My hi-tech Library

Chapter 320: Science and Technology Museum

In the spacious biological laboratory, Professor Chen Tao, Zhou Shuzhi, etc., led a group of scientists to conduct anatomical experiments on the 'Yuan species' creatures, discuss related science and technology, and prepare for the 'Yuan species' anatomy.

The creatures of the 'abyss' are too huge, and it is a difficult world project to get them out of the underground world of Mars. Therefore, the anatomy experiments are carried out intelligently on the spot, and a giant laboratory is built in the underground cave of Mars.

Next, is the method to deactivate the 'Abyssal' creatures.

Different from the life structure of human beings, the body structure of 'abyssal' creatures is many times stronger.

"It has no mouth and no excretory organs. No matter eating or 'breathing', it relies on its skin. If you don't cut its thick skin, you can't find its deadly organs at all." Professor Chen Tao looked at the all-needs screen In the middle of 'dormant', a 'abyss species' creature like a 'piece' of a giant rock, said with a big head.

"It has painful nerves, right! Once its internal skin is cut open, it will definitely wake up from dormancy! It's too dangerous to provoke it directly." Professor Zhou Shuzhi asked.

"No, no, it does not have pain nerves, it is more precisely a kind of 'injury response'. When the body suffers a certain degree of damage, this stress response will be triggered." Professor Chen Tianyu waved his hand and introduced.

"Is there any way to 'stop' the transmission of this 'stress signal'? If it can be stopped, major surgery will be performed, and it will be fine soon!" Sun Bingwen suggested.

"No! I found it based on its cellular structure. Its body cells have a signaling mechanism. Without dissecting it, I have very limited understanding of its internal strangeness, and I can't find the stress signal' transmission at all. path." Professor Chen Tao sighed and explained.

"What about its genes! Can we use viruses and genetic methods to solve it?" Professor Wei Hanzhi suggested.

Hearing this, everyone started to think in this direction.

Chen Tao's classroom couldn't help but click on the all-needs screen to quickly call up the data of the in vivo experiment and show it to everyone.

"Its genetic structure is too special, it is a ring-embedded structure, and its transcription pattern is also different from our genetic inheritance pattern. It is a three-point transcribed genetic pattern... This is just its surface structure, internal genetic data. I haven't collected all of them yet..." Professor Chen Tao explained to everyone in detail while looking at the experimental data on the holographic screen.

The professors looked at the experimental data, and there was a lot of discussion.

"The genetic structure of 'Abyssal' creatures is so special, no wonder the size is so huge, this structure can support it to grow infinitely!"

"Yeah! The outer structure of its body is too strong. If there is no accident, it can continue to grow, and there is no limit to its life."

"This kind of genetic result, it's easier to compile! Can we control it by compiling genes."

"Professor Wei, you're right. This genetic structure looks too simple. Editing genes should be able to invade him..."


After listening to Professor Wei Hanzhi's proposal, many experts and professors came to discuss the possibility of this direction.

The gene system in the 'Yuan species' organism is like a sophisticated 'computer', and genes are the language framework of this 'computer', however, the genetic system of the 'Yuan species' organism lacks a set of 'safety software' ', now exposed to the sight of scientists, it is like a naked server, full of temptation in front of a hacker team.

The living tissue of the 'Yuan species' organism has been obtained, and a gene virus has been transformed through gene editing technology. This technology, for professors Wei Hanzhi and others who have matured and mastered the principle of editing genes, is a method with a great success rate. technical direction.

Gene is based on environmental factors (for example: color, smell), environmental factors are the main signal source, the cell membrane activates the second signal of the cell by reading the environmental factor, and then the second signal gives instructions to the protein, so the behavior is determined by the cell. It is mediated by the response of external environmental factors. If all the environment is excluded, the cell will have no vitality, and the vitality comes from the cell's response to the environment.

The body's cells respond to the external environment, because environmental factors regulate the biological proteins, so that the body produces corresponding behaviors, and the body's behavior has nothing to do with genes. The body's behavior comes from such environmental factors, that is, the organism. "sensing", and then convert this sensing signal into a process of "picking the protein that correctly responds to this signal".

The behavior of cells is regulated by the input of environmental information, and then the conversion process from input information to behavior is carried out, which means that the behavior of cells depends on whether a signal is received or not. Action can only be generated through stimulation, and a cell can have thousands of such devices that receive external signals at the same time - "antennas", but each antenna senses different signals, which constitutes a perception system.


To explain with an analogy, DNA is a piece of paper, and the chromosomes formed by many DNAs are like a book (such as an architecture book), genes are the information in the book (teach you how to build a house), and chromosomes are specific It is composed of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, just like a book is composed of paper and ink.

The information in the book is abstract, it is carried on the book, the book will also have blanks, meaningful words are the information, the chromosomes are very long, only a small part carries genes, relying on the rich information in the 'book' (genes). ), buildings with different functions are organically combined to form a city (that is, a living body).


A biochemical gene editor is a tool for simulating a stimulating gene environment. Through it, the structure of the 'gene' can be completely changed, the structure of the 'gene' can be calculated, and the 'gene' can be optimized. There is a great chance of success.

Soon, the scientists discussed a more feasible direction and invested in the research of this gene editing living virus direction.

Compared with the busyness of all the scientists, after exiting the virtual laboratory, Li Yi's originally tense nerves could not help loosening.

Walking out of the study, Li Yi came to the restaurant, and the family was waiting for him to have dinner.

"Daddy, Daddy is out, Mommy, I'm hungry, we can eat!" Li Yan jumped up happily when she saw Li Yi.

"Snack food! Let's go! Let's go eat!" Zhou Wenhui patted Li Yan's little **** and greeted everyone.

Li Yanshun and his wife, several little guys walked to the restaurant one after another.

Zhou Wenhui fell behind, looked at Li Yi with a serious face, and asked with concern, "Yi, what happened? Is it serious?"

"The matter on Mars, a small problem!" Li Yi smiled and comforted.

Zhou Wenhui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Before, when she heard the news, she thought something big had happened.

"Yan'er, Rong'er will graduate from kindergarten soon, and there will be the last activity before graduation tomorrow. Do you want to participate?" Zhou Wenhui looked at Li Yi and asked.

"What activity?" Li Yi asked with concern.

"It's a very simple activity. The school organizes everyone to visit the Science and Technology Museum together!" Zhou Wenhui said with a smile.

Li Yi laughed dumbly. Isn't the Science and Technology Museum the technology products made by all the industries under Xingyao Technology!

"I haven't been active for a long time. I'll go with you tomorrow!" Li Yi nodded with a smile.

"Well, let's go eat!" Zhou Wenhui smiled and nodded, greeting.

Li Yi nodded and followed Zhou Wenhui to the lively restaurant.

The next day, in the morning, Li Yi and his wife did a little disguise to hide their true appearance and participated in the kindergarten parent-child activities,

The huge science and technology museum, with nearly 10,000 square meters of metal space, silver-textured metal floors, and smooth entry, are full of advanced technology bad reviews everywhere.

There are hundreds of booths in the Science and Technology Museum, dozens of centimeters above the floor. On each booth, there are huge metal mechas, armored vehicles, fighter planes, and even metal robots with guns, as if they are in the future battlefield. A tragic atmosphere of war came from the pavement.

Those war 'weapons' are big and small, the tallest metal mecha is more than ten meters high, and the head hatch is open, allowing people to clearly observe the complex mechanical structure inside.

The exhibition hall not only has mechanical armor, but on the far glass wall, there are also various shapes of firearms, combat uniforms, space helmets, ..., etc., as well as various starships displayed by holographic projections, hundreds of them , is magnificent.

The exhibition hall displaying various scientific and technological weapons was crowded with people, and the children surrounded the feet of those behemoths, like ants.

"What a big mech! Taller than a Titan!"

"Look at this, what is this! It's so tall!"

"I recognize that spaceship, it's Xingyao!"

"Wow, I know it too? It's so big!"

"Mom, I like this mechanical dog, I want it!"


The noisy exhibition hall, the screams of children, the calls of adults, the call of friends and companions, ..., the scene is very lively.

"Are these equipment real? Xingyao Technology has been able to make such advanced mechas?" Wang Kaixuan stared blankly at the metal robot more than ten meters high in front of him, asked the virtual welcome robot, and asked.

"Guests, all the exhibits in the weapon display area are real products, and the concept area shows conceptual technology, which has not yet been mass-produced." The virtual welcome robot responded.

"Even if it is a concept technology, with the powerful R&D capabilities of Xingyao Technology, I am afraid that it will not be long before production!" Wang Kaixuan suddenly thought of something and concluded with a serious look.

Explain that the robot's electronic eyes are flickering, and I don't know how to answer this question.

"Guest, because there is no database of related issues, we can't provide information temporarily!" The welcome robot paused for a few minutes and replied.

Wang Kaixuan smiled nonchalantly, looking at his son who looked up and observed the giant mecha up close, and seemed to have an answer to this question in his mind.

Today, Shining Star Technology is the most advanced technology company in the world. Its more than 30 branches are either oligarchs in the industry or leading companies in the industry. It is outstanding in every field, unparalleled, and its influence has been firmly rooted in the entire human society... It is very normal for such an advanced enterprise to enter the military field of weapons production.

Right now, these weapon products displayed in the weapon display area may not be conceptual products, but have been developed and designed by Xingyao Technology, but they have not been exposed.

Looking at the giant metal armor more than ten meters high, it was difficult for Wang Kaixuan to imagine what kind of power would erupt when the big guy in front of him entered the state.

With these 'products', Xingyao Technology is not only rich to the enemy, but also its military strength should not be underestimated!

It's just that they put it up so openly for everyone to see, what is the purpose? Are they not afraid of the vigilance of the coalition government?

Thinking of this, Wang Kaixuan couldn't help frowning, not understanding the significance of Xingyao Technology's establishment of this technology experience center.

However, Wang Kaixuan laughed at himself again and gave up on this issue. Since Xingyao Technology dared to develop this technology experience center, it must have its purpose. He is just a commoner, and his level is not enough. meaning to do.

Soon, under the guidance of the welcome robot, Wang Kaixuan's family and other parent-child families from the kindergarten experienced all the exhibition items in the museum one by one.

In science and technology, I have seen the shape and function of future technological weapons, settled in a future hotel-space dormancy capsule in the living area, eaten 'space products', experienced simulated driving of spaceships, simulated interstellar wars in the interstellar simulation area, and so on.

The various places of the Science and Technology Museum satisfy the sense of experience of adults and the curiosity of let everyone participating in the activity have a clearer understanding of the technological heritage of Xingyao Technology.

"Dad, I will study hard in the future, and join Xingyao Technology in the future to become an excellent scientist." After seeing many advanced technologies, Wang Lei assured his father Wang Kaixuan seriously.

Hearing this, Wang Kaixuan's face burst into a smile, and he was very happy.

Wang Kaixuan looked at Wang Lei with a smile on his face, and reminded: "It's like having a dream, but Xingyao Technology is not a company that ordinary people can enter. Work hard and don't give up halfway!"

"I know, I will be admitted to a good university, Xingyao University, and then it will be much easier to enter Xingyao Technology." Wang Lei's face flashed a hint of fortitude, serious and authentic.

Wang Kaixuan and his wife looked at each other and smiled with satisfaction.

Like many families, after the children visited the science and technology experience hall of Xingyao Technology, they set up their dreams of joining Xingyao Technology. "Daddy, are all the products in this science and technology museum made by you?"

In a remote corner of the Science and Technology Museum, Li Yan raised her head with admiration and looked at her father, Li Yi, and asked in a low voice.

"Some of them are! Your grandfather was a great physical scientist, and he made many of them!" Li Yi smiled and pointed out.

Hearing this, Zhou Wenhui rolled her eyes at Li Yi. He had never seen such a dumping of the blame on his father-in-law.

Li Yan's eyes lit up, and she quickly praised: "Grandpa is amazing, Daddy, you are amazing too!"

Hearing this, Li Rong also raised his head and looked at his father who was pulling him with admiration on his face.

Li Yi smiled, reached out and touched his two small heads, looked at the virtual projection of Xingyao in front, and said with emotion: "You have to study hard and grow up quickly! The future is yours!"

Li Yan and Li Rong were slightly taken aback, unable to understand the meaning of these words.

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