My hi-tech Library

Chapter 307: In vivo experiments

"You two, lead a project each! No matter who makes the results, it represents a breakthrough in the field of 'human brain development'!"

After some serious thinking, Li Yi looked at Professor Qian Hongliang and Professor Ning Qiming and decided.

"Director Sun, is there any problem with this arrangement!" After speaking, Li Yi looked at Sun Bingwen and asked.

"No problem, the experimental site of the instruments needed for human brain development can be used together with the adaptive enhancement gene project, and the consumption should not be so big!" Sun Bingwen nodded and confirmed.

"It's not just the experimental sites and instruments, but more importantly, talents. These two projects require a large number of top scientists in the field of human brain research." Li Yi solemnly reminded Sun Bingwen.

"I understand, I understand! We have been working on recruiting talents. Professor Qian, Professor Ning, when your project starts, you can recruit any kind of talents you need. We will fully cooperate with your work." Sun Bingwen nodded again and again. With Professor Qian Hongliang, Professor Ning Qiming gestured.

"Thank you, President Li, Director Sun, we will definitely do this project well."

"Yes, we will cherish this opportunity!"

Professor Qian Hongliang and Professor Ning Qiming nodded happily.

Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi, and indicated: "Professor Wei, the human experiment of the adaptive gene enhancement project should be arranged as soon as possible. The success or failure of this project is very important to the development of our interstellar civilization."

"Understood! We need to recruit volunteers. In view of the danger of the experiment, I think it is best to cooperate with the alliance government to ask some executed prisoners to cooperate with the experiment. The experiment body is in place, and the experiment can be arranged immediately." Professor Wei Hanzhi asked Li Yi.

"Director Sun, please cooperate with this work." Li Yi nodded and suggested to Sun Bingwen.

"Understood! I'll make arrangements immediately." Sun Bingwen readily answered.

The experiment came to an end, and Li Yi left the experimental center under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The next day, ten black flying cars descended slowly outside the gate of Ludao felon prison.

Soon, the gate of the prison opened, and the convoy drove in directly, followed by a group of soldiers wearing dark blue special military uniforms.

After the warden confirmed the soldier's documents, he began to dispatch his subordinates to transport the executed prisoners on the flying bus.

Not long after, more than 30 death row prisoners with foot locks boarded the flying bus, and then the convoy rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

In the bus, Sun Yi was a member of the death row. In order to pay for his father, he hacked and killed his enemy and was sentenced to death.

He thought that he was about to be executed, then he knew that Xingyao Technology needed to conduct in vivo experiments. He got this opportunity. If he could pass the experiment, he might have a chance to get a chance.

Soon, the flying convoy arrived at Xingyao City.

Sun Yi, who was sitting by the car window, saw a magnificent scene. A huge metal city stood in mid-air. The magnificent metal city, flying cars coming and going, and advanced robots were everywhere.

The flying convoy flew straight to a giant spaceship and slowly landed in the huge berthing area.

Soon, Sun Yi and a group of death row prisoners, driven by the soldiers, got off the flying car and walked towards the metal elevator under the spaceship.

Entering the metal elevator, as soon as the door closed, they slowly ascended with them.

Before long, the metal elevator door opened again, and they were already inside the huge cabin of the spacecraft.

Is this to send them to outer space?

Sun Yi and a group of death row prisoners were all excited.

"I didn't expect to be able to go to space before dying. Even if the experiment dies, this life is worth it!"

"Yeah! Xingyao Technology is really amazing! The experiment is actually carried out in outer space!"

"Maybe it's going to the moon! Xingyao Technology built a base on the moon!"

"Maybe to Mars! Will we go to Mars for survival experiments?"

"No way! Isn't it a drug experiment? The contract is all written!"

"We've all been deprived of our rights. What experiment they want to conduct is up to them!"


The death row inmates were talking a lot, and they were all a little scared. People were the swordsman, I was the fish, and it was really up to Xingyao Technology to conduct experiments in outer space. They were afraid of dying too painfully.

"Be quiet! The experiment is arranged at the lunar base. It is a genetic drug experiment. If there is no survival experiment as you said, if you make any noise, you will be disqualified from the experiment." Huang Tianyou, the person in charge of escorting the death row inmates, yelled loudly.

"Yes, there are so many volunteers who want to participate in Xingyao Technology. The first batch of experiments will only use death row prisoners when there is unknown danger. Take advantage of this opportunity! If the in vivo experiment is passed, you will definitely continue to live!" Adjutant Escort - Zhang Yang followed the explanation.

Hearing this, the originally feared death row prisoners quieted down one after another, and a hint of joy appeared on their faces.

Can continue to live, who wants to die!

"Sir, we have already boarded the boat. Can you tell us what the experimental drug is?" Sun Yi licked his face and asked with concern.

Hearing this, the spirits of all the death row prisoners were lifted, and they looked at the two **** officers with anticipation. Sun Yi's words asked the hearts of all the death row prisoners.

"Why do you ask so many questions, remember your identities! Be honest with me." Huang Tianyou gave them a blank look and angrily reprimanded them.

The death row prisoners immediately became honest and did not dare to speak.

The spacecraft suddenly vibrated, and the death row prisoners in the cabin were collectively excited.

Time flickered, and ten hours passed.

The huge interstellar spacecraft slowly landed on the mooring platform of the moon base.

When the spaceship landed completely, Sun Yi obviously felt that his body became very light, and he could float in the air for a while with just a push.

Walking in the passageway from the spacecraft, through the glass window, you can clearly see the desolate surface of the moon and the huge blue planet at the far end.

"Moon, we really came to the moon! It's so spectacular!"

"Brother, go ahead and let me see too!"

"It's so beautiful. It turns out that the earth is so beautiful when viewed from the moon!"

"It's so spectacular, it's worth dying to see this scene!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that I could go to the moon in my life and see the earth with this kind of vision."


The death row prisoners crowded near the glass window of the passage, greedily admiring the scenery outside the window, the desolate and poignant moon, the vast and huge earth, and the dark and boundless universe. At this moment, all the death row prisoners felt extremely lucky to be able to See this scene in this situation.

"Hurry up, don't waste time! Those who are disobedient, cancel the experiment and execute the death penalty on the spot." The **** officer-Huang Tianyou threatened in a cold tone.

Hearing this, the excited prisoners seemed to have been poured a basin of cold water on their heads. They calmed down collectively, and resumed their order and continued to move forward.

Walking in the passageway of the lunar base is a spotless, incomparably sci-fi underground metal world, scientific researchers in white lab coats, humanoid robots in charge of cleaning, mechanical vehicles for transporting substances,... It's like coming to the future world, everywhere Full of advanced equipment.

"Sir Huang, hard work, hand them over to me! I'll take them to their biological laboratory for a physical examination." A researcher walked up to Huang Tianyou and guided.

"Transfer personnel here? Secretary Lin, where are your security personnel! They are all desperados, in case something goes wrong." Huang Tianyou looked at the person who came and said worriedly.

"Sir Huang, don't worry! This is our chassis, there are cameras everywhere, and more!" The researcher smiled slightly, turned his head to look behind him, and saw several humanoid robots come over and put down the cleaning tools. Pulled out a thick metal stick.

"Every piece of machinery here has a strong combat power. You have to be good. Even if you escape from here, the moon is outside, and you will never survive." Secretary Lin looked at the death row prisoners and said with a smile.

The death row inmates were silent, agreeing with his words.

Huang Tianyou smiled relievedly, handed over a document, and said happily: "Secretary Lin, you are right, let's start the handover! This is the list, you can check it."

"Fairy Wood"

Secretary Lin took the document, flashed his wrist, and cast a virtual projection. Immediately, three-dimensional images of the death row prisoners appeared. After confirming that the data was correct, he signed his name on the document.

"The number is correct, Mr. Huang, the handover is very smooth this time, and I look forward to the next cooperation." Secretary Lin handed the document back to Huang Tianyou and said with a smile.

"No problem!" Huang Tianyou took the document with a smile, then turned and left with his subordinates.

Watching Huang Tianyou and the others leave, Secretary Lin looked at the death row prisoners and signaled, "Follow me and don't touch anything casually."

After speaking, Secretary Lin turned around and left, and several robots landed around the death row prisoners, escorting them to the biology laboratory.

Sun Yi followed behind Secretary Lin and walked all the way. Soon, he passed through the hall of the moon base, a sci-fi underground world with a white and flawless floor, virtual images full of virtual projections, various advanced robots, and scientific research that came and went. Workers, this is a scene from a future world.

Soon, they were taken to a biological laboratory full of biological specimens, and cold metal operating beds were waiting for them. At the same time, there were many scientific researchers and surgical machinery.

"You all lie down, the machine will help you untie the anklets." Secretary Lin looked at them coldly and signaled.

The death row inmates were silent for a moment, and they all lay down on the operating table according to their words.

Sun Yi sighed, and when he came here, he already knew that this life did not belong to him, so he obediently lay down on the operating bed.

"Katha, Katcha!" A sound of metal buckles sounded. Sun Yi only felt that his wrists and ankles were blocked by the metal buckles. The next moment, with a bang, a metal manipulator stretched out from the operating table. After a while, he cut off his ankle chain.

Next, another manipulator reached down and put an oxygen mask directly on his face.

Sun Yi took a few breaths, and then felt that his face became heavier and heavier. Finally, his eyes darkened, and he lost consciousness.

When Sun Yi woke up again, his prison uniform had been replaced with a clean white hospital uniform. He was located in a separate, closed gesture room. He was lying on the operating bed in the center. This time, Sun Yi was not restrained. Just sat up.

The operating room is surrounded by clean white metal walls with a huge glass window in front.

There was only his figure in the glass window, but Sun Yi could feel that there must be someone looking at him behind the glass window, it should be those scientific researchers.

"Sun Yi, how are you feeling now? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Suddenly, the voice of an old man came from the built-in speaker, and asked with concern.

"Uncomfortable? There is nothing uncomfortable, just feeling thirsty and hungry. Have you already experimented with me? What have you done to me?" Sun Yi was taken aback and stared directly at the glass window with concern ask.

"Very good, are you thirsty and hungry? I'll have someone bring food in right away!" The old man didn't answer directly, but said with a smile in his voice.

It didn't take long for the machines in the operating room to open on their own, and a food delivery machine drove in slowly.

The food delivery truck stopped in front of him, and it was full of various delicacies, such as grilled steaks, lobster meat, braised pork feet, various vegetables and fruits, bread and milk,... Sun Yi's eyes lit up, he reached out and picked up the big pig's trotter without hesitation, and ate it in big gulps.

After a while, a large bowl of pig trotters and a large plate of steak were swept away by him, and they looked like they weighed three or four pounds. However, Sun Yi did not stop there. After eating the meat, he grabbed the bread and fruit. , . . .

At this time, Sun Yi was like a reincarnation of an evil spirit. He ate almost all of the food for six or seven people by himself. At the end, he drank 2L of milk in one gulp.

With a bang, Sun Yi threw the empty milk bottle on the ground and burped contentedly.

"How's it going, have you had enough to eat and drink!" The old man's voice came out of the built-in stereo again and asked.

Sun Yi touched his belly, looked at the empty dishes and bowls of the food delivery robot, and said honestly, "I've only eaten six or seven minutes, and I want to eat more, but the food is gone!"

"Yeah! I'm asking someone to give it away!" The old man's voice said cheerfully with a hint of surprise.

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the mechanical food delivery vehicle extended a mechanical hand from the abdominal compartment, cleaned the garbage on the ground, and slowly exited the operating room.

Not long after, the metal door opened on its own, and a food delivery truck loaded with food slowly drove in.

Sun Yi's face was weird, but when he saw the food, he didn't think too much, so he ate it in big gulps. No matter what, being a hungry ghost was better than being a starving ghost. He didn't know what Xingyao Technology had done to himself What kind of experiment made me become a big rice bucket.

However, the chef who made these delicacies must be given the highest evaluation, it is so delicious, not worse than the chef of a five-star hotel.

At this time, behind the glass window of the operating room, the phantoms of Li Yi, Sun Bingwen, and Professor Wei Zhihan appeared. They watched Sun Yi gobble up the food in real time through virtual network technology.

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