My hi-tech Library

Chapter 234: unexpected news

In the Civilization Library, the vast star map appeared in front of Li Yi's eyes.

Every time he entered the library space, Li Yi couldn't help but be shocked by this scene. Human civilization is really insignificant in the vast space of the universe.

The Earth inhabited by humans accounts for 0.000299714% of the total mass of the solar system, which is less than 0.001%. However, the proportion of the entire solar system in the total mass of the Milky Way is also less than 0.001% of the mass headquarters.

There are hundreds of billions of galaxies like the solar system, the Milky Way. However, large galaxies like the Milky Way have hundreds of billions of them in the entire universe, like nesting dolls, endless.

Out of the universe! Is there an infinite number of universes?

Before, Li Yi found a lot of books about the universe in the library, and wanted to know if there were other universes outside the universe.

However, even a superhuman civilization such as the Bolsai civilization has not explored the end of the universe, has not found the universe outside the universe, and there is no such book of knowledge.

After a loss.

Li Yi looked at the search light curtain in the library, looking for a trading partner.

Enter information about protein biochemical materials, trade musical instruments, and musical scores in the search bar, and soon, the heads of various alien creatures will be displayed in the light curtain, and the search results will be filtered out.

Li Yi's eyes were on the light curtain, and he quickly locked a suitable trading partner, Bertha Civilization-Baisha, a professional trader specializing in biochemical materials and various genetic maps.

Soon, Li Yi's transaction request to the other party was approved.

In the star map world, a white rectangular spaceship flew from far to near, and appeared in front of Li Yi generously.

After a while, the hatch of the white cuboid spaceship opened, and a Bertha star who was more than 2 meters tall, tall, with a pointed head and a long head, skin as white as snow, and dressed in a white military uniform walked off the spaceship, looking condescendingly. Greetings from Li Yi: "Hello, Li of human civilization, this is the first time to explain, I hope our cooperation will go smoothly."

"Hello, Baisha of Bertha Civilization, I hope our cooperation goes well." Li Yi looked at each other and responded with a smile.

"I have a lot of biological materials! What type of biological materials do you need!" Bai Sha asked with a smile, looking at Li Yi carefully with a pair of white pupils, as if to see him inside and out.

Li Yi nodded and quickly introduced: "I need a biological material that can adapt to the space environment, a biochemical material that can generate oxygen and is suitable for making defensive armor, with a simple structure, inactive reaction, and no harm to carbon-based life. Sexual biochemical materials."

"Yes, yes, I have the biological materials you need. However, there are thousands of carbon-based species. Whether it will cause harm or not, we need to conduct an actual test!" For the first time to communicate with human civilization, Baisha was particularly delighted. It was as if he had discovered a rare treasure, and his words were full of enthusiasm.

Hearing this, Li Yi frowned and asked with concern, "How to test?"

"This kind of biological material is going to be used for the development of space suits! I use a lot of biological materials that are suitable for making space suits. The biological materials are different, and the production and survival in the enclosed space are different. Therefore, you It is best to provide me with the gene spectrum of your ethnic group, and I will carry out the cloning experiment, optimize it, and finally provide you with a perfect biological material!" Bai Sha looked at Li Yi and said enthusiastically.

"Do you think I'm going to a fool? Provide you with the gene spectrum of our ethnic group!" Li Yi laughed and asked back.

Li Yi's attitude, Bai Sha seemed to have expected it, and quickly explained: "There is no way! Otherwise, how can we test and find out the most suitable biological material for you to use."

After a pause, Bai Sha looked at Li Yi, then flattered, and assured: "Of course, I can do this transaction for free, to ensure the absolute safety of biochemical materials, and to provide technical after-sale services on demand."

Hearing this, Li Yi frowned and thought. He traded the gene spectrum of human beings to the other party without thinking about it. Who knows what it will do after obtaining the gene spectrum of human civilization.

However, as Baisha said, biomaterials cannot be tested and structurally optimized without providing it with a human genetic profile, which is another problem.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to provide the gene spectrum of human beings. It is possible to provide the gene spectrum of some species that are genetically similar to humans, such as mice, monkeys, orangutans. When testing with them, the results are almost the same. of.

Li Yizheng was about to answer Baisha, but looking at his urgent appearance, he immediately had an idea, but he was not so anxious about this matter.

"No! Species genes can never be provided to you. This seriously threatens our civilization!" Li Yi thought for a long time, and pretended to refuse again.

"How come, I'm not anti-Star Alliance, I don't know where your civilization is, how can I threaten you." Wen Yan, Bai Sha Deng was in a hurry, and quickly persuaded.

"Anti-Star Alliance? What do you mean?" Hearing this unfamiliar word with deep meaning, Li Yi's heart moved and he asked curiously.

"No way! You use the Star Alliance's star map, how come you don't even know about the Anti-Star Alliance!" Bai Sha gave Li Yi a surprised look.

Immediately Bai Sha remembered something, looked at Li Yi, and asked in surprise: "Right! You want to change the biochemical materials of the biological spacesuit. Human civilization has just entered the interstellar era? Did you just join the Covenant?"

Li Yi was a little surprised by Bai Sha's intelligence. He didn't expect that he could guess the situation of human civilization from just these two questions.

Li Yi smiled and explained quickly: "Interstellar civilization, we humans have already entered, but I seldom go to the star map and communicate with other civilizations less, so my understanding of the anti-star alliance is relatively limited."

Bai Sha nodded, expressing his approval of Li Yi's statement, and quickly explained: "The star map space we are in is where the members of the Star Alliance are maintained. , peaceful development, not developing phase weapons that destroy the universe, and other management regulations, those who violate the rules and regulations of the Covenant will be regarded as members of the anti-Covenant and the common enemy of all members of the Covenant."

"Are there many civilizations against the Star Alliance?" Li Yi nodded and asked.

"The number can't be compared to the Star Alliance, but there are quite a few, and they are all very difficult to deal with. If they encounter it, it is usually the end of civilization. They will not be as talkative as the Star Alliance." Bai Sha looked down at Li Yi, solemnly reminded.

Hearing this, Li Yi was silent for a while, and became more and more urgent about the improvement of technology.

I thought that after joining the Star Alliance, human civilization would be able to develop comfortably and gradually improve the level of civilization and technology. Who knows, there is still an anti-Star Alliance force.

From Li Yi's silence, he seemed to see his concern, Bai Sha smiled slightly, and then comforted: "The anti-Star Alliance civilization force is far less than the Star Alliance members. Once you find their location, report them to the Star Alliance, and you can immediately With the support of the Star Alliance fleet, you can actually receive the award from the Star Alliance Consul, so you don't have to worry about the threat of anti-Star Alliance forces."

Li Yi nodded and understood the meaning of Bai Sha's words. The big tree of the Star Alliance is supporting it! The threat of anti-Covenant civilization is much smaller.

"Compared with the threat of the anti-Star Alliance forces, the cosmic Zerg is our biggest concern!" Bai Sha reminded Li Yi with a solemn look on his face.

"?" Li Yi stared blankly at Bai Sha, a black 'question mark' appeared on his face, and he didn't understand what it meant.

The civilization of the anti-Covenant is already enough, why is there an enemy of the cosmic Zerg?

"You don't know, about the cosmic bugs?" Bai Sha asked in surprise from Li Yi's expression.

"I don't know, what kind of civilization is that, is it terrible?" Li Yi asked silently after being silent for a moment.

"More than terrifying, they are the mortal enemies of all intelligent civilizations. No intelligent civilization can survive in the star field that appears. Fortunately, there are mechanical groups that can restrain them. Otherwise, the entire universe is full of such things." Baisha Xin Said affectionately.


Okay! Another mechanic popped up!

However, think about it, in the process of developing Dahei, he created a kind of digital life. If it weren't for his own limitations, Dahei could develop a mechanical civilization independently.

Li Yi plans to wait for the end of this transaction to learn more about the anti-Star Alliance forces, the cosmic Zerg, and the mechanical race.

"Let's not talk about this, let's think about how to trade!" Li Yi's words changed, and he brought back the far-flung topic.

"Are you willing to provide me the genetic spectrum of your ethnic group?" Bai Sha's spirit was slightly lifted, and the pair of white pupils stared at Li Yi and asked with concern.

"No! I can provide the gene maps of other species. If they can adapt, our group should not be a problem!" Li Yi smiled slightly, preparing to provide Baisha with the gene maps of mice, orangutans, or other species, such as Species genes like cats and dogs.

The environmental requirements of many mammals and humans on the earth are highly similar. Among them, in terms of genes, mice are the closest to humans, about 99.6%, and orangutans and humans are about 98.2% genetically similar. In comparison, mice are the most genetically similar. near.

The genes of mice are 99.6% similar to those of humans, and their embryonic development and types of diseases are similar to those of humans. If mice cannot adapt to the biological materials of Baisha, then humans will definitely not be able to adapt to such biological materials.

The genetic similarity between mice and humans is too high, and the possibility of the genetic information of the human species being deciphered is too great. Li Yi thought about it for a while and decided to use the genes of species with more genetic differences.

After listening to Li Yi's words, Bai Sha thought for a while, and finally nodded in approval of this method.

"If you think it's okay, then I'm fine. However, if you use this species to adapt the optimized biological material, your group can't use it, so you can't blame me." Bai Sha looked at Li Yi and tried to prevent it. Needle reminder.

"Of course, however, this gene spectrum must be exclusive and cannot be used for development in other directions. This item must be written into the transaction contract." Li Yi nodded with a smile and agreed.

Hearing this, Bai Sha's complexion couldn't help changing, and the originally white and moist skin revealed a touch of red.

"You're going too far! I paid such a high price, if I don't allow another development, what's the use of this gene spectrum for me?" Bai Sha condescendingly waited for Li Yi and said.

Facing Bai Sha's angry accusation, Li Yi laughed instead of annoyed.

"If this gene map allows you to do another development, then the biological material you provided is not equivalent to my gene map, right!" Li Yi looked directly at the angry Bai Sha and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Baisha was at a loss for words.

you do not say!

The gene spectrum of an alien species, if it can be obtained, in the process of genetic research, a lot of valuable information can be obtained, clone the species, develop new species, ...,

Even, genetically mixed with other species, modified, can develop a new species, biological and chemical weapons, etc., and sell them to other members of the Covenant, can reap a steady stream of long-term benefits, can create huge wealth.

Seeing Bai Sha's poor appearance, Li Yi was not in a hurry.

Inheriting the Civilization Library and discovering that this 'Star Alliance' contains more potential content, Li Yi cherishes the entertainment knowledge of human civilization and species genetic information. If there is no satisfactory income, he is not willing to use them for transactions. .

"If you can't give you a suitable deal, forget about this deal!" Li Yi said calmly, looking at Bai Sha.

Bai Sha sighed and expressed his admiration for this difficult counterparty.

"Speak! What else do you want?" Bai Sha glared at Li Yi and asked angrily.

"Do you have anything to offer, show me?" Li Yi smiled and looked at Bai Sha and suggested.

Bai Sha nodded, waved his hand, and immediately, a curtain of light appeared in front of Li Yi.

The white interstellar green spherical equipment, black mysterious materials,..., all kinds of things are presented in a variety of ways.

Li Yi's face remained unchanged, and he stretched out his index finger and slid on the light curtain. Soon, he discovered some extremely valuable things, such as powerful biological brains, biochemical battleships, planting battleships, etc., all of which were extremely valuable. s things.

Li Yi stretched out his hand and clicked on the introduction of the bio-intelligence brain, and was immediately heartbroken.

Due to the material of the biological chip, Dahei's running speed has been far behind its computing power, especially after entering the interstellar civilization, the computing power needs of the Xingyao to assist the intellectual brain, and the computing intensity has been higher. requirements.

Several bio-intelligent brains displayed by Baisha, Bluestar Bio-intelligence Brain, Blu-ray Bio-intelligence Brain, Aurora Bio-intelligence Brain, and the three auxiliary bio-intelligence brains have at least the floating-point computing power of 10 trillion. It can make Dahei's computing power increase to the peak.

After reading several bio-intellectual brains, Li Yi clicked on a biochemical battleship and couldn't take his eyes off it. Compared with traditional metal starships, biochemical battleships have unique characteristics.

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