My hi-tech Library

Chapter 243: Landing on Mars

In the interstellar simulation battle, how did Li Yang win the big black?

However, Li Yang is very interested in this extremely challenging 'battle game', and he is not discouraged when he loses.

"Come again, last time I was careless, this time I will definitely win you!"

"Why do you still have a reserve ship, let's do it again!"

"Da Hei, how did this formation become, why can't my fleet catch up,..."


Against Da Hei's interstellar simulation, Li Yang failed again and again. However, he keenly discovered the reason for the failure, and he did not hesitate to ask the enemy for advice and challenge Da Hei again and again.

"Knock knock..." There was a knock on the door.

Li Yi hurried over to open the door.

"It's too late, Xiaoyang, what are you doing in Dad's study, and you haven't gone to bed yet!" Zhou Wenhui appeared at the door of the study and reminded Li Yang.

"Okay, I'll go to bed after this fight with the big black." Li Yang looked at Li Yi and pleaded.

Li Yi nodded with a smile.

After about ten minutes, Li Yang failed again and left the study with Da Hei.

"Yi, what's the matter with you, didn't you dislike Xiaoyang playing games before! How could you start pampering him." Watching Li Yang leave, Zhou Wenhui closed the door of the study and questioned Li Yi.

"It's not a simple game. I will train him in the direction of the starship commander with Da Hei! He is also interested in this aspect." Li Yi took Zhou Wenhui's hand, walked to the three-dimensional projection table, and explained .

After speaking, Li Yi waved his hand, and the three-dimensional projection table projected a virtual interstellar map, showing the data of two interstellar fleets and a dozen simulated battles.

"This is the simulated battle data of Xiaoyang and Dahei. Xiaoyang's progress is very fast. From the fiasco in the first 3 minutes, it only took less than two hours to be able to fight with Dahei. Yang will definitely become an excellent interstellar strategic commander in the future." Li Yi happily introduced the battle data between Li Yang and Da Hei to Zhou Wenhui, smiling like a child.

Zhou Wenhui looked at the three-dimensional projection and couldn't help but smile, proud of Li Yang's excellent performance.

"Look at you, the career of interstellar commander is very dangerous! I hope that Xiaoyang can find a job that he likes to do in his life, and he can be safe." Zhou Wenhui rolled her eyes at Li Yi and said expectantly.

"I'm here! What's the danger of being an interstellar commander!" Li Yi defended angrily, feeling that he was being looked down upon by his wife.

"Why is there no danger? You have to take a spaceship and join the army. If there is a battle, don't be the first to go to the front line. Can you help Xiaoyang fight? This profession is too dangerous and needs to be re-planned." Zhou Wenhui refuted.

Li Yi was speechless.

However, I finally discovered Li Yang's talent and his hobbies. As a father, how could he not support him!

As for the danger to life, Li Yi thought it was not that serious.

China's military strength and economic strength have far surpassed all countries in the world. Xiaoyang wants to enter the interstellar army and become an interstellar commander, but will he not fight internally? What danger could there be?

There are indeed alien civilizations, but since the universe is vast and boundless, and he joined the Covenant, the chance of an interstellar war is extremely small. If Xiao Yang becomes an interstellar commander, he should be able to spend his life peacefully.

Xingyao Technology has a leading position in the interstellar civilization, but its military power is too weak. When he was there, he could say that if something went wrong or he was gone, he needed a force to support Xingyao. Technology.

If Li Yang can grow into an excellent interstellar commander, it will be more beneficial than detrimental to the future of Xingyao Technology.

For these reasons, Li Yi explained to Zhou Wenhui in detail and tried to change his wife's mind.

After listening to Li Yi's considerations, Zhou Wenhui fell silent and had to agree with Li Yi's arrangement.

Xingyao Technology was founded by her husband, and Li Yi's prestige is unparalleled. Therefore, even if Xingyao Technology has a monopoly technology status in the world, it is a dominant player in the interstellar field, governments of various countries, other large enterprises and organizations, large The chaebols can only recognize them by pinching their noses.

Because Li Yi is too good, and his prestige is unparalleled. Under his leadership, Xingyao Technology has invented countless advanced technologies in just over ten years, leading human society to undergo a technological revolution again, and leading all mankind to rapidly develop towards interstellar civilization. ,Leaping Development.

Although Li Yi did not actually manage the specific things of Xingyao Technology, he was the spiritual pillar of Xingyao Technology.

Because of Li Yi's relationship, Xingyao Technology has deeply rooted, virtual network, fusion energy, life-extending gene medicine, sky city construction, three-dimensional transportation system, intelligent machinery manufacturing field, interstellar spacecraft manufacturing, interstellar spaceport construction, moon base, Mars base, ..., wait, the tentacles of Xingyao Technology are almost fully embedded in every key field of human society, and have a profound impact on the economic structure of the human world.

If Li Yi fell ill or sneezed, the global economy would definitely tremble.

It is such a huge influence. What happened to Li Yiruo, no one can have this prestige and continue to control Xingyao Technology, capital of various countries, and large-scale chaebols. When the time comes, what will they do, and what will happen to Xingyao Technology? , everything is not good to say.

Li Yi planned for a rainy day and planned to train Li Yang into an interstellar commander. He would become the commander of the human fleet, **** Xingyao Technology, and consider the future of the heir.

After some explanation and persuasion from Li Yi, Zhou Wenhui wisely chose to remain silent and acquiesced to her husband's arrangement.

Li Yang is in such a family, and it is destined that he should also undertake corresponding obligations while enjoying this kind of welfare.

"You can rest assured! In the next one or two hundred years, human beings will definitely not have an interstellar war with alien civilizations. Xiaoyang will not be in danger when participating in the interstellar fleet. The most military tasks in the future will be escorting commercial ships and patrolling territories. Comparable It is much safer to join the army on Earth." Li Yi looked at Zhou Wenhui and persuaded with a smile.

There has never been a long-term peace in human society. More than 200 countries in the world, China, the country with the largest comprehensive strength, are busy developing new technologies, interstellar fields, virtual networks, and the national economy. They have no intention of acting as the world police. With the disintegration of the Federation, the world has become restless.

Although there is no danger of a third nuclear war, but without the 'protection' of the world police, oppressed countries, hostile countries, constant contradictions and frequent outbreaks of local wars, joining the army in these countries is a very dangerous thing .

Being a soldier in Starfleet is different.

The establishment of the human starfleet is not yet! There are also no external enemies, so joining Star Force is definitely a very safe job.

Zhou Wenhui nodded, no longer Li Yi's arrangement for his eldest son's future.

"It's getting late, go back to your room and rest! We agreed to rent a 'basketball team', but we still lack a guard and a few substitutes!" Li Yi took Zhou Wenhui's hand with a smile and said teasingly.

Zhou Wenhui rolled her eyes at Li Yi and asked with a smile, "Xiaoyan, Xiaorong, you can't handle it, are you sure?"

Thinking of the two naughty little fellows, Li Yi immediately hesitated: "Uh! We are still young, how about we'll talk about it in two years?"

"Counselor!" Zhou Wenhui gave Li Yi a mocking look.

Li Yi smiled, hugged Zhou Wenhui's waist, left the study, and returned to the bedroom.

Just kidding, there are a few little guys in the family, all of them are like little devils, the house is noisy all day, and two more, Li Yi has no energy to do other things.

In the following days, Li Yi's life became busy. He used the civilized library to obtain various advanced black technologies. At the same time, he led many research projects in the experimental center. In his spare time, he paid attention to the growth progress of his eldest son, Li Yang.

With the assistance of Da Hei, Li Yang used orderly entertainment to guide him to learn professional knowledge, such as astrophysics, interstellar environment, and even basic subjects such as mechanics, mathematics, etc. .

Time flies, and twenty days have passed in the blink of an eye.

After twenty-three days of flight, Dawn finally reached Mars,

In order to cultivate Li Yang's interest in this area, Li Yi specially brought Li Yang and rushed to the astronomical command room of the Xingyao Experimental Center with him to watch Dawn launch an intelligent base on Mars.

In the huge control room, nearly a hundred scientific researchers stared at the screen wall in front of them, and the scene was full of tension.

On the big screen, the Dawn is being broadcast live, and it is constantly approaching a red planet ahead.

The atmosphere of Mars is very thin, and the surface pressure is only 0.8% of the surface pressure of the earth, which is equivalent to the air pressure at an altitude of 33,000 kilometers above sea level on the earth. This pressure environment makes the arrival of Dawn very easy.

"Current speed: 345 kilometers per second, dawn, please pay attention to the speed."

"Dawn received!"

"Starting to enter the Martian atmosphere, dawn, please confirm and lock the landing point."


The commander of the monitoring station connected with Dawn's brain and nervously corrected the landing data. On the big screen, a faint blue flame was produced on the head of Dawn, which plunged into the thin atmosphere of Mars.

"Dad! It's entering the atmosphere, the Dawn is coming, it's going to land." Li Yang grabbed Li Yi's hand with one hand and pointed at the big screen with the other, saying excitedly.

"I see!" Li Yi smiled and reached out to touch Li Yang's little head.

"Dad! Can it land successfully! It's too fast." Li Yang stared at the big screen and asked in progress.

"There is a jet thrust reverser! After a while, it should start." Li Yi explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Yang nodded and stared at the big screen, looking forward to the landing moment of Dawn.

Not long after Li Yi finished speaking, the Dawn on the screen suddenly spewed a large amount of white mist, and the speed of its rapid descent suddenly slowed down and slowly landed towards the surface of Mars.

"The speed of Dawn has dropped, and the landing is successful!" Li Yi judged with a smile, then looked at Li Yang, and asked with a smile, "Now, I'll test you, why did Dawn use jets to land this time? A thrust reverser, not a magnetic booster like the one used by Star Flare?"

Hearing this, Li Yang couldn't help frowning and thinking. However, due to the lack of knowledge reserves, he could not immediately give the correct answer to this question.

"Dad! Isn't that the reason why the Dawn is smaller and uses a jet anti-booster, which is more flexible and suitable!" Li Yang thought for a while, looked up at Li Yi, and answered uncertainly.

"Look! If you are not willing to learn knowledge, you can't answer it now!" Li Yi laughed and attacked.

"I know I'm wrong, Dad! Please tell me the correct answer!" Li Yang quickly apologized, grabbed Li Yi's hand, and asked for help eagerly.

"Mars and Earth are both in orbits suitable for life in the solar system. There are many similarities, and at the same time, there are also many differences. Do you know why there is no life on Mars, but there is a lot of life on Earth?" Li Yi smiled slightly and looked at Li Yang asked.

"I know that Earth has a thick atmosphere and water, but not on Mars!" Li Yang replied quickly.

"That's right, but why is there on Earth but not on Mars! What is the cause!" Li Yi smiled and looked at Li Yang and continued to ask in a guided way.

"Because, because..." Li Yang frowned, unable to answer for a while.

"Therefore, the earth has a global magnetic field to protect it, but Mars does not, so its atmosphere was blown away by the solar wind, and the water was evaporated, so it became like this!" Li Yi solved the mystery for Li Yang.

Hearing this, Li Yang suddenly realized, and quickly added: "So it turns out that there is no magnetic field on Mars, so Dawn can't use the magnetic thrust reverser!"

"That's right! If you want to become an interstellar commander, you need to strengthen your knowledge in this area and pay more attention to details. Otherwise, if you encounter this situation, turn on the magnetic thrust reverser, and the spacecraft will not crash!" Li Yi took advantage of the situation. Education Road.

"Yeah! I understand, I will definitely learn knowledge from Da Hei in the future." Li Yang nodded again and again, accepting the lesson.

After a Li Yang looked at Li Yi and asked with concern, "Dad! Why does Mars have no magnetic field, but the Earth does, and what is the cause!"

"A long time ago, Mars had a magnetic field. However, its size was too small, the lava inside cooled too fast, the activity gradually stopped, and the magnetic field gradually disappeared. Of course, there may be other reasons. , mainly to learn more about Mars." Li Yi explained with a smile.

"Is that so! Dad! Will our Earth's magnetic field disappear? If it disappears, will it look like Mars?" Li Yang nodded and continued to ask.

"Well! If the magnetic field disappears, the earth will become like Mars, and many people will die. Therefore, we must find ways to prevent this from happening, develop technologies that can change the planet's climate, or develop more immigrant planets." Li Yi nodded with a smile and replied.

After listening to Li Yi's answer, Li Yang was silent, not knowing what to think, his little face was full of a sense of crisis.

"Don't worry! The Earth's magnetic field has been normal for billions of years, and it won't disappear suddenly!" Li Yi smiled and patted Li Yang's shoulder comfortably.

Hearing this, Li Yang's expression relaxed a little, and he continued to look at the big screen. Dawn was about to land on Mars.

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