My hi-tech Library

Chapter 314: 3rd generation stellar class battleship

"Sun Yi, I apologize to you on behalf of Professor Wei. He failed to take into account your feelings. However, this experiment is very important to the future of mankind. The fragile human body cannot adapt to the cosmic environment. Humans are marching towards interstellar civilization together." Li Yi explained while looking at Sun Yi.

"In the face of right and wrong, I hope you can forget your previous unhappiness and continue to cooperate with our experiment!" After a pause, Li Yi looked at Sun Yi and said solemnly.

"Understood! President Li, I believe in you, and I will cooperate fully!" Sun Yi and Li Yi looked at each other, moved by his sincere eyes, and nodded respectfully again and again, without looking at Professor Wei or bothering with him, but , does not mean that he can forget the previous experimental abuse he suffered.

With the approval of Sun Yi, the experiment became smooth again.

Professor Wei Hanzhi led the scientific research team to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Sun Yi again, confirming that the adaptive enhancement gene was in Sun Yi's body and perfectly matched with the gene chain of his original body.

"It's solved, it's finally solved, Mr. Li, the pre-human experiment of adaptive genes has been solved, we have solved the cause of Sun Yi's body temperature system changes, and its working mechanism, then, only emotions and hearts are left. Influence, as well as the test of genetic influence, this project can enter the next large-scale experiment." Professor Wei Hanzhi was full of joy and introduced the experimental results to Li Yi.

Since the start of the adaptive gene enhancement project, Professor Wei Hanzhi has been working day and night for nearly five years. Today, he finally picked up the gem in this field. In the near future, all human beings will be able to use this adaptive gene enhancement agent. Because of its 'inventor', Professor Wei Hanzhi was so excited that he didn't know what language to use to express it.

"Well, there are several projects, how do you plan to solve them?" Li Yixiao looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi and asked with concern.

"Genetic influence, using an artificial uterus to let the experimental body that has been injected with the enhanced drug obtain genetic information, and then cultivate and produce it in the artificial uterus, so as to obtain the genetic experimental body of the next generation of the experimental body." Facing the madness, Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Li Yi introduced.

After a pause, Professor Wei Hanzhi looked at Li Yi and continued to explain: "As for the genetic testing of emotions, we think that we can increase the number of human experiments, and then obtain more experimental data. From this aspect, we can detect and sort out the psychological problems. The influence of adaptive reinforcement genes on mood."

Hearing this, Li Yi thought silently.

Artificial uterus is an ideal scientific research and reproduction device. It simulates the conditions of mammalian uterus and oviparous animal eggs, so that fertilized eggs develop in artificial environment, so as to get rid of the need for mothers, and make animal distant hybridization possible. As a base for mass production of organisms, this technology has become more and more mature after human civilization entered the interstellar age.

In today's advanced material development of human beings, the construction of human spiritual civilization seems to have not kept up, especially when Xingyao Technology has developed technology to delay aging, when old age is not a problem, people are generally concerned about giving birth to children. not interested.

Therefore, in the Dragon Kingdom, Eastern European countries, and other high-end cities around the world, where there is a large number of high-quality populations, people are generally reluctant to have children by themselves. Therefore, artificial womb technology has been matured and utilized, and is gradually replacing it. Natural secretory fertility in human females.

The maturity of artificial in vitro fertilization technology, the preparation of various nutrient solutions for life support and the automation technology of its addition reduction, the development of more advanced system equipment for monitoring temperature and pH, and the maturity and high level of detection technology for living substances. Efficiency. Higher-level IoT technology is mature to ensure real-time monitoring of the dose of life nutrient solution.

The inherent primitive ethics and morality of human beings have been completely disintegrated, and the concept of blood relationship and family has been degraded to a certain extent. At present, human beings are encountering an unprecedented crisis of population decline caused by low fertility.

The maturity of artificial womb technology has completely liberated human civilization into the interstellar era of population problems.

The artificial uterus makes it possible to mass-produce biological individuals, including humans, as well as a source of raw materials for the production of meat proteins, fats and other nutrient solutions.

After the realization of interstellar voyage in the future, the artificial womb will be able to make up for the shortage of human beings in the limit of lifespan, and the artificial womb can continuously replenish the human members and nutrient solution of the interstellar voyage.

It can be said that the maturity of the artificial womb is also one of the signs that human civilization has entered the interstellar era.

However, using artificial wombs, cultivating and strengthening human offspring, studying genetic changes caused by genes after inheritance, solving defects, etc., a series of biological research is destined to be a very cruel scientific experiment that violates human ethics and morality.

If this kind of biochemical experiment is known to the outside world, there will definitely be an unimaginable wave of opposition, and the impact is too bad.

Li Yi frowned, feeling that he couldn't convince his heart that he couldn't give such an order.

"Mr. Li, I brought up this project, just let me take care of it!" Professor Wei Hanzhi said directly when he saw Li Yi's hesitation.

"Enhanced gene performance is so good, there should be no problem with genetic inheritance. The consequences of the experiment are controllable, Mr. Li!"

"Yeah! This project has been researched for so many years, and it is about to come to an end. Now we only need to experiment in these two aspects, and we will be able to succeed!"


As soon as Wei Hanzhi finished speaking, all the scientific researchers suggested to Li Yi that, for them, the adaptive gene enhancement project was about to be completed, and any experimental method could be implemented, even this kind of experimental method that is especially human ethics.

Adaptive-enhancing genes are about the future of human civilization, and they will pay any price for the success of the project.

For the future of human civilization, Li Yi sighed helplessly: "You can handle this matter! Don't overdo the experimental process!"

After speaking, Li Yixu's shadow flashed, and the whole person disappeared from the virtual laboratory.

"Understood! Thank you, Mr. Li!" Professor Wei Hanzhi watched Li Yi leave with joy, and was extremely happy with his release this time.

Soon, Wei Hanzhi looked at Sun Yi with bright eyes, licked his face and smiled: "Xiao Sun! I will trouble you again for the next experiment!"

"Damn it! Look for someone else for this kind of thing, don't even think about it. Rest gets a hair from me!" Sun Yi was taken aback by Wei Hanzhi and yelled at him. He was extremely unwilling to cooperate with this kind of experiment.

I don't know, but I know, Sun Yi doesn't want to see his descendants anyway. He has been in the laboratory since he was a child and suffered all kinds of inhuman experiments.

However, Wei Hanzhi was reluctant to give up such a good experimental body as Sun Yi. He immediately made the robot in the laboratory move, and after a while, Sun Yi was forced into a corner.

"The surname is Wei, you will get bad retribution by doing this!" Sun Yi shouted angrily, watching Wei Hanzhi's virtual hatred.

The virtual link was disconnected from the biological laboratory of the lunar base, and Li Yi appeared in the command room of the spaceport to check the construction of the second phase of the spaceport.

The spaceport was issued. A huge metal building stretched for hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. It was like a living creature. The metal building extended countless mechanical arms, constantly operating, transferring materials, welding the hull, ..., the central one of the metal building. The lotus leaf-shaped mooring platform in the deck area is gradually taking shape under the operation of countless mechanical arms.

Liu Mingyong, the rotating commander of the spaceport, introduced Li Yi by the side, saying: "Mr. Li, the construction of the second phase of the spaceport is currently 45%, and the main body has been completed. At present, the construction of the dock is mainly carried out..."

"Well, after the construction of these docks is completed, can they be activated immediately to start the construction plan of the Alliance's First Combined Fleet?" Li Yi nodded and asked the other party.

"Yes, Mr. Li, these docks can be used for the construction of second-generation antimatter power ships. The production efficiency of second-generation strategic ships can complete the construction of 200 cruise-class battleships every year." Spaceport Rotating Commander - Liu Mingyong looked at Li Yi replied.

Li Yi thought for a moment and asked, "What if it was all changed to three generations of interstellar battleships?"

"Three generations? Mr. Li, I don't have the data of the three generations of interstellar battleships here." Liu Mingyong, the rotating commander of the spaceport, said awkwardly for a while.

Li Yi nodded, looked at the virtual screen, and gestured, "Da Hei, answer this question!"

As soon as Li Yi's voice fell, the holographic screen displayed in the manufacturing center changed, and the data flow was like a waterfall, rushing wildly.

After more than ten seconds, the data flow of the holographic screen was frozen, and the **** avatar appeared on the holographic screen, reporting to Li Yihui: "Master, it will take about 8 years to transform the entire production chain of the three-generation stellar-class ship. At the same time, due to the constraints of the material production chain, mass production cannot be formed during the period, and it will take at least 12 years for the third-generation Stellar-class ships to be put into production.”

"After 12 years! What is its production efficiency?" Li Yi nodded and continued to ask the big gangster.

"Master, the hull materials, strong particle energy weapon systems, large-scale curvature power engines, ... are all new technologies used in the third-generation stellar-class ships, and the manufacturing difficulty is sixty-five times that of the second-generation interplanetary warships. , the industrial chain of the third-generation stellar-class ships cannot burst into production capacity, and if the second phase of the spaceport is fully upgraded, it is expected that about 100 ships can be built in 30 years." Da Hei replied to Li Yidao.

"So little..." Li Yi couldn't help frowning.

The combat power of the third-generation stellar-class ships is hundreds of times that of the second-generation planetary-class ships, especially after being equipped with strong particle energy cannons, even if the third-generation stellar-class ships encounter stellar-class civilization, it is not without the power of a battle.

However, it will take too long to complete the fleet composed of Tier 3 warships, the required industrial base is still insufficient, the technological reserve is insufficient, and it feels like a long period of time.

If human civilization can master a powerful fleet sooner, it will be more confident to survive in this vast universe.

The large-scale production of the second-generation strategic ships is definitely lacking in combat effectiveness. However, if the industrial chain of the third-generation Stellar-class ships is not launched as soon as possible, the third-generation Stellar-class ships will never be able to form a scale.

Li Yi frowned, unable to decide for a while.

Through the transaction with Mo Yan civilization, Da Hei's server has stored advanced stellar-level weapon technology, but there is no way to fully develop and utilize it now, and the feeling of ballast is too uncomfortable.

"Mr. Li, if we want to build third-generation warships, can we transform half of them and produce half of them for second-generation strategic cruise ships, plus the warship production centers on Mars and the moon, we will soon be able to accumulate a strong fleet. In addition, yes It's not that we can look for other starship construction centers and expand the production of three generations of warships..." Liu Mingyong, the rotating commander of the spaceport, looked at Li Yi's hesitant appearance and quickly suggested.

Hearing this, Li Yi was stunned for a moment, and his eyes could not help but light up. This method is fine. The second-generation interplanetary warship was built for the alliance government. By transforming the shipbuilding centers of Mars and the moon, and adding half of the dock of the spaceport, it should be able to satisfy The construction progress of the First Fleet of the Alliance, the remaining half of the spaceport is used to manufacture the three generations of Star-class battleships, and the number should be sufficient.

"Da Hei, how about this plan? Can we expand the shipbuilding base at the moon base and the Mars base, and convert half of the second-phase spaceport into a manufacturing dock for the third-generation starship." Li Yi looked at Da Hei and asked.

"It can be done like this, but Master, starting so many big projects at the same time, my computing power is not enough!" Da Hei nodded in confirmation, and then asked Li Yi for help.

Hearing this, Li Yi was slightly taken aback, and felt troubled again.

After human civilization entered the era of interstellar navigation, its development has once again entered a new level.

The virtual network has become a crucial core for the development of the entire human civilization. Combined with the gravitational wave interstellar communication technology, the virtual network has gradually become a virtual network of the, Mars, spaceport, and four-in-one solar system. .

With the help of advanced technologies such as life-extending gene medicine, artificial womb technology, nano-medicine, etc., the human population has already exceeded 20 billion.

All human beings rely on the virtual network to survive, obtain jobs in the Xinghai Era, interstellar trade, entertainment competition, currency finance, design services, ..., all kinds of industries, relying on the virtual network, human civilization is full of virtual data everywhere.

In addition, Xingyao Technology, as well as many branches, various scientific research projects of Xingyao Experimental Center, ... The fields that Dahei needs to monitor are increasing every year. The data that Dahei needs to control now is the past few years. tens of thousands of years.

"Is the Photon Brain Project started? How long is it expected to be completed!" Li Yi looked at Da Hei and asked with concern.

"Master, the alliance technology team has doubts about the investment funds of the 'Photon Brain' project. The project is still in the review process. If it is officially launched, if all the investment can be satisfied, it is expected to take 20 years to complete!" Da Hei Report to Li Yihui.

Hearing this, Li Yi's face darkened, how long have these guys been arguing, and it hasn't started yet? With the development speed of human civilization, Dahei may not be able to hold on after 2 years.

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