My hi-tech Library

Chapter 339: Technology explosion (4)

The solar system, the human home planet - Earth.

Shining Star City - Alliance Government Headquarters, a solemn meeting is going on.

The first human fleet - the first brigade is heading to Tianjingxing, and the second brigade is heading to - Yingtai star... Now there is a report that the Lant galaxy - Bo star has discovered extraterrestrial life, and is in the stage of the great expedition to the sea of ​​stars. New discoveries are constantly emerging, and as a result, the human fleet becomes unmanageable.

"Either invent more advanced navigation technology, or increase the size of the fleet, it is urgent now!" The Alliance Government - Deputy Minister Zhang Tianyou looked around the audience and concluded with the chairman of the alliance.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Sun Bingwen, who was attending the meeting. He is the head of the Xingyao Experimental Center. The technological innovation of the alliance fleet and the increase in the size of the fleet all require the cooperation of Xingyao Technology.

"Space-time wormhole technology is currently on the eve of a breakthrough, and it is uncertain when it will break through." Sun Bingwen quickly explained.

"How about increasing the production capacity of the Second Fleet! Is there any problem in this regard?" Zhang Yibo, the head of the Alliance Fleet, asked with concern.

"This, all shipbuilding docks are currently at full production. If the alliance needs it, we will arrange for a period of time, or increase the construction of new docks." Sun Bingwen glanced at the information on the virtual watch and responded.

"Then we can only consider increasing the scale of the frigate. I hope that Xingyao Technology will break through the wormhole technology as soon as possible." Zhang Yibo, the head of the alliance fleet, looked at Sun Bingwen and said expectantly.

Soon, the main topic of the meeting changed, and it revolved around increasing the number of fleets, what kind of ships to expand, budget funds, ..., and so on.

More than three hours later, Sun Bingwen returned to the experimental center with a tired face.

To deal with the high-ranking officials of the alliance government, Sun Bingwen had to deal with 12 points of spirit. Fortunately, they are asking for Xingyao Technology and respect themselves. However, as the strength of the Human Alliance increases, other consortiums have gone to the stars. The development of the ship manufacturing industry, without major technological breakthroughs, the three generations of starships are facing no small challenges.

Fortunately, the technological 'moat' established by Xingyao Technology is not something that companies can challenge. In the field of interstellar battleships and spaceships, it is at least thirty or forty years ahead of the starships of other mainstream consortiums. In addition, new materials , spaceship brains, starship weapons, virtual networks, interstellar communication, ..., etc., and other aspects of technology, Xingyao Technology is an industrial circle built around starship manufacturing and other advanced technology industries, on the earth of human society. and technological hegemony, which no organization can challenge.

If the space-time wormhole technology can make a breakthrough, then within two years, Xingyao Technology will continue to maintain the title of "leader" of human civilization.

Thinking of this, Sun Bingwen returned to the office and immediately linked to the experimental center. The next second, a virtual projection appeared in an experiment.

In the center of the laboratory, there is an arc-shaped battery-like equipment.

A large number of scientific research instruments are placed around the instruments and equipment. In front of each instrument and equipment, there are several scientific research staff wearing lab coats. They are staring at the screen of the instrument, working nervously and concentratingly.

Hundreds of people at the scene, their minds are all on the instruments and equipment, some proofread the data charts on the virtual screen, some modulate the equipment, some control the coordinates of the instruments, . . . All the researchers were busy and focused.

Chen Tao led the experiment and was discussing something with several scientific researchers, but no one found the virtual projection that appeared in the laboratory.

"Director Sun, why are you here!" Professor Chen Tao suddenly saw Sun Bingwen's virtual projection out of the corner of his eyes, and quickly stopped the discussion with his subordinates.

"Come and have a look, by the way, learn about the space-time wormhole technology. At the alliance meeting today, I was under a lot of pressure." Sun Bingwen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Professor Chen Tao couldn't help showing a wry smile. Co-author Sun Bingwen was under pressure at the alliance meeting. This time he came here to transfer the pressure to him!

"Don't think too much about it, I'll just understand that for scientific research, you can only go with the flow, and I won't put any pressure on you." Seeing the wry smile on Professor Chen Tao's face, Sun Bingwen knew that he had misunderstood and quickly explained. .

"I know, but space-time wormholes, hey! This field is not easy. We plan to study it again and prepare to conduct a large-scale collision experiment to see if we can make new basic discoveries." Professor Chen Tao sighed. , explained.

"What collision experiment? Why didn't I know!" Sun Bingwen was surprised.

"This project has been reported. The collider is arranged in the near orbit of Mars. You may be too busy to pay attention! However, Mr. Li has learned about it and agreed to this collision experiment." Professor Chen Tao explained quickly.

Sun Bingwen nodded. There are not many projects going on in the experimental center. It is impossible for him to understand all the experiments.

"Mr. Li agrees. When will the experiment start?" Sun Bingwen asked with concern.

"Director Sun, you just happened to be here. All the preparations are ready. We are about to conduct this collision experiment. Do you have time to observe this experiment with us?" Professor Chen Tao smiled and looked at Sun Bingwen's invitation.

"Okay!" Sun Bingwen's interest increased greatly, and he happily accepted the invitation to the experiment.

Soon, Professor Chen Tao led a group of scientists and invited Sun Bingwen to conduct particle collision experiments together.

In a large laboratory, everyone's eyes are all fixed on the holographic screen in front of them. Some people monitor the instruments and observe the changes of the instrument data; some people proofread the data charts on the virtual screen from time to time; some people carefully control the instruments and equipment, paying full attention .

The researchers in the entire experimental field were busy carrying out experimental work, and the experimental process completely grabbed their attention, as if a grand invention was about to be born, and no one was distracted.

Since the successful development of the tunnel astronomical telescope, many research directions of wormholes linking the universe have reached a dead end. Now there is only one research direction left - that is to simulate the scene of the Big Bang, and then obtain more data of the universe.

However, the environment for such experiments is very demanding and dangerous.

After more than three years of design and construction, a large annular proton collider floats in the orbit of Mars, with a diameter of nearly more than 5,000 meters and a diameter of tens of meters.... Scientists use virtual projection technology to remotely perform proton collision experiments.


"Professor Chen, all monitoring instruments are modulated normally, and the data captures the effect of emotion."

"Professor Chen, the signal is stable and the energy system is working normally!"

"Professor Chen, the laser 'cooling' instrument is working properly, and the ring proton collider is ready."


The excited voices of the scientists sounded one after another, reporting their preparations to Professor Chen Tao.

Professor Chen Tao's face is excited. After several years of preparation work, the research on the 'cosmos' can finally enter the substantive stage. The proton collider experiment has passed proton-proton, proton-antiproton, electron-positron, proton- The collision of elementary particles such as electrons, no matter what is discovered, the results of the collision will greatly enrich the understanding of the structure of the universe.

"Let's start!" Professor Chen Tao ordered.

Hearing the order, all the scientists cheered up and started the proton collider immediately.

Outside the window of Wuheng, the ring-shaped proton collider floating in space suddenly vibrated, and the frantically accelerating proton beam inside accelerated frantically, and the whole machine kept shaking, as if it was about to explode.

"The speed of the proton beam is enough, ready to control the magnetic ring, the first collision enters the countdown: 9, 8, 7..." Professor Chen Tao stared at the monitoring screen and ordered loudly.

Hearing this, all the scientists tensed their bodies and stared at the monitoring screen, for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

"Proton beam collision is over, data, check the data!"

"Come out, there are new discoveries."

"Professor Chen, we have a new discovery. The quark cloud map shows a new strange state of quarks."


The scientists stared at the monitoring screens one by one, cheering and celebrating.

Seeing this, Professor Chen Tao smiled calmly, looking a little dissatisfied.

The Standard Model of quarks is the most successful model of contemporary particle physics, predicting a series of particles that have been discovered experimentally one by one.

The quark model within the framework of the Standard Model allows the existence of "strange states". Usually, quarks either form "quark-antiquark" pairs, such as K mesons, pions, etc.; or form three quark states, such as protons and Neutrons, etc., in color confinement, single quark states are not allowed to exist. But quantum chromodynamics does not prohibit the existence of "tetraquark states" and "pentaquark states".

If these "strange states" are not found, it means that the Standard Model and quantum chromodynamics are probably not so correct. Now it is a matter of course that new "strange states" are discovered, and it is not worth making a fuss.

"Organize the information and prepare to collide with new particle pairs." Professor Chen Tao said as he looked at the scientists.

"Understood! Professor Chen!" The scientists responded.

There is a special type of object called a Teo-class rotating wormhole that casts a larger and more distorted shadow than a black hole. Garden wormholes are static and circular, and Teo-class wormholes are twisted and asymmetrical. This phenomenon is thought to keep the "exotic matter" moving around,

Space-time wormholes, which are difficult to observe in the macroscopic world, observe the microscopic particle world through particle collision research, and trace the "strange state" that is difficult to observe by original observations. However, the unknown properties of the material supporting the wormhole make it impossible to predict its shadow.

If you want to know the shape of the shadow of the wormhole, you must know the geometry of the wormhole, and if you want to know the geometry of the wormhole, you must know the properties of the "exotic matter" in the wormhole, ...

The theory of 'wormholes' was proposed by Einstein, who believed that 'wormholes' are thin tubes of space-time connecting distant regions of the universe. Dark matter keeps the wormhole's exit open. Wormholes could connect parallel universes with baby universes and offer the possibility of time travel. Wormholes may also be time-space tunnels connecting black holes and white holes, so they are also called "grey roads".

Due to the limited historical conditions at that time, some physicists believe that it is possible to use "wormholes" in theory, but the gravitational force of "wormholes" is too large and will destroy everything that enters, so it is impossible to use it in space navigation.

However, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, human beings have now developed antimatter power engines, energy defense covers for strong electromagnetic fields, and wormhole-related tunnel astronomical telescopes have also been developed, which has confirmed the reality of 'wormholes' exist.

The use of 'wormhole' technology that currently plagues human beings is to explore the context of natural wormholes.

Soon, the second particle beam collision experiment was started, and scientists were all geared up.

On the top floor of Shining Star Technology Headquarters Building, luxurious office.

After discussing company affairs with Tang Shaohong, Li Yi watched her leave in a good mood.

The successful development of the star-level fortress brain-photon brain has further strengthened Dahei's computing power, and the speed of Xingyao Technology in technological innovation is getting faster and faster, driving the pace of human life faster and faster. Society is changing rapidly, and the world is now creating ten times as much wealth every day as it did on a single day two years ago, two to three times as much as it did before the Human Alliance government was established, and it's still growing.

In addition, in the 'virtual game' Xinghai Era, new technologies are applied every day, and human civilization has entered the stage of the sixth scientific and technological revolution. In addition to the alliance reform to unify human beings, advanced production relations will also be affected. With the rapid development of social productivity, Xingyao Technology leads the development of human science and technology, and at the same time, it has also harvested rich The owner, Professor Chen Tao led the scientific research team to carry out the 'proton collision' experiment, and successfully obtained the 'proton collision' experiment. Wormholes' key data. "At this time, the artificial intelligence brain - Da Hei suddenly appeared on the holographic screen, reporting to Li Yihui.

"It was found out by him! How long does it take them to complete the theory to the practical application." Li Yi was surprised and hurriedly asked the big gangster.

"If I participate in the design of the design, it is expected that the 'wormhole' shuttle experiment can be carried out within 3 years, and it is expected to be assembled on a new generation of interstellar warships in 10 years, and it can be used in mature applications in 30 years." Zhinao - Dahei feedback .

"It's so fast, if you don't intervene, or deliberately guide it on the wrong path, how long can it be delayed?" Li Yi was startled and quickly ordered.

"It is expected to be delayed for 100-200 years." Zhinao-Da Hei feedback.

"Okay, then continue to delay, we can't let them succeed so quickly." Li Yi sighed and ordered.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei responded, and the holographic screen fell silent.

Li Yi stared blankly at the holographic screen, feeling a little helpless. The wormhole technology reserve was already in Dahei's reserve technology library.

With the current level of activity of human civilization, wormhole technology has not yet been invented, and the interstellar spaceship is driven to explore the galaxies around the solar system. If the wormhole technology is successfully developed, the human fleet will not be able to travel to further galaxies.

If a powerful alien civilization is provoked, with the current level of human technology, it is completely unable to resist the attack of advanced civilization, which is why Li Yi dare not release the wormhole technology.

However, I never expected that Professor Chen would find out the key data of the wormhole. They are really amazing.

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