My hi-tech Library

Chapter 219: news interview (1)

The next day, the ten o'clock alarm 'didi' went off.

On the luxurious big bed, Zhou Wenhui was still soundly asleep, and the sound of the alarm clock could not wake her from her exhausted sleep.

Last night, Li Yilong was fierce and fierce, and in the morning he showed his great power again. Zhou Wenhui was exhausted from the torment, soft like a lump of mud, and slept deadly.

With a "card", Li Yi, who was wearing a bathrobe, came out of the bathroom. He turned off the alarm clock and walked to the restaurant with a smile.

Just after some siege, Li Yi not only did not feel tired, but was refreshed, in good spirits, and in excellent condition.

With the changes in his body and the improvement of his 'combat power', Li Yi can be sure that after inheriting the Civilization Library, his body has been transformed.

On the dining table, there were sumptuous delicacies, steaks for two, salmon, milk, ..., three to two and two to two, Li Yi ate all the food, only five points full, still not satisfied.

Looking for some fruit in the refrigerator, bread, Li Yi ate eight full.

After breakfast, Li Yi started busy, preparing to upload data to the Civilization Library.

Li Yi took an English version of "A Brief History of Life" from the bookshelf in the study, and then manipulated the light curtain to scan and enter it.

The next moment, Li Yi closed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness appeared in the star map world of the library. A large bookshelf appeared in the space of the star map, and "A Brief History of Life" appeared on the bookshelf.

"You successfully added the book: "A Brief History of Life" to identify the special characters of the new civilization. According to the content information of the book, the civilization level is locked as: Level 2, and you get: 135 star coins."

"Hello, Tx4353D galaxy administrator, you have uploaded your first book, please register your civilization information as soon as possible."

See the text prompt that suddenly pops up on the light curtain.

Li Yi quickly touched the light screen, followed the prompt box to write the general content of human civilization, and then turned to the public knowledge area of ​​the library, looking for 35 star coins to exchange for that knowledge.

The public knowledge area is a large library, which can be searched directly through the light curtain.

At this time, the books in the library have been classified into civilization levels.

The knowledge of all civilizations is divided into ten levels.

The first-level civilization: the civilization of the parent star, which is only in the utilization stage of the original environment of the parent star, and has not been able to enter the industrial civilization.

Second-level civilization: Planetary civilization, which can use nuclear energy to get out of the planet, transform the galaxy, and immigrate to other planets in the galaxy.

Level 3 civilization: stellar civilization, occupying the entire star and able to fully utilize stellar energy.

Fourth-level civilization: galaxy civilization, capable of voyages and activities across galaxies within 10 light years.

Fifth-level civilization: Galaxy civilization, mastering the primary natural wormhole shuttle technology, can move within the galaxy within 1000 light years.

Sixth-level civilization: Astrolabe civilization, able to maturely utilize the natural wormhole shuttle technology, and even initially master the wormhole creation technology, and the spacecraft can achieve near-light speed navigation.

Seventh-level civilization: river system civilization, fully masters wormhole creation technology, and can even build star gates to achieve ultra-long-distance navigation.

Eighth-level civilization: star cluster civilization, the civilization footprint covers star clusters within 100,000 light-years.

Level 9 Civilization: Star Domain Civilization, the influence of civilization spreads across the star domain within 10 million light-years

Tenth-level civilization: Star civilization, the influence of civilization spreads throughout the universe.

Seeing the division of the ten civilization levels in the public knowledge area of ​​the library, Li Yi quickly confirmed it and found that 135 star coins can be exchanged for knowledge related to level 2 planetary civilization, and can only be exchanged for literature type knowledge, technology type knowledge, the price should be increased by 2-5 times.

It takes more than a thousand stars to exchange technology books of level 3 stellar civilization.

This is the exchange offer in the public knowledge area. If you conduct private transactions with other civilizations, I wonder if you can save some money!

Thinking of this, Li Yi hurriedly exited the public library, came to the home page of the star map, and looked for an alien civilization suitable for 'trading'.

The star map covers the entire universe, far more extensive than the universe observed by humans.

At present, the universe observed by human beings has a diameter of about 100 billion light-years. However, the scope of the universe shown by this star map exceeds this tens of thousands of times, and the farther distance is pitch black. The truth of the real universe is extremely terrifying.

The star map interface not only shows the scope of the universe, the structure of galaxies, but also the statistics of the number of alien civilizations, which are in the hundreds of millions.

Among them, the vast majority of civilizations are in the 1st-level parent star civilization and the 2nd-level planetary civilization, and the low-level civilization accounts for about 80%. Of the remaining 20%, 80% belong to the 2nd-level stellar civilization. Constantly, the rule of twenty-eight, which seems to be a golden rule here, is particularly clear.

At the tenth-level starry sky civilization, the library only displayed one civilization, that is, the Bolser civilization, the super civilization that invented this civilization library.

Bolsai civilization is the highest tenth level.

In addition to being surprised, Li Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was obviously not an accident that he obtained this civilization library by accident, but that the Borse civilization deliberately put this device on human civilization, and finally achieved him.

"Yi! Wake up!"

Zhou Wenhui's lazy voice suddenly came from his ears.

Li Yi opened his eyes and woke up. Zhou Wenhui was wearing a set of thin pajamas and looked at her with a curled expression. Her face was reddish, exuding a charm unique to a young woman, which deeply attracted his attention.

"Why are you looking at me like this! I'm hungry, I'm going to eat, don't you think of bad things," Li Yi's eyes made Zhou Wenhui feel scared, but at the same time a little bit of joy.

Since the birth of twins, the couple's life has become less and less.

However, Li Yi's performance last night and this morning can be called heroic, as if returning to the time when he was just married, making Zhou Wenhui extremely satisfied.

"Yeah! Let's go to dinner first, and then we'll talk about it!" Li Yi stood up, hugged Zhou Wenhui, and smiled deeply.

"Virtue!" Zhou Wenhui gave Li Yi a charming glance, walked to the cloakroom, and changed her clothes.

Coming out of the cloakroom, Zhou Wenhui changed color into a slim beige dress, and then went to the dining area of ​​the base with Li Yiyi for lunch.

In the lunar underground base, all the staff perform their duties, and their lives are in order.

After enjoying lunch, Li Yi took Zhou Wenhui to browse other parts of the underground base.

This trip to the moon has a total of 10 days. It takes 3 days for the spacecraft to travel, and they have stayed at the moon base for 4 days. They don't have enough time left.

Soon, under Zhan Yifeng's warm and thoughtful care, three days passed in a flash.

The huge body of Xingyao slowly lifted off from the berthing area of ​​the lunar ground base and flew towards the blue earth.

In the captain's room, Li Yi sat in the command position and stared at the route of the spacecraft, dazed.

"Yi, what are you thinking!" Zhou Wenhui asked with concern.

"The voyage is over, I'm thinking about the company's next development strategy to make up for the lack of the moon base." Li Yizhan replied with a smile.

"The development of the lunar base has been very fast, and it's perfect. What's wrong?" Zhou Wenhui asked in surprise.

"When the time comes, you'll know!" Li Yi smiled and did not answer Zhou Wentao's question.

After inheriting the Civilization Library and learning the real situation of the universe, Li Yi was filled with a sense of urgency.

Although the tenth-level Borse civilization has customized a strict protection system for intelligent civilization, Li Yi is more willing to believe in his own strength, and believes that this is the common choice of all mankind.

Therefore, it is extremely important to unite the wisdom of all mankind.

However, almost 90% of the lunar bases built by Shining Star Technology and the state are Chinese scientific researchers, and the same is true for the distribution of all personnel in Shining Star Technology's company structure.

Next, what plan to customize and how to gather the wisdom of all human beings will be the focus of Xingyao Technology's next work.

Xingyao, like a barracuda in space, and the speed of the block, flew close to the blue planet.

Soon, Xingyao plunged into the earth's atmosphere, and a layer of high temperature flames emerged in front.

On the ground and on the streets, people couldn't help but look up and look at the sky. The Xingyao descended from the sky, an extremely magnificent landing scene.

"It's so beautiful! When can I take a spaceship!"

"Yeah! It's worth it if you can take a starship once in your life!"

"A few million tickets for a boat, ordinary people can't afford it! It's more practical to take a boat in "Xinghai Era"!"

"I really want to go to Xingyao City to see Xingyao up close!"

"Xingyao landed, passengers with Xingyao City tickets hurry up and get on the bus!"


There was a strong wind on Lu Island. The people on the island, the driver of the flying car who greeted the passengers, were busy at the scene. Countless aircraft set off from the air traffic system of Ludao and swarmed towards the air city-Xingyao Dock Base, which is dozens of highways away. , galloping away.

All major news websites around the world are broadcasting the landing of Xingyao.

The landing and take-off of the Shining Star has been carried out many times, but each time it attracts a lot of attention.

The news media from all over the world and billions of viewers around the world have always enjoyed this news and never tire of it. Especially, this time, Li Yi and his wife landed on the moon base together for interstellar travel, which directly proved that Xingyao Technology has the ability to manufacture spacecraft. How mature, how stable.

With the steady landing of the Shining Star in the berthing area, the global stock market and shares related to Shining Star Technology have once again ushered in a surge, and all capital is going crazy for the entire aerospace industry.

In front of the cameras of countless media reporters, Li Yi and his wife, Zhou Wenhui, slowly walked down from the exit stairs of the spacecraft.

In good condition!

They lived in the microgravity of space and lunar bases for ten days, because the spacecraft had a gravitational balance environment, and they took some special auxiliary drugs, so that their bodies could fully adapt to the gravity environment of the earth.

Watching Li Yi and his wife walk down to the ground safely.

"Papapa..." There was a burst of warm applause at the scene, welcoming them home smoothly.

Li Yi and his wife, welcomed by Tang Shaohong and the management of Shining Star Technology, returned to Shining Star Technology's headquarters building smoothly.

In the spacious and solemn conference hall, Li Yi and his wife met with the host of the official media - Zhang Shulin, and accepted a special interview with Oriental News, the theme content, the trip to the moon base.

The cameraman gestured OK to the host, and the camera officially started working.

"Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, congratulations on completing this interstellar journey, visiting the lunar base, and returning successfully." The host - Zhang Shulin, facing the camera, congratulated Li Yi and his wife with a smile.

"Thank you!" Li Yi smiled and thanked him happily.

"Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, what experience and feelings do you have on interstellar travel? Can you share with the audience in front of the TV!" The host - Zhang Shulin looked at Li Yi and his wife and asked in a guiding way.

"You come first!" Li Yi looked at Zhou Wenhui and signaled with a smile.

Zhou Shishi nodded and said excitedly: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. It was the first time I took an interstellar spaceship, and I was very scared, especially when the spaceship kept shaking and the gravity was added, it was really scary!"

"However, after Xingyao flew out of the earth and entered space, I felt that this kind of fear and all the scenery I saw were not worth mentioning."

"From the perspective of looking at the planet we live in, and looking at the universe, it is a very, very shocking picture. At that moment, I feel that the spirit of the whole person has been sublimated, which is very rare. an experience.”

"After arriving at the lunar base, the barren and silent scene on the moon, the picture of the whole earth, once again hit me. It was an incredible picture. At that moment, I just felt that I was too small."


Zhou Wenhui eloquently introduced the pictures she saw on this interstellar trip, which deeply attracted the attention of the host and the audience. She was brought into the vision of space by her passionate description.

"Thank you, Mrs. Li, thank you for sharing, your immersive description makes me wish I could go on an interstellar trip soon!" The host - Zhang Shulin took a deep breath and thanked Zhou Wenhui gratefully.

Zhou Wenhui's speech was very exciting. Her description deeply digs out the core of this news interview, allowing the audience to feel the endless charm of space from her language.

such a pity! She doesn't have a rich husband like Li Yi, and she can't go on an expensive interstellar journey like Mrs. Li.

The host-Zhang Shulin turned her head to look at Li Yi. At this time, she realized the abnormality.

Li Yi is not only amazingly talented and has a noble status, but his appearance is also very dazzling.

The person in front of him is obviously not too young, but Li Yi is what a middle-aged person should look like at the age of 37 or 8. He is clearly the face of a young guy of 24 or 5 years old, with handsome features, pale complexion, tall and tall. Thin, healthy, with bright eyes, without any trace of greasy.

At this time, the host - Zhang Shulin couldn't help but have a thought that she shouldn't have, and was very jealous of Zhou Wenhui, this woman's life is too good! How can I find such a wonderful husband.

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