My hi-tech Library

Chapter 237: Interstellar Communicator

Li Yi thought about it and adjusted his language so as not to irritate Professor Chen Tao: "I suggest to take two steps, complete first, and then improve."

"The problem of insufficient precision of equipment accessories and material technology can be solved slowly. The first step is to solve the problem of high-energy radiation overflow. The second step is to solve the problem of communication conversion. I will talk about the first step."

Li Yi walked to a whiteboard and picked up a black pen.

Professor Sun Bingwen and Professor Chen Tao are okay. The members of Professor Chen Tao's scientific research team are short of breath. This is Mr. Li. Mr. Li will give them a lecture in person.

Several researchers quickly turned around to get their notes, and after more than ten seconds, they rushed back to the research room, holding paper, pens, and a voice recorder in their hands.

Upon seeing this, Li Yi did not speak immediately, but waited for everyone to arrive.

A belated figure asked while panting, "Have you started, have you started talking?"

Li Yi smiled, looked at the late scientific researcher, smiled and reassured: "It hasn't started yet, what's your name?"

"My name is Qin Haoran." Qin Haoran's voice trembled a little with the paper and pen, revealing his inner excitement.

"Well! It's about to start, find a place to sit!"

Li Yi nodded with a smile, looked at him and gestured.

Qin Haoran hurriedly sat down in an empty seat in the research room, and when everyone was ready, Li Yi officially began to explain.

"Gravitational wave communication technology is undoubtedly a very advanced technology. Twenty years ago, the characteristics of gravitational waves were too weak to detect. Everyone sitting here is a pioneer in this field." Li Yi smiled and looked at everyone's praise, road.

Hearing this, everyone smiled knowingly and felt the same way.

you do not say!

The use of gravitational waves for communication is definitely a new technology in the field of communication. Other scientific research institutions have this ability. However, their ability to enter this field is completely inseparable from the design drawings of gravitational wave communicators provided by Li Yi.

"We can think of gravitational waves as an energy field that transmits the same effective data without a comprehensive upgrade of the existing technology, but also hopes to reduce the energy output. Due to precision and material problems, we are now unable to fully realize the design. Therefore, we can change the way of thinking and modify the original mobile communication mode to a fixed-point communication mode, thereby reducing the technological requirements of communication equipment, … ”

When Li Yi talked about it, all the scientific researchers were still thinking. Professor Chen Tao suddenly realized that he understood it immediately.

The current method of gravitational wave communication is aimed at a huge area, similar to the ancient radio and television signal propagation method. In this area, any receiver can receive the signal, which requires the broadcasting station to send enough energy, otherwise , the wave will be absorbed and interfered, resulting in an unclear signal.

If it is modified to fixed-point communication, it needs to be reversed, which is equivalent to the TV set actively sending a request to the TV station. After the TV station gets the request, it also obtains the location of the TV set. The TV station then sends the requested program content to the designated location. The complexity of TV stations and televisions is very high, but the requirements for information dissemination have been reduced a lot, because more than 99% of invalid dissemination has been reduced.

Li Yi hasn't elaborated yet, but Professor Chen Tao has already taken another pen and explained to the following people how to disseminate information through the original "push" method and change it into a revised "pull" method to disseminate information.

This is not a new technology, nor is it a new idea, but using this method in gravitational wave communicators will greatly reduce the equipment and craftsmanship requirements of gravitational wave communicators.

After listening to Professor Chen Tao's explanation, young scientists quickly understood what was going on.

"Professor Chen, by changing the method, the power consumption of the receiving end can be reduced by 80%, and the volume can be reduced from the size of the original two-story building to the size of a suitcase." Qin Haoran said excitedly.

The greater the power consumption, the more auxiliary equipment. For example, if the power consumption of a certain component is too high, it will inevitably be accompanied by the problem of heat generation. If the temperature is too high, the performance will be unstable. In order to solve the problem of heat dissipation, refrigeration equipment must be used. , the refrigeration equipment needs to consume a certain amount of energy, etc., resulting in the entire system becoming more and more complex and larger.

Professor Chen Tao's team is full of confidence.

"This is just the first step. This can only be a technical correction, not an upgrade. What I want to talk about next is the real gravitational wave interstellar communication technology." Li Yi tapped on the whiteboard to attract everyone's attention. come over.

Qin Haoran immediately woke up from the excitement, holding a pen and a notebook, sitting in front of the whiteboard, his body upright like a junior primary school student.

"Interstellar communication, by simply optimizing the communication equipment, is no problem within a certain range. For example, we use the existing technology to communicate with the moon base. After the technology is mature, we can communicate between the planets in the entire solar system. The problem is also Not big. But it's just our first step, which, to put it bluntly, is like a baby just learning to walk."

Li Yi's words shocked everyone present.

Realizing instant and unimpeded communication in the solar system, they have already considered it to be the forefront of human science and technology, and it is about to reach the end of physics. Unexpectedly, in Li Yi's eyes, this is just the beginning, only the first step!

Qin Haoran's eyes lit up, his breathing became short, Professor Chen Tao's forehead also brightened a lot, and the blue veins on his neck showed his inner excitement, even though he was much more stable than Qin Haoran.

The only one who was not so excited was Sun Bingwen.

Sun Bingwen read Li Yi's article yesterday and was already excited. Now he is calmer and looks like an old man who is well-informed.

"We are using gravitational waves for communication. So, what are gravitational waves? Is there any essential difference from common waves such as sound waves and light waves?"

"In the budding period of human science and technology, Newton observed the orbits of the planets, and based on the data given by Kepler, he deduced the formula of universal gravitation. Through universal gravitation, we can know that due to the effect of the earth's gravity, an apple thrown into the sky will eventually fall to the ground. ."

"However, why is there universal gravitation, how does force arise, and how does one object exert force on another object? Through analysis and differentiation of gravitational force, we have obtained the concept of gravitational field, and any object has its own gravitational force. The interaction between the fields, the gravitational fields, and the transmission of force."

"However, how does force transfer between gravitational fields? After all, celestial bodies are separated by tens of millions of kilometers. The transfer of gravitational force takes almost no time and can be achieved in an instant. This involves the nature of waves, the gravitational field. In fact, it is a kind of space, and the so-called transmission of force is the distortion of space.”

"Under the distortion of space, the apple falls from the air to the ground, which is the shortest distance. Therefore, the so-called gravitational force is actually the shortest distance after the distortion of space."

"Now, let's go back to gravitational waves and interstellar communication. If we use the existing method of transmitting gravitational waves, we will still face the interaction of forces, and the waves will decay. Therefore, to really rush out of the solar system, the entire To communicate between galaxies, it is necessary to use the positioning of waves to find the shortest distance of space distortion between the communication source and the communication target. Once this distance is found, the communication consumes almost no energy, just like you throw on smooth ice. A stone that can slide very far without much effort..."

Li Yi eloquently explained the idea of ​​​​upgrading gravitational wave communication, and the scene was quiet.

Is this really possible?

In addition to Sun Bingwen, even Professor Chen Tao felt that this was listening to heaven.

Because of the current technology on Earth, there is not much research on space. Except for pure theory, it is impossible to simulate the gravitational field formed between two objects in the laboratory, because the gravitational field will distort the space and form objects in the gravitational field. , the quality must be enormous.

The only thing that can prove the existence of the gravitational field is by observing the moon, because the moon is a huge object. During the moon's operation, it will bend the surrounding space, similar to the iron ball pressing on the spring bed, bending the surface of the spring bed. .

Professor Chen Tao never thought that he could use space curvature to find the shortest distance and then realize communication.

If what Li Yi said is feasible, using the shortest distance gravitational wave communication, the energy consumed is estimated to be similar to two people shouting and talking across a building.

"Mr. Li, is it useful for us to study the communication between galaxies? The earth is the cradle of our human beings. We should protect the earth, or a little further, and protect the solar system. Isn't that enough?" Beside Professor Chen Tao One of the white coats of the stroking stroked his eyes and asked very strangely.

After all, not even the first step of gravitational waves has really been completed.

"You're right, the earth is the cradle of mankind, but we can't stay in the cradle forever." Li Yi said lightly.

Qin Haoran looked like chicken blood, and his spirit was instantly ignited.

Before meeting Li Yi, Qin Haoran was a top student and joined Professor Chen Tao to work. The working environment is good, he has status and has a high income. This is his ideal job. If there are no accidents in life, he will soon get married, have children, buy a big house, a luxury car, and live a happy life.

Just a second ago, when he heard Li Yi's words, Qin Haoran's heart was suddenly touched.

He looked at the formula on the whiteboard, but his thoughts had already drifted out of the window to the boundless sea of ​​stars.

Qin Haoran felt ashamed, ashamed of his past.

It turns out that he has always been a short-sighted person. His eyes and hearts are all about income and work, and Mr. Li, his vision has already surpassed the entire era and this planet.

Mr. Li's directness is the infinite starry sky and the majestic life, and I was just using my knowledge to find a good job. After I found it, I was very proud. What am I entitled to be proud of?

Qin Haoran was both excited and self-blaming. He looked at Li Yi with fanatical eyes, wishing he could get Li Yi to sign immediately.

Li Yi didn't notice Qin Haoran's state at all.

Sun Bingwen was also excited.

"Mr. Li is so right, we humans can't be in the cradle forever, starting from me, starting from now, our generation of scientific researchers must prepare for the human beings to get out of the cradle, even if this day, I am old Sun can't see, I also hope that our descendants can go to the vast universe and fly freely..."

Sun Bingwen almost burst into tears.

Li Yi shook his head. If he took out the technology in the library, it is estimated that Sun Bingwen would be so excited that a brain hemorrhage would break out.

Scientists are mostly rational and rarely excited. Once excited, they will work with passion, and they will not subside for a few years, and some even last a lifetime.

The galaxy-level gravitational wave communicator makes them so excited. If you let them know the star map transmission technology of the civilization library, I don't know how they will feel.

Compared with the mysterious and unpredictable technological level of the Bolsai civilization, the technological level of human civilization is only a toddler, and there is still much to learn!

Li Yi looked at the excited crowd and said solemnly: "Okay, the problem of the gravitational wave communicator has been solved. Have you considered how to combine the existing communication technologies?"

"Well! We have considered this aspect. UU reading uses the wave-carrying technology of the gravitational wave communicator to replace the optical cable communication technology and directly intervene in the most modern 6G communication technology. In this aspect of 6G communication, Huawei Group has done It's better, we can cooperate when the time comes." Professor Chen Tao smiled and suggested.

"Not bad! Let's arrange it like this! Hurry up and apply the gravitational wave communication technology. This is a necessary technology for us to enter the interstellar civilization." Li Yi nodded with satisfaction, looking at Professor Chen Tao and instructed.

The diameter of the solar system is 1.9 light-years, and light has to travel for 1.9 years. Ordinary communication technology can no longer meet the needs of interstellar communication. The only way to use the space-time ripples generated by gravitational waves and the resonant waves generated by its contraction waves is to transmit signals across time and space. Entrainment, the resulting interstellar communication technology.

When the sun goes down.

Li Yi followed Sun Bingwen and left the gravitational wave communicator laboratory. The two walked and chatted, discussing the promotion of the wave unified paper and the research of biological materials.

Late last night, the technical information uploaded by Li Yi made Sun Binwen feel a huge surprise.

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