with a smile.

Chen Tianyu sat in the co-pilot, nodded and said, "The failure of the A78 bonding machine is a little troublesome, and it needs to be repaired by the maintenance team."

"Okay, I'll take you to the maintenance center now!" The black guy grinned and nodded.

Chen Tianyu sighed, looked at the black guy and said, "Hei Mu, haven't you learned how to operate a maintenance robot? You have to be careful! No one will teach you when Brother Chen comes home!"

The black guy said embarrassedly: "Brother Chen, that thing is a bit complicated, I'm working hard!"

"Brother Chen, can't you stay? We are getting better and better here!" Hei Ni looked at Chen Tianyu reluctantly and changed the subject.

Chen Tianyu smiled bitterly. If it weren't for the high welfare subsidies, he wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to this place where birds don't poop, and there is no nightlife at all.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't learn it. When the quantum communication tower is built, the maintenance center will work intelligently. At that time, you can just look at the monitoring station." Chen Tianyu reminded the black guy. ’

"Okay, Brother Chen!" The black guy grinned and looked very happy.

Chen Tianyu smiled bitterly. Africa is very rich in resources, with a lot of mineral resources and ecological resources, but many African guys are like black mud, with a carefree personality, guarding huge treasures and living a poor life.

"Brother Chen, left here, next, where are you going?" The black guy started the construction vehicle and drove to the base.

Chen Tianyu smiled and said: "Silly boy, the world is so big, there are too many good places, such as: Xingyao City, Ninghai City, England City, ..., and further afield, there are: Moon Base, Spaceport, Mars Base, ..., it's better to go anywhere than to stay here."

"Uh, Brother Chen, where are you going?" The black guy looked at Chen Tianyu with envy.

Hearing this, Chen Tianyu was slightly taken aback, and the question of Hei Ni stopped him.

Xingyao City is now the science and technology center of the Dragon Kingdom. It has developed finance and advanced technology. It gathers countless elites from all over the world. The pressure to survive is extremely high. It is difficult for ordinary people like him without outstanding talent to survive there.

Other sky cities are not without opportunities, but they cannot be compared with Xingyao City.

The lunar base, the Mars base, and the spaceport all have to leave the mother planet Earth,...  

For a while, Chen Tianyu frowned, not knowing which city he chose to go to.

"Brother Chen, the maintenance center is here!" Heini drove the construction truck and slowly stopped at the entrance of the maintenance center.

Chen Tianyu came back to his senses, greeted Hei Mu and got out of the car, and said, "Well! Come with me, and I'll teach you again."

The black mud grinned and nodded with a bright smile.

Soon, Chen Tianyu led the black guy into the maintenance center.

In order to achieve the great purpose of greening the earth and destroying the desert, under the leadership of the Longguo government, hundreds of thousands of greening bases have been set up, covering the entire Sahara Desert with sparks and prairie fires.

However, the area of ​​the Sahara Desert is nearly 10 million square kilometers, which is comparable to the area of ​​a large country in the past. These green bases are scattered, and the distance from each other becomes very far away.

The climate and environment of the Sahara Desert are very harsh. The grand project of destroying the desert cannot be accomplished by manpower. It must rely on advanced intelligent machinery technology and a large number of desert engineering vehicles. Therefore, the maintenance center has become the standard configuration of every greening base.

Entering the maintenance center, the dense maintenance robots are brought into sight.

Chen Tianyu walked to the console, looked at the black mud and taught: "The location of the No. A78 bonding machine is the F12 area. The cause of the failure is that the roller of the belly belt deviates and the belly belt falls off. Now we choose the nearest maintenance robot to rush to it."

Hei Ni nodded, walked to the monitoring station, looked at the monitoring interface and said, "Brother Chen, the maintenance robot in the F15 area is the closest."

"Well! Now check whether the tools on the maintenance robot are If there is, send a drone to deliver it. This maintenance will use roller parts for electric welding." Chen Tianyu instructed with a smile.

"Understood!" Hei Mu nodded, carefully checked the maintenance tools carried by the maintenance robot, looked at Chen Tianyu, and said, "Brother Chen, the inspection is done, the maintenance robot meets the maintenance requirements for this time."

"Well, now control the maintenance robot to rush to the destination, turn on the maintenance inspection function, and repair him with the assistance of the intelligent program." Chen Tianyu continued to instruct.

"Understood!" Black Heidi nodded and followed Chen Tianyu's instructions.

Soon, in the monitoring screen, the maintenance robot arrived at the F12 area and stood in front of the A78 bonding machine, and the electronic eyes continued to scan.

Soon, a sound of electronic synthesis sounded on the maintenance console, reminding: "The fault detection is completed, the No. 17 roller is separated from the main body, the force is unbalanced, and the chassis belt falls off. Now start the No. 92 maintenance process of the bonding machine. Is it? Start an automatic maintenance job?"

The black guy heard the words, his eyes lit up, he reached out his hand to press the confirmation button, and suddenly he stopped him with one hand.

"No, start the manual control operation." Chen Tianyu ordered with a smile.

"Understood! The manual control operation has been started, please link." The operation platform responded.

"Brother Chen!" Hei Ni looked at Chen Tianyu aggrieved.

"Don't be lazy, now is a good opportunity to improve your maintenance skills." Chen Tianyu reminded angrily.

Looking at Chen Tianyu's gaze, Heini nodded helplessly, reached out and picked up the link helmet on the table and put it on his head.

Soon, the machine on the monitoring screen was manually activated and began to repair the gluing machine's belly belt. The movements were rusty and clumsy.

Chen Tianyu glanced at the screen, and then thought of his own way.

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