My hi-tech Library

Chapter 340: The explosion of science and technology (5)

Looking away from the holographic screen, Li Yi stood up from his seat and looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows.

A huge metal city, long flying dragons coming and going, and a space vacuum ladder hanging down from the sky came into view magnificently.

I saw that in the space vacuum elevator, one by one vacuum capsule-type vacuum chambers carrying cargo, passengers, 'swish' disappeared into the vacuum pipes, and the efficiency was extremely fast.

The size of Xingyao City has expanded several times. Today, it is already a behemoth suspended on the surface of the earth with an area of ​​nearly 500,000 square kilometers.

Li Yi was condescending, looking at such a magnificent city scene, his eyes showed reluctance, but his eyes quickly became firm, for the future of mankind, he had to make long-term plans.

"Da Hei, let Professor Wei do some sleep preparations, I'm going to sleep for a while." Li Yi instructed Da Hei.

The frozen dormancy technology has been mature and applied for a period of time, especially in many interstellar voyages, it has been confirmed that this is a safe project, and using the frozen dormancy mode to enter deep hibernation can greatly reduce the speed of human cells and delay human aging. , understood from another level, prolonging the human body's time in the world.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei responded.

Li Yi silently wanted to go out of the office. He chose to hibernate for a period of time and needed to do the work of his family. If there were no accidents, his wife Zhou Wenhui would accompany him to sleep with him. As for his parents and others, he did not know whether he would do What choice is unknown.

Although it has become less common to obtain alien technology from the star map space of black technology, the fundamental reason is that the current technological level of human civilization is not enough to apply deeper technology and choose to freeze dormancy. You can extend your lifespan. Perhaps in the near future, genetic life extension technology will make another breakthrough. Second, wait for the improvement of human technology. In this way, the black technology obtained from the library can continue to be used. Third, human civilization is still at present. Without encountering advanced alien civilization, the fundamental system does not know the existence of the Civilization Administration, choose to hibernate by yourself, you can wait for human civilization to grow up, ...,

There are all kinds of things, in a word, Li Yi chooses to freeze dormancy at this time, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Soon, the flying car took Li Yi to the big garden on the top floor of Xingyao Apartment.

Zhou Wenhui, who has been upgraded to a grandmother, is walking around the garden with Li Yang's little daughter, holding the little guy's hands in both hands, with a loving smile on his face.

"Lele, let's see who's coming! Quick, call Grandpa!" Zhou Wenhui smiled and led the little guy to call Li Yidao.

"Yeah!" The little guy yelled at Li Yi's milky voice, then opened his hands to Li Yi's hug, and giggled alone.

Li Yi's eyes lit up, he quickly opened his arms to pick up the little guy, and asked with a smile, "Lele, do you miss grandpa?"

Li Lele probably didn't understand Li Yi's question. A pair of small hands kept touching Li Yi's face, and suddenly she lowered her head and kissed Li Yi's face with a 'click'.

Li Yi was so happy: "Haha, Lele is an activist! Good boy."

"Look how happy you are! Come, hug grandma, and kiss grandma too." Zhou Wenhui was jealous and reached out to Li Yi for Li Lele.

Li Yi had no choice but to hand the little guy over to her.

"Yang'er, are Xiaoqing and the others back?" Li Yi looked at the room and asked, changing the subject.

"Well! They're all back, you didn't tell them to come back? What happened?" Zhou Wenhui nodded, looking at Li Yi and asked in surprise.

"The thing I mentioned to you last time, I'm going to implement it ahead of time." Li Yi was silent for a moment, then looked at Zhou Wenhui and explained.

Hearing this, the smile on Zhou Wenhui's face disappeared immediately. He probably knew what Li Yi was talking about. Frozen hibernation is like a long sleep. When he wakes up next time, his son, daughter, and even grandchildren will all change. When they got older, the couple lost their lives to accompany them, and the time was reversed.

"Is it necessary? Can't it be delayed for a while? Life extension technology is so advanced, why are you still sleeping?

, are you so afraid of death? Zhou Wenhui was angry, looked at Li Yi incomprehensibly, and questioned.

"I didn't tell you last time, it's not about fear of death, it's about the company's strategy, and it's also about being able to deal with the huge threats that exist in the future. I hope you can understand me." Li Yi took a deep breath and looked at Zhou Wenhui solemnly. say.

Hearing this, Zhou Wenhui was angry and helpless. She really couldn't understand what Li Yi told her before, about the future of mankind, and the threat of alien civilization. She only knew one thing, if she chose to talk to Li Yiyi Going to frozen dormancy means that her children will not be able to see them for a long time, and when they wake up again, everything will change.

Zhou Wenhui couldn't say anything about Li Yi, so he picked up Li Lele and walked towards the house, hoping that after the family learned the news, they could put pressure on Li Yi and make him change his mind.

Li Yi sighed, followed behind Zhou Wenhui, and entered the room.

In the spacious living room, a large group of people are chatting lively. Li Yanshun and his wife, Zhou Shuzhi and his wife, Li Wenxiu and his wife, Li Yang and his wife, Li Qing, Li Yan, Li Rong, plus a group of children, the luxurious living room is extraordinarily lively. .

When Li Yang spoke out about the decision to freeze dormancy, there was immediate opposition at the scene.

First of all, for such a big company as Xingyao Technology, with so many important matters, Li Yi almost had to make a final decision. Besides, in terms of family relationship, no one saw Li Yang bring Zhou Wenhui into a frozen hibernation state.

However, Li Yi's attitude was firm, and he gave Li Yang and Li Qing the second authority of the artificial intelligence brain - Da Hei, respectively, so that the two brothers and sisters could try to take over the company's affairs and support each other.

Li Yi tried to convince Li Yanshun and his wife that Zhou Shuzhi and his wife would sleep with them, but the elders all refused.

"We are getting old! This life is worth living like this. Unlike you, we have huge responsibilities to shoulder. We hope to watch our grandchildren grow up together and accompany them." Li Yanshun looked at Li Yan, Li Rong They smiled and declined.

Li Yang had a sullen face, and his thoughts were heavy. Li Qing, Li Yan, and Li Rong were teary-eyed. None of them could convince their father, Li Yi, to change his mind, which meant that they would not see their parents again in the near future.

In the 56th year of the alliance calendar, Li Yi and Zhou Wenhui officially started frozen dormancy in the freezer at the headquarters of Xingyao Technology.

Xingyao Technology has ushered in the era of the young owner - Li Yang and Li Qing.

The 60th year of the human alliance calendar: the fourth-generation 55% sub-light speed spacecraft led by Xingyao Technology officially landed, and the range of human exploration outside the solar system increased by 200 light-years.

The 75th year of the Human Alliance Calendar: The Star Fortress construction plan led by Xingyao Technology has officially entered the implementation stage.

The 87th year of the Human Alliance calendar: The Human Alliance government announced the official colonization of the first exoplanet, Bostar, and recruited immigrants from all human beings. At the same time, there are more colonized stars to be developed. Vigorously issued policies to encourage fertility.

100 years of human alliance: Professor Zhou Shuzhi, the chief physical scientist of Xingyao Technology, led the physics research team to achieve major breakthroughs in the field of physics, and successfully found gravitons through technical means, further uncovering the veil of dark energy and dark matter.

In the 110th year of the Human Alliance's calendar, the construction of the five-generation super sub-light speed spacecraft-Titan battleship led by Xingyao Technology was completed, and the highest sailing speed broke into 70% of the sub-beam in one fell swoop. -Water Blue Star, an immigrant planet with a sky city and an underwater city.


Humans who have entered the interstellar age, various advanced technologies are spewing, and human civilization has brought about a stage of rapid development. In particular, Xingyao Technology, which has led the rapid progress of human scientific and technological civilization, has spread its industrial tentacles in all fields of human industry, and has expanded to a level that no one can match. At this point, those technology companies under the control of the consortium not only did not shorten the distance with Xingyao Technology, but in the face of Xingyao Technology's continuous spouting of advanced technology, they were completely defeated and could no longer have any thoughts of resistance.

The frozen dormancy of Li Yi and his wife not only did not cause Xingyao Technology to be in chaos, on the contrary, with the cooperation of Li Yang and Li Qing

, the pace of development is getting faster and faster.

In May 2017 of the Human Alliance Calendar, sixty-one years after the founder of Xingyao Technology, Li Yi, was frozen and dormant, human civilization received a signal from an alien civilization for the first time.

Located in the HR5183 star system 100 light-years away from the solar system, the expedition ship White Eagle is heading for a planet codenamed HR5183C, a giant planet.

However, just as the White Eagle expedition ship was about to arrive at its destination, an unknown signal suddenly appeared on the ship's screen, and a string of information codes appeared.

Everyone stared at the screen blankly, and invariably chose to stare at it without moving, and even stopped breathing.

"Commander, an unknown signal has been received. The signal source carries a lot of unknown information and is deciphering the content of the signal." The voice of the White Eagle's brain reverberated in the command room, and everyone was extremely shocked.

"Where is the other party, can you confirm the source of the signal?" Captain Lin Kai of the White Eagle barely maintained his composure and asked nervously.

"Release the signal detector, searching!" The White Eagle's brain responded. The next moment, the holographic screen programmed the exploration interface of the entire galaxy, and suspicious targets were rejected everywhere in the vast starry sky.

The atmosphere in the command room of the White Eagle was tense, and everyone stared at the detection screen, unable to breathe.

If there is no accident, this will be the first time that human civilization has received a signal from an alien civilization. Whether the other party is hostile or with friendly greetings, everything is unknown. Without confirming the identity of the other party, any possibility of existence .

"Commander, do you want to contact the mother star and report this situation!" A crew member suggested.

"No, this is how to contact the parent star, if they track our signal and find the parent star, it will bring danger to the parent star." Captain of the White Eagle - Link Kai decisively refused.

"In case, they would have discovered it long ago! I don't report this news. In case we have an accident, the alliance government will not respond!" Lin Kai's voice just fell, and a crew member retorted.

"Yeah! Let the alliance government know that it is a battle, a run, and there is a time to prepare in advance." A crew member added.

"It's too early to talk about this, let's wait until Zhinao detects the data!" Lin Kai raised his hand to interrupt everyone's discussion. At this time, everyone was extremely nervous, and he needed to make a decisive decision.

Hearing this, everyone had the backbone, and their eyes focused on the big holographic screen again.

After about ten minutes, the beating detection signal device on the screen finally stopped beating, and the detector successfully locked the target. The holographic screen found a tiny unmanned spacecraft, and the signal was widely distributed by it.

"Commander, it's a broadcast spacecraft. According to its flight path, it can be determined that it comes from the fifth planet of the neighboring galaxy with a 95% probability." The White Eagle Zhinao reported and marked it on the holographic screen. the source of the signal.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The speed of the broadcast spacecraft is limited, about 3,000 kilometers per second, about one percent of the speed of light. This speed is a little brother in front of the White Eagle, not to mention, it is still an unmanned spacecraft.

A false alarm.

"This spacecraft must have flown for a long time, and it is more advanced than our previous Voyager 1! Will the civilization of this planet be more advanced than us now?"

"This spaceship seems to have been flying for thousands of years. Otherwise, at this speed, how can it return to the next galaxy! Thousands of years have passed, and that civilization must have entered the interstellar age."

"It's possible, Xiaobai, has the information been parsed out?"


The crew members got excited and speculated about the unknown alien civilization.

In the last century, human civilization also launched many probes and broadcasters into space, such as Voyager 1, before the era of stars began.

More than 200 years have passed so far, and the Voyager 1, which was originally launched, has not yet flown out of the solar Because its speed is only 17 kilometers per second,

It will take about 170,000 years for the spacecraft to reach the solar system.

However, the unmanned broadcast spacecraft detected by the White Eagle uses a nuclear-powered engine to support its high-speed navigation. Its flight speed reaches 3,000 kilometers per second. From the manufacturing technology of the spacecraft and its flight time, One thing is certain, when this civilization sent out this unmanned exploration spacecraft, its technological level was definitely higher than that of human civilization. After many years have passed, no one knows how far it has developed.

"Commander, the other party's signal carries a lot of undefined data, and only 12% of the mathematical signals have been parsed. It is estimated that it will take 57 hours to fully parse out." Baiying Zhinaohui reported.

"Stop the foreground, turn on the covert defense state, and wait for the signal to be resolved." Captain Lin Kai of the White Eagle took a deep breath and decided.

"As ordered, Commander!" The White Eagle Zhinao answered the order.

Soon, the antimatter power engine at the tail of the White Eagle slowed down, the defensive energy cover was opened to the maximum value, and the body turned dark black, blending with the vast dark universe.


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