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Chapter 326: breaking news

Soon, on the holographic screen, the execution steps of the "financial battle" deduced by Da Hei appeared.

Create topics, news, launch projects, high resource futures prices, and layout to attract those giant crocodile capital to enter the market, at the national level, no, sit in a situation in the economic field common to all mankind, and do not talk about the capital that is making waves , Next, integrating global metal resources, related industrial chains, and rationally allocating resources, ... can be described as serving multiple purposes with one stone.

However, the entire strategic layout is a bit long, and it is expected to be completed after half a year.

Li Yi roughly browsed the content, confirmed that there was no problem, and then approved: "Let's arrange it like this! In addition, let President Tang and the alliance government, no! Contact the senior officials in the financial field of Huaguo in advance to see if they can cooperate. our plan.

"Okay! Master!" Da Hei responded.

"Continue to the next item." Li Yi ordered.

"Yes, Master," Dahei answered the order and immediately reported: "Professor Wei's adaptive gene enhancement project has achieved a major breakthrough in the experiment, and the brain domain gene enhancement solution developed by Professor Qian Hongliang, both of which are in the experimental body. While strengthening the human body's adaptive cosmic genes, it also has an effect on improving human brain IQ, delaying aging, and prolonging lifespan,..."

With the introduction of Da Hei, dozens of groups of human experiment data and various experimental processes appeared on the holographic screen.

Li Yi was overwhelmed with surprise. He never expected to receive this good news today. The human adaptive gene enhancement project was successful.

"Successful! Professor Wei and the others succeeded?" Li Yi asked with surprise and concern.

"Master, only the breakthrough progress has been confirmed at present. Regarding genetic issues, mutation issues, ..., there are still a lot of uncertainties in this project, and it cannot be confirmed as successful in research and development!" Da Hei feedback and reminded.

Hearing this, Li Yi calmed down. However, he was still staring at the various experimental data on the holographic screen. He was very excited. Although he had not really succeeded, he had already seen a glimmer of success. good news.

The experimental data of dozens of experimental subjects shows that after the injection of two adaptive gene-enhancing agents, all aspects of the human body have been strengthened, such as strength, cell activity, radiation resistance,

…, wait, almost 3-7x improvements across the board.

Not only is the body strengthened, but the life expectancy has also been improved again, and the recovery of physical vitality and mental vitality is almost comprehensive.

for example. Among the many experimental subjects, there is a group of elderly subjects in their 50s and 60s. Their physical characteristics are already very old. Both their minds and their bodies have begun to decline. ,…

After they used the adaptive gene-enhancing agent, their physical fitness and physical function had undergone obvious changes. Not one by one, the wrinkles on their faces gradually decreased, and the white hair was replaced by black hair again, winning the weak body. , Gradually become stronger, all aspects of the body functions, internal organs have been strengthened. , …,

Whether it is appearance, or thinking, start to regain vitality!

The strengthening effect is so remarkable!

"Master, Professor Wei initiated an application with you to expand the subjects of the experiment, and hope to recruit a group of older scientists, as well as embryo cultivation experiments, for the experimental adaptive gene enhancement project, the improvement of human activity, and the human brain. The improvement effect." Da Hei looked at Li Yi who was full of excitement and asked for instructions.

After finishing speaking, Professor Wei Hanzhi's application information appeared on the holographic screen, telling him the significance of using older scientists as experimental subjects.

First, older scientists, who have the courage to dedicate to science, and at the same time, are eager to restore youth, and this project will definitely have their support. Second, test the limits of adaptive genetic enhancement to ensure that it works for each individual, The influence of different ages, three times,…

In a word, the adaptive gene enhancement project is about to succeed, and Professor Wei is eager to conduct more experiments and collect more experimental data.

"Reduce the number of embryo cultivation experiments to 30, and increase the number of experimental subjects for the elderly to 1,000. Inside the experimental center, scientists over the age of 60 can register first, at their own discretion." Li Yi thought for a moment. , decided.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately passed the application and notified him.

There are many scientists working for Xingyao Technology, hundreds of thousands, millions of scientific research workers, and the number of older scientists is no longer small.

There are a large number of old scientists of Xingyao Technology. Without them, Xingyao Technology would not be where it is today.

Although Xingyao Technology has also developed life-extending gene drugs before, unfortunately, some scientists have not been able to experience the effects of life-extending gene drugs.

The large-scale use of human life-extending genetic agents was ten years ago. However, the role of this life-extending genetic agent is to delay the aging of human cells to a certain extent. By reducing the number of cell divisions and delaying cell division, , so that the overall human lifespan can be increased to 150 years old.

The life-extending gene medicine can be injected only when human beings are twenty-four or five-year-old, when their body cells begin to decline.

Until the human life reaches the peak state, when the cells and organs in the body begin to go down the slope, can the life-extending gene medicine be used.

The life-extending method of the life-extending gene drug is very unfriendly to some people who are already elderly, because the cells in their body are already aging, and the effect of the life-extending gene drug on them is greatly reduced. The effect is only one-third, the average is for the elderly over 60 years old, and the increase is only a dozen or 20 years old.

The situation is different now. Professor Wei has developed a special gene-speech medicine, which can rejuvenate their bodies and restore their youth. It can be strengthened in all aspects. The injection effect can even make you a strong man. .

Many of the important achievements of scientists are made at a young age.

The most creative period of a scientist should belong to the young period. At this time, they have sharp thinking and aggressiveness. Young people are always less superstitious about authority, not shackled by inherent thinking, and their thinking is more active. , as if in the sky.

Einstein published "Special Theory of Relativity" at the age of 26; Heisenberg proposed the uncertainty principle and matrix theory at the age of 24; Pauli proposed the Pauli exclusion principle at the age of 25; Dirac proposed the Dirac equation at the age of 26 …

Young people's thinking always has stronger innovation ability, and they are also better at making breakthroughs in the field.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't do it when you get older.

As we get older, with the accumulation of experience and knowledge, there are still many people who can make scientific research achievements. The road they have traveled and their experience can lead the scientific research team. However, the peak of human intelligence is not like the body. will decline, but will remain for a long time.

Human brain aging starts at the age of 27. The brain in adolescence has the strongest learning and memory ability. Once you put down the book and use your brain less, the brain begins to age. This aging is continuous and comprehensive.

When a person is born, the number of nerve cells is about 1,000. From the age of 20, there is a phenomenon of aging, and after the age of 40, there will be a decline in the speed. The number of nerve cells will decline at a rate of 10,000 per day. Sexuality and memory, as well as brain function, have some impact.

However, scientists can effectively delay this aging by using their brains for a long time. With the passage of time, scientists will become more knowledgeable and more sophisticated in the use of various scientific research tools, which is beneficial to scientific research.

Scientists who are older can always walk steadily in their own fields and discover more unknowns step by step.

However, when you are older, it will be relatively difficult to make breakthroughs due to the limitation of thinking activity...

Now, the project is nearing completion of an enhanced genetic medicine that will rejuvenate their brains and revive active minds.

If it can be successful, it will be incredible.

Xingyao Technology has gathered the top scientists of all mankind. If those experienced old scientists can restore their youthful thinking vitality, they will definitely bring a lot of new impetus to the current scientific research work.

Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help feeling excited, and suddenly changed his words: "No! The number of elderly experimental subjects will be increased by another 2,000 places. If it is not enough, it will be confirmed after three months that there is no problem, and the next issue will be opened."

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order and added a supplementary information about the quota to the notice.

Soon, some elderly scientists from all over the world, Mars, the moon, the spaceport, and various laboratories under Xingyao Technology, received notices to collect experimental subjects.

"Old Wei, this guy is amazing!"

"Great! I've decided to participate in this project!"

"There are only 1,000 places, which is too few. How can this be enough! No, I have to find Lao Wei."

The old scientists were excited one by one, and they applied for places in the management background. If they had to contact Professor Wei directly, they all ran to the back door to be on the safe side.

Professor Wei Hanzhi in the Laboratory of the Department of Life was crazy busy, both happy and irritable.

The application to increase the in vivo experiment was approved by Li Yi, but too many old guys came to him, not only old friends for many years, but also old classmates and old colleagues. Old comrade, ask him to find him.

In a word, the adaptive gene enhancement project has spread within Xingyao Technology, and many scientific researchers are eager to have a little relationship with Professor Wei Hanzhi and understand the progress of the experiment.

I don't know when.

The news of the great success of the adaptive strengthening program spread to the outside world, and for a time, it attracted global media to follow up.

"Professor Wei Hanzhi has made another major breakthrough in the field of biology. The success of the human gene-enhancing medicine is imminent, and the last hurdle that prevents human civilization from marching towards the sea of ​​stars and stars no longer exists!"

"Professor Wei Hanzhi has made another brilliant achievement. Human genetic enhancement drugs can extend human lifespan to 500 years old!"

"Xingyao Technology has successfully developed a powerful genetic medicine. The human body and brain have been comprehensively strengthened and improved, and the lifespan has been extended to 1,000 years."

"Another miracle in the field of life, Professor Wei Hanzhi has made a major breakthrough in the field of human genes."

"Inside Xingyao Technology, thousands of well-known scientists rushed to compete for Professor Wei's experimental quota..."

For a time, all kinds of eye-catching news with the most exciting content appeared in the major media around the world. Except for the media of Starlight Technology, the entire human society was blown up by the news of the gene-enhanced medicine.

True news, fake news, it is hard to tell whether the names of netizens around the world are true or false. However, the public knows one thing, there is no wind and no waves, and major events related to Xingyao Technology have never been a small matter. , all kinds of news.

"Really? Has the genetic enhancement drug really been researched? Humans can live for thousands of years."

"Fake news! No news from Xingyao Media, it's all fake news!"

"If humans can live for thousands of years, can the entire solar system still accommodate humans?"

"It would be amazing to live another 100 years! How could such a good thing happen!"

"Believe in science, as long as Xingyao Technology is there, everything is possible..."

"It is only a matter of twenty or thirty years for human civilization to advance into interstellar civilization. Now, human footprints have covered the moon, Mars, and even three generations of sub-light speed spacecraft have been developed. It is a matter of time before they fly out of the solar system, and human life expectancy will increase by ten. Times, it is also possible!"

"Believe in Xingyao Technology, believe in Professor Wei!"

People around the world collectively eat melons, and there are constant heated discussions. Various comments and messages continue to emerge, vying to discuss Professor Wei's scientific research results.

Professor Wei Hanzhi is a well-known life scientist in human civilization. Since joining Xingyao Technology, he invented the nanomedical cabin and nanomedical robot technology, and then conquered the genetic medicine for the treatment of cancer, completely eradicated cancer, a terminal disease of mankind, for the benefit of all mankind. made a huge scientific contribution.

Next, Professor Wei Hanzhi's footsteps did not stop. The life-extending gene drug has increased the lifespan of all human beings by half. The genetic weight-loss drug-Jianzhiling, and the genetic beauty drug have made countless women who love beauty crazy.

For so many years, Professor Wei Hanzhi has been engaged in the field of life engineering, which is the research on human body strengthening, so that human beings can adapt to the extreme environment of the universe. Nearly ten years have passed, and various breakthroughs have appeared, and people are tired of the story of "the wolf is coming".

However, this time, the collective rampage of the media, a large number of well-known scientists of Xingyao Technology are frantic for Professor Wei, and all kinds of candid photos, a look that is true, not like the story of 'the wolf is coming'.

For a time, people all over the world are in advance of the spirit, and many people are looking forward to the arrival of a good news.


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