My hi-tech Library

Chapter 220: News Interview (2)

"Mr. Li, Mrs. Li's introduction is over. Next, it's up to you. What do you have to share with us about this interstellar trip!" The host - Zhang Shulin looked at Li Yi with a sweet smile, with a gentle and cordial voice ask.

Li Yi thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I'll talk about something else!"

Hearing this, the host, Zhang Shulin, was refreshed and nodded with a smile: "Okay! Mr. Li, what do you want to say, feel free to say what you want."

"Xingyao, now has matured to travel between the moon and the earth, indicating that human civilization has officially entered the interstellar era, and the moon has unlimited resources, the most precious of which is a large amount of helium-3 resources, which is a kind of Helium isotope gas can undergo nuclear fusion reaction with hydrogen isotopes, releasing a lot of energy. This process does not produce neutrons, the radioactivity is very small, the reaction process is easy to control, and it is both environmentally friendly and safe. Therefore, helium-3 is a very Important fusion material."

"If the energy of helium-3 can be fully released, 100 tons can meet the world's energy demand for one year. The reserves of helium-3 on earth are very small, and only about 500 kilograms of helium-3 have mining value, but on the moon, helium The estimated reserves of -3 are as high as one million tons, enough for humans to use for tens of thousands of years."

"In addition to precious helium-3, there are other precious metal resources, and these resources will not cause any damage to the earth's environment on which we live during the process of collection and development."

"The value of resources on the moon alone is equal to the sum of the resources of all the mining giants on the earth. Therefore, the next development plan of Xingyao Technology is to vigorously develop the development of interstellar mineral resources, and at the same time, increase the scientific and technological construction in the interstellar field. For example, building a large space base, a space dock, or even going to Mars to build a Martian outpost,…”

"The solar system is opening its arms to human beings. The moon and Mars are the outposts of the future that human beings are moving towards. They are now just a blank piece of paper, which can be transformed and painted at will. The strength of Xingyao Technology is far from enough to become human civilization and enter the interstellar The leader of the era, I hope that countries and organizations around the world, as well as more scientists around the world, can join in and become the pioneers of human civilization towards the interstellar era." Li Yi continued to explain, describing what he was thinking.

Affected by this interstellar journey and the changes in the library, Li Yi felt the urgency of improving scientific and technological civilization. This interview opportunity directly sent invitation letters to scientists and government forces around the world.

"Mr. Li, what do you mean, because of this interstellar travel, Xingyao Technology will make a big move in the next step?" The host - Zhang Shulin looked at Li Yi in high spirits and asked with concern.

Li Yi smiled slightly. She is really a smart woman with good news sensitivity. She is satisfied with the question from the host, Zhang Shulin.

"Yes! It takes too long for the Xingyao to go directly from the earth to the lunar base. Second, the gravitational environment and the atmosphere environment of the moon and the earth are different. Therefore, only the Xingyao is used for transportation and round trips. It's too simple, the functions of transporting goods, transporting passengers, etc. are different, and various types of spaceships are required to carry different tasks." Li Yi nodded with a smile and explained.

After a pause, Li Yi continued: "Therefore, next, Xingyao Technology is going to build a dock base in space, and at the same time, develop more medium-type interstellar spaceships, cargo spaceships, passenger spaceships, etc., with large Small and medium models meet different functional needs and carry out spacecraft sales business to global users.”

Hearing this, the host-Zhang Shulin's eyes widened immediately. Xingyao Technology is going to open the interstellar spaceship sales business to the world?

"Mr. Li, what do you mean, Xingyao Technology is going to open up the sale of interstellar spacecraft to individual users." The host - Zhang Shulin looked at Li Yi and asked incredulously.

"Yes! Whether it is for individual users or sold to enterprise users, various types of interstellar spacecraft will become the next business focus of Xingyao Technology. The interstellar era of human beings cannot be opened only by Xingyao Technology. It should be There is more capital involved, therefore, we expect to cooperate with all countries in the world and all enterprises to carry out in-depth cooperation to expand the interstellar business together." Li Yi nodded with a smile.

Xingyao Technology develops interstellar spacecraft to the world. This is Li Yi's next plan. I believe that this is the temptation that all countries, as well as many enterprises, cannot refuse.

The technology of manufacturing large-scale interstellar spaceships is only mastered by Xingyao Technology in the world. It involves artificial intelligence, biological chips, spacecraft materials, ..., etc. It is the culmination of thousands of high-tech technologies, which is the culmination of any country. , which no business can do.

Xingyao Technology builds an air dock, builds a base on the moon, builds an interstellar spacecraft, etc. During the interstellar project, this level of technological monopoly is extremely suppressed, and other countries can only watch them eat meat.

Now, Xingyao Technology has opened the interstellar spaceship business to the world, which means that they have the key to enter the interstellar era.

The host - Zhang Shulin was in high spirits, looking at Li Yi and continued to ask: "Mr. Li, Xingyao Technology will open its spacecraft business to the world, and it will definitely attract a lot of capital to intervene. Are you not afraid that they will compete with Xingyao Technology's ongoing business? "

"No, the goal of Xingyao Technology is to become a technology platform that provides all users in the world with all the technological services that enter the interstellar era. Spaceports, moon bases, and cities in the sky can all become a variety of services for all users: For example: spaceship berthing, transportation, maintenance, and even release the entrusted transportation business to users." Li Yi explained with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Li Yijian introduced in detail: "At the lunar base, there are currently more than 20,000 staff members. In the future, this number will increase to 100,000. When the spaceport project is established and the construction process is completed, it will provide tens of millions of dollars. There will be hundreds of millions of jobs. At that time, there will be trillions of tons of materials that need to be transported, plus personal transportation business. All in all, after entering the interstellar era, various interstellar businesses will grow exponentially, requiring global capital, and People around the world get involved.”

Listening to Li Yi's description, the host - Zhang Shulin immediately got a sense of the picture, as if she saw countless interstellar spacecraft, large and small, traveling between the moon, the spaceport and the earth, carrying out various transportation operations.

"Mr. Li, your idea is really grand. How big is that spaceport? How long is it expected to take to build!" The host - Zhang Shulin looked at Li Yi and asked with concern.

"It is very large, about ten times that of Xingyao City. The construction period is expected to take ten years and will be divided into several phases. At that time, the building accessories used in the construction of the space port and space dock will be produced by the moon base, which will greatly increase the It saves manufacturing costs, but many parts still need to be shipped from the earth..." Li Yi explained the construction process of the spaceport in detail.


Press interviews continue.

The audience watching the news interview collectively boiled.

"Developing starships for individual users? Even individual aircraft can't afford it, so start selling spaceships!"

"Haha, the dream has changed, work hard and earn money to buy an interstellar spaceship in your lifetime."

"Selling interstellar spaceships! Only this old man dares to say this! Awesome!"

"Combine money to buy a spaceship for transportation, this business can definitely make money!"

"As long as it doesn't exceed 10 million, I bought this spaceship."

"I just bought the aircraft, I knew I would save the money to buy the spaceship!"


The audience was live-broadcasting crazy barrage speeches, each one was so excited that they couldn't help themselves, as if they had witnessed history.

Indeed, they are indeed witnessing a history. Li Yi announced that the spaceship business will be opened to global users, which means that in the near future, individual human beings can also drive interstellar spaceships and fly to interstellar space, and the interstellar era is about to be released to all mankind. .

Correspondingly, the stock market and futures market have reacted violently.

In particular, the commodities of precious metals collapsed directly. Iron ore, copper, aluminum, zinc, ..., etc., the bulk metal resources collapsed collectively.

A planet as big as the moon has countless resources hidden in it. Unlike the earth, there are various environmental constraints, and it can be mined to the fullest. With Li Yi's speech, it immediately changed the price of bulk metal commodities for all investors. overdue.

The stock market was stimulated by Li Yi's remarks, and the stocks of companies related to the aerospace industry rose again.

Because of Li Yi's remarks, the global futures market collapsed. Many futures investors voted with their feet, liquidated precious metal resources, and shorted their backhands. However, no bulls dared to take over at this time. Various bulk futures indices, straight down to the bottom line.

"Oh my God! Haven't the resources of the moon come in yet! How come the futures are like this!"

"I'm going, the spaceport and the space dock can use the resources of the lunar base? This is miserable!"

"How come up, how come down, mineral resource futures are over!"

"The moon has no gold! Why did the golden leaves fall like this!"


Countless investors cried without tears and suffered heavy losses.

Soon, the relevant news of Li Yi's interviews quickly became the hot search of major news media.

"Li Yi was interviewed and publicly announced that the moon is rich in resources and has huge development value. Xingyao Technology will develop spacecraft business for global users and encourage all people to participate in interstellar business."

"Major news, the chairman of Xingyao Technology - Li Yi, announced that the space port, space dock, and Mars base construction plan will be launched soon, and the spacecraft business will be released to the whole people!"

"Human civilization has entered the second stage of the interstellar era, and is about to enter the era of the whole people."

"Li Yi plans to build Xingyao Technology into a technology platform that carries mankind into the interstellar era, and provides technical services for the whole people to enter the interstellar era."

"Affected by the infinite resources of the moon, Deacon's global bulk resource futures plummeted!"


Overnight, news reports related to Li Yi's interview appeared on major news networks around the world, attracting countless netizens around the world to click and view.

Many netizens who didn't see the interview either looked for a short video or watched the interview rebroadcast to gain an in-depth understanding of this major event.

Xingyao Technology is famous all over the world, and there is almost nothing trivial about the new lake related to it, and this time, it is even more so.

"God! Starlight Technology is ready to develop a personal spacecraft! This is incredible!"

"Gumai! The technology is developing too fast! The spaceship is so advanced, but we can't even build a decent aircraft."

"The moon belongs to all mankind, Li's decision is too wise!"

"Xingyao Technology is forcibly leading all mankind to the interstellar era! It's amazing!"

"I'm so envious! Why can't our country produce such a great enterprise!"

"Feel like cooperating with Xingyao Technology! The moon also has our share, it is shared by all mankind!"

"Xingyao Technology will be built for ten years. I can't imagine how big the spaceport and space dock will be!"

"In addition to building transport ships and passenger ships, they should also be able to build interstellar warships! They must have mastered interstellar warships, and the entire world cannot compete with Xingyao Technology!"

"Why do you want to fight? We have already entered the interstellar era. All human beings should work together to colonize other planets!"


International news websites, international netizens who have read this kind of news, you and I, have enthusiastically left various envy, expect, desire, most of them International netizens are full of expectations for the plans announced by Xingyao Technology for the upcoming comprehensive interstellar era.

Governments of various countries have held meetings one after another to discuss how to cooperate with Xingyao Technology and Longguo officials in interstellar development.

The moon, the satellite, contains inestimable resource value. It cannot still be developed by Xingyao Technology or Dragon Kingdom, and they should also have some share.

Li Yi's public speech expressed his common desire to jointly develop the moon and even Mars to the world, which immediately attracted positive responses from countries around the world, and they submitted visits to the official Longguo.

During the past ten years, due to the relationship between Xingyao Technology, large-scale projects such as aerial cities, moon bases, and interstellar spacecraft have been completed one after another.

As for the largest country in the West, because of the large-scale development of nuclear fusion energy, the collapse of the oil currency system, and the hollowed-out industrial structure, the huge empire was dragged down by the huge debt, and overnight, the entire federation The country was disintegrated into more than a dozen small countries, various resources were sold, and it fell into a poor small country.

Star City, the first city in the sky for all mankind.

The headquarters building of Shining Star Technology is a solemn and large conference room.

Li Yi, Tang Shaohong, and a group of senior executives of Xingyao Technology held a meeting with official representatives.

The interstellar development plan described by Li Yi in the interview, the idea of ​​opening up the sale of interstellar spaceships to individual users, has completely stimulated the enthusiasm of the global public for the interstellar era, and the global capital's attention to the interstellar field. Of course, it has also won the height of superior leadership identify.

So, there is this video conference.

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