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Chapter 295: The influence of the times (2)

Under the guidance of Xingyao Technology, human civilization has blown a new wind direction towards space and interstellar development.

Spaceports, moon bases, and Mars bases have become places that countless young people yearn for.

Chen Tianyu didn't have that idea. He was more looking forward to living in sky cities, such as Xingyao City, Nantian City, or Tiangong City, these sky cities built by the Dragon Kingdom government.

Today, with the utilization of nuclear fusion energy, the development of various new technologies, intelligent artificial technology, flying cars, life-extending genetic medicine, ..., etc., the utilization of various advanced technologies, the human population has entered an expansion area, especially The population of the Dragon Kingdom is increasing by tens of millions every year, and is gradually approaching the population of 2 billion.

The population has exploded, and the natural environment has caused tremendous pressure. The government of the Dragon Kingdom has led the construction of large-scale cities in the sky, and cities have been built in the sky.

However, from the very beginning of the construction of the city in the sky, a lot of the most advanced technology has been used, so that the technology level of the city in the sky is several levels higher than that of the city on the ground.

A large number of people have flowed to the air cities, so that the ground cities have become places like old-age care. As for the rural areas, the population has become more sparse. Many remote rural areas have directly relocated their entire villages and returned farmland to forests.

Cold fusion technology and unlimited energy have driven the new agricultural revolution. In addition to the unlimited labor of intelligent machinery, farming and farming has become an unprofitable thing for farmers. Therefore, under the leadership of the Dragon Kingdom , the rural population is gradually transferred to the urban population, providing welfare with the people and enjoying the benefits brought by the development of advanced technology.

Chen Tianyu's family consists of seven members, including his great-grandfather, grandfather, and grandmother. In addition to his parents and a younger sister, the elderly in the family are already receiving state pension benefits. Only his great-grandfather, grandparents, and three people add up, and they can get it every month. He received a 'salary' of more than 30,000 yuan, which was higher than his salary for a month's work.

If his parents retire, they can receive national pension benefits. However, they have all been injected with life-extending gene drugs, their health has improved, and their retirement time has been delayed by 15. They can only receive basic living benefits, which are less than pensions. Some.

The advantages of the scientific and technological revolution, the leadership of various industries, and the utilization of advanced technology have created a lot of wealth for the country.

Ordinary people cannot enjoy the benefits brought by advanced technology. Instead, in this round of scientific and technological revolution, they have lost their jobs and lost their original industries. For example, intelligent machinery has caused a large number of industrial workers to lose their jobs, and new agriculture has caused ordinary agriculture to lose its competitiveness. Machines have largely replaced human work.

The country is like a company. When the people cannot survive, it has increased its financial support. It is just like the previous US federal government, relying on its technological advantages, national status, industrial advantages, and other strong positions, has provided a large number of social Welfare, such as free medical care, free skills training, improved compulsory education benefits, maternity subsidies, entrepreneurial subsidies, ..., etc., comprehensive social welfare.

There is no financial burden at home, so Chen Tianyu decided to go to Xingyao City to make a foray.

Having learned a lot of mechanical knowledge in 'Xinghai Era', and also a 'senior captain', Chen Tianyu believes that he can still find a job.

Heart is worse than action.

After Chen Tianyu delivered his work and returned to China, he immediately quit his job and set off for Xingyao City.

Three days later.

Chen Tianyu sat on the maglev public aircraft flying to the 'Xingyao City' with good expectations.

With the sneaking of the public aircraft, a huge metal city in the sky soon came into view. Hundreds of floating power towers spewed blue flames continuously, providing floating power for the metal giant city. A sturdy waterfall, Rumbling down the sea, setting off huge waves, the scene is extremely spectacular.

The flying cars that entered and exited from the metal giant city formed a long dragon, densely packed.

In the sky, sometimes a starship can be seen falling from the sky, or rising into the sky, the scene is extremely spectacular.

"This is Star City! It's much more spectacular than what you see on TV!"

"Yeah! Xingyao City has expanded again! The area is bigger than the capital."

"A lot of transport ships, the large spaceship that just landed was the Xingyao?"

"No! That's a new generation of Heron Island! It uses a second-generation fusion engine."


In the flying car, the passengers were discussing heatedly, and Chen Tianyu's heart was fiery when he heard it, and he was right. The scale and advanced level of Xingyao City far exceeded his cognition.

Xingyao City brings together global capital and materials. In less than 30 years, under the leadership of huge capital and advanced technology, Xingyao City was built from scratch. Now it is the most magnificent and unique aerial city in the world. , attracting countless tourists from all over the world.

Thousands of flying 'buses', full of tourists from all over the world, come to see the miracles that human beings are creating.

"There are so many robots here! It is indeed the home base of Xingyao Technology!"

"All the way down, Xingyao City didn't see many living people, and there were machine lumps everywhere."

"You don't understand. The current height of Xingyao City: 340 meters, the outdoor temperature: 5-8, who would stay outside at this time? Of course, only metal lumps can be seen!"

"It's so sci-fi, it's like a 'future world'. I can't believe that Xing Yao City was built in just a few years."

"Haha! You don't even think about who led the project. Isn't that what Xingyao Technology did a miracle?"


The passengers in the car had been discussing happily until the public flying car flew into Xingyao City and stopped at the station on the top floor of an apartment.

Chen Tianyu followed the crowd and got out of the car, and caught sight of two welcome machines, a human-shaped female machine, and a sphere-shaped cabinet-type machine, slowly walking towards them.

"Welcome all passengers to Xingyao City, I'm the welcome robot - Xiaobei, you can ask me any questions related to Xingyao City!" The female robot - Xiaobei used a pleasant electronic synthesis voice to tell more than a dozen passengers at the scene greeted.

"I'm a robot - Xiao Yuan. I provide convenient drinks and food here. Passengers in need are welcome to place an order." The cabinet robot followed closely, prompting with a cute and cute voice.

"Miao Yuan, bring me a bottle of mineral water!"

"I want a bowl of instant noodles, I'm starving to death after a day of driving!"

"Xiao Bei, which bus should I take to go to Xingchen Square!"


Passengers surrounded the two robots one after another, those who bought water, those who bought food, and those who asked about the transfer route, and the scene became very lively.

Chen Tianyu didn't go to join in the fun, he took out his mobile phone and checked it himself.

He submitted several resumes on the Internet, and also received interview invitations. One of them was called Interstellar Logistics in the morning, which needed spaceship transporters, and the other was called Lingguang Technology, which was also recruiting spaceship pilots.

Becoming a spaceship pilot is what Chen Tianyu plans to pursue next.

Chen Tianyu has no plans to immigrate to the moon, Mars, or even a spaceport, but he yearns for the universe and has a dream of becoming a spaceship pilot, or even a starship commander, driving a starship to explore the universe.

Chen Tianyu looked at the center of Xingyao City. The towering building was the core of Xingyao City - the headquarters of Xingyao Technology.

It would be great if you could go to Xingyao Technology to open a spaceship!

Chen Tianyu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at the robot - Xiaobei and stepped forward to inquire.

At this time, the core of the Xingyao Experimental Center building, the experimental command room.

Li Yi and Sun Bingwen were in the laboratory command room, using a virtual network connection, to watch the experiment of an unmanned spacecraft far away in the spaceport, and the experimental flight of a small unmanned spacecraft "Precursor".

The Precursor uses the most advanced anti-matter power engine. At the same time, it is equipped with the most advanced energy shield, and it is not the plasma shield developed before, but the energy magnetic shield.

A spacecraft traveling at high speed will inevitably destroy the ship once it encounters meteorite fragments. Therefore, energy shielding is a necessary technology for entering the interstellar era.

The plasma shield has obvious defects. First, it takes a huge amount of energy to maintain the shield. Second, the stability of the plasma force field is insufficient and requires magnetic restraint. Third, the plasma shield will generate high temperature, which will cause the outer layer of the spacecraft to warm up. Too high, it is very easy to damage the spacecraft, ......

The energy-magnetic shield is far more stable than the plasma shield in terms of stability, energy requirements, and defense capabilities.

The Pioneer, which uses an antimatter-powered engine, will travel several times, dozens of times faster than a fusion engine, so there is a more urgent need for protection.

In addition, the use of the magnetic energy cover, to a certain extent, can also ensure that when the spacecraft enters the sub-light speed flight, it can protect the hull and prevent it from disintegrating due to excessive speed.

On the virtual screen, a huge figure of the spaceport appeared. An unmanned spaceship with a flat shape like a 'melon seed' slowly flew out of the dock of the spaceport.

"Master, the 'Xian' body has reached the designated position, and the first test flight experiment can be started!" On the virtual screen, a **** avatar appeared, and it reported to Li Yihui.

Li Yi nodded, stared at the 'Precursor' on the virtual screen and signaled, "Start the test flight!"

"Yes! Master." Da Hei responded.

The next moment, the tail of the 'Pioneer' on the virtual screen suddenly burst into red flames, and the antimatter power engine started.

"The thirteenth experiment of the Pioneer starts, the fusion power furnace starts, the super magnetic field generator starts, and the magnetic beam field is pre-started!"

"Pioneer began to speed up, current speed: 34 kilometers per second, the signal is stable."

"The Precursor shuts down the fusion power furnace and starts to activate the antimatter power engine..."

"The Pioneer successfully switched the antimatter power engine, and the speed was increased to 1% of the speed of light,..."

"The magnetic energy field is running stably, the Pioneer accelerates to 11% the speed of light,..."


Big Black continued to report the status of the experiment on the virtual screen.

In an instant, the 'Pioneer' on the virtual screen turned into a red streamer and flew out of the solar system at a very high speed.

"What is the current speed of the Pioneer? How is the situation, where did it fly?" Li Yi was in high spirits, staring at the 'red light' on the virtual screen.

"Master, the Pioneer is running stably as a whole. The flight time is 8 minutes and 23 seconds, and the flight speed is 27% of the speed of light. It is estimated that it will reach the low-Earth orbit of Mars in 5 minutes and 34 seconds." Da Hei reported to Li Yihui.

"Good! Good! It's going to Mars so soon." Li Yi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help shouting.

"This speed is amazing! The power of the antimatter engine is too strong!" Sun Bingwen exclaimed with joy.

Time passed bit by bit, Li Yi and Sun Bingwen watched as the "Pioneer" crossed the orbit of Mars at a fast speed and continued to fly to the orbit of the next planet.

"Master, the Herald's flight speed has reached: 40%,..."

"Master, the Pioneer flies past Mars' far-Earth orbit,..."


The speed of light runs 300,000 kilometers per second and 300,000 kilometers per second, and 18 million kilometers per minute. Pioneer flies at more than 40% of the speed of light. The distance between Earth and Mars is about 55 million kilometers, and the farthest distance is more than 4 If it can fly at 50% of the speed of light, the Pioneer will definitely reach Mars within half an hour, which is a very amazing speed.

Soon, the flight experiment continued, and the "Pioneer" flew over Mars and flew to the next planet - Jupiter.

"Master, the Precursor's flight speed reaches 56% of the speed of light, and the strong magnetic beam force field is unstable,..."

"Master! The Pioneer disintegrated, and the antimatter power engine exploded."

Just as Li Yi and Sun Bingwen were all smiling and preparing to celebrate the success of the experiment, the red light on the virtual screen suddenly exploded, and Da Hei reminded him aloud.

Hearing this, Li Yi sighed immediately.

"Failed! What is the reason for this Quickly summarize the problem!" Li Yi suggested with a gloomy face.

"Understood! The salvage ship has been dispatched to search for the Pioneer's black box!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately began to analyze: "Master, the reason for the disintegration of the Pioneer pole is most likely to be too high speed, which caused the magnetic field to be subjected to excessive impact, resulting in The stance generator is damaged,..."

Li Yi nodded, generally agreeing with Da Hei's analysis, but more specific data would not be able to get accurate results until the Pioneer's black box was salvaged.

The Pioneer has carried out so many experiments and failed for various reasons. However, after repeated failures, the technology of antimatter-powered spacecraft is becoming more and more mature. It is believed that it will not take long for sub-beam flight to become the mainstream of human civilization.

"Mr. Li, although this flight experiment failed, the speed of the Pioneer reached 56% of the speed of light. This is a historic breakthrough. The reason for its disintegration and explosion may be the impact of a small meteorite, or a pulse. The reason for the radiation is still ok on the whole!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and comforted.

"Perhaps! It depends on the data of the black clip." Li Yi nodded with a smile, agreeing with Sun Bingwen's judgment.

The flight experiment of the Pioneer is a very complicated experiment, the cosmic vacuum environment, and means the real vacuum, there are various radiation radiation rays, tiny planets, etc., so it is acceptable for the experiment to fail.

"Mr. Li, in fact, the Pioneer can fly stably at 30% of the speed of light, which is already a very remarkable achievement! We should develop in this direction, develop more advanced detection methods, and upgrade the speed in the later stage. "Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and suggested.

Li Yi thought for a while and couldn't help but agree with Sun Bingwen's proposal.

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