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Chapter 277: The existence of space-time wormholes

"Mr. Li, what telephoto technology are you talking about!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and asked curiously.

It is rare to see Li Yi hesitate so much. Before, when he announced nuclear fusion technology, life-extending gene medicine, artificial intelligence, ..., etc., when various technologies that affect the human world, he had never seen him so timid.

Why, become so nervous now, be cautious?

What is the new telescope technology that can be used to find alien civilizations? Will it bring unexpected situations? Will it be so amazing?

"Xiao Yi, it should be fine. Even if there is a problem, there is always a solution." Zhou Shuzhi comforted Li Yi with a smile.

Li Yi sighed, thought for a moment, nodded and introduced: "I imagined a new type of astronomical telescope, which uses the particle barrier penetration effect to capture the instantaneous tunnel, and controls the super-strong quantum state through the graviton Qu Zhe effect to achieve generation. Space-time curvature, ..., and finally, according to these principles, we will focus on the development of a tunnel astronomical telescope to achieve real-time observation across the galaxy level."

After listening to Li Yi's introduction, Sun Bingwen was stunned for a moment, and his face was full of confusion. He couldn't understand what it meant. He understood each of these professional words, but when they put them together, Sun Bingwen was stunned.

On the contrary, after hearing Li Yi's introduction, Zhou Shuzhi was stunned, as if his forehead was struck by lightning, his whole body was agitated, his expression was excited, and he murmured mysteriously: "The barrier runs through, the tunnel is closed in time. , ..., quantum states, curvature of space-time, real observations, ..., entangled states, ..."

"Professor Zhou, Professor Zhou? Are you okay!" Seeing Zhou Shuzhi's nervous simulation, Sun Bingwen tried to call out twice, but he turned a deaf ear, still thinking seriously and murmuring.

"Mr. Li, what's wrong with Professor Zhou?" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and asked worriedly.

"Director Sun, don't worry about him, he is digesting right now!" Li Yi explained with a slight smile.

As soon as Li Yi finished speaking, Zhou Shuzhi suddenly raised his head, looked at Li Yi, and asked with fiery eyes, "The key is how to push the graviton, how to maintain this tunnel, and how to realize this key part."

"Gravity is the effect of space-time curvature. The mass of an object bends the surrounding space-time. The greater the mass of the celestial body, the greater the curvature of the surrounding space-time. The accelerating celestial body produces a changing space-time curvature, and the changing space-time curvature is equal to Gravitational waves propagate outward at the speed of light, do you agree with this conclusion!" Li Yi asked with a smile.

"Of course, this theory has been confirmed." Zhou Shuzhi nodded happily.

"The gravitons that transmit gravity are also called gravitons. They are bosons with a spin of 2 and a mass of zero. It seems that photons act as mediators to transmit electromagnetic wave energy, gravitons act as mediators to transmit gravitational wave energy, and photons transmit gravitational wave energy. Electromagnetic force and electromagnetic wave energy and gravitons transmit gravitational and gravitational wave energy, ..., when the particle impact experiment was conducted last time, Dad, you were there!" Li Yi explained again, and the wind changed at the end, and asked.

"Yes, yes, I'm here!" Zhou Shuzhi nodded excitedly.

Li Yi smiled slightly, then waved his hand, and brought up a virtual screen in the virtual conference room, showing the experimental results of the last large-scale particle collision experiment, various particle motion models, various particle motion track distances, anti-particles, dark energy The existence of , ..., various track gauge data, mathematical models are presented one by one.

Li Yi swiped his hands on the virtual screen, and soon, a round hole model composed of various particle track distances appeared on the screen.

"Dad! This is the mathematical model of the 'particle space tunnel'. Once the particle collision intensity and impact trajectory can satisfy this data model, the curvature tunnel of the graviton can be opened." Li Yi looked at the particle model in front of him and smiled. introduced.

"How is it possible, the basis, where is the basis?" Zhou Shuzhi stared at the particle model diagram in front of him and asked excitedly.

"Da Hei, show all the attribute information of this model!" Li Yi ordered with a smile.

"Master, does it include secret mathematical formulas?" Da Hei confirmed to Li Yi.

Li Yi smiled slightly, knowing what Da Hei meant, referring to those cross-civilization math companies brought out from the library.

"Yeah! To my father-in-law!" Li Yi agreed with a smile.

"Okay, Master!" Da Hei readily answered the order, and at the next moment, the dense mathematical formulas and new concepts of model establishment and application were always developed by Zhou Shuzhi.

"Ah! This, what is this?" Zhou Shuzhi was stunned.

From the transitivity of gravitation, a perfect gravitational field theory can be outlined. There is a gravitational field around any object. However, because gravity cannot be weighed, the research work in this area is not in-depth. The concept of gravitational field is similar to the concept of electromagnetic field. Gravity passes through gravitational waves. Propagating in the gravitational field, the electromagnetic force propagates in the electromagnetic field through electromagnetic waves.

The propagation of gravitation in the gravitational field in the form of gravitational waves and the propagation of the electromagnetic force in the electromagnetic field in the form of electromagnetic waves conform to the equivalence principle of the mechanism theory of philosophy of science. From the theory of quantum gravity, the existence of "primed particles" can be predicted. Planck assumed that the smallest unit of energy - "energy quantum" is transmitted one by one, light quantum corresponds to photon, "primed quantum" corresponds to "graviton", Light quantum opposes photon and attractant quantum corresponds to graviton, . . .

Today, it has been demystified, detailed data models, and novel theories with a tight structure are all presented in Zhou Shuzhi's eyes.

Zhou Shuzhi stared at the mathematical model on the screen in a fascinated manner, absorbed that knowledge eagerly, and no longer cared about everything around him.

"Mr. Li, Professor Zhou has gained something! I'm still at a loss!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and said embarrassedly.

Li Yi smiled and explained: "This astronomical telescope technology uses a space-time tunnel technology. By strengthening the curvature of the gravitons, the tunnels in the ultra-distant star field can be opened in an instant, and astronomical observations can be completed in an instant."

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen couldn't help but be stunned, unable to imagine that there is such a technology.

"Can this space-time tunnel technology be successfully researched?" Sun Bingwen asked incredulously.

"Then I don't know, it depends on my father-in-law's ability." Li Yi smiled slightly and looked at Zhou Shuzhi.

Sun Bingwen also looked at Zhou Shuzhi, who seemed to be concentrating on his research, and didn't even notice that they were observing him.

The development of astronomical telescopes has a history of more than 300 years. Today, the development of advanced astronomical telescopes has come to a standstill. The most advanced astronomical telescopes are the multi-antenna radio telescopes built by Xingyao Technology on the moon base seven years ago. Within 1 hour of exposure, celestial objects as dark as magnitude 20 can be observed, and 4,000 optical fibers can be placed on the focal plane to transmit the light of distant celestial objects to multiple spectrometers, and obtain their spectra at the same time, which is the world's spectral acquisition rate. The tallest telescope, ..., however, this astronomical telescope, is still not free from its dependence on old technology.

Today, the new technology proposed by Li Yi has directly crossed the times. If it can be realized, this astronomical telescope can be used to pull into the direct distance of galaxies and conduct real-time observations. At that time, no matter how far the galaxies are from the solar system, All can be clearly observed in real time, instead of analyzing galaxies by analyzing spectra, analyzing starlight thousands of years ago, or even hundreds of millions of years ago.

However, is such a miraculous technology possible?

"Director Sun, if there is nothing else, that's it for today!" Li Yi looked at Sun Bingwen and proposed to break up the meeting.

"Mr. Li, wait a minute, are you telling me about this tunneling technology! Is there any theoretical support for this technology?" Sun Bingwen hurriedly stopped Li Yi and asked impatiently.

"Of course there is, but this technology is difficult to achieve!" Li Yi nodded with a smile, and then introduced: "The premise behind the creation of wormholes is the distortion of time and space. Time and space are a combination of time and space. These two concepts follow the cosmos. The big bang happened."

After a pause, Li Yi continued to introduce: "We can think of the entire universe as a calm lake. When a stone falls into this calm lake, ripples will appear."

"These ripples can be called space-time ripples in the universe. As long as there are objects with mass, they will exert a certain pressure on the space-time of the universe, resulting in space-time ripples. In the process of generating space-time ripples, space-time wormholes will also appear. "

"Wormholes are naturally large and small depending on their mass. Large wormholes can travel to more distant cosmic stars, while small wormholes have a limited travel distance. If there really is a wormhole in the center of the Milky Way, it may be A large wormhole that would allow us to leave the Milky Way directly and go to other large galaxies."

"We can call these space-time wormholes space-time gaps, which connect different spatial locations. If we can capture this space-time gap, we can use it. However, with our technology level, to use this technology, Several key issues must be resolved first." Li Yi said solemnly.

"What's the problem?" Sun Bingwen asked excitedly.

"The first is to discover the existence of wormholes. Before we can't use our own power to open wormholes, we can only use exploration mode to search for wormholes that can be used yet not closed, and cultivate a large number of physical scientists who study wormhole technology. , when the technology is mature, and then solve the problem of artificial wormhole opening." Li Yi smiled at the question.

"Next, it is the problem of maintaining the positioning of the other end of the wormhole. The naturally formed space-time wormhole is like an estuary that leads to that sea area. We need to develop a remote positioning technology for locking the wormhole. If this problem is not solved, we will Wormholes cannot be used."

"The third problem is the maintenance of space-time wormholes. The opening and closing times of naturally existing wormholes are unpredictable. Therefore, we need to develop technologies to keep wormholes open, or to close wormholes, ..."

"The last problem is the protection technology in the process of traversing the wormhole. Of course, this is a problem that needs to be solved in the future. At present, we can only use the moment of opening and closing the wormhole to realize signal transmission and delivery, and use it to carry out Remote detection." Li Yi summed it up and finally added: "However, naturally formed wormholes are inconvenient to use, so I prefer to develop artificial wormhole opening technology."

"Artificial wormhole opening technology?" Sun Bingwen was a little confused and excited. Although he was confused, Li Yi's analysis was very clear.

"Yes! Wormholes exist in theory, but naturally formed wormholes must have relatively large space-time ripples around them, that is, particularly obvious space-time distortions, and spaces with such powerful space-time distortions should only be Existing in massive celestial bodies or around black holes, it is a very dangerous thing to use such natural wormholes." Li Yi explained.

"On the other hand, artificial wormholes are different. Whether it is opened or closed, the positioning location can be freely controlled, and the safety is greatly improved." Li Yi explained with a smile.

Sun Bingwen was stunned and blurted out: "This artificial wormhole opening technology requires a lot of energy! Can we solve it?"

"We only need a small, short-lived wormhole to use it to observe alien galaxies. If it is researched, it should not consume too much energy! If the antimatter furnace is successfully developed, it is not at all to power artificial wormholes. Question." Li Yi replied with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this, it's really a link!" Sun Bingwen suddenly realized, nodded and praised.

"Technology is like this. The birth of a new technology may be able to develop the same or even multiple new technologies. Therefore, the success or failure of the antimatter furnace is related to the success or failure of the tunnel astronomical telescope. UU reading must not Relax." Li Yi gave Sun Bingwen a meaningful look and reminded.

"Understood!" Sun Bingwen nodded respectfully.

Li Yi and Sun Bingwen talked for a while, and Professor Zhou Shuzhi gradually woke up from the ocean of profound formulas.

"Xiaoyi, the worm vortex, the formation mechanism of the wormhole, these formulas, and these data, where did you get them?" Professor Zhou Shuzhi woke up in surprise and couldn't wait to ask Li Yi.

"How, are these formulas and data models helpful for researching wormhole technology?" Li Yi smiled and asked without answering.

"Yes! There is so much competition! Whoever discovers these formulas will definitely win the Nobel Prize, no, our Star Award!" Zhou Shuzhi said excitedly.

"It's good to be useful. These data, formulas, and related research results are all derived from Da Hei's deduction, Dad! Why don't you help replace this reputation! Otherwise, these scientific research results are not easy to spread. Come." Li Yi looked at Zhou Shuzhi and suggested.

"Da Hei, this, how is this possible!" Zhou Shuzhi was a little moved, but he didn't dare to agree.

"Dad, we need to train more scientists in the field of wormholes, otherwise, how can you lead the team." Li Yi reminded with a smile.

"Yeah! Professor Zhou! For the sake of these scientific research results, you are reluctant to do it for you." Sun Bingwen followed and comforted.

"No, no, it's still in the name of the experimental center!" Zhou Shuzhi shook his head firmly, unwilling to do such a thing against his conscience.

"Director Sun, why don't you look at the arrangement! Publish these results as soon as possible, so that more physical scientists can participate." Li Yi looked at Sun Bingwen and said with ease.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements as soon as possible!" Sun Bingwen glanced at Zhou Shuzhi and nodded.

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