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Chapter 291: Xinghai Era (1)

The spacious restaurant, with a table full of dishes, overflowing with fragrance, Li Yi's family is starting to sit around the table and enjoy the food.

Li Yi sat down beside Zhou Wenhui and asked curiously, "Where's Xiaoyang! What's the matter with that kid, why didn't you come down to eat?"

"You just found out now! Your son has become very capable recently." Zhou Wenhui said angrily.

"What's wrong! Xiaoqing, go and call your brother out for dinner!" Li Yi looked at Li Qing and ordered.

"I called! He was hiding in the virtual warehouse to play games, and he didn't have time to come out. He sent me a message saying that he was not free for important tasks, and he would eat later." Li Qing responded angrily.

"This kid, playing games like crazy!" Li Yideng's face darkened: "After eating, leave him alone!"

Soon, when the dinner came to an end, "Cum...," came the sound of hurried footsteps from the second floor.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I'm late, do you still have food?" Li Yang trotted to the dinner table and apologized to everyone embarrassedly.

"Yes, yes, I'll keep it for you! Sit down and eat!" Ye Huilan smiled and handed the bowl and chopsticks to Li Yang.

"Thank you grandma!" Li Yang took the tableware and thanked him happily.

After speaking, Li Yang ate the vegetables and the rice in one bite, and devoured it.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly! Don't choke." Ye Huilan reminded lovingly.

"Oh, I, um, also...,." Li Yang nodded towards Ye Huilan, and answered indistinctly with his mouth full of food.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows coldly and shouted in disgust: "What do you say when you eat, don't you know how to finish the meal first?"

"Oh!" Li Yang glanced at Li Yang fearfully and ate in silence.

The atmosphere at the dinner table fell into a state of silence. Everyone watched Li Yang gobble alone. Ye Huilan helped with the dishes from time to time, scooping up the soup, and reassuringly said, "Eat slowly, don't worry! Have a mouthful of chicken soup."

"Mummy, I'm full! Can I watch the animation?" Li Yan noticed that the atmosphere at the dinner table was not right, and asked Zhou Wenhui for instructions.

"Mummy, I'm full too!" Li Rong put down his chopsticks and asked for instructions.

"You can only watch it for half an hour, after watching you go to play the piano!" Zhou Wenhui indicated.

"Got it!" Li Yan pouted and dragged Li Rong away to the living room to watch TV.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Mom and Dad, I'm done eating, I'll go back to the room a little bit earlier." Li Yang put the tableware and chopsticks away and said goodbye to everyone.

After speaking, Li Yang got up and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, let's talk." Li Yi stood up and stopped him aloud.

"Dad! What are you talking about?" Li Yang turned to look at Li Yi in confusion.

Li Yi didn't say anything, he stepped forward and hugged Li Yang away, preparing to have a father-son dialogue with him.

When he came to the living room, Li Yi looked at Li Yang, who was about the same height as him and had a slightly furious corner of his mouth. His mood was inexplicably complicated.

Time flies so fast, the little boy has grown into a little man little by little.

"Dad! What do you have to say directly! You're staring at me like this, it's weird!" Li Yi was staring at him, and Li Yang sat down on the sofa and said angrily.

"I'm usually busy, and I don't care what you're doing. It's rare to have time today. Let's chat..." Li Yi explained with a smile.

"No need! You should continue with your busy career! What else can I do, besides studying, play games," Li Yanglian interrupted Li Yi and gestured.

"Stinky boy, don't interrupt me when I'm talking to you!" Li Yi's face became stern, and his arrogance and arrogance suddenly erupted.

Seeing that Li Yi was angry, Li Yang naturally did not dare to contradict him, and bowed his head helplessly: "I know! What do you want to know, just ask!"

"The college entrance examination is coming soon. Is that still your wish? If there is a change, it is too late to change now." Li Yi looked at Li Yang seriously and said seriously.

"Of course! It's always been my dream to become an interstellar commander, and it won't become, Dad! Is there anything else? Let's talk about it another day! I'm in a hurry!" Li Yang gave Li Yi a puzzled look and urged anxiously road.

"What are you doing in a hurry? Don't you even have time to talk to me?" Li Yi asked angrily with a heavy expression on his face.

Hearing this, Li Yang's face was tangled for a while. Li Yi has always been his idol, and Xingyao Technology was created by him. The spacecraft - Xingyao, and the virtual game "Xinghai Era" are all his masterpieces.

On weekdays, Li Yi has been busy with scientific research and has no time to communicate and get close to him. When he was a child, Li Yang wished to chat with Li Yi every day and play with him.

But now, Li Yang was a little reluctant to communicate with his father, feeling that there was nothing to talk about, which would only make the atmosphere of the conversation between them awkward.

Li Yang hesitated for a moment, looked at Li Yi and pleaded: "Dad, I'm in a hurry to enter the game and eliminate a group of 'star thieves', which will be successful soon. Let's talk after I eliminate them!"

Hearing this, Li Yi frowned, facing Li Yang's pitiful eyes, and immediately softened.

"Go away!" Li Yi ended the failed chat angrily.

"Thank you, Dad!" Li Yang had a happy expression on his face. As if he had been granted an amnesty, he hurried up the stairs and went back to his room to play virtual games.

Li Yi shook his head with a wry smile, turned his head, and saw Li Yanshun and his wife, Zhou Wenhui, looking at him with a playful smile.

Li Yi blushed, looked at everyone embarrassedly and explained: "Why are you looking at me like this! When Li Yang is done, I will train him."

"Haha! Don't be stubborn! Xiaoyang is just like you when you were young. Nine-headed cows can't pull back what you want to do! Are you willing to beat and scold?" Li Yanshun exposed Li Yi's words.

"Yeah! It's like you only want to do scientific research and don't care about other things at home. It's a headache!" Ye Huilan looked at Li Yi and said with empathy.

Li Yi looked at Ye Huilan with a wry smile and said, "Mom, can we both be in the same situation?"

Zhou Wenhui laughed, looked at Li Yi and asked, "Haha, didn't you play games when you were young? Besides, wasn't 'Xinghai Era' designed and developed by you? What is the second world of mankind, which is not a game."

Li Yi opened his mouth and smiled bitterly, not knowing how to refute.

In the traditional sense, it is true that 'Xinghai Era' cannot be regarded as a game. It is the second world of human beings. The core intention is to let human beings experience the interstellar era in advance. Now it has become human society and its important part of life. At the same time, it is also the core project of Xingyao Technology's key development.

The super computing power of the supercomputing center built by the biological brain host, combined with the transportation of artificial intelligence-big black, constitutes the basic framework of 'Xinghai Era', and the fidelity of the real operating data reaches 99%, Li Yicong Many technologies obtained in the library that exceed the level of human scientific and technological manufacturing are running tests in this world, various materials and equipment that cannot be developed, such as Dyson spheres that can surround a star, such as compressing atomic gaps of super materials, ..., etc.

Numerous and many technical experiments limited by scale, resources, materials, etc. are run in the virtual world of 'Xinghai Era', extracting the wisdom of all human beings, and achieving numerous technological achievements, ranging from ordinary livelihood technologies, As large as the new engine of the space battleship, the stellar energy controller,,...,, let all human beings participate in the construction of the human interstellar era 'beforehand'.

In addition to the virtual education system, vocational skills training system, functional assessment, occupational promotion, etc. entrained in the 'Xinghai Era', the players who enter the 'Xinghai Era' are not just simple players. .

They can continuously improve themselves by learning this knowledge, earn a lot of money through the 'technical work' in 'Xinghai Era', and the knowledge and skills learned in virtual games can also be applied in the real world.

Xinghai Era can be said to be one of the most important projects of Xingkong Technology in the future. To treat it as a virtual game is to depreciate its value.

After chatting with his family for a while, Li Yi returned to the study, and his mood could not calm down for a long time.

Li Yi looked at a set of virtual cabins in the corner and decided to enter the virtual game to have a look.

Usually busy with company affairs and research, Li Yi almost never entered the 'Xinghai Era'.

Soon, Li Yi lay down in the virtual game cabin and instructed Da Hei, "Da Hei, send me into the virtual world."

"Okay, Master, which community are you going to?" Da Hei replied obediently.

"Virtual game community, enter Xinghai Era." Li Yi ordered.

"Okay, master."

Li Yi felt a green light flash in his mind, and the picture in front of him suddenly changed. His consciousness appeared on a virtual character in a virtual world. He was standing inside a metal base, and the metal base was located in a In the desolate Gobi Desert, a bare piece of red land can be seen through the low metal wall outside the base.

A huge metal building is located not far behind him. There are a lot of shops on both sides of the street. Humans in various energy guns, light shields, and lightsabers constantly pass by him, some with humanoid robots. Some had robot pets, and they entered and exited the huge metal gate of the base behind him, either in a hurry or slow, crowded with people, one by one.

Most of them are wearing green military uniforms, majestic and majestic, with various levels of medals, bargaining, calling friends, hawking, all kinds of voices converge into an extremely lively market, bustling and full of people. .

Li Yi opened his avatar profile and checked it out. It was like using a space ring. The contents were displayed in his mind, a lightsaber, an energy pistol, the credit point in the account was just seven o'clock, and he was wearing a suit The military uniform of the trainee soldier has a defense value of 4-5, and a leather boots has a defense value of 6-6, which looks very down-to-earth.

The name of the avatar: Muzi, level 1, attack skill: slash, attack skill: precision shooting, defense skill: none, there are a bunch of sundries in the storage bag of about ten grids.

Virtual games are a high-tech technology that Li Yi used to dream of and wanted to play. He never imagined that they would be developed by him, but he has no time to play them. Now, the company's affairs are not handled by him for the time being, and there are no scientific research projects to carry out. There are still games.

Li Yi decided not to use cheating methods, and play Xinghai Era as an ordinary player.

Li Yi excitedly took out the lightsaber from the space package, equipped it in his right hand, and rushed out to the door outside the base impatiently.

After a while, Li Yi quickly came to the Gobi Desert through the gate of the base guarded by two strong and mighty humanoid robots.

The crimson Gobi Desert is filled with countless mechanical and electronic machines, including small robot cats and robot dogs, as well as large robot tigers, robot leopards, and a large number of humanoid robots. Their robot eyes flash with an evil red breath. , wandering around the base but not daring to approach the base, they are all novice monsters in the novice village, they are novice monsters to hone the novice, the sparse novice wearing the initial equipment sent by the system is struggling to attack. A novice monster, he was quite imposing for a while.

Countless players who have just built a number and entered the game, wearing the initial equipment sent by the system, have a fierce battle with mechanical creatures, and the scene is quite spectacular.

After rushing out of the base, Li Yi's eyes lit up, and he picked a robot leopard to challenge him. He took out an energy gun from the space package, and raised his hand to aim for a shot.

With a sound of "Boom", a beam of energy shot out from the energy gun and hit the target.

The mechanical leopard turned his head and became furious, glaring at the direction of the energy beam, the scarlet mechanical eyes locked on Li Yi, the mechanical leopard stepped on its hind legs, jumped up, rushed over to Li Yi, and approached after a few ups and downs. Li Yi.

As soon as the mechanical leopard moved, the energy gun in Li Yi's hand disappeared with a 'swish'. He held the energy lightsaber, and his eyes moved with the figure of the mechanical leopard.

I saw the mechanical leopard jumping high behind him. Li Yi hurriedly bowed at the moment when the mechanical leopard took off. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward. At the same time, his right wrist holding the lightsaber turned upwards, and the lightsaber slid across the abdomen of the mechanical leopard.

The figures suddenly separated, and the positions of the two sides were exchanged. Li Yi was not damaged at all, but the mechanical leopard's abdomen made a "sizzling" sound, electric sparks shot everywhere, and a long gap was cut in the abdomen by the energy lightsaber.

If it was an ordinary beast, with a wound nearly a meter long on its abdomen, I am afraid that the internal organs would have fallen out long ago, and the dead cannot be dead.

However, the mechanical leopard was not affected in any way, and the red light in a pair of electronic eyes became more intense, as if being provoked. The mechanical leopard stared straight at Li Yi, stretched up his limbs and slowly walked around Li Yi, eyeing tigers, constantly approaching .

Li Yi carried the lightsaber, his eyes closely following its figure, instead of looking at each other, he didn't want to capsize in the gutter, but the game developer was killed by the monster he developed. Lost teeth.

The mechanical leopard took the lead in the lack of An Nai, and it swooped over with a low waist, and the giant claws quickly grabbed Li Yi's waist.

Li Yi was bold and careful, and responded calmly, the mechanical leopard waved his palms, he hurriedly flew back and retreated, one step or two steps, the sharp tiger claws were close to his clothes, and a claw hook suddenly scratched his military uniform. He almost scratched his waist, and narrowly escaped the tiger claws of the mechanical leopard.

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Without catching the target, the mechanical leopard then took a big step closer, and the other tiger palm lifted up, and the target was still Li Yi's waist.

Li Yi stepped and flashed, and at the same time, the lightsaber rushed towards the tiger and grabbed it. With a ding, his tiger's mouth shook, and the lightsaber in his hand was almost unsteady. He flew back and dodged. The lightsaber blocked the mechanical leopard. Wave tiger palm attack.

The attacks were dodged by Li Yi one after another, and the mechanical leopard was furious. With a tiger roar, it opened its mouth and aimed at Li Yi. A white light ball accumulated in the mechanical leopard's mouth, condensing a baseball-sized energy light ball.

When the mechanical leopard roared at him, Li Yi was very energetic, knowing that the mechanical leopard was about to launch another attack.

When the energy light cannons of the tiger's mouth accumulated to the extreme, the mechanical leopard aimed at Li Yi and spit out when he opened his mouth.

Li Yi threw his body forward, and suddenly fell to the ground. Looking back, he saw a ball of energy light that flew past him with a 'huh'.

With a 'boom', the energy light cannon blasted a huge crater twenty meters away, and the dust was flying.

The mechanical leopard's energy cannon is extremely powerful, causing the energy supply to be unbalanced. The state of the mechanical leopard suddenly slumped, and the light of the scarlet electronic eyes dimmed.

After waiting for this opportunity, how could Li Yi miss it, he quickly climbed up with his hands on the ground, with a bow in his body, a lightsaber in his right hand, the tip of the sword aimed at the word "king" between the eyebrows of the mechanical leopard, and his feet flew towards the ground with force.

With a sound of "Zi", the blue and white lightsaber sank into the eyebrows of the mechanical leopard all at once.

Hit by the energy lightsaber, the mechanical leopard had a burst of blue electric light all over its body, the electric light shot everywhere, and white smoke emerged from the inside. burp.

It's not easy to kill a monster! Li Yi was overjoyed when he saw the corpse of the mechanical leopard.

Li Yi pulled out his lightsaber, then followed the thorns between the eyebrows of the mechanical leopard, cut open the head of the mechanical leopard, and found a blue spar the size of a thumb in the head and put it away.

Soon, Li Yi turned and left, looking for the next target to kill.

Nearly an hour later, Li Yi used a similar method to kill nearly ten mechanical leopards. The character was successfully upgraded to level 3, and he quickly ran into the base with ten nuclear crystals.

Li Yi successfully handed over the hunting mission, took the position of the warship trainee commander, and put on the commanding uniform of the trainee commander, majestic and majestic,

Li Yi fiddled with the electronic watch on his wrist, and Da Hei's virtual avatar immediately Li Yi asked Da Hei, "Da Hei, what is Li Yang's game character called? What level is he now?"

"Master, Xiaoyang's game character is called: Captain, level 68, and he is the chief combat commander of the Star Legion." Da Hei replied to Li Yi.

Hearing this, Li Yi was slightly taken aback. He was not surprised that Li Yang named the game "Master Captain", but Li Yi was surprised by the identity of the chief commander of this legion. How old is Li Yang? How did you get into this position?

"What level is the Xingheng Legion? Why should Li Yang be the chief commander? Da Hei, did you cheat for him?" Li Yi asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"No! Master, Da Hei did not violate the basic rules of game operation." Da Hei shook his head in denial.

"Master, the Xingheng Legion is a level 3 legion. The reason why Xiaoyang can become the chief commander of this legion is because he fought in the Lenghai Star Territory, the Walter Star Battle, and destroyed the 'Cloud Fox' star thief group, ..., etc. He showed his excellent commanding skills in the interstellar battle, and was favored by the head of the Star Legion and hired as the chief commander." Da Hei answered Li Yi's question.

After a pause, Da Hei added: "Master, Xiao Yang now earns 3,000 Star Coins a day. If he wins the battle, he will have a 2% loot bonus. After a month, he will earn 5 million Star Coins!"

"So much?" Li Yi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

According to the current currency exchange rate, 5 million star coins are close to 30 million Chinese yuan, and Li Yang's income in one month is equivalent to the income of a middle-class family for half a lifetime. Li Yi is both happy and melancholy, and his expression is very complicated.

"Master, do you need me to help you contact Xiao Yang?" Da Hei asked Li Yi.

"No, don't let him know that I'm in the game!" Li Yi quickly refused.

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