My hi-tech Library

Chapter 275: unequal treatment (2)

"Liar, big liar, genetically different problems are absolutely deceiving!"

"That's right! Such a powerful genetic medicine can be researched. How can this little difference be difficult for them? It's definitely intentional!"

"Excusements are all excuses. In addition to genetic medicines, there are many advanced technological products, all of which are very unfriendly to us."

"The host and this Professor Wei must have colluded. It's too hateful. This kind of problem will never be the reason for reluctance to sell."

"It's too bad. You can say such a lame answer. Do you think we are all fools?"

"Is it difficult for Xingyao Technology to want to make money? There must be a reason for this problem.

"God! Why am I not a yellow race."

"What about the mixed race! Does it matter? I have a quarter of the yellow blood."

"What a disgusting answer, this is definitely not the crux of the problem, they have no sincerity to provide us with advanced technology products."

"I can't accept this answer. I've been waiting for a longevity gene medicine for a long time. Even 300,000 people can't get a life extension gene medicine. How long has this question been asked."

"Yeah! Other genetic medicines will have to wait. When will the price of life-extending genetic medicines come down, and when will they be available for use like the Dragon Kingdom."

"I am also a yellow race! However, it is not from the Dragon Country, but from the Cherry Blossom Country. Why can't we enjoy the treatment of the yellow race?"

"Fake, this old guy is lying!"


Professor Wei Hanzhi's answer once again caused a violent wave on the Internet, and countless foreign audiences shouted, cheating, excuses, and questioning the authenticity of this answer.

"Xingyao Technology's products can be sold as they are sold. If they are not sold, can you still buy them?"

"Yes, yes! Xingyao Technology belongs to our country, why should we treat you fairly? Can't produce it, and can't sell it?"

"Professor Wei has explained that it is a genetic difference between species, why can't you accept this statement! It's really strange, the cost of research has increased, is there a problem with raising the price?"

"Xingyao Technology's surname is not extravagant. If you have the ability to buy the same product in your country, you are forced to talk about it on the Internet! Is it interesting?"

"Professor Wei is right! Xingyao Technology is doing great!"

"Different research costs should bear different prices, don't buy if you're not happy!"

"Professor Wei has explained the problem clearly. If you don't believe it, you can attack him personally. Such a great scientist deserves everyone's respect!"


Different from foreign audiences, domestic audiences supported Professor Wei one after another, applauded him on the Internet, and were delighted with his answer.

Almost every technological product created by Xingyao Technology is a new technological product that leads the world and can bring great promotion to human science and technology. Even genetic medicine is not good.

With the continuous development of scientific and technological civilization, the life-extending gene medicine developed by Xingyao Technology has enabled countless people in China to delay aging, make their bodies younger, and prolong their lifespan to 150 years old. Coupled with other factors, such as the rapid development of medical technology, With the rapid development of a large number of new agricultural technology industries, a large amount of food is supplied to the world, and the global human population is gradually approaching tens of billions.

However, the scope of use of life-extending gene drugs is still dominated by the domestic market of Longguo. The price of foreign life-extending gene drugs is dozens of times that of domestic ones, and it is difficult to find a single needle. This problem has become a problem for foreigners to Xingyao. The main reason for dissatisfaction with technology.

Overseas, Xingyao Technology still supplies overseas users with 100 million pieces of life-extending genetic medicines per year. In the face of billions of overseas users, this number seems to be a drop in the bucket. Therefore, the price of each genetic life-extending medicine has been fired. A very scary price that only the rich, powerful, and elites are eligible to enjoy.

As for the civilian class, many people even have problems with food and medical care. How can they have the money to buy hundreds of thousands or millions of life-extending genetic medicines.

In contrast, in the domestic situation of Longguo, Xingyao Technology has opened up the supply of life-extending gene drugs, with an annual supply of more than one billion pieces, which can almost satisfy all users over the age of 20. In terms of price, due to the support of the national medical insurance account, Xingyao Technology Yao Technology has greatly benefited, and the price of each life-extending gene medicine is the price of a home-cooked meal for the commoners of the Dragon Kingdom, and the low-cost ones are provided for free.

This huge comparison of treatment has caused countless overseas people around the world to be full of dissatisfaction and hatred for the unfairness of Shining Star Technology.

However, Xingyao Technology is one of the most advanced technology companies in the world, and all the shares belong to Longguo. They have developed different sales strategies. If they can't afford it, don't buy it. I can't blame others.

However, Xingyao Technology has released a new type of gene therapy technology today, a weight loss gene drug, an immune gene drug, and even a gene enhancement drug that can adapt to the cosmic environment, each of which is a gene technology that can bring great progress to all mankind. .

According to the usual practice, these advanced genetic products must be used first by the people in the Dragon Kingdom. When it comes to the foreign market, I don't know what year and month it will take, and they will also have to compete with a large number of rich people. quantity.

After the program spread, foreigners who were originally dissatisfied with the unfair treatment took to the streets resolutely. They accused Shining Star Technology of such unequal treatment, scolded the government for its incompetence, protested against Shining Star Technology's technological monopoly,  … There are many, many, and they resolutely rise up when their demands are not met, and the banners are full of protest speeches.

For a time, many large cities outside the country staged a beautiful 'landscape'.

Foreign news media have reported it extensively.

"Xingyao Technology has released a new type of genetic medicine, which has miraculous effects on weight loss, cancer treatment and life extension, forming a strong technological monopoly."

"Excluding the Dragon Kingdom, major cities around the world organized protests and marches, accusing Xingyao Technology of monopoly of technology, outrageous product prices, and unfair treatment of global users."

"Xingyao Technology has once again fallen into the center of public opinion, and technology giants are suitable to clear the situation."

"What is Xingyao Technology going to do? Why can it do whatever it wants?"

"How terrible is Xingyao Technology, why is it unwilling to treat us equally?"

"This is yet another discrimination, and we must not tolerate it."


For a time, major news media around the world seized this opportunity and added fuel to the fire one after another, reporting various news about the use of advanced technology by Xingyao Technology to bully the weak on Xinwang, attracting countless people and arousing the anger of countless people. .

"Xingyao Technology, please respect us and stop unfair sales tactics."

"Incompetent Aki, step down quickly!"

"We must be tough on Xingyao Technology, and we must give monopoly fines!"

"Punishment! Punishment!"

"Eliminate technological bullying and cancel all inequality!"


Countless angry people outside the country shouted and protested online. Their only purpose was to ask their government to be tough on Xingyao Technology, punish Xingyao Technology, and get the same treatment as the people of Longguo.

However, is this possible?

Not to mention, Xingyao Technology is the most advanced technology in the world. With its own efforts, it has developed various interstellar technologies, cosmic spaceports, and moon bases. Now, it is better to prepare for the launch of interstellar warships, leading the world in dozens of technological fields and financial resources. It is even richer than the country. How dare such technology giants be tough on it?

Not to mention, there is still a superpower behind Shining Star Technology. Since the disintegration of the oil energy system, the disintegration of the two military powers of the US Federation and the Maoxiong Kingdom, and the decline of the decline, the world is no longer qualified to compete with dragons. The country is calling the shots.

Therefore, these clamors and various protests are destined to receive no positive response.

On the other hand, domestic people who don't think it's a big deal, while watching the news and eating melons, don't forget to sprinkle salt on their wounds. The comment area of ​​related news is full of their jokes.

"What kind of technological bullying, why didn't you say that when Western technology was leading in the past, if you want to ban chips, you can ban them. Now it's your turn, you can't stand it!"

"Supporting Xingyao Technology, sensitive, advanced technology related to national security must not be sold, and others must be sold at high prices."

"That's right, what if you don't sell it! If you don't sell it, you will talk about bullying. If you have the ability, you can do it yourself."

"Xingyao Technology is good, I like your style! Keep going, and make them mad."

"Hey! Eat what's in the bowl, and still think about what's in the pot. If you don't eat it, you'll make a fuss. You don't want this kind of **** customer!"

"Laughing to death! Xingyao Technology is our company. What's wrong with you? If you don't sell their products, what's the problem?"

"Support Xingyao Technology and let them make trouble! Can you still hurt Xingyao Technology?"


Netizens in China reported that they were happy to hear the news, and they happily left messages on major news websites. They were so happy.

Day by day, the events caused by Professor Wei Hanzhi's answering questions on the Starlight Chronicle not only did not subside, but intensified.

The speed of development of Xingyao Technology is terrifying, and various new technologies emerge in an endless stream. Now, even the genetic enhancement agent for human adaptation to the cosmic environment is about to be developed. Once this kind of genetic enhancement agent is successfully developed, it means that Xingyao Technology controls The core key for all mankind to enter the interstellar civilization.

In addition, Xingyao Technology is the only company in the world that can manufacture interstellar spaceships.... With the blessing of various technological halos, all countries in the world have gathered their forces and cannot catch up with Xingyao Technology. develop.

Therefore, with the help of many capitals and forces, the impact of this incident is getting bigger and bigger, and there are huge 'landscapes' in major cities around the world, which continue to spread.

Seeing that this matter is getting bigger and bigger overseas, the leaders under great pressure have visited Longguo one after another, visited the headquarters building of Xingyao Technology in person, and invited the high-level executives of Xingyao Technology to hold a grand business meeting and sign some business deals. Cooperation agreements, press conferences, …, etc.

On the bright side, Shining Star Technology had a pleasant business negotiation with dignitaries from various countries, successfully reached many friendly trading conditions, and signed a series of cooperation agreements with significant progress.

Judging from news reports and various positive information, Xingyao Technology was obviously unable to withstand the "group attack", made some compromises, and accepted some cooperation conditions that made it unpleasant.

However, these are only on the surface, for people all over the world to see.

Privately, some harsh conditions proposed by Li Yi have also been met, restricting the rapid population expansion of certain countries, the distribution of the sales share of Shining Star Technology's new technology products in the international market, ... At the same time, there is also the future of mankind The development of interstellar civilization, the share of each country's participation, and the supply share of various resources, ..., etc., various treaties related to the redistribution of all human resources.

According to Da Hei's deduction, the order of human interstellar civilization led by the people of Longguo, and the development pattern of Xingyao Technology as the main theme, taking advantage of this meeting opportunity, Li Yi and Da Hei formulated the 'strategic development' development plan of interstellar civilization, quietly established.

It is as if the petro-dollar currency system established by the United States Federation, this time, Xingyao Technology successfully led the establishment of this human civilization order with its advanced scientific and technological strength, as well as its huge advantage in interstellar technology.

It can be said that this action plan is the first time that Xingyao Technology has exerted its influence in the decisively changed the historical process of human beings entering the interstellar civilization.

In order to obtain the scientific and technological resources of Xingyao Technology, the share of various new technology products, and to achieve close cooperation with Xingkong Technology, countries have to accept some difficult conditions. Fertility strategy, a certain resource country, increasing resource development, ..., etc., various strategies that affect the development of the country.

Of course, by signing these cooperation agreements, they also gained huge benefits from Shining Star Technology, for example, the technical authorization of some advanced technologies, the increase in the sales share of various new technology products, etc. All in all, cooperation is a multi-party benefit. , which is of great significance for mankind to enter the interstellar civilization.

A major contract was signed.

Li Yi, who was behind the scenes, smiled with satisfaction.

These contracts will continue to be implemented. Twenty years later, thirty years later, when human beings fully enter the interstellar civilization, they will definitely be able to ensure that it is an interstellar civilization dominated by the yellow race, and a human civilization dominated by the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

As for how to ensure that these countries implement the contracts faithfully, with the influence of Xingyao Technology, Li Yi is like, holding a sweet date in one hand and a giant stick in the other, he has absolute confidence to carry out these important strategic contracts perfectly. .

Time flies, and more than a month has passed.

The signing of contracts between Shining Star Technology and various countries has finally come to an end, and the landscapes of major cities in the world are gradually disappearing.

Li Yi finally got his energy out of these events. He focused on the spaceport. With the support of Dahei's powerful computing power, the construction cycle of the spaceport finally came to the end of the construction period.


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